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Social media are destroying the quality of with whom we have formed meaningful

human interaction. relationships, with whom we socialize outside of

the cyber world. As Maslow theorizes, social
Social and digital media have become a huge interaction is in the middle of our necessities to
part of today’s society. The Cyber World exists survive. We need it in balance to reach self-
parallel to our physical reality in that the Internet, actualization. However too much of it can drive
television, video games, and cell phones all play a person insane; a plethora of information being
a role in shaping who we are as individuals thrown at us can lead different effects, such as
existing together outside of technology. Experts accidently stumbling, becoming a slave to
say digital media helps us because it may comment other’s photos, getting worried about
enhance time management skills; increase movies or series you want to watch (those
productivity or social interactions; and may even simple things may start becoming harmful).
improve optimism and self-esteem, as well as Changing behavior.
general knowledge. However, Sherry Turkle, a Not just one form of digital media affects our life
professor at MIT, claims that social media is a relationships. Facebook and other social
metaphor for real life. We think it might change networking sites allow us to find out about our
our lives for the better, make it easier, make us friends “lives” without even having to talk to
happier… but we all know what they say: you them – the media they choose to upload shows
cannot buy happiness. Well, social media you. Television and movies show us models of
comes with a cost. I want to argue that too much perfect relationships so our real-life
of it can become a problem where we are no expectations of how others should act are
longer helping ourselves, but where we are altered. Films also show us hostile behaviors
beginning to become handicapped by changing and sometimes
our relationships with society and perhaps even make it seem
our evolutionary path. okay to be a
Unnecessary stress. belligerent,
Social media may appear to make our lives violent
easier, but at the same time, it complicates individual.
them. Studies show that the pressure of having Similarly, video
to present oneself in a way that is acceptable to games actually
online friends increases stress levels. The fact allow us to be the violent character, which in
that we have to worry about how we appear to essence can teach us to behave more
“everyone” in cyber-society adds unnecessary aggressively with others or be confused about
stress to our lives. Simultaneously, we have far how to act in general.
more information accessible to us than we are In a personal experience, my dad is always
programmed to have. Knowing too much about telling me that having a phone in my reach every
everything going on in the world through minute of every day is a physical handicap
constant access to cyber reports requires us to because I have to either physically hold it or
be involved in it. We become seemingly too worry about misplacing or breaking it and losing
busy caring about the people we hardly know my “entire life.” The fact that many other digital
inside these machines; then we can no longer natives and I refer to our phones, a device that
balance worrying about things with which we can play many different types of media, as “our
should be concerned, such as real-life entire life” is a bit ludicrous. I can do so much on
relationships, skills, and (probably the most my device that I feel it is comparable to my life,
unfortunate) ourselves. my reality… even though it is not. Digital natives
are losing real life communication skills by
Constantly having access to anything we think, forming online relationships with robots and
we need or want at any moment, especially learning these skills from them rather than living
social interaction, becomes too much to handle older generations. According to a study done by
and is technically not even real – it is cyber Majid Zorofi, professor of psychology at an
interaction. We do not need to keep in contact Islamic university, many teenagers claim that it
with every single person we meet – only those is much easier to talk via text message because
it allows time to think before responding. I would
say it is also much easier to be taught online
where anything I need to know is a few Google-
searches away. My generation is being taught
via machines a multitude of topics… anything
imaginable. I think it is just too much information
being shared through robots.
Social media is a metaphor for real life, as these
various robots are metaphors for humans.
When humans were created no such metaphor
existed because technology did not. As
technology has been invented and improved,
humans have evolved with it. Slowly we are
evolving into an extension of it as we depend on
robotic machines to teach us life skills and with
which we can form relationships. We are losing
real-life interaction and replacing it by
depending on robots to do it for us. Digital and
social media are affecting our social skills and
physical adaptations – our evolution.

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