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What are the necessary conditions for the Deadlock?

When we will say that:

1. Cycle is necessary but not sufficient for deadlock to occur.
2. Cycle is necessary and sufficient for deadlock to occur.

What are the schemes of recovery from deadlock?

How can we prevent the occurrence of a deadlock? Explain in detail.

Write Bankers Algorithm for avoidance of Deadlock.

A system is having 3 user processes P1, P2, P3 requesting 2 units, 3 units and 4 units
of resource R respectively. What is the minimum number of units of R such that there
will be no deadlock in the system? Consider fairness in allocation of resources.

Explain the Multilevel Queue Scheduling and Multi level Feedback Queue Scheduling

What are the Threads? Explain the working of threads in Process management.
What is the role ROM-BIOS in the Computer Booting process?
Define Monolithic and Micro Kernel.
What are the various types of schedulers in Operating System? Explain with
salient points.
What do you mean by a process? Draw the Process State Diagram and explain
various process states.
Write the state transition (from) and (to) for the following scenario
- Time Quantum has expired and new process needs to be scheduled
- Main memory is full and high priority process needs to come in main
memory immediately.
Differentiate between the following types of Operating Systems
Multiprogramming, Multitaking, Real Time, Time Sharing
What are the services offered by the Operating system? Discuss them in detail.

Prepare a Gantt Chart and compute average turn around time, average waiting
time using Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling for the scenario given
Process Arrival time Burst Time
P1 0 7
P2 2 4
P3 3 3
P4 4 2
P5 5 8
Numerical On FCFS, SJF, SRTF, Round Robin, Priority Scheduling

What are the system Calls? What are various types of system calls?
Explain the concept ‘Convoy Effect’ with respect to Scheduling.
Compute average turnaround time, average waiting time and average response
time using Round Robin Scheduling(Time Quantum: 2) for the scenario given

Process Arrival time Burst Time

P1 0 4
P2 1 5
P3 2 2
P4 3 3
P5 4 6
P6 5 3

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