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The Qur’an frequently summons people to investigate nature and see the “signs of

Allah” therein. All living and non-living beings in the universe are full of signs

revealing that they are “made”, and they are there to demonstrate the power, knowledge

and art of their “maker”. Man is responsible of identifying these signs by using his

wisdom and revere Allah.

While all living beings bear these signs, there are some animals which the Qur’an

specially refers to. The gnat is one of these animals. The 26th. Verse of Surat al-Baqara

mentioning the gnat is as


Mostly considered as an ordinary and insignificant creature, even the gnat is

worthy of being examined and pondered on since it bears the signs of Allah. This is why
“Allah is not ashamed to set forth any parable - (that of) a gnat or any thing above that”.


What is generally known about gnats is that they are bloodsuckers and they feed on

blood. However, this is not a very correct information, because not all the gnats but only

the females suck blood. Besides, the females do not suck blood because of their need for

food. Both male and female gnats feed on flower nectar. The only reason why females,

unlike males, suck blood is their need for the proteins found in the blood that help their

eggs to develop. In other words, the female gnat sucks blood just to secure the

perpetuation of its generation.

The point to be stressed here is that the above verse points out to the “female
gnats”. As we have previously mentioned, it is only the female gnats who draw near to

the humans and who have the superior features that will be detailed hereafter. Although

this important detail was unknown at the time the Qur’an was revealed, it is surely quite

considerable that “female” gnats are particularly emphasized in the verse.

The development process is one of the most amazing and admirable qualities of the

gnat. The animal transforms from a tiny larva into a gnat after passing through many

different phases.

The story of this development can be shortly summarized as follows;

Gnat eggs, which are fed by blood and get developed, are laid on damp leaves or
dried ponds by the female gnat during summer or fall. Prior to this, the mother initially

examines the ground thoroughly, by using the delicate receptors under her abdomen.

Upon finding a convenient place, she starts to lay her eggs. Eggs, which are less than 1

mm. in length, are arranged in a row either in-groups or one by one. Some species lay

their 300 eggs.


The respiratory system of the larva is based on breathing air by means of a hollow

tube pulled up over the water surface. Meanwhile, larvae are hung upside down under

the water. A viscous secretion prevents water from leaking into the openings through

which larvae breath.

The carefully placed white eggs soon start to darken and turn completely black in

two hours. This dark color provides protection for the larvae by preventing them to be

noticed by other insects and birds.

It takes a winter for the incubation period to be completed. Since eggs are created

with a structure that allows them to survive through a long cold winter, they stay alive

until spring when their incubation period ends.


When the incubation period is completed, larvae start to get out of their eggs

almost concurrently. The first egg is immediately followed by the others. After that, all

of the larvae start to float in water. The larvae, which feed continuously, grow in a short
while. Soon, their skin becomes too tight so as not allowing them to grow any further.

This indicates that it is time for the first skin change. The hard and brittle skin easily

breaks down. Until the development is completed as a whole, the gnat larva is to change

its skin two more times.

The method used for the feeding of the larvae is rather impressive. The larvae make

small whirlpools in the water with their two fan-shaped extensions made up of feathers,

and thus make bacteria and other microorganisms flow towards their mouths. An aerial

tube similar to the “snorkel” used by divers provides the respiration of the larvae. They

repose upside down in the water. A viscous secretion secreted by their body prevents
water from leaking into the openings through which they breath. Briefly, the animal

lives with the cooperation of many delicate balances. If it did not have an aerial tube, it

could not survive; if it did not have a viscous secretion, its respiratory tube would be


In the mean time, most of the larvae change their skin once more. The last skin

change is rather different from the others. With this last change, larvae pass onto the

final stage of their maturation, the “pupal stage”. Now, it is time for the larvae, which are

sufficiently grown in the larval skin, to get rid of this shell.

However, such a different creature gets out of the shell that it is indeed hard to

believe that these two are different developmental phases of the same being. And this
metamorphoses is far too complicated and delicate to be designed neither by the larva

itself, nor by the mother or any other living thing...

During this latest stage of metamorphoses, the animal faces the danger of being

choked, as its respiratory openings rising above the water through an aerial tube are to

be closed. However, from that stage on, respiration is not to be done through these holes,

but through two tubes newly emerging on the anterior of the animal. This is why these

tubes rise to the water surface firstly prior to skin change. During the three or four days

long pupal stage, no feeding takes place.

