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The LD50--The Beginning of the End

Andrew N. Rowan

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Recommended Citation
Rowan, A.N. (1983). The LD50--The beginning of the end. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, 4(1), 4-7.

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A.N. Rowan Editorial
of other classes of chemicals. But some- The Association of the British Phar-
how the LDSO figure has gained a totally maceutical Industry concluded that:
undeserved position as the toxicological "estimation of LD50 is not an essential
The LDSO- The Beginning of the End reference standard; it seems to be regard- requirement to ensure the safety of all
ed in nearly the same light as such physi- new drugs. Adequate information regard-
cal constants as melting point and speci- ing the acute toxicity, including the
Andrew N. Rowan fic gravity. But as Trevan and his colleag- acute lethality, of new drugs can often
ues recognized, the LDSO of a substance be obtained by the use of smaller num-
is not a fixed value; it varies according to bers of animals than are conventionally
many extraneous factors, sometimes by used in LD50 determinations." The Chemi-
The Basis of the Argument as six animals (rather than the 50-200 an- substantial amounts (see Tables 1 and 2). cal Industries Association proposed that
Measurement is very important in imals needed for an LD50). In the last 15 years, however, the (1) regulatory agencies be discouraged
science. Early lessons in the science class- The point at issue, therefore, is sim- use of the LD50 as a toxicological stan- from demanding precise LD50 figures;
room involve teaching students to meas- ply this: Animal welfare groups and many dard has come in for increasing criticism (2) emphasis be placed on the qualitative
ure lengths, volumes, weights, specific toxicologists want to see the LDSO (per- among toxicologists (see Arch Toxicol 47: data obtainable from small-scale acute
gravities and anything else within the formed on 50 or more animals) replaced 77-99, 1981 ). It is not that they deny the toxicity studies; and (3) no animal should
mental and economic compass of the within the next year by a rough estimate need for some sort of rough numerical be administered a quantity greater than
teacher. At the same time, the question of acute toxicity. The regulatory authori- estimate of acute toxicity in a mammal- 5 g (or 5 ml) of a substance per kg of
of significance is drummed into the ties have so far resisted making the nec- ian species. Rather, they deny the utility body weight (the so-called Limit test).
students' heads. Thus, if one has a essary changes. of the precise statistical figure that is The Scottish Home and Health Depart-
meter-rule which is subdivided into cen- provided by the usual LD50 test. It is ment noted that "there is no case to be
timeters (but not millimeters), one is History most important that this point be clearly made for requiring LD50 tests to provide
taught that the measurement of its length In 1927, J.W. Trevan published his recognized. The immediate argument a value with small fiducial limits. An ap-
to one decimal point (for example, 10.3 em) classic report on toxicity determination, over the LD50 is not that we do not need proximate estimate suffices."
is acceptable, but that the addition of in which he asserted that the median lethal acute toxicity data, but that we can get By contrast, the Medical Research
any more figures (for example, 10.325 em) dose (or LD50), done in a large (50-200) the kind of data we need from small-scale Council (MRC), after explaining that pre-
is mere braggadocio. The eye can only sample of animals, provided the most tests in a few animals. We do not need cise data on acute toxicity were not real-
make a rough guess at the subdivision be- accurate index of a chemical's toxicity to kill as many animals as we do merely ly necessary, concluded that "the LD50
tween the centimeter divisions, and add- (Proc Roy Acad Soc 101 8:483-514). He to provide statistical precision. test is the only reliable measure of acute
ing more figures after the decimal point was, however, concerned mainly with
Protest Against the LD50 toxicity and yields a result with the least
does not improve the accuracy of the es- the accurate standardization, by biologi-
In the last decade, animal welfare possible expenditure of life." However,
timate. cal methods, of those drugs that are not
criticism of the LDSO test has become in- they followed this assertion with a state-
However, adding more numbers, with- available in a chemically pure form. For
creasingly vocal and sophisticated. In ment that only a simple test, using a small
out increasing the accuracy of the meas- example, each new batch of such impor-
England, such criticism prompted a rela- number of animals, should be done to
urement, is precisely what is being attempt- tant drugs as digitalis extract, insulin,
tively unusual initiative from the Home assess the order of magnitude of a chem-
ed when the LD50 is used as a measure and diphtheria toxin had to be accurate-
Secretary. In 1977, he asked the Adviso- ical's toxicity. Clearly, when the MRC
of the acute toxicity of chemicals. (The ly standardized since the margin of safe-
ry Committee to the Cruelty to Animals talked of the need for an LD50, they
LD50 is the amount of a substance which, ty between therapeutic and toxic doses
Act, 1876, to review the extent of the use really meant that what we need to per-
if administered in a single dose to a target is so small. Even today, the U.S. Pharma-
of the LD50 test, as well as the scientific form in most cases is a small-scale acute
group of animals, will kill 50 percent of copoeia requires a bioassay standardiza- toxicity test.
