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Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. No.

1 Introduction 5

1.1 Importance of Job Satisfaction 6

1.2 Theories of Job Satisfaction 8

1.3 Measurement of Job Satisfaction 11

2 Research Methodology 15

2.1 Objective of the Study 16

2.2 Benefit of the study 18

2.3 Hypothesis of the study 19

2.4 Assumptions 20

2.5 Aim of Research 20

2.6 Scope of study 21

2.7 Limitations 22

2.8 Research Design 23

2.9 Data Collection 24

3 Review of Literature 27

3.1 Inference 37

4 Data Analysis 38
Title of the Chapter
Chapter No. No.
4.1 Survey Analysis 38

4.2 Secondary Data 53

5 Conclusion and Suggestion 59

5.1 Findings 59

5.2 Suggestions 62

5.3 Conclusions 65

5.4 Bibliography 66
1. Introduction

Human Resource Management is unhurried to be the most valuable asset in any association. It is the sum-total
of inherent abilities, acquired acquaintance and skills characterised by the talents and aptitudes of the employed
societies who comprise of administrators, overseers, and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that
human resources should be utilized to the maximum apparent extent, in order to achieve individual and
administrative goals. Human resource seriatim is a dedicated efficient area of business that attempts to develop
program, policies, and activities to promote the job satisfaction of both individual and organizational needs,
goods and points. People join establishments with certain motives like security of income and job, better
prospects in future, and satisfaction of social and psychological needs. It is thus the employee’s piece which
ultimately decides and realization of goals. However, the employee performance is to a large extent, influenced
by enthusiasm and job satisfaction. In this chapter the scientist wants to explain about job satisfaction, nursing
and nursing job satisfaction. It is the responsibility of management to recognize this basic fact and run
appropriate opportunities and stratospheres to people at work to satisfy their needs.

The term job consummation records visibly in any debates on administration of human resources. Job
consummation refers to a person’s feeling of consummation on the job, which acts as a eagerness to work. It is
not the self- satisfaction, cheerfulness or self- satisfaction but the pleasure on the job.

Job consummation is an individual’s felling about his or her work. It can be partial by a multitude of factors.
The term relates to the total relationship between a detailed and the property-owner for which he is paid.
Consummation does mean the modest feeling state escorting the attainment of any goalmouth; the end state is
feeling accompanying the attainment by an impulse of its objective.

The term Job satisfaction was brought to limelight by Hoppock (1935). Hoppock describes job satisfaction as,
“any grouping of psychological, functional and conservational circumstances that cause and person truthfully to
say I am pleased with my job.”
1.1 Importance of Job Satisfaction

The study of job execution enriches organisation with a range of material affecting to job, member, environment
etc. which learner's it in decision making and reviewing the path of administrative policies and behaviour. It
signboards the wide-ranging level of consent in the association about its databases, plans is a diagnostic
apparatus for significant employees‟ problems, effecting variations and amending with minimum confrontation.

Supports the announcement system of the bulk and managing can discourse the product for inspiring the
forthcoming development of helps in cultivating the insolences of personnel towards the job and
simplifies addition of servant with the culture. It inspires sense of belongingness and sense of involvement
leading to the complete growth in the production of the helps amalgamations to know just what
employees want and what management is doing. Thus, it enables mutual settlement of grumbles and other
uninvited assists in determining the preparation and advance needs of the both, employees and the

If we can progress job fulfilment and self-esteem, we can progress job tedious as well. Soon the successively
usual around toward income pro of this anew found insight and they took deed on two fronts. They familiarized
goes to portion the state of inferior- feeling in directive to know where to concentrate their energies in educating
employee- fulfilment. They set round to train their directors, especially first-level superintendents, to pay
devotion to the slants and attitudes of their hangers-on so that repetitive could thereby be amended.

The subject of job execution at labour is attainment wider kindness at this time. Job happiness is the pleasure
one feels while doing the job. Job cheeriness is one of the important factors, which affect not only the
proficiency of the workhands but also such job conduct as nonattendance, fates, etc. Job covenant is the result of
member perception of how well the job affords those things that are viewed important. For the success of any
society, job satisfaction has pulsating position. The employees who are satisfied are the biggest assets to an body
whereas the dis-satisfied workers are the biggest everyday jobs.

