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US. Department of fstice Atom ore rade! May Contin Materia Protec ker Fed Crim fe) dismissed the story when asked about it by reporters, saying, “Fake news, folks, Fake news. A "ypical New York Times fake story." ‘The nextday the Washington Post reported onthe same event but added that MeGahn had not told the President dreely that he intended to resign rather than cary out the directive to have the Special Counsel terminale.”= TI that respect, the Post story clarified the Times story, whch could be read to suggest that MeGaha had told the President of his intention to quit, causing the President to back down from the order to have the Special Counsel fired.” 2. ThePros .ve MeGahn Dispute the Press. ‘On January 26, 2018, the Presidems personal counsel called McGabn’sattomey and std thatthe President wanted MeGahn to put out a statement denying that he had been asked to fire the Special Counsel and hat he had threatened to quit in potest." MeGahn’s attorney spoke with, “MeGahn about that request and then called the President's personal counsel to relay that MeGahn ‘would not make a statement."® MeGahn’sattomey informed the Presidents personal counsel that the Times story was accurate in reporting that the President wanted the Special Counsel removed." Accordingly, MeCahn's attomey said, although the article was inaccurate in some other respects, MeGaln could not comply with the President's request to dispute the story.”” Hicks recalled elayng to the President that one of his attorneys had spoken to McGann’ attorney bout the issue." Sophie Tatum & Karu Scanel, Trump denies he called for Muller's fring, CNN (an. 26, ‘2018; Michat S. Schmidt & Maggie Haberman, Tramp Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Of When White House Counce! Threatened 1 Out, New York Ties Jan. 28, 2018). 78 The Poo article saed, “Despite atral objections, Trump decided to assert that Mule a unaecepable conflicts of interest and maved to remove his fom his poston... In response, MeGahn ‘tid be would nt remain a the White Fuse if Tramp wen though with he move... Mean dd not deliver his resignation theatdivety to Tramp but sas serious about his Theat to Teave”Rasalnd S. Heldstman & Josh Daweey, Trump moved ore Mueller i June, bringing White House counsel tothe brink of leaving, Washington Post (lan. 26,2018). 7 Rosalind S.Helderan& Josh Dawsey, Trp moved to fire Mueller i June, bringing White Howse counsel to the brink of eaing, Washington Post (ln. 26, 2018); see MeGahn 38/17 302, at 34 "4 MeGaha 3/8/18 302, 2 3 (agent not). 7 mci 34/18 302, at 3 agent nt) © pcan 3/818 302, a 3-4 agent nt). 7” MG 38/18 302, a 4 (agent not) 7 ticks 3/13/18 302, at, Hicks also recalled thatthe President spoke on the phone that day vith Chie of Sta John Kelly and that the President sai Kelly tld him that MeGaha hd totaly refuted the story and was going to pt out salement. Hicks 3/13/18 302, at (1. But Kelly said that he did not speak fo MeGahn when the atl came out end di not tli anyone he had done so. Kelly 8218302, at 1, 14 US. Department of lustice _Assemey Wor Broduet! Mey Contin Miterin}retecte tinder ede ft-Crim Pe) Also on January 26, 2017, Hicks recalled that the President asked Sanders to contact -MeGahn about the story?” MeGahn told Sanders there was no need to respond and indicated that ‘some of the article was accurate Consistent with that position, MeGahn did not correct the Times sory. (On February 4, 2018, Pricbus appeared on Meet the Press and sade had not heard the President say that he wanted the Special Counsel fired.™! After Priebus’s appearance, the President calle Priebus and suid he did a great job on Meet the Press” The President also told Priebus that the President had "never said any of those things about the Special Couns.” “The nextday, on February 5, 2018, the President complained about the Times article to Porter.”™" The President tld Porter thatthe article was “bullshit” and he had not sought to terminate the Special Counsel.