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Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs www.dethi.


Word Classes: Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, etc

Danh tõ, TÝnh tõ vµ Tr¹ng tõ

I.Danh tõ

1. Lo¹i danh tõ:

There are four kinds of noun in English:

Cã 4 lo¹i danh tõ trong tiÕng Anh

Common nouns (Danh tõ chung): dog, man, table

Proper nouns (Danh tõ riªng): France, Madrid, Mrs Smith, Tom
Abstract nouns (Danh tõ trõu t−îng): beauty(s¾c ®Ñp), courage(sù dòng c¶m), fear(nçi lo sî), joy
(sù h©n hoan vui s−íng)
Collective nouns (Danh tõ tËp hîp): crowd(®¸m ®«ng), flock(®µn, bÇy), group(nhãm),
swarm(®µn), team(®éi)

2. Mét danh tõ cã thÓ thùc hiÖn c¸c chøc n¨ng sau:

The subject of a verb (chñ ng÷ cña mét ®éng tõ): Tom arrived
The complement of the verbs be, become, seem(Bæ ng÷ cña c¸c ®éng tõ be, become, seem): Tom
is an actor.
The object of a verb (t©n ng÷ cña ®éng tõ)- I saw Tom
The object of a preposition(t©n ng÷ cña giíi tõ): I spoke to Tom.
A noun can also be in the possessive case(mét danh tõ còng cã thÓ ë d¹ng së h÷u c¸ch): Tom's
books (Nh÷ng quyÓn s¸ch cña Tom)

3. Giíi

A Masculine: men, boys and male animals (pronoun he/they). Feminine:women, girls and
female animals (pronoun she/they)
Inanimate things, animals whose sex we don't know and sometimes babies whose sex we don't
know (pronoun it/they) Exceptions: ships and sometimes cars and other vehicles when regarded
with affection or respect are considered feminine. Countries when referred to by name are also
normally considered feminine
The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge hole in her side
Scotland lost many of her bravest men in two great rebellions

Nam: ng−êi ®µn «ng, con trai vµ c¸c ®éng vËt gièng ®ùc dïng ®¹i tõ he/they. N÷: ®µn bµ, con g¸i
vµ c¸c ®éng vËt gièng c¸i dïng ®¹i tõ she/they. Nh÷ng vËt v« tri v« gi¸c, nh÷ng ®éng vËt mµ giíi
tÝnh cña chóng kh«ng râ rµng dïng ®¹i tõ it/they). Ngo¹i lÖ: Tµu thuyÒn «t« vµ c¸c ph−¬ng tiÖn
khi ®−îc ®Ò cËp víi sù quý mÕn t«n träng th× ®−îc coi lµ gièng c¸i. C¸c n−íc khi ®−îc nh¾c ®Õn
bëi tªn riªng th× còng th−êng ®−îc coi lµ gièng c¸i.

B Masculine/feminine nouns denoting people

Danh tõ chØ Nam/n÷

1. Different forms.(c¸c d¹ng kh¸c nhau)

(a) boy, girl gentleman, lady son, daughter bachelor, spinster husband, wife
uncle, aunt bridegroom, bride man, woman widower, widow father, mother
nephew, niece
(b) duke, duchess king, queen prince, princess earl, countess lord, lady

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Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

2. The majority of nouns indicating occupation have the same form

PhÇn ®«ng danh tõ chØ nghÒ nghiÖp cã d¹ng gièng nhau ko ph©n biÖt nam n÷:
artist driver guider
assistant dancer etc

Exceptions (ngo¹i lÖ)

actor, actress host, hostess
conductor, conductress manager, manageress
heir, heiress steward, stewardess
hero, heroine waiter, waitress
Also salesman, saleswoman etc , but sometimes -person is used instead of -man, -woman'
salesperson, spokesperson.
Còng nh− thÕ salesman, saleswoman nh−ng thØnh tho¶ng -person ®−îc sö dông thay v× -man, -
woman : salesperson, spokesperson