In fact nobody can successfully achieve its goal and undertaking unless and until those who association the body
are satisfied in their jobs. Censure leads to difficulty and frustration leads to belligerence. It is believed that
bodies dissatisfied with their job may be hostile in their attitude towards the management. Frustration is
convenient and quickly spreads to other employees and is likely to affect the morale and working of other
employees and image of association. A dis-satisfied worker may seriously cause hurt to the name and property
of the culture and harm its business interest. Job consummation/disappointment is the result of several reasons
which are associated to the prevailing job locations. These countless factors are openings for career increase,
total of pressure at slog, work contribution, relationships with contemporaries and overseers, due
acknowledgement of eminence, plenty bootees and good working situations, protests deletion, touch of tiredness
and lonesomeness and status of the association.

Job consummation is a compound and important concept for human resource managers to understand most
employees do not believe their work is being properly rewarded. Nor do they believe that their companies are
doing enough to attract high quality performers, train them, or manage them effectively.

Since Herzberg‟s 1959 work on satisfiers and dissatisfies in the work place, job satisfaction has frequently been
held up as means of improving employee motivation. With the improvement come increasing individual output,
job longevity and legislative efficacy. The salience of the thought of job satisfaction has become so ingrained in
intellectual about jobs and workers that its importance is now taken for arranged, as though it is a tenant of
supervisory faith. Workers spend most occupied hours at work, thinking about work, slumbering up for work, or
preparing for work, because work provides “daily meaning as well as daily bread.” Yet work is not always a
place where workers feel satisfied.
Today human resource managers want to know how to have pleased employees, not why employees should be
satisfied. In truth, employees and administrators may have various reasons for inadequate structural conditions
that temporary job satisfaction.

Human resource manager may be disturbed about employees’ job satisfaction for different aims than their
employees. Studies on improving the workplace indicate that satisfied bodies are more productive and that
organizations with pleased workers are more effective. Satisfied employees are more likely to experience high
internal work drive, to give high quality work concert and to have less absenteeism and business. Noble
managers want satisfied employees because they care about their employees. Result-oriented managers want
satisfied employees because satisfied employees may perform better and have less absenteeism and greater
longevity. Pleased employees also tend to produce higher-quality work than their dis-satisfied cohorts.
1.2 Theories of Job Satisfaction

Fulfilment Theory:
The protagonists of this theory quantity approval in terms of booties a person has or the extent to which his
needs are fulfilled. Added they thought that there is a direct/ positive relationship between job satisfaction and
the actual satisfaction of the likely needs. The main struggle in this method is that job fulfilment as pragmatic by
Enthusiastic, is not only a job of what a one has but also what he feels he ought receive as there would be large
difference in the genuine and outlooks of persons. Thus, job approval cannot be watched as merely a occupation
of how much a person has from his job. Another central factor/ flexible that should be involved to expect job
approval correctly is the gift of the entities‟ desire of his level of ends in a actual area. This led to the change of
the difference- theory of job approval.

Equity Theory:
Equity theory is largely a stimulus theory, but it has some chief things to say about the causes of satisfaction
/discontent. The protagonists of this concept are of the view that a person’s satisfaction is resolute by his
supposed equity, which in turn is gritty by his input- productivity balance linked to his judgement of others
input/output balance is the acknowledged ratio of what a person has from his job relative to what he pays to the
job. This concept is of the view that both beneath and over bootees lead to disappointment. While the under-
reward causes feelings of unfair treatment, over-reward leads to feelings of guilt and discomfort

Herzberg’s Motivation/Hygiene Theory (Two factor theory):

This theory was advanced by Herzberg, Manusner, Peterson and Capwell who recognised positive influences as
satisfiers and disappoints. Influences such as success, recognition, responsibility etc., are satisfiers, the presence
of which causes consummation but their absenteeism does not result in dissatisfaction. On the other hand,
factors such as supervision, salary, working settings etc. are disappoints and the non-appearance of which causes
discontent. Their company however, does not result in job satisfaction. The scholarships considered to test their
concept futile to give any funding to this theory, as it seems that a first can get both pleasure and disappointment
at the same stretch, which is not effective

The inferences of Herzberg’s research for running and HR applies is that while managers must carefully
contemplate hygiene features in order to circumvent domestic unhappiness, even if all these maintenance needs
are forward-thinking, individuals may not be inspired to work stiffer. Only persuaders cause corporations to
exert more determination and thereby attain more yields, and this theory suggests that administrators should
utilize the cheerleaders as tools to augment employee presentation.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory:

One theory of human drive that has customary a great deal of exposure in the past was advanced by Abraham
Maslow. Until the more elementary needs are until the extra basic needs are as follows:

1. Physiological needs
2. Safety and security needs
3. Belonging and love needs
4. Esteem needs
5. Self- actualization needs.