necessity and justification for the test in
them). Normally, 50 to 200 animals are tion of powdered digitalis that involves
its various applications. The Advisory Unfortunately, the MRC was not
used to estimate the LD50 and provide comparing the lethal dose in pigeons
Committee listened to extensive evidence the only group to confuse the notion of
its standard deviation from the mean. against a reference standard.
from animal welfare critics and the sci- small-scale acute toxicity testing with
For some reason, regulators and some However, the number of LD50 deter-
entific community. Interestingly, the the LD50 test. When the Home Office re-
toxicologists appear to believe that an minations used to standardize potent
scientific and regulatory groups, while port finally appeared in 1979, their first
LD50 with its fiducial limits is more ac- biological therapeutics now represents
more restrained in tone, were often just recommendation was that "LD50 tests
curate and more relevant than a rough only a small proportion of the LD50 tests
as critical of the LD50 test as the animal should be allowed to continue." Although
estimate of the acute toxicity, an estim- conducted annually. Most LD50 testing
welfare groups. they qualified this recommendation by
ate that can be obtained by using as few is done to provide a figure for the toxicity
/NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 5
4 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983
A.N. Rowan Editorial
of other classes of chemicals. But some- The Association of the British Phar-
how the LDSO figure has gained a totally maceutical Industry concluded that:
undeserved position as the toxicological "estimation of LD50 is not an essential
The LDSO- The Beginning of the End reference standard; it seems to be regard- requirement to ensure the safety of all
ed in nearly the same light as such physi- new drugs. Adequate information regard-
cal constants as melting point and speci- ing the acute toxicity, including the
Andrew N. Rowan fic gravity. But as Trevan and his colleag- acute lethality, of new drugs can often
ues recognized, the LDSO of a substance be obtained by the use of smaller num-
is not a fixed value; it varies according to bers of animals than are conventionally
many extraneous factors, sometimes by used in LD50 determinations." The Chemi-
The Basis of the Argument as six animals (rather than the 50-200 an- substantial amounts (see Tables 1 and 2). cal Industries Association proposed that
Measurement is very important in imals needed for an LD50). In the last 15 years, however, the (1) regulatory agencies be discouraged
science. Early lessons in the science class- The point at issue, therefore, is sim- use of the LD50 as a toxicological stan- from demanding precise LD50 figures;
room involve teaching students to meas- ply this: Animal welfare groups and many dard has come in for increasing criticism (2) emphasis be placed on the qualitative
ure lengths, volumes, weights, specific toxicologists want to see the LDSO (per- among toxicologists (see Arch Toxicol 47: data obtainable from small-scale acute
gravities and anything else within the formed on 50 or more animals) replaced 77-99, 1981 ). It is not that they deny the toxicity studies; and (3) no animal should
mental and economic compass of the within the next year by a rough estimate need for some sort of rough numerical be administered a quantity greater than
teacher. At the same time, the question of acute toxicity. The regulatory authori- estimate of acute toxicity in a mammal- 5 g (or 5 ml) of a substance per kg of
of significance is drummed into the ties have so far resisted making the nec- ian species. Rather, they deny the utility body weight (the so-called Limit test).
students' heads. Thus, if one has a essary changes. of the precise statistical figure that is The Scottish Home and Health Depart-
meter-rule which is subdivided into cen- provided by the usual LD50 test. It is ment noted that "there is no case to be
timeters (but not millimeters), one is History most important that this point be clearly made for requiring LD50 tests to provide
taught that the measurement of its length In 1927, J.W. Trevan published his recognized. The immediate argument a value with small fiducial limits. An ap-
to one decimal point (for example, 10.3 em) classic report on toxicity determination, over the LD50 is not that we do not need proximate estimate suffices."