C Domestic animals and many of the larger wild animals have different forms ( §éng vËt nu«i
vµ nhiÒu ®éng vËt hoang d· kh¸c còng cã nh÷ng d¹ng kh¸c nhau)
bull, cow duck, drake ram, ewe stallion, mare
cock, hen gander, goose stag, doe tiger, tigress dog, bitch lion, lioness
Others have the same form
(Nh÷ng con kh¸c cã cïng d¹ng)

4. Sè nhiÒu

A The plural of a noun is usually made by adding s to the singular:

day, days dog, dogs house, houses s is pronounced /s/ after a p, k or f sound. Otherwise it is
pronounced Izl.
When s is placed after ce, ge, se or ze an extra syllable (/iz/) is added to the spoken word.
Change, changes

Sè nhiÒu cña mét danh tõ th−êng ®−îc cÊu t¹o b»ng c¸ch thªm s vµo danh tõ sè Ýt.
Khi thªm s vµo nh÷ng danh tõ mµ cã ©m cuèi bËt ra lµ /f/,/k/,/p/,/t/ th× ph¸t ©m lµ /s/. NÕu kh«ng
th× ph¶i ®äc lµ /z/
Khi s ®−îc ®Æt vµo sau ce, ge,se hay ze th× khi ®äc d¹ng sè nhiÒu cña tõ ®ã ta ph¶i ph¸t ©m lµ /iz/

B Other plural forms (C¸c d¹ng sè nhiÒu kh¸c)

Nouns ending in o or ch, sh, ss or x form their plural by adding es:
Danh tõ tËn cïng lµ o,ch,ss hay x th× khi chuyÓn sang sè nhiÒu ta ph¶i thªm es
tomato, tomatoes brush, brushes box, boxes
church, churches kiss, kisses
But words of foreign origin or abbreviated words ending in o add s only:
Nh−ng nh÷ng tõ nguyªn gèc n−íc ngoµi hoÆc nh÷ng tõ viÕt t¾t kÕt thóc b»ng o ta chØ ph¶i thªm s
dynamo, dynamos kimono, kimonos piano, pianos kilo, kilos photo, photos
soprano, sopranos
When es is placed after ch, sh, ss or x an extra syllable (/iz/) is added
to the spoken word
Khi es ®−îc ®Æt sau ch, sh, ss hoÆc x mét ©m tiÕt (/iz/) ®−îc thªm vµo tõ ®ã khi ®äc

C Nouns ending in y following a consonant form their plural by dropping the y and adding ies'
Danh tõ tËn cïng b»ng y tr−íc ®ã lµ mét phô ©m th× khi chuyÓn sang sè nhiÒu ta ph¶i chuyÓn y
thµnh ies
baby, babies country, countries fly, flies lady, ladies
Nouns ending in y following a vowel form their plural by adding s-
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Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

Danh tõ tËn cïng b»ng y tr−íc ®ã lµ mét nguyªn ©m th× khi chuyÓn sang sè nhiÒu ta chØ viÖc
thªm s
boy, boys day, days donkey, donkeys guy, guys

D Twelve nouns ending in “ f ” or “fe” drop the “f” or “fe” and add “ves”
12 Danh tõ tËn cïng b»ng “f” hay “fe” ta ph¶i ®æi “f” hay “fe” thµnh “ves”
These nouns are calf, half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf:
loaf, loaves wife, wives wolf, wolves etc
The nouns hoof, scarf and wharf take either s or ves in the plural: hoofs or hooves scarfs or
scarves wharfs or wharves
Riªng nh÷ng danh tõ nh− hoof, scarf vµ wharf th× ë d¹ng sè nhiÒu hoÆc lµ “s” hoÆc lµ “ves” ®Òu
Other words ending in f or fe add s in the ordinary way:
cliff, cliffs handkerchief, handkerchiefs safe, safes
Nh÷ng tõ kh¸c vÉn thªm s nh− b×nh th−êng:

E A few nouns form their plural by a vowel change: Mét sè danh tõ khi h×nh thµnh d¹ng thøc
sè nhiÒu ta ph¶i thay ®æi phÇn nguyªn ©m
foot, feet louse, lice mouse, mice woman, women person, people
goose, geese man, men tooth, teeth The plurals of child and ox are children, oxen.