As statement often made by those using Maslow’s hierarchy is that workers in modern, scientifically advanced
cultures basically have gratified their biological, safety and going needs. Therefore, they will be motivated by
the needs for self-esteem, esteem of others, and then self-actualization. Therefore, environments to satisfy these
desires should be present-day at work; the job herself should be evocative and inspiring.

Expectancy Theory:
Expectance theory thinks, as the name hint at, on the opportunities which personnel bring with them to work
location and the milieu and custom in which these hopes are satisfied. The basic supposition is that “right levels
of struggle, and hence yield, will only be extended if employees‟ pasts are fulfilled”. It does not assume a static
range of expectations common to all bodies but rather points to the possibility of different sets of expectations.
Bootees are seen as achieving or not achieving expectations. Prospect theory experiments supervision to exhibit
to teams that extra power will reap a adequate reward. The link flanked by effort and return needs to involve
both the pay sachet and a variability of other extrinsic or fundamental rewards. Payment schemes must then
create a constructive link amongst the size of the pay container and the sweat worn for employees principally
moved by ready. For others links must be created among energy and prizes which include job approval and
tribute and other systems of acknowledgement.

Variance Theory:
Variance theory is grounded on a unassuming idea: if you want x from your labour then you are fulfilled to the
level that it affords you with x. The key unruly for adjustment thinkers is major what it is that people want from
their professions. One way of explaining this is to plagiarise concepts from drive theory so that adjustment in
what is sought and what is existing from a job arises: for example, in the extent to which self-actualizing needs
can be satisfied. This means that by plagiarizing from inspiration theory some academics can specify in
development the distinctions in job fulfilment that employees could implicitly report in their jobs. Added line
accepts the germane adjustments rest on on the nature of the drudgery and thus differ from livelihood to work.
This affords a more plastic context with which to analyse difficulties of low job consummation within
professions. Either approach, postulating in advance the relevant sides of job consummation or recognising
them done examination, empowers academics to create whether there are noteworthy individual alterations
present in testified levels of job accomplishment or whether there is a in height notch of concord between staff
about what fragments of work lead to high levels of approval and discontent. By recognising what pieces of a
job elasticity rise to high and truncated levels of pleasure, supervisors are better employed when in view of what
deviations can be made to increase job happiness.
1.3 Measurement of Job Satisfaction

Types of Measurement
The dimension of job fulfilment can be classified into three diverse methods:
1. Single question,
2. Global measurement,
3. Facet measurement.

The single inquiry asks only one enquiry as an indication of how pleased an operative is at work. This is
frequently created in large surveys, such as: the US National Longitudinal Survey. The Study asks ‘How do you
sensation round the job you have now?’, and necessitates plaintiffs to reply on a scale (like it very much, like it
fairly well, hatred it somewhat, dislike it very much). Regardless of the statement that having more enquiries
can obtain more neutral and accurate outcomes as well as being not as much of susceptible to to error, research
has shown that asking a single question, either on overall job satisfaction or on different facets of job pleasure
can be equally as current. Followers of this slant believe that teams largely know how happy they are, and, and
so, there is little theme in asking them various demands about the same thing.

The global size seeks to obtain a solo score representing the overall job fulfilment an employee has several
questions or statements are on condition that relating to diverse aspects of the job (such as, pay, work activities,
occupied situations and career predictions), but cartels them to run an overall score. On the other hand, facet
dimensions have interrogations or objects for these unalike areas and affords one score to embody each area.
Reputable global procedures take in the Job Approval Scales More than a few enquiries or accounts are on
condition that concerning to unalike phases of the job (such as, pay, work activities, salaried conditions and
career scenarios), but blocs them to afford an global score. On the added hand, facet measurements have
questions or items for these different areas and provides one score to epitomize each area. Reputable global
dealings include the Job Approval Scales and the Inclusive Job Pleasure Scale whilst the Job Picture Index is
one reputable facet portion.

Issues of Measurement:
Despite the handiness of interrogations and procedures for weighing job pleasure, there are a few concerns that
need to be taken into contemplation when pick out a suitable measure and when construing the results. The
prolific sum of measures of job approval has raised issues neighbouring the steadfastness and soundness of
them. This is further convoluted when evaluating across unalike cultures, lingos and ages as they can all
misperceive the results gained.
The approval of job fulfilment has led to numerous actions being created for this thought. Inopportunely, many
of them, plus some by teachers and consultants, are simply not suitably valid or reliable. This means the
measure power not exactly measure job consummation, or that it is not able to deliver steady results. Van Saane
and classmates reviewed 29 frequently used job fulfilment measures they found in the academic literature:
probing the soundness (i.e., does it portion what it is supposed to) and steadfastness (i.e., how consistent are the
results on the measure) of the reviewed actions. The study found that only seven of the procedures were initiate
to have tolerable validity and steadfastness. Consequently, those intending to portion job pleasure have to ensure
that the measure being used has been shown to be both reliable and effective.

