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Guide of Survey at the Classroom

Register of information

Responsables: Valvanera zapata, Katerine Herrera, Ledis Quintero y Sergio Lopez.

Objective: To determine effective learning strategies that influencing adults learning process in an
EFL classroom in the diploma at the Universidad Católica de Oriente from Rionegro Antioquia.
Voluntary participation and confidentiality: The following information is done with the previous
authorization from the Educational Institution Principal. The information sought will be used only by
the responsible mentioned above in order to develop the research process.
Date: ________________________________________________________
Responsible: ________________________________________________________

Identification Adult students

Name and Last name (Optional) Age Level

Schedule (mark X) A.M P:M Friday Saturday

Intensivo Semi-Intensivo Concentrado
Sex City Enjoy using internet platform
M F Never Sometimes Always

Learning styles
“You can see from these descriptions how learners with different learning styles learn in different
ways… We must remember, though, that learners may not fall exactly into any one category of
learning style as they may have several styles”. (Spratt, Pulverness, & Williams, 2011, p. 100).

Please choose option/s (with X)

visual the learner learns best through watching and looking
Auditory the learner learns best through listening and hearing
Kinaesthetic the learner learns best through being physical, while moving or touching
Group the learner learns best through working with others
Individual the learner learns best through working alone
Reflective the learner learns best when given time to consider choices
Impulsive the learner learns best when able to respond immediately
Analytic the learner learns best when given the opportunity to analyse things
Autonomous the learner likes to decide what he/she learns and how to learn. It help to
make us more able to learn without depending on the teacher
(Spratt, Pulverness, & Williams, 2011, p. 100).
The Tkt Teaching Knowledge Test Course. Retrieved from:

Learning strategies
“Learning strategies are the ways that learners choose and use to learn language. They include ways
to help themselves identify what they need to learn, process, remember, and use new language.”
(Spratt, Pulverness, & Williams, 2011, p. 100).

Please choose (with X)

Repeating new words in your head until you remember them
Experimenting / taking risks by using just-learnt language in conversations
Asking the teacher or others to give you feedback on your language use
Deciding to use the foreign language as much as possible, e.g. by talking to tourists
Thinking about how to memorise (remember) all the new words you meet in each lesson
Recording yourself speaking, then judging and correcting your pronunciation
Deciding what area of vocabulary you need to learn and then learning it
deciding to write each new vocabulary item on a separate card and display it on your fridge
Asking a speaker to repeat what he/she has said
(Spratt, Pulverness, & Williams, 2011, p. 100)
The Tkt Teaching Knowledge Test Course. Retrieved from:

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