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PHARM 123 Lecture Vocabulary #4

Prefix/ Meaning Word Example Meaning Another Word Meaning

Pan- All Panacea A remedy that is Pancolitis Ulcerative colitis
imagined to cure that involves the
all ills. entire colon.
Rhabdo- Striated; Rod- Rhabdomyoma A tumor of the Rhabdovirus Any virus of the
shaped striated muscle. family
Scler- Hard Sclera The hard white Scleritis Inflammation of
membrane the sclera.
covering the front
of the eye.
Ton- Pressure; Tonometer An instrument Tonometry A standard eye
Tension that measures test that is done
pressure in the to determine the
eyeball. fluid pressure
inside the eye.
Sym- With; Together Symmetry A Sympus An individual in
correspondence which the legs
of body parts on and feet are
both sides of the united in the
body. midline.
Sub- Under Subcutaneous Underneath the Sublobular Beneath a lobule,
skin. as of the liver.
Hemi- Half Hemiplegia Paralysis of one Hemiglossitis A vesicular
side of the body. eruption on one
side of the tongue
and the
inner surface of
the cheek.
Pre- Before Prefrontal Related to Prenatal Occurring or
extreme front of existing before
the brain. birth.
Post- After; Behind Post-partum After birth. Postcostal Behind the ribs.
Photo- Light Photophobia An aversion to Photoautotroph An organism that
light. depends solely on
light for its energy
and principally on
carbon dioxide for
its carbon.

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