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1 Tables and Figures

Figure 1: Spatiotemporal transition of water fines program

Note: Prepared with official data. For every moment the official resolution is indicated and in parenthesis the number of municipalities
affected by the norm. Above it is indicated the date of every stage of the intervention.

Table 1: Summary statistics by size of provider

Variables Mean Std. Dev. min max Obs.

Small (water systems= 661) 34318
Water consumption per user (m3 ) 15.79 11.06 .001 198.03
Users 1829.45 1973.38 232 20708
1 if its included in the program 0.053 0.223 0 1
Department 2 33
Municipality 3 784

Large (water systems= 428) 23691

Water consumption per user (m3 ) 14.67 11.40 0.001 198.05
Users 10142.67 9782.36 232 54284
1 if its included in the program 0.04 0.17 0 1
Department 2 31
Municipality 1 786

Month 600 671 58,009

Notes: Summary statistics for monthly residential water consumption levels at the system for the period January 2010 through August
2015. Data includes 1089 water systems. Average water consumption and users levels are estimated from reported data from SUI. The
sizes are: Small (up to 2500 users) and Large (over 2500 users).

Table 2: Summary statistics by categories of provider

Variables Mean Std. Dev. min max Obs.

Public Utility (Water systems = 145) 7563
Water consumption per user (m3 ) 15.07 11.76 0.0003 198.05
Users 10402.32 10195.8 232 54210
1 if its included in the program 0.06 0.24 0 1
Department 2 31
Municipality 1 785

Local Government (Water systems =244) 12384

Water consumption per user (m3 15.37 11.14 0.014 148.38
Users 1733.3 1807.16 236 12452
1 if its included in the program 0.056 0.23 0 1
Department 2 33
Municipality 2 786

Community Endeavors (Water systems =232) 12457

Water consumption per user (m3 ) 17.2 11.81 0.001 198.03
Users 1635.92 1848.73 232 21462
1 if its affected 0.05 0.21 0 1
Department 2 33
Municipality 19 783

Commercial Organization (Water systems =468) 2512

Water consumption per user (m3 ) 16.26 8.49 0.54 84.71
Users 5119.76 7425.42 232 41134
1 if its included in the program 0.051 0.22 0 1
Department 2 33
Municipality 39 763

Notes: Summary statistics for monthly residential water consumption levels at the system for the period January 2010 through
August 2015. Data includes 1089 water systems. Average water consumption and users levels are estimated from reported data from
SUPERSERVICIOS. The categories are: Community endeavors (CE), comercial organisations (CO), local governments directly (LG),
and public utilities (PU).

Table 3: Differences-in-differences estimation by type of providers

Water consumption per user (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

All systems PU LG CE CO
Users -0.0141*** -0.0167*** -0.0164** -0.00182*** -0.0106***
(0.00231) (0.00299) (0.00612) (0.000550) (0.00263)
1 if is affected by fines -1.704 -11.72** 3.043 -1.088*** -2.032
(1.142) (5.101) (2.378) (0.343) (1.285)
Users x fines 0.000627*** 0.00119** -7.85e-05 0.000339* 0.000289**
(0.000221) (0.000458) (0.000165) (0.000173) (0.000133)
Average rate ($/m3 ) -1.01e-08 -1.99e-06* -0.000315 2.17e-09 -2.05e-07
(1.18e-08) (1.06e-06) (0.000336) (2.54e-09) (1.27e-07)
% users with subsidies -9.542*** -42.62 5.554 3.197 -22.80
(3.278) (30.54) (7.755) (2.333) (14.60)

Time FE Y Y Y Y Y

Observations 16,738 2,394 4,251 3,132 6,747

R-squared 0.157 0.669 0.010 0.017 0.154
Number of Water supply systems 774 104 169 175 296

Notes: The dependent variable is Water consumption per user (m3 ). We use the fixed effect estimator in all regressions. The distance
from Magdalena river is 150km. Column (1) include estimation for all the water supply systems located at least to 150 km from the
Magdalena riversides, column (2) for those systems that are public utilities providers (PU), column (3) for local governments directly
(LG), column (3) for Community endeavors (CE), and column (4) for comercial organisations (CO). Water supply systems that were
out of the range of 232 and 54,000 users were excluded. Also the information after August 2013 and before Agust 2015 (Sample 1).
The standard errors are clustered by deparment. All regressions include a non reported constant. Data for performance of water supply
systems are provide by SUPERSERVICIOS. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Figure 2: Partial effect of fines program as a funtion of users, Public utility providers

Note: This is the partial effect of program as a function of number of user. Dash line in x axis is the average users in the sample
(5122). The distance from Magdalena river is 150km.

Figure 3: Partial effect of fines program as a funtion of number of users, Community endeavor providers

Note: This is the partial effect of program as a function of number of user. Dash line in x axis is the average users in the sample
(5122). The distance from Magdalena river is 150km.

Table 4: Differences-in-differences estimation by small and large providers groups

Water consumption per user (1) (2) (3) (4)

PU  2500 PU >2500 CE  2500 CE > 2500

Users -0.00891** -0.0168*** -0.00134 -0.00253***

(0.00384) (0.00300) (0.00123) (0.000198)
1 if is affected by fines 21.98** -13.43** -1.597* 1.465*
(9.539) (6.090) (0.766) (0.695)
Users x fines -0.00702* 0.00122** 0.000740 -0.000126
(0.00330) (0.000482) (0.000723) (0.000147)
Average rate ($/m3 ) -0.00456** -2.37e-06* 2.47e-09 -7.01e-07***
(0.00194) (1.26e-06) (2.82e-09) (6.58e-08)
% users with subsidies 7.999 -77.16 3.265 -2.760
(5.419) (44.45) (2.285) (2.333)

Time FE Y Y Y Y

Observations 568 1,826 2,900 232

R-squared 0.750 0.672 0.017 0.545
Number of Water supply systems 34 70 167 8

Notes: The dependent variable is Water consumption per user (m3 ). We use the fixed effect estimator in all regressions. Distance from
Magdalena river is 150km. Column (1) is results for public utilities and users up to 2,500, column (2) for public utilities and users over
2,500, column (3) for community endeavors and users up to 2,500, and column (4) community endeavors and users over 2,500. Water
supply systems that were out of the range of 232 and 54,000 users were exclude. Also the information after August 2013 and before
Agust 2015 (Sample 1). The standard errors are clustered by deparment. All regressions include a non reported constant. Data for
performance of water supply systems are provide by SUPERSERVICIOS. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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