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 Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS is a customer feedback tool that measures

client satisfaction and loyalty to a product. NPS scores will be measured with
a single question survey and reported with a number from 0-100, a higher
score is desirable.

 Customer Effort Score: It is the amount of effort a customer requires to

accomplish a task. It can be measured through regular surveys on a scale of

Now we focus on closing the gap that we spoke about in the previous slides.

First, we will talk about the management gap. Despite the fact that we are spending a lot on
hiring new employees training new employees, large percentages of our employees continue to
leave the organization after a couple of years. We believe we can solve are this problem by
focusing specifically on employee retention, emphasizing long term career development and
promotions from within IBM. Once this happens, this is automatically gonna lead to huge cost
savings in the form of decrease in hiring costs and training costs.

We also have a technology problem here. Our employees feel that they need to do even the
most boring administrative tasks themselves and that take up too much time within office hours.
BUT NOW Since all the secondary tasks are being taken care of by the Mycroft, the
employees will now have more time to focus on their primary tasks. This is gonna
lead to better speed and better accuracy.

We came up few KPIs that could indicate Mycroft performance. The most
important ones here being the Customer Effect score and the internal vs external
recruitment score.

Customer effort score – It is the amount of effort a customer requires to accomplish a task.
As this KPI improves, the employees will now have more time to do their primary tasks
and this will lead to a better system overall as we saw in the previous slide.

The next important KPI is the internal vs external recruitment. As this KPI improves,
we are gonnna see an increase in cost savings for us as we saw in the previous slide.

 Customer Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who cancel their

subscription during a specific period. We want this KPI to be really low.

 Rate of skill acquisition: The increasing in the learning score or the number
of new skills acquired of the employee per unit time spent with the software. A
greater rate indicates better performance of the TD component of the

 Internal vs external promotion: A increasing ratio of the number of internal

employees getting promoted to the number of external employees is a good
indicator of the performance of Mycroft as it suggests that the software is
helping with increasing employee learning and retention.

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