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A = direct selection (lucreaza cu imaginile din interiorul boxurilor de poza)

B = button
C = scissors (modifica frame-urile boxurilor)
D = fill-none, stroke-black
E = free transform
F = rectangle frame (box de poza)
G = gradient
H = hand
I = eyedropper (info)
J = switch mod text/box
K = measure
L = elipse
M = rectangle (box de poza)
N = pencil (creion)
O = shear (modificare in perspectiva)
P = pen (path)
R = rotate
S = scale
T = type (box de text)
V = selection
\ = line
/ = apply color none
. = apply gradient
, = apply color
X = select fill/stroke
shift+X = switch fill/stroke color
W = preview/normal mode

ctrl+A = select all

ctrl+B (only text box) = text frame options (columns, inset spacing, first baseline, vertical justification)
ctrl+C = copy
ctrl+D = place, import (with or without box picture/text)
ctrl+E = export (pdf, image, text)
ctrl+F = find/change
ctrl+G = group
ctrl+H = show frame
ctrl+J = go to page
ctrl+K = preferences
ctrl+L = lock (box, guides)
ctrl+M = paragraph options
ctrl+N = new document
ctrl+O = open a file
ctrl+P = print
ctrl+Q = exit
ctrl+R = show/hide rules
ctrl+S = save
ctrl+T = character options
ctrl+U = new page reference
ctrl+V = paste
ctrl+X = cut
ctrl+Z = undo
ctrl+Y = editor text
ctrl+W = close
ctrl+1 = zoom 100%
ctrl+2 = zoom 200%
ctrl+4 = zoom 400%
ctrl+5 = zoom 50% (tinute apasate, ctrl + 1, 2, 4 sau 5 misca pagina in jos)
ctrl+6 = jump measurement bar
ctrl+0 = fit in window
ctrl+"+" = zoom + 25%\
ctrl+"-" = zoom - 25%
ctrl+" = show document grid
ctrl+; = show document guides
ctrl+F6 = navigare prin documentele deschise

ctrl+shift+A = out text mode

ctrl+shift+B = text bold
ctrl+shift+C = text align centre
ctrl+shift+D = links (similar picture usage)
l ctrl+shift+E = fitting centre content (centreaza imaginea in box)
ctrl+shift+F = justify all lines
ctrl+shift+H = text small caps
ctrl+shift+J = text justify with last line aligned left
ctrl+shift+K = text all caps
ctrl+shift+L = text align left
ctrl+shift+M = blanc "m" space (cuvantul din fata ramane pe rand)
ctrl+shift+N = blanc "n" space (cuvantul din fata ramane pe rand)
ctrl+shift+O = create outlines text
ctrl+shift+P = create new page
ctrl+shift+R = text align right
ctrl+shift+S = save as document
ctrl+shift+T = text underline
ctrl+shift+V = step and repeat
ctrl+shift+" = snap to document grid
ctrl+shift+; = snap to guides

ctrl+alt + I = text show/hide invisibles

ctrl+alt + O = display performance: optimised display
ctrl+alt + Z = display performance: typical display
ctrl+alt + H = display performance: high quality display
l ctrl+alt + C = fit frame to content (box adus la dimensiunea pozei, sau a textului)
l ctrl+alt + E = fit content to frame (poza adusa la dimensiunea boxului)
ctrl+alt + G = selectie totala guide
ctrl+alt + J = paragraph rules
ctrl+alt + K = keep options (in paragraph)
ctrl+alt + L = unlock
ctrl+alt + M = drop shadow
ctrl+alt + P = document setup
ctrl+alt + R = drop caps and nested style (?)
ctrl+alt + S = save a copy
ctrl+alt + T = paragraph options (similar ctrl + M)
ctrl+alt + U = ?
ctrl+alt + X = blanc (?)
ctrl+alt + W = text wrap (runaround)
ctrl+alt + 1 = show/hide structure
ctrl+alt + 2 = switch current zoom/75, 100 or 200 % zoom
ctrl+alt + 5 = jump zoom number
ctrl+alt + 6 = show/hide measurement bar, then jump measurement bar (similar ctrl + 6)
ctrl+alt + 7 (only text box) = switch character/paragraph in measurement bar
ctrl+alt + 0 = show page fitting
ctrl+alt + " = show/hide baseline grid
ctrl+alt + ; = lock guides

ctrl+alt+shift + D = (only text box: direct copy-paste (paste in spatele textului selectat)); duplicate
l ctrl+alt + shift E = fit content to frame (poza adusa proportional la dimensiunea boxului)
ctrl+alt+shift + F = start preflight
ctrl+alt+shift + G = snap text to baseline grid
ctrl+alt+shift + J = justification
ctrl+alt+shift + K = clipping path
ctrl+alt+shift + M = ?
ctrl+alt+shift + N = ?
ctrl+alt+shift + P = package
ctrl+alt+shift + T = insert table
ctrl+alt+shift + U = switch inch/points/cm/mm
ctrl+alt+shift + V = similar paste (ctrl+V)
ctrl+alt+shift + 0 = entire pasteboard (toate paginile)
ctrl+alt+shift + "+" = subscript

F1 = help
F2 = help
F5 = swatches
F6 = colour
F7 = layers
F8 = info
F9 = transform
F10 = stroke
F11 = paragraph style
F12 = pages
shift + F6 = separation preview
shift + F7 = align
shift + F8 = index
shift + F9 = table
shift + F10 = transparency
shift + F11 = character style

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