Cross Culture Issues:

Administrations and physicians that work across diverse national and cultural restrictions have to be aware of
the fittingness of the chosen degree to particular personnel. Using a diverse degree for each workforce makes
judgement more difficult. However, the use of the same amount across different countries can be tricky as
different workers interpret it contrarily.

The use of any balances across national limits raises various matters, and users of job consummation scales
should bear in mind how two exact issues, verbal and culture, power affect their outcomes. Language has a
controlling influence on how persons remark their reality, as various languages bring about changed labels for
concepts and objects When using a scale in two separate realms which speak the same language (i.e. the United
Kingdom and Australia) there are more issues than when the measure is presented in a unlike language. Not
only does the comparable verbal imply parallel kind, but the one language used means change is not required.
This dodges having divergence between the inventive and the explained version, which can affect the import of
the measure; either due to a lack of friendly vocabulary or for of poor paraphrase However, when a scale of the
same language is directed in two different beliefs it can lead to plaintiffs with different values understanding the
scale contrarily Alternatively, how rating scales are taken is jammed by nation. Riodan and Vanderberg found a
rating of ‘4’ on a 1-7 point ruler had unalike significance to Koreans and Americans.

Despite these issues there are job consummation actions that have been confirmed to be steadfast and valid
across unlike languages and principles. For example, Ryan and colleagues found comparable satisfaction scores
when respondents from the US and Australia completed the same measure in English. Across lingos, the Nordic
Employee Index consistently assesses job satisfaction across the Nordic nations. Similarly, Liu and colleagues
scrutinised the German Job Satisfaction Examination filled out by employees in 18 countries, in German,
English and Spanish. They found likenesses across states, which have the same linguistic or a comparable ethnic
The affiliation between job fulfilment and age has been revealed to have either a ‘U’ or constructive connexion.
In the ‘U’ bond high fulfilment in early and latter occupation is severed with a dip in the middle. By means of a
sample of over 5000 personnel in the UK, Clarke and classmates found that job satisfaction was high among
those in their teenagers, and then went miserable when they were amongst 20 and 30, bigger again in their 40s
to the same near as persons in their teens, and systematic difficult in their 50s and 60s. Instead, some have
shown a steady increase in consummation as age augmented.

The organisation includes general literature review of specialised quarterlies and journals about the issue of
Underling Revenue. The examinations only if the study with several tutelages and inquiry papers, which are
motivating and advantageous, regarding the theories of socialization, material seeking, perceived variables in
dissatisfaction of workforces, outcomes of quitting, and other universal issues of the Operative Business subject
in universal.

The present study happening of in the course of how to reduce employment revenue and work towards
employee retention or other results that may lead to an effect on the performance.

Most of the prose led the room of the contemporary study to a diverse course sheltered under the subject of
Manpower incomings. Nearly all articles were mentioning to unintended engagement arcade effects that are
communicated, and there was a direct connection proved to have been among revenue and retention. Rather, a
key part of the pupillages said other outcomes such as vow, job execution, and self-efficacy. There was a
requirement to form a supplementary affiliation between these and member retention.

The study led the study to appreciate that employee preservation, whether it is skills or effort focused on, was a
chief rehearsal due to the wildlife of the time dated it was held in the institute.

The resolution of this chapter is to debate the research practise of this study. The study design and measures
followed for this vivid study were used to reaction questions concerning the purposes of this study. The
subdivision contains the segments explaining slant to the unruly, purposes, premise, Research design
organization, data assembly, scope and borders of the study.
2.1 Objective of Study

The study will focus the following objects:

1. To recognise the abstract background of Bodies disappointment and employees’ turnover.
2. To study various ideas on bond between unhappiness and gross revenue of bodies.
3. To calculate the bond between hand discontent and underling gross revenue, and the extent to which one of
these inconstant disturb another.
4. To probe the private system of software syndicates.
5. To treasure ready ways and funds to cut the displeasure level of Teams.
6. To study various existing theories on relationship between dissatisfaction and turnover of employees
7. To consider and infer the data apropos the reasons disturbing the flat of happiness of Teams working in
changed subdivision of software corporations.
8. To make propositions and draw assumptions in problematic areas finished the upgrading in the level rate of
employee business
2.2 Benefits of Study

A investigation tells how workforces feel about their jobs, what parts of their jobs their feelings are focused on,
which divisions are particularly artificial and whose feelings are elaborate (for example, supervisors employees,
or staff specialist). The investigation is a controlling analytical utensil for assessing broad hand problems. If job
approval studies are appropriately strategic and controlled, they will usually food a quantity of imperative
assistances, both universal and detailed.

