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We are travel enthusiasts and love to travel around the world; the more the better. Are
you too? Through our little survey, we would like to find out if BFH-students share our
thoughts. It would be great if you could provide us a little insight into your travel
behavior. What are your favorite holiday destinations? How do you travel, etc. J

1. What is your gender? x Male Female I do not want to tell

2. How old are you? ____________ I do not want to tell

3. What is your nationality? ____________ I do not want to tell

4. What type of student are you? x Full-time Part-time I do not want to tell

5. How often do you go on holiday per year?

0 1 x 2 3 more

6. How much money do you usually plan to spend for your travel?
Budget: ____________ x I do not know

7. Usually, how much do you spend compared to your budget:

More Same Less x I do not know

8. What was your last travel destination? (chose from continents, then specify the
country) Select one

Asia: ________________
x Europe: _____________
Munich, Germany
North-/Middle America: ______________
South America: _______________
Africa: ______________
Others: ________________

9. Why did you go there? (Several Answers possible)

Visiting friends/relatives
Relaxing (includes Spa, Beach, Party, etc.)
x Sightseeing

Others: ________________
10. Where do you plan to travel to next? (Select one)
Asia: ________________
x Europe: ________________
Czech Republic
North-/Middle America: ________________
South America: ________________
North Africa: ________________
Others: ________________

11. Why do you want to go there? (Several answers possible)

Visiting friends/relatives
x Relaxing
Others: ___________

12. Which were your best travel destinations you have been so far?
Please rank your top 3.
1 _____________________________

2 _____________________________

3 _____________________________

13. For Question 12, why so? (f. Ex.: Weather, Food, People, Culture, etc.)
Sight Seeing
1 _____________________________

2 _____________________________

3 _____________________________

14. What sort of accommodation do you usually use on holiday? (Several Answers
x Hostel
Private (Stay over at friends’-/relatives’ place)
Others: ____________________
15. What means of transportation do you use in the destination-country? (Several
Answers possible)

Car Motorbike x Train Walk

Bus Bicycle Metro Other: ________

16. How important is indulgence when you chose your destination/when you are on
holiday? Mark within this line

Very important not important

17. How many continents have you ever been to? _________
2 I don’t know

18. For how many days do you usually travel? _________ x I don’t know

19. Do you have a dream-destination you always wanted to visit? If so, which?

☐ Yes: ______________ ☐ No x I don’t know

20. When you were young where did you travel with your family?
x Asia: ___________

Europe: ___________
North-/Middle America: ___________
South America: ___________
Africa: ___________
Others: __________

We thank you very much for your contribution!

We are sure we are able to tell more about travel behaviors of BFH

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