F Names of certain creatures do not change in the plural fish is normally unchanged, fishes
exists but is uncommon.
Tªn cña mét sè sinh vËt kh«ng thay ®æi khi chuyÓn sang sè nhiÒu. fish th× th−êng ®−îc gi÷
nguyªn VD: a fish (mét con c¸) Æ a school of fish (mét ®µn c¸), fishes còng cã nh−ng ko th«ng

deer and sheep do not change(deer và sheep ko ®æi): one sheep, two sheep.

G A few other words don't change-(Mét vµi c¸c tõ kh¸c kh«ng thay ®æi)
aircraft, craft (boat/boats) quid (slang for £1)
counsel (barristers working in court)
Some measurements and numbers do not change (Sè ®o, sè ®Õm còng ®−îc gi÷ nguyªn). For
uncountable nouns, (danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®−îc th× ®−¬ng nhiªn kh«ng cã d¹ng sè nhiÒu)

H Collective nouns, crew, family, team etc., can take a singular or plural verb; singular if we
consider the word to mean a single group or unit:
Danh tõ tËp hîp cã thÓ ®−îc dïng víi ®éng tõ sè Ýt hoÆc sè nhiÒu tuú theo; lµ sè Ýt nÕu chóng ta
coi tõ ®ã nghÜa lµ mét nhãm hoÆc mét ®¬n vÞ:
Our team is the best or plural if we take it to mean a number of individuals:lµ sè nhiÒu nÕu chóng
ta coi lµ nhiÒu c¸ thÓ
Our team are wearing their new jerseys.
When a possessive adjective is necessary, a plural verb with their is more usual than a singular
verb with its, though sometimes both are possible:
Khi cÇn ph¶i cã mét tÝnh tõ hoÆc tÝnh tõ së h÷u, mét danh tõ sè nhiÒu víi their th−êng th«ng
dông h¬n lµ mét danh tõ sè Ýt vãi its mÆc dï ®«i khi dïng c¶ 2 c¸ch ®ã ®Òu ®−îc.
The jury is considenng its verdict.
The jury are considenng their verdict

I Certain words are always plural and take a plural verb:Mét sè tõ lu«n lu«n ë d¹ng sè nhiÒu vµ
®éng tõ theo sau nã còng ph¶i chia ë d¹ng sè nhiÒu
clothes police garments consisting of two parts:
breeches pants pyjamas trousers etc and tools(c«ng cô) and instruments(dông cô )

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Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

consisting of two parts(gåm 2 phÇn):

binoculars pliers scissors spectacles
glasses scales shears etc.
Also certain other words including:(mét sè tõ kh¸c n÷a bao gåm:
arms (weapons) particulars
damages (compensation) premises/quarters
earnings nches
goods/wares savings
greens (vegetables) spirits (alcohol)
grounds stairs
outskirts surroundings
pains (trouble/effort) valuables

J. A number of words ending in ics, acoustics, athletics, ethics, hysterics, mathematics,

physics, politics etc , which are plural in form, normally take a plural verb.
Mét sè tõ kÕt thóc b»ng ics....lµ ë d¹ng sè nhiÒu nªn theo nã còng ph¶i lµ ®éng tõ chia theo sè
His mathematics are weak
But names of sciences can sometimes be considered singular:
Nh−ng tªn cña m«n khoa häc ®«i khi còng ®−îc coi lµ sè Ýt.
Mathematics is an exact science

K Words plural in form but singular in meaning include. Danh tõ cã d¹ng sè nhiÒu nh−ng
nghÜa l¹i ë sè Ýt VD:
The news is good
certain diseases:(mét sè bÖnh)
mumps rickets shingles and certain games. (mét sè trß ch¬i)
billiards darts draughts
bowls dominoes