Now, the gnat within the pupa cocoon is mature enough and has taken its final
form. The gnat is ready to fly with all its organs and organelles like antennas, trunks,

feet, chest, wings, abdomen and large eyes.

GNATS AT THEIR PUPAL STAGE: The pupa cocoon is torn at the top. This

stage where a complete gnat emerges is the most fatal stage of all. The greatest risk at

his stage is the leaking of water into the cocoon. However, the torn top is covered with a

viscous liquid preventing the gnat’s head from contacting water.

The gnat has to get out of its cocoon without having any direct contact with water.

Only its feet touch the water surface. This moment is extremely important, as even a soft

wind may cause its death. The gnat, which gets out of its cocoon, leaves for its first flight

after a rest of about half an hour.

The animal has got out of water without even touching the water...

At this point, we have to ask: How come the first gnat had attained the “ability” to

go through such a metamorphosis? Might it be that a larva has “decided” to transform

into a gnat after changing skin three times?

Absolutely not; it is quite evident that this tiny animal which Allah gives as an

example, has specifically been created as it is.

While the gnat gets out of water, its head should not contact with water at all,

because, even one breathless moment may result with the choking of the gnat.

Therefore, even a breeze or a tiny roughness on the water surface may be fatal for the


Gnats are equipped with extremely sensitive heat receptors. They perceive things

around them in different colors depending on their heat. As this perception is not

dependent on light, it is quite easy for the gnat to spot the blood vessels even in a dark

room. The heat receptors of the gnat are sensitive enough to sense heat differences as

small as 1/1000 C degrees.

The gnat has nearly 100 eyes. These eyes are placed as compound eyes on the top

of its head.


The gnat’s technique of “blood sucking” is unbelievably amazing.

After the gnat lands on its target, it first detects a spot by using the two devices

around its mouth. The syringe-like sting of the gnat is protected with a special sheath,

which is stripped off during the blood sucking process.

The gnat does not prick the skin by thrusting its sting into it with pressure as

assumed. Here, the duty falls to the upper jaw that is as sharp as a knife, and the

mandible on which there are teeth bent backwards. The mandible is moved forwards and

backwards like a saw and the skin is cut with the help of the upper jaws. When the sting

inserted through this cleavage on the skin reach to the blood vessel, the drilling ends.
Now it’s the time for the animal to suck blood.

However, as known, in the slightest harm made to the vessels, the human body

secretes an enzyme that clots the blood and stops its shedding. This should be a great

problem for the gnat, because the body would also react to the tiny hole opened by the

gnat, therefore, the blood would be clotted and reparation would start. This means that

the animal would not be able to suck any blood.

But the problem is specially eliminated for the gnat. Before the animal starts

sucking blood, it leaves a special liquid secreted in its body into the cleavage opened in

the human vessel. This liquid neutralizes the enzyme that provides for the clotting of the

blood. This liquid which prevents clotting causes the itching and swelling of the spot
bitten by the gnat.

This is surely an extraordinary process and it brings the following questions to the mind.

How does the gnat know that there is a clotting enzyme in the human body?

2) In order to produce a neutralizing secretion in its own body against that enzyme,

it needs to know the chemical of the enzyme. How can this be possible?

3) Even if it somehow attains such a knowledge (!), how come can it produce such a

secretion in its own body and constitute the “technical rigging” needed to transfer it to

its sting?

The answer is obvious; it is not possible for the gnat to perform any of those above.

It neither has the required wisdom, or the chemical knowledge, or the “laboratory”
environment to produce the secretion. What we talk about is only a gnat of several

millimeters without any wisdom or consciousness, that’s all!

It is quite clear that it is Allah, “Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that

is between them”, who has created both the gnat and the man, and donated the gnat with

such extraordinary and marvelous features.

“Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, let it declare the Praises and Glory of

Allah: for He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. To Him belongs the dominion of the

heavens and the earth: It is He Who gives Life and Death; and He has Power over all

(Qur’an, 57: 1-2)

The gnat starts to fly with special sensing systems at its disposal to detect the place

of its prey. With these systems, it resembles a warplane loaded with detectors of heat,

gas, dampness and odor. It even has an ability to “see in conformity with the

temperature” that helps it find its prey even in pitch dark.

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