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Verbal Ability

-Sentence Correction-
#Finding Errors
1. Maria is deleriously fond of writing letters to pen pals abroad.
CA: Deliriously (Spelling)
2. The song "tomorrow" was taken from the Broadway musical "Annie."
CA: "Tomorrow" (Capitalization)
3. The children exclaimed, "Wow, how wonderful are the fireworks."
CA : Wow, how wonderful are the fireworks! (Punctuation)
4. The coach discussed dribbling, passing, and how to shoot.
CA : dribbling, passing, and shooting. (Parallel Structure)
5. I can't hardly wait for the result of the test
CA : Can hardly / Can't wait (without hardly)
- (Redundant Modifier, Double Negative)
6. I want to find out which between Catherine and Elvin is the best.
CA : Better instead of best (Comparison)
7. He did not brought his books to the class yesterday.
CA : bring (Emphatic form of the verb, did + main verb)
8. The teachers had left the room when the principal arrive.
CA : Arrived (Past tense)
9. Each of the boys must do their job well.
CA : his instead of their (Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement)
10. If anybody wants my position, you can have it.
CA : He instead of you (Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement), Anybody (S) - he

Verbal Ability
Case of Pronouns
I vs. me
1. For you and (me/I), finishing the project is easy.
In the sentence above, "ME" should be used since functions as the object of the preposition 'for'.
2. My son is now taller than I.
In formal English, ME in the sentence above is acceptable. The correct pronoun is I since it is used as the
subject of the clause "than I am". The example is an 'elliptical' sentence since a word - am - is omitted.
3. We are just as guilty as THEY.
The correct pronoun is they, not 'them', since it is used as the subject of the complete clause "as they are". As
the preceding example, this is also an elliptical sentence.
4. Mary was not sure WHOM she could trust to finish the project.
WHOM is used rather than WHO since it functions as the subject of the verb 'could trust'.

Important Word Roots

Aero (air) - aerobics, aerodynamics

Agr, agri, agro (farm) - agriculture, agronomy
Anthropo (man) - anthropology, misanthrope
Aqua (water) - aquatic, aquueous
Arch (rule, principle, chief) - archidiocese, monarch
Astra, astro (star) - astral, astronaut
Aud, audi, audio (hearing) - audience, audible, audiovisual
Auto (self, oneself) - automatic, autinomic, autonomy
Biblio, bib (book) - bibliography, Bible
Bio (life) - biology, biosphere
Cant (sing) - cantata, canticle
Cap, cep (take) - capture, intercept
Capit (head) - capital, decapitate
Cat, cath (down, through) - cataract, catheter
Ced, cess (go, yield) - procedure, procession
Cide, cis (kill, cut) - suicide, excise
Clud, clus (close) include, cluster
Dem (people) - democracy, tandem
Dic, dict (say, speak) - dictate, predicate
Equ (equal) - equitable, equivalent
Fac, fec (make, do) - manufacture, infect
Fract (break) - fracture, fraction
Gen (produce) - generate, engender
Hemo ( blood) - hemoglobin, hemorrhage

Homo (man) - homogenous

Hydr (water) - dehydrate, hydraulics
Ject (throw) - project, reject
Jud, jur (right) - judgment, jury, judicial
Logy (study of) - zoology, sociology
Loqu (speak) - soliluquy, loquacious
Mand (order) - command, demand
Manu (hand) - manuscript, manufacture
Mater (mother) - maternal
Micro (small) - microchip, micrometer
Mit, mis (send) - remit, mission
Mono, mon (single, one) - monolithic, monism
Mort (death) - mortal, mortuary
Nom (law) - autonomy
Onym (name) - pseudonym, synonym
Pathos (feeling) - pathetic, sympathy
Philo (love) - philosophy
Phobia (fear) - hydrophobia
Porto (carry) - transport, export
Pseudo (false) - pseudoscience
Psyche (mind) - psychology, psychic
Scope (see) - telescope, periscope
Scrib (write) - inscribe, describe
Sec (cut) - dissect, bisect
Sens (feel) - sensor, sensuous, sensual
Sequ (follow) - consequence, sequential
Spec, spect (look) - spectator, inspect
State (stand) - station, statute
Ten (hold) - detention, retention
Term (end) - terminate, terminal
Ven, vent (come) - advent, convene
Vert, vers (turn) - convert, subversion, invert
Vict (conquer) - convict, victory
Voc (call) - vocation, vocal

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