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hemlytic anemia......low haptoglobin and nucleated RBCs...

Bete-thalessemia Minor....Hb 9gm\dl..hematcrit 26 less than nrml..MCV
decreased..serum ferritin increased...HbA2 increased and HbF increased..not
responding to iron
Beta thalessemia major....6month baby...decre cells..Hb 4-
6g..jaundice..splenomegaly..EPO increased..hypoxia to kidney..skeletal
deformity(frontal bossing)..hemchromatosis HbF Increased
alpha thalessemia major are hemolytic anemia of newborn..jaundice..MCV cresyl blue staining
sickle cell disese...mild dehydratin with diarrhea.sickled Rbcs...Hb 6g ...HbS
present...extrimity pain..left hypochndrium pain.enlarged spleen...valine fr
glutamate substitution at chromosome 6 in B-chain...gall stone..aplastic
crisis..hemolytic crises..howel jolly bodies
Hereditry spherocytosis..Hb 11gm..hematcrit 31..MCV 74...lifelong history of
fatigue..microcytosis..RBCc loss of central pallor..RBC membrane or cytoskeletal
prteins defect..ankyrin and spectrin..Autosomal dominant
Iron defeciency Anemia..fatigue..exercise intolrance..Hb8.Hematocrit23..inflamed
tongue..difficult swelling.hypchromic(large central pallor)..serum iron and
ferritin low..iron binding capacity increaed..transferrin saturation increased
plumer wilson syndrom...glossitis.esphageal web...microcytic hypochromic anemia
hemolytic anemia resultinng frm taumaa...cardiac valve dis..burr cell..helmet
cell...triangle cell
thalessemia is multifactorial...nt recesseive nor dominant bcz 6 genes
Anemia of chronic disease...history of Rheumatoid arthritis..chronic low grade
hypochromic and microcytosis...serum Iron and transferrin decreased..while ferritin
level increased..ringed sideroblast..increased synthesis of Hepcidin necessary for
stored iron release
aplastic anemia..29yr women..3month history of easy bruising ad fatigue..develop
pneumoniae and septicemia bone marrow shows adipocytes..
G6PD defeciency...24old man take nitrofuratin drug..3dyas after..dark brown
urine..hb 8.6 ...Heinz Bodies and bite cells seen..denatured globin chain
anemia+jaundice+dec MCV=thalesssemia
Von-willibrand disease...menstrual bleeding since menarche...gingival
bleeding..cutaneous pupure...abnormal platlet aggregation in presence of
Ristocetin...autosml dominent trait..bleeding bcz abnorml platlets
adhesion..abnrmal primary platlet plug...PTT can increased
bernard solier disease..deficient gp1b
Thrombotic thrombocytpenic purpura...44 old women develop fever headache
cnfusion ...anemic and thrombocytpenic...with icreased creatinine lvl 5 elvated d
dimer and schistcytes with ventriculer fibrillation dies ...metalloprotein
defeciency ADAMTS13
Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia...T-ALL show mediastinal massess..MPO-Ve....cntain
periodic acid schiff glycogen granules...wbc high or less than 10,000..anemia
+neutrpenia..lymphadenopathy+splenmgly..TdT(terminal deoxynucletidyl transferase)
expressed..B cell marker CD 19,22,10....T-Cell marker CD3,7
CLL....High BCL2....hypogammaglobinemia...Smudge cells...CD 5,19 and 20
folliculer lymphoma..centrocytes..centroblasts
Mantle cell lymphoma...CD 5,10...Cyclin D1 protein
extranodal marginal zone lymphoma...lymphoepithelial lesion...swelling of glands
Burkitt lymphoma....c-MYC gene at chromosome 8 ..starry sky pattern by
macrophages..maillay and mandibuler masses..bowel ...ovaries
waldenstrom microglobulinemia...high IgM
mulitple myeloma...plasma cell prliferatin...RANK ligand activate..osteoclasts
..bone lysis..hypercalcemia..fracture..increase M protein...IgG mainly...bence john
Lymphplasmacytic lymphoma...age 60....70yr ..MYD88 mutation..russel and dutcher
bodies..visual impairment...hyperviscsity syndrome..bleeding..neurologic
hodgkin lymphoma Reen-Sternburg cells express CD15,30,45
noduler sclerosis by lacunar cells,collagen bands
lymphcyte predminant types by popcorn cells
AML...auer rods....CD13,14,15,64,34
CML...BCR-ABL(9,22)phaledelphia chr..splenic infraction

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