The following are the benefits:

1. One advantage of job gratification studies is that they give organisation an suggestion of universal levels of
fulfilment in a company. Examinations also show precise areas of consummation or disappointment (as with
employee services) and certain group of personnel (as in the tool department or among those over the age of

2. Improved communiqué is additional benefit of the inspections. Announcement flows in all commands as
people plan the examination, talk, and converse its results. Chiefly beneficial to the concern is the upward
statement when the workers are invigorated to statement about what they certainly have in their thoughts.

3. A surprizing use from a job-satisfaction survey is upgraded defiance. For some employees, the survey is a
security valve, an open release, a coincidental to get clothes off their chest. For others, the investigation is a
perceptible countenance of management’s curiosity in member welfare, which gives employee a purpose to
feel better towards running.

4. The job-satisfaction survey can help apprehend the causes of incidental yield evils, such as absenteeism,
gross revenue and poor value of work. If an association is concerned by a high rate of nonappearance or
incomings, it valour correctly turn to job consummation surveys to diagnose the cause. The causes could be
low pay, lack of promotional opportunities, light jobs, unjust treatment, also the like. Without proper surveys
there could be casual estimating on the part of management. A job satisfaction survey helps management
both to get a better handle on why employees are sheath to plan better resolutions to problems.

5. Another help of approval check-ups is that they help seriatim assess engaged out needs. Usually workforces
are convinced a first to explosion how they awareness this overseer completes certain parts of the works
such as assigning work and giving tolerable job instructions. Afterward workers experience these
management acts, their insights may run useful data about the drill of their bureaucrats.

6. A job-satisfaction inspection is a gauge of the success of directorial reward activities. There is a positive
affiliation midst act and satisfaction. This connection will be well-made when rewards (intrinsic and
extrinsic) are scattered equitably liable upon narration. Now, job liking surveys can provide some indications
as to the realisation of the logistic booties system. They help executives judge whether the best recitalists are
unloading the most honours and the most realisation from their jobs. The best artistes are expected to quit if
they are not accurately rewarded.

7. One of the best uses of job-satisfaction surveys is in the scheming of the effect of executive changes on
employee attitudes. For example, the administration wants to identify whether the job rewrite program
writer recently realized in the party has resulted in enlarged approval to the workforces. By comparing pre-
change data, and post conversion data, it is easy to define what impact the redesigned work has on employee

8. Finally, it is not that consummation surveys benefit only organisation. They are useful to unions too. Often,
both organisation and union argue about what the personnel want, but neither really knows. The job-
satisfaction survey is one way to find out. It is for this goal that unions funding surveys. But the benefits
discussed above would be apprehended subject to definite preconditions.

Following are the conditions:

1. Top organisation actively supports the survey.
2. Employees are fully intricate in arrangement the survey.
3. A clear detached exists for showing the survey.
4. The study is calculated and directed consistent with morals of sound research.
5. Running is capable and enthusiastic to take follow up exploit. Both the outcomes and achievement plans are
transferred to workforces
2.3 Hypothesis of Study

The Main Hypotheses is ----“Employee disappointment makes impact on Teams Gross revenue in Software

The following are the other hypothesis:

1. The Motivational factors make bearing on Turnover Intension of Workforces.
2. The working Atmosphere make bearing on Turnover Intension of Workforces.
3. The Job Related Concerns make impact on Turnover Intension of Workforces.
4. The Organizational Culture makes impact on Revenue Intension of Teams.
5. The Social Location at Workplace makes impact on Turnover Intension of Employees.
6. The Operative Commitment make impact on Turnover Intension of Employees
7. The Motivational factors and Employee Obligation make impact of on Revenue Intension of Personnel.
2.4 Assumptions

The study accepts that the instruction levels of the personnel who were novices were relentless. The influence of
the choice of employees thru employment on employee act was also supposed to be constant. But, this does not
mean that any upshot they have which is proven in former will be disregarded

The determination of this theory is to underwrite to the thoughtful of employee basic expectations in the service
background, to gain a improved gen of the dimensionality of the theory, its size, and its inspiration on provision
servant job recital. This theory entails of one academic paper, three experimental credentials, and an overview
awarding the academic circumstantial of the trainings, the purposes and chief results of the showed studies, as
well as an complete argument of the four credentials vacant.
2.5 Aim of Research

1. To conduct a organised review of the construct of basic rulebooks and how it could be realistic to service
2. To empirically explore the pleased of basic rulebooks in the service environment;
3. To empirically check the dimensionality of the basic rulebooks, construct in amenity sets; and,
4. To confirm the dimensionality of the build homologically, and to consider how basic conventions of service
bodies relate to single underling job conclusions.