is acceptable, but that the addition of in which he asserted that the median lethal acute toxicity data, but that we can get By contrast, the Medical Research
any more figures (for example, 10.325 em) dose (or LD50), done in a large (50-200) the kind of data we need from small-scale Council (MRC), after explaining that pre-
is mere braggadocio. The eye can only sample of animals, provided the most tests in a few animals. We do not need cise data on acute toxicity were not real-
make a rough guess at the subdivision be- accurate index of a chemical's toxicity to kill as many animals as we do merely ly necessary, concluded that "the LD50
tween the centimeter divisions, and add- (Proc Roy Acad Soc 101 8:483-514). He to provide statistical precision. test is the only reliable measure of acute
ing more figures after the decimal point was, however, concerned mainly with
Protest Against the LD50 toxicity and yields a result with the least
does not improve the accuracy of the es- the accurate standardization, by biologi-
In the last decade, animal welfare possible expenditure of life." However,
timate. cal methods, of those drugs that are not
criticism of the LDSO test has become in- they followed this assertion with a state-
However, adding more numbers, with- available in a chemically pure form. For
creasingly vocal and sophisticated. In ment that only a simple test, using a small
out increasing the accuracy of the meas- example, each new batch of such impor-
England, such criticism prompted a rela- number of animals, should be done to
urement, is precisely what is being attempt- tant drugs as digitalis extract, insulin,
tively unusual initiative from the Home assess the order of magnitude of a chem-
ed when the LD50 is used as a measure and diphtheria toxin had to be accurate-
Secretary. In 1977, he asked the Adviso- ical's toxicity. Clearly, when the MRC
of the acute toxicity of chemicals. (The ly standardized since the margin of safe-
ry Committee to the Cruelty to Animals talked of the need for an LD50, they
LD50 is the amount of a substance which, ty between therapeutic and toxic doses
Act, 1876, to review the extent of the use really meant that what we need to per-
if administered in a single dose to a target is so small. Even today, the U.S. Pharma-
of the LD50 test, as well as the scientific form in most cases is a small-scale acute
group of animals, will kill 50 percent of copoeia requires a bioassay standardiza- toxicity test.
necessity and justification for the test in
them). Normally, 50 to 200 animals are tion of powdered digitalis that involves
its various applications. The Advisory Unfortunately, the MRC was not
used to estimate the LD50 and provide comparing the lethal dose in pigeons
Committee listened to extensive evidence the only group to confuse the notion of
its standard deviation from the mean. against a reference standard.
from animal welfare critics and the sci- small-scale acute toxicity testing with
For some reason, regulators and some However, the number of LD50 deter-
entific community. Interestingly, the the LD50 test. When the Home Office re-
toxicologists appear to believe that an minations used to standardize potent
scientific and regulatory groups, while port finally appeared in 1979, their first
LD50 with its fiducial limits is more ac- biological therapeutics now represents
more restrained in tone, were often just recommendation was that "LD50 tests
curate and more relevant than a rough only a small proportion of the LD50 tests
as critical of the LD50 test as the animal should be allowed to continue." Although
estimate of the acute toxicity, an estim- conducted annually. Most LD50 testing
welfare groups. they qualified this recommendation by
ate that can be obtained by using as few is done to provide a figure for the toxicity
/NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 5
4 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983
A.N.Rowan Editorial A.N.Rowan Editorial

advising that only a small numbers of on the submission of LDSO data, unless not be comfortable with approximate leth- sary to eradicate 40 years of thoughtless
animals need be used, the harm had been accompanied by scientific justification. al dose figures, but there are clearly few tradition. Since death by poisoning cannot
done: A government enquiry had found Second, on October 21, 1982, the cases where LDSO determinations amount be particularly pleasant, regulatory agen-
that LDSO tests needed to continue. I Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associa- to anything more than pseudoscientific cies that are serious about animal wel-
cannot say that I, personally, found the tion (U.S.) called for a revision of govern- nonsense. LDSO testing continues, not be- fare issues ought to begin to take steps
Committee's findings particularly sur- ment regulations so that fewer animals cause it receives broad endorsement but to abolish unnecessary LDSO testing, es-
prising. When I gave testimony to the are used in drug safety evaluation. They because nobody feels sufficiently s~cure pecially since the scientific verdict
Committee (on behalf of FRAME- for specifically noted that "the classical to take the decisive action that is neces- against it is already in.