L Some words which retain their original Greek or Latin forms make their
plurals according to the rules of Greek and Latin'
Mét sè tõ cã nguån gèc Latin hoÆc Ai cËp th× d¹ng sè nhiÒu cña nã ph¶i theo luËt cña tiÕng Ai
CËp hoÆc Latin
crisis, crises I kraisis/, /'kraisnz/ phenomenon, phenomena erratum, errata
radius, radii
memorandum, memoranda terminus, termini
oasis, oases /au'eisis/, /au'eisrz/
But some follow the English rules ( mét sè theo luËt cña tiÕng Anh)
dogma, dogmas gymnasium, gymnasiums
formula, formulas (though formulae is used by scientists)

M Compound nouns Danh tõ ghÐp:

1 Normally the last word is made plural: Th−êng th× tõ cuèi cïng ®−îc biÕn thµnh d¹ng sè
boy-friends break-ins travel agents
But where man and woman is prefixed both parts are made plural: men drivers women drivers
2 The first word is made plural with compounds formed of verb + er nouns + adverbs:
Tõ ®Çu tiªn ®−îc chuyÓn thµnh sè nhiÒu b»ng c¸ch ®éng tõ +er +tr¹ng tõ
hangers-on lookers-on runners-up and with compounds composed of noun + preposition
+ noun: ladies-in-waiting sisters-in-law wards of court
3 Initials can be made plural: Nh÷ng ch÷ c¸i ®Çu ®Ó viÕt t¾t còng cã thÓ t¹o nªn danh tõ sè

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Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs

MPs (Members of Parliament) VIPs (very important persons) OAPs (old age pensioners) UFOs
(unidentified flying objects)

5 Uncountable nouns (also known as non-count nouns or mass nouns)(Danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm
1 Names of substances considered generally:Tªn cña nh÷ng vËt coi lµ chung chung
bread cream gold paper tea
beer dust ice sand water
cloth gin jam soap wine
coffee glass oil stone wood
2 Abstract nouns:Danh tõ trõu t−îng
advice experience horror pity
beauty fear information relief
courage help knowledge suspicion
death hope mercy work
3 Also considered uncountable in English: Trong tiÕng Anh nh÷ng tõ sau lµ kh«ng ®Õm ®−îc
baggage damage luggage shopping
camping furniture parking weather
These, with hair, information, knowledge, news, rubbish, are sometimes countable in other
languages. ë nh÷ng ng«n ng÷ kh¸c ®«i khi l¹i ®Õm ®−îc

B Uncountable nouns are always singular and are not used with a/an: / don't want (any) advice
or help. I want (some) information. He has had no experience in this sort of work.
Nh÷ng danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®−îc lu«n lu«n lµ sè Ýt vµ kh«ng ®−îc dïng víi a/an
These nouns are often preceded by some, any, no, a little etc. or by nouns such as bit, piece, slice
etc. + of: Nh÷ng danh tõ kh«ng ®Õm ®−îc nµy theo sau c¸c tõ some, any, no, a little vv. HoÆc bëi
nh÷ng danh tõ cã d¹ng bit, piece, slice of ..
a bit of news a grain of sand a pot of jam
a cake of soap a pane of glass a sheet of paper
a drop of oil a piece of advice

C. Some abstract nouns can be used in a particular sense with a/an:

Mé sè danh tõ trõu t−îng cã thÓ ®−îc sö dông trong nh÷ng t×nh huèng ®Æc biÖt víi a/an nh− sau:
a help:
My children are a great help to me. A good map would be a help. a relief:
It was a relief to sit down.
a knowledge + of:
He had a good knowledge of mathematics.
a dislike/dread/hatred/horror/love + of is also possible:
a love of music a hatred of violence
a mercy/pity/shame/wonder can be used with that-clauses introduced by it:
/t 's a pity you weren 't here. It's a shame he wasn 't paid. it + be + a pity/shame + infinitive is
also possible:
It would be a pity to cut down these trees
D. a fear/fears, a hope/hopes, a suspicion/suspicions

There is a fear/There are fears that he has been murdered.

We can have a suspicion that. . .
Something can arouse a fear/fears, a hope/hopes, a suspicion/suspicions.

Designed by: Vu Mai Phuong 5

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