These objects are discovered in the four papers which institute the thesis. All papers are buttressed by data
collected explicitly for this thesis. The results show that the paradigm of expectations is a promising idea by
which to approach the social cognition of service employees Basic expectations of service workers can be
broadly defined by seven programmes (predictability, control, affect, responsibility, competence,
communication, and ethics) elicited empirically by production grid and running practices Four scopes of service
operative basic expectations (purchaser regulator, purchaser move, associate fitness and co-worker
responsibility) are knowingly associated to some imperative specific employee outcomes: job approval,
organizational obligation, turnover goals job show, and market-oriented conducts. In immediate, the findings
point to the status of hypothesizing this construct in next of kin to service running.
2.6 Scope of Study

It is co-operative to identify the underling level of gratification towards motivation - the training is co-operative
to the association for categorizing the area of disappointment of the underling.
2.7 Limitations

Could not co-operate with senior bosses because they are always busy with their work - Due to busy per their
work, assistance of the plaintiff was less - The night employees were not accessed as they were not offered at
the time of consultation.
2.8 Research Design

A research design decently and simply a basic border work or plan for homework that guide the assembly of
figures and investigation of the data. In this homework we have implemented colourful research design in
gathering and studying the data.

Sample Size
Around 100 personnel from stood sent the form about the worker consummation survey.

Workers with a involvement of minimum 2 ages in IT Industry.

Sampling Method
Non chance sampling way – Expediency Specimen

Sampling Technique
1. Tabularization
2. Pie Chart Analysis
3. Average Mean
2.9 Data Collection

The data was recorded by sending the questionnaire to the employees by using Google forms. The data has been
directly recorded through the responses on the questionnaire and later the percentage graph is created on the
basis of the responds the employees of the organization have on this.

There are two types of Data which are:

1. Primary Data
2. Secondary Data
3. Collection Technique

2.9.1 Primary Data

This was the main key source material for the research in the form of a printed form with possibilities stated and
some judgements where ever prerequisite as samples to be filled which help in studying, stating the proposition
and ending with the suggestive processes that can be taken. The form consisted in 3 parts :
1. Demographic Details,
2. Dissatisfaction Factors, and
3. Employee Commitment

Which further consisted of 40 inquiries overall in the optional form. The survey was framed using simple
graphic rating scale and Linker –5 point type scale. Form were prepared, was for workers and Managers
working in diverse software syndicates. Possible matters for the survey examinations were recognised from
variety of sources: trainer feedback, underling explanations, erudition through the MBA course, and research in
the field of adherent slow destruction and accomplishment. Questionnaire
The primary device of this study was a survey, developed with intent to judge the responses of the employees in
assembly with all the limitations influencing the consummation level of the workers. The parameters pertaining
in the form are: a) Demographic Profile, b) Dissatisfaction Factors, c) Employee Recital. The total questions are
divided in 40 strictures. Every strictures has five inquiries in the form of Likert Scale (five rating Scale from 1
to 5 starting from strongly Settle to strongly upset at the end). Every question thus has minimum 1 and
maximum 5 characters. The symbols for every interrogation and total marks for every strictures and overall total
have converted the base for all arithmetic analysis and empathetic. An opening and directional paragraphs was
placed at the beginning of the survey. A cover letter preceded the questionnaire. The concealment letter stated
the determination of the training, its consequence and a confidentiality announcement. Form was answered with
the help of Liker Scale, which helped in influential the percentage value of each restriction. A five-point scale
was used with one life strappingly distress to strongly agree. The sophisticated the rating the sophisticated the
contribution of the factor will be there. The questions were framed trust the positive side of the representation so
as to match the grades with mounting order of pleasure. Discussion and Interviews

Peculiar discussions as well as telephonic conferences were shown with Supervisors, Authorities, Industry
Experts and Academicians. This has added so much value and helped to work faster in the right and appropriate
direction in the field of research work. Observations
Comment method has also been used to assemble the crucial data for the determination of accuracy. The
researcher attended a few corporations by personal acquaintances as a guest and observed the working