whom I was working at the time), one of LDSO test which utilizes many animals
the expert advisors was almost plaintive to determine an LDSO value with math-
in defending the toxicologist's need for a ematical precision lacks justification ... "
baseline figure for acute toxicity (i.e., They proposed that: (1) the precise deter-
the LDSO) and the other did not appear mination of an LDSO should be limited
to those rare cases where it is necessary;
to accept the distinction between small-
(2) an approximate lethal dose plus qual-
scale acute toxicity testing and the full TABLE 1 Human Acute lethal Doses and Animal LD50's (Oral)
itative data usually represents adequate
information on the acute toxicity of drugs;
and (3) there should be an international Human Animal LD50
Recent Developments effort to reach agreement among regula-
(mg/kg) Rat Mouse Rabbit Dog
Despite the setback presented by tory agencies that, for drugs, a precise
the 1979 report from the British Home LDSO determination is not necessary.
Office, there are now some encouraging Third, at a number of recent scien- Amytal 43 560 575
signs that an unlikely alliance of animal tific meetings, the overwhelming con- Boric Acid 640 2660 3450
sensus has been that the LDSO is unnec- Caffeine 192 192 620
welfare and industrial organizations
Carbofuran 11 5 2
may prevail upon regulatory bodies and essarily precise- qualitative and semi-
Lindane 840 125 130 120
effect a revolution in acute toxicity quantitative data from small-scale acute
Fenflurazole 238 1600 28
testing. For example, if regulatory bodies toxicity tests is usually adequate. For ex- Cycloheximide 3 133 65
would agree to prohibit the submission ample, at a FRAME conference, pharma-
of LDSO figures except in those few cases ceutical company staff in the audience
voted to abolish the LDSO test by 20 to 1 Compiled from CRC Handbook of Analytical Toxicology and the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chem-
where scientific justification can be pro-
(New Scientist, November 4, 1982, p. 275). Ical Substances
vided for an LDSO determination, we
would reduce the number of animals used At a conference that specifically address-
in determining lethal doses by about ed the LDSO test in Sweden (September,
80-90 percent. Numerically, this would 1981), a clinical toxicologist from the
probably amount to 2-4 million animal Karolinska Poison Information Center
TABLE 2 Range of LD50 Values for Five Compounds Tested Under Similar
lives saved every year. What events have stated that the numerical information
Conditions in 65 Different European Toxicology Laboratories
occurred to change the climate of opin- provided by an animal LDSO is virtually
useless. Other scientific meetings on the
ion since 1979?
First, an international coalition of use of animals in acute toxicity testing
are planned. The indications are that LD50 Range (mg/kg)
animal welfare groups has been formed
with the specific aim of abolishing the these meetings will confirm the useless- Laboratories That Used Laboratories That Used
ness of precise LDSO data. All this activi- Compound Their Own Protocol The Standard Protocol
LDSO test. A similar coalition against the
Draize test was very successful (see lnt j ty on the part of scientists, combined
Stud Anim Prob 3:94-97), and there is with animal welfare protests, should es- PCP 46-522 74-2328
every reason to hope for similar success calate the pressure to the point that reg- Na Salicylate 800-4150 930-2328
if a concerted campaign can be mounted ulatory bodies are forced to take action. Aniline 350-1280 479-1169
Acetanilide 805-5420 723-3060
over the next year. The immediate goal
Cadmium Chloride 70-513 105-482
will be to get the regulatory agencies to Conclusion
switch from tacit or explicit requirements A reassessment of the need for LDSO
for LDSO data to an explicit prohibition figures is long overdue. Bureaucrats may Compiled from I Assoc Off Anal Chern 62:864-873, 1979, and Arch Toxico/47:77-98, 1981

6 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 7
A.N.Rowan Editorial A.N.Rowan Editorial

advising that only a small numbers of on the submission of LDSO data, unless not be comfortable with approximate leth- sary to eradicate 40 years of thoughtless
animals need be used, the harm had been accompanied by scientific justification. al dose figures, but there are clearly few tradition. Since death by poisoning cannot
done: A government enquiry had found Second, on October 21, 1982, the cases where LDSO determinations amount be particularly pleasant, regulatory agen-
that LDSO tests needed to continue. I Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associa- to anything more than pseudoscientific cies that are serious about animal wel-
cannot say that I, personally, found the tion (U.S.) called for a revision of govern- nonsense. LDSO testing continues, not be- fare issues ought to begin to take steps
Committee's findings particularly sur- ment regulations so that fewer animals cause it receives broad endorsement but to abolish unnecessary LDSO testing, es-
prising. When I gave testimony to the are used in drug safety evaluation. They because nobody feels sufficiently s~cure pecially since the scientific verdict
Committee (on behalf of FRAME- for specifically noted that "the classical to take the decisive action that is neces- against it is already in.