®® The President sad that MeGahn leaked t the media to make hime look good," The President then directed Porter to tll MeGahi to cteate a record to make clear that the President never directed MeCiahn to fire the Special Counsel." Porter thought the ‘matter should be handled by the White House communications offic, but the President sad he ‘wanted MeGahn to write a letter to the fle “for our records” and wanted something beyond a press statement to demonstrate that the reporting was inaccurate" ‘The President referred to MeGahn as a “lying bastard” and said that he wanted a record ffom him.” Porter recalled the President 1 Hicks 3/13/18 302, at 11. Sanders didnot recall wheter the President asked her to speak to MeGia or fhe a it on er own, Sanders 1/2/18 302, a2. Sanders 1/2818 302, at 12. Ms the Press Interview with ince Pricbus, NBC (Feb. 4 2018) pris 4118 302, at 10. > Prius 4/3/18 30, at 10. > Poner 413/18 302, at 16-17. Porter dd not recall the timing of tis discussion withthe President. Porter 4/3/18 302, t 17, Evidence indiates it was February 8, 2018, On the back of a pocket ard dated February 5, 2018, Porte took notes tat are consistent with his deseipon ofthe discussion: "COS: (I) Leter from DM ~ Never threatened to quit ~ DIT never tld him to fre M." SC_RRPOOOOSS (Porter United Notes), Porter sid twas posible ook the notes on aay othe tha February 8. Porce 4/1318 302, a 17. Bt Porter alo sad that *COS” referred to mates he wanted to discuss with Chie of ‘Staff Kelly, Porter 4/13/18 302 at 17, and Kelly took nots dated Febroary 5, 2018, dat state “POTUS — Don MeGiha ltr ~ Mueller + resigning.” WHOO0017664 (Kell 25/18 Notes) Kelly sai he didnot recall what the motes meant, but thought the President may have “mused” about having MeGaln wrt & Teter, Kelly 82118 302, t3.. McCan ealled tht Porter spoke with hi abou the Presidents request tout two weeks ater the New York times sory was pubishea, whi is consistent with tbe discussion {aking place om o about Febmary 8. MeGah 38/18 302, a4 © Poter 4/1/18 302, 17 ™% Porter 4/1/18 302, 317 Powter 4/13/18 302, a 17 ™ pocr 4/1118 302, a 17; Porter 58/18 302 at 18. > Post 4/1318 32, at 7; Porter 518/18 302, a 18, us U.S, Department of lustce _Atiomey- Worle Produc // May- Contain Materia Protected: Linder Fed-R-Crinr-P-6fe} saying something tothe effect of, “IF he doesn't write letter, then maybe I'll ave to get rid of im." Later that day, Porter spoke to McGal to detiver the President's message." Porter tld -MeGiahn that he had to write a eter to dispute that he was ever dered to terminate the Special Counsel" MoGahn shrugged off the request, explaining thatthe media reports were trc.* ‘MeGahn told Porter thatthe President had been insistent on firing the Special Counsel and that [MeGhn had planned ta resign rater than carry out the order, although he had not personaly told the President he ntendedto quit" Porter oid MeGae that ihe President sugested that MeGahn ‘would be fred iThe did not write the eter MeGahn dismissed the threat, saying that the optics ‘would beter ifthe President followed through with fring him on that basi.” MeGahn said he would not write the liter the President had requested" Porter said that to his knowledge the inoue of MeGahn’s leter ever came up with the President again, but Porter did recall telling Kelly bout his conversation with MeGatn."* “The next day, on February 6, 2018, Kelly scheduled time for MeGahn to meet with him and the President in the Oval Office to discuss the Times anicle" The morning ofthe meeting, the Presidents personal counsel called McGahn’s attorney and sai thatthe President was going to be speaking with McGaha and MeGahn could not resign no matter what happened in the meeting"? ‘The President began the Oval Office mecting by telling McGahn thatthe New York Times story did not “Took good” and MeGahn needed to corect it!" MeGahn recalled the President said, “I never said to fre Mueller. Inever suid “ire. This story doesnt look good. You need to coreet this, You're the White House counsel."*'* "Porter a/3/18 302, at 17, © porter 3/18 302, at 17; MeGahn 3/818 302, a4 © porter 4/3/18 302, at 17; MeGahin 3/818 302, a4 pore 4/13/18 302, at 17; MeCahin 37818 302, a4 porter 4/1/18 302, t 17; Meal 3/8/18 302, a4 "5 porter 4/118 302, at 17; MeGahn 38/8 302 a4 pont L118 302, at 17-18; Meakin 3/8/18 302, a4. 1 Mech 38/8 302, a4 8 pote /L 18 302, at 18. © Min 38/8 302 st 4; WHOOOOIT6NS (Kelly 26/18 Notes). Mean recalled that, before the Oval Office meting he told Kelly that he was not inlined to fix the ariel, McG 38/18 302, a Ne McGinn 3/18 302 a5 (agent not); 226/19 Emil, Counsel fr Don MeGakin to Special Counse's Office (confnming February 6, 2018 dat of call rm the President's personal counsel) "1 MoGahn 3/8/18 302, a 4; Kelly 82/18 302,22 2 MoGahn 3/8/18 302, a 4; Kelly 82/18 302, 22 116

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