2.9.2 Secondary Data

Secondary data was collected from different sources like:

1. Websites and search engines on the Internet
2. Books
3. Magazines
4. Reports and publications of the organizations
5. Newspapers
6. Journals (International & National) with ISSN/ISBN numbers.
7. Articles Published/unpublished
8. Master and Ph.D. theses in the related area.
9. Industrial Directory- Chamber of Commerce.
10. Other sources of published information as per requirement. Parameters
Following are the elements of Employee turnover which are taken as constraints for the persistence of this
research project both for bodies as well as Managers (Sr.Resources) of different organization :---

1. Demographic Profile
2. Dissatisfaction Factor
3. Employee Commitment.
4. Turnover Intension.

Under Demographic Profile the following aspects have been considered they are:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Name of the Institute
4. Sector
5. Description
6. Department
7. No of years working in this organization

The studies provide the information about any effects of the employee’s need accomplishment, leave aside the
satisfaction, on member turnover so that the study can come up with suggestions regarding the design of the
models of increasing underling pleasure and major effects to pay commitment to in terms of their pleased and
sending methods. The learning will do this by wearisome to find proof of imports of reported things in terms of
fluctuations in employee revenue, again by the help of other inquiry studies. If these studies indicate that
underling pleasure affects newcomer bodies in innumerable ways, then the study will tie these conclusions to

It is also using a quantity of studies which include examination passes done previously about the matter of
employee unhappiness. These research revisions are providing outcomes which can central the learning, by
means of investigating, to a sound inference about whether or not employee unhappiness drives to employee
incomings in the IT sector
3. Review of Literature

In this chapter, all the relevant lit available on job satisfaction in general, literature on populace libraries and job
gratification in libraries was reviewed and presented.

The Job Satisfaction is an important and widely discussed inquiry topic in almost all the fields. Since the rise of
the homo dealings motion in manufacture in the thirties and forties, Job Satisfaction has become a Major
focusing of research. Many researchers have focused on Job Satisfaction ever since the revelations made by the
Hawthorne highlighting, and its importance in effective human relations leading to Organizational effectiveness.

Review of lit is the most important aspect in any research work. It is a measure, stating the Holocene end
product on a particular area of research and organized in a helpful chronological sequence to strengthen the
nowadays research techniques. The main objective of the review of lit is to understand the inquiry activities that
have taken place in a particular subject in full general and the country of inquiry in particular. As the present
study is aimed at Job gratification in populace libraries of Andhra Pradesh, all the relevant literature available
was reviewed and presented. The part of academicians, information scientists, research scholars and library
professionals on this subject in various dimensions has yielded invaluable set of research output.

The research publications with heading on the dissertation of nowadays study over a period from 1970 to 2012
are covered and reviewed. This reappraisal provided a finer perspective on the present area of inquiry i.e. Job
gratification in populace Libraries.

Reviews on Job Satisfaction in General

Mira Singh and Pestonjee (1990) hypothesized that Job gratification is influenced by the levels of Occupation,
Job involvement and Participation. The sample distribution for the survey consisted of 250 officers and 250
clerical cadres belonging to a nationalized depository financial institution in horse opera India. The study
confirmed the hypothesis and it was earnings that Job gratification of the depository financial institution
employees was positively affected by the Occupational level, Job engagement and participation.

Balgir (1991) attempted to understand hygiene-motivational factors as postulated by Hergeberg based on their
demand priorities that dominate the minds of Indian Managers while continuing service in their respective
Organizations. The results revealed that Job Satisfaction, Salary, Job Security, better chances of
promotion, happy news article life, high Position and friendly social circle are some of the motivating factors in
that order of magnitude which strongly influence Indian Mangers.
Javed and Premarajan (2011) examined the influence of distributive and procedural justice on pay and Job
Satisfaction. They provided that distributive justice and procedural justice had differentiating impact on Job
Satisfaction and four facets of pay satisfaction i.e. level, raise benefits and administration. The survey carried
out among 122 Indian managers. It was found that the distributive justice as a more important predictor of all
four dimensions of pay satisfaction and Job Satisfaction. Procedural justice was also found to be a statistically
significant predictor of pay structure and Job Satisfaction.

Biswas (2011) studied the wallop of homo resourcefulness direction policies and practices in a globalized Indian
economy and subsequently their result with regard to person behavior and performances. The data were
collected from 357 managerial degree employees of Indian Organizations. The consequence of the study found
that the Job gratification significantly correlated with worker public presentation and also showed that although
discrepancies were abounding regarding person reactions to a hitherto closed and controlled economy. The
findings indicated that human resource practices in India need to adapt to contemporary practices and
procedures worldwide, while at the same time maintain in its unique cultural ethos.