whom I was working at the time), one of LDSO test which utilizes many animals
the expert advisors was almost plaintive to determine an LDSO value with math-
in defending the toxicologist's need for a ematical precision lacks justification ... "
baseline figure for acute toxicity (i.e., They proposed that: (1) the precise deter-
the LDSO) and the other did not appear mination of an LDSO should be limited
to those rare cases where it is necessary;
to accept the distinction between small-
(2) an approximate lethal dose plus qual-
scale acute toxicity testing and the full TABLE 1 Human Acute lethal Doses and Animal LD50's (Oral)
itative data usually represents adequate
information on the acute toxicity of drugs;
and (3) there should be an international Human Animal LD50
Recent Developments effort to reach agreement among regula-
(mg/kg) Rat Mouse Rabbit Dog
Despite the setback presented by tory agencies that, for drugs, a precise
the 1979 report from the British Home LDSO determination is not necessary.
Office, there are now some encouraging Third, at a number of recent scien- Amytal 43 560 575
signs that an unlikely alliance of animal tific meetings, the overwhelming con- Boric Acid 640 2660 3450
sensus has been that the LDSO is unnec- Caffeine 192 192 620
welfare and industrial organizations
Carbofuran 11 5 2
may prevail upon regulatory bodies and essarily precise- qualitative and semi-
Lindane 840 125 130 120
effect a revolution in acute toxicity quantitative data from small-scale acute
Fenflurazole 238 1600 28
testing. For example, if regulatory bodies toxicity tests is usually adequate. For ex- Cycloheximide 3 133 65
would agree to prohibit the submission ample, at a FRAME conference, pharma-
of LDSO figures except in those few cases ceutical company staff in the audience
voted to abolish the LDSO test by 20 to 1 Compiled from CRC Handbook of Analytical Toxicology and the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chem-
where scientific justification can be pro-
(New Scientist, November 4, 1982, p. 275). Ical Substances
vided for an LDSO determination, we
would reduce the number of animals used At a conference that specifically address-
in determining lethal doses by about ed the LDSO test in Sweden (September,
80-90 percent. Numerically, this would 1981), a clinical toxicologist from the
probably amount to 2-4 million animal Karolinska Poison Information Center
TABLE 2 Range of LD50 Values for Five Compounds Tested Under Similar
lives saved every year. What events have stated that the numerical information
Conditions in 65 Different European Toxicology Laboratories
occurred to change the climate of opin- provided by an animal LDSO is virtually
useless. Other scientific meetings on the
ion since 1979?
First, an international coalition of use of animals in acute toxicity testing
are planned. The indications are that LD50 Range (mg/kg)
animal welfare groups has been formed
with the specific aim of abolishing the these meetings will confirm the useless- Laboratories That Used Laboratories That Used
ness of precise LDSO data. All this activi- Compound Their Own Protocol The Standard Protocol
LDSO test. A similar coalition against the
Draize test was very successful (see lnt j ty on the part of scientists, combined
Stud Anim Prob 3:94-97), and there is with animal welfare protests, should es- PCP 46-522 74-2328
every reason to hope for similar success calate the pressure to the point that reg- Na Salicylate 800-4150 930-2328
if a concerted campaign can be mounted ulatory bodies are forced to take action. Aniline 350-1280 479-1169
Acetanilide 805-5420 723-3060
over the next year. The immediate goal
Cadmium Chloride 70-513 105-482
will be to get the regulatory agencies to Conclusion
switch from tacit or explicit requirements A reassessment of the need for LDSO
for LDSO data to an explicit prohibition figures is long overdue. Bureaucrats may Compiled from I Assoc Off Anal Chern 62:864-873, 1979, and Arch Toxico/47:77-98, 1981

6 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 /NT I STUD ANIM PROB 4(1) 1983 7

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