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Felly Ferol Warouw1, Herry Sumual 1, Shirly Susanne Lumeno 1, Treesje Katrina Londa2,
Viktory Nicodemus Joufree Rotty 1 and Piet Hein Pusung3

(Universitas Negeri Manado & Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN)

Semarang, 18 Oktober 2018



OUTLINE Proposed Method


Indonesia is an archipelagic country that is developing a vision
as a world maritime axis country. Coastal tourism is an
important part of the maritime axis, for this development must
be sustainable.

Sustainability can be achieved if tourism activities are able to

be accepted by the environment. This is closely related to
community participation as the main asset of tourism.
Problem Statemen  Research Question

Tourism encourages development, but causes

environmental degradation.
What is the model of
sustainable tourism
For this reason, a sustainable tourism
development based on
development model is needed.
participation that
The model is the result of identification of should be designed?
tourism-based areas on community
 Identification Tourism Area
OBJECTIVE  Measure Level of Participation
Proposed Method
This research propose a identification of tourism
development area based on community participation

This identification will be linked with Tourism

Development Concept, colaborate with Level of
Identification Tourism Area
A. Bunaken Island
( Natural)
B. Reclamation
(Man Made)
C. Malalayang
(Natural + Man Made)
Level Of Participation
Level (N)
Manipulation 62.00 - 116.25
Therapy 116.25 - 170.50
Informing 170.50 - 224.75
Consultation 224.75 - 279.00
Placation 279.00 - 333.25
Partnership 333.25 - 387.50
Delegated Power 387.50 - 441.75
Citizen Control 441.75 - 496.00
Analysis Level Participation
Scoring Scale People % Level NXB
(N) (B)
Participate in the implementation of the program 8 12,90 2 16
but for government purposes only.
Participate in the implementation of the program 13 20,97 3 39
for the benefit of the community only.
Participate in active discussions in program 14 22,58 4 56
Participate in the implementation of the plan and 9 14,52 5 45
give some influence on the implementation of the
Participate in program implementation and share 6 9,68 6 36
responsibility with the government.
Participate in program implementation and have 2 3,23 7 14
the authority to make dominant decisions
throughout the implementation of the plan.
Participate in the implementation of the program 2 3,23 8 16
and have the power to plan, implement, and
supervise the implementation of the program.
Total 62 100 230
Result Of Participation
Level Bunaken Reklamasi Malalayang
Partisipation Area Area Area
Conclusion Infomasion, Infomasion, Infomasion,
of the level Consultation, Consultation, Consultation,
found in this Cooperation, Cooperation Cooperation
research Control Control
The Highest Control Cooperation Control
Dominate Consultation Infomasion Cooperation
Result of Sustainable Area
 Level of Consultation is Dominant.
 Consultation level can be interpreted:
1. That the government invites public opinion after being given
information to the public.
2. There has been a two-way dialogue between the
government and the people.
3. Although there has been a two-way dialogue, this method
has a low success rate because there is no guarantee that
community concerns and ideas will be considered.
 The results of the idenfication of 3 tourism sites in the
researched manado bay (Malalayang, Reclamation and
Bunaken Area) found 2 locations that had met the criteria for
participation-based tourism development, namely the
Malalayang and Bunaken beach areas.
 The findings are expected to facilitate policy makers to
provide interventions for the development of sustainable
community-based tourism.
Thank You For Attention

Bunaken View From Manado

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