Pankaj Deshwal (2011) investigated the level of Job Satisfaction among engineering faculty members in
engineering colleges of technical Universities in Utter Pradesh and also examined the effects of the dimensions
of the job on level of Job Satisfaction among them. He collected data from 360 engineering faculty members.
Investigate the levels of Job Satisfaction among engineering colleges on technical University, examine the
effects of the dimensions of the job on levels of satisfaction among them, and give suggestions to maintain or
improve faculty member’s Job Satisfaction were three objectives of the results study. The study revealed that the
faculty members were found to be neutral with Organization policies, independence, and promotional
opportunity and satisfied with work variety, creativity, compensation and social status of Job, Job security,
achievement but the faculty members dissatisfied with working conditions and recognition.

1. Knowledge of specialized mention source

2. Specialized analytical skills and techniques
3. Collection development and Library automation.

Venkatappaiah (1991) made a comparative survey of the populace depository library Acts of the Apostles of the
States in India. The author examined the introduction of the various province populace depository libraries Acts
of the Apostles in India and found that these Acts rich person More or less the Lapp preamble. It was generally
accepted that there should be a province depository library authorization with the curate for Libraries as its head
and a State depository library commission to advise the authorization on all matters pertaining to libraries. He
suggested that a qualified and experienced depository library professional person should be made as the Head of
the Directorate/Department of populace Libraries.

The writer pointed out the demand to dainty all cadres of the depository library staff as authorities servants. The
writer has made an effort to specially point out the unique features of the Kerala populace Libraries Act with
respect to every provision of the Public library statute law discussed throughout the adjective study.

Scheider ( 1991) in his article describes a study of a size urban populace depository library scheme that
compared levels and sources of stress and job gratification between populace religious service and technical foul
religious service employees and also examined relationship among work load, job message and job satisfaction.
The writer discussed the workings relationships among employees and the organizational climate.

Shih (1997) explores the dealings of the depository library volunteers, their characteristics, participated
motivation and Job gratification in the populace libraries and to provide references for libraries in recruiting,
training and managing the volunteers. Questionnaires were delivered to the 294 volunteers. The findings of the
survey are: the most strongest participated motive is social responsibility, the most satisfactory dimension in job
gratification is homo relation, location are significant differences between personal characteristics and job
satisfaction including sex, age, old age on job and job leaving, location are positive significant correlation
between participated motive and job gratification at 0.01 degree of significance.

Kanaujia and Srivastava discussed the role of populace Libraries regarding the problems of analphabetism and
educational facility in developing countries as the depository library can provide a infinite for mass-education
socially and also pointed out the need of statute law for efficient operation of the populace depository library
and induction of library legislation.

Malleswar (2003) described the Regional Libraries as a characteristic of populace depository library system.
The author made a study to examine the workings of Regional Libraries in Andhra Pradesh. The survey revealed
that the regional libraries are not operation to the expected level. They are not able to realize the aims and
objectives because of deficiency of adequate staff, lack of trained professionals, poor people adjustment and
inadequate volume stock. The writer stressed the need for comprehensive legislation and suggested a program
for an Andhra Pradesh populace depository library network.

Ramesh Babu Govind Reddy (2003) studied the populace depository library scheme in Tamil Nadu with
reference to circle libraries. Observation and interview methods were adopted to orison information for the
research. The study revealed that the circle libraries in Chennai occupy a significant position. The accumulation
revealed that the staff members are interested in improving their professional person caliber and not interested in
knowing the current developments and almost all librarians are optimistic in automating the library.

Begum and Goswami (2003) stated the conception and objectives of public libraries and their establishment,
care and evolution in Indian context. The authors also discussed the importance of library legislation and its
evolution in India. This clause puts Forth the Public library scenario of Assam and efforts made to enact
depository library statute law in the state. The latest attempts made to enact the proposed depository library
measure as depository library law is also mentioned.

Ramesh Babu (2003) studied the province of Art of the populace depository library in the visible light of IT and
examined the feasibleness and practical application of IT in populace Libraries in India and focused on the
nature and character of employment to be provided by the populace depository library scheme in the
Information Age.

Singh (2005) mentioned in her clause the initiatives of RRRLF and UNESCO for promoting Public Libraries
and gives legal brief sum-up about populace library legislation in India and emphasizes the changing function of
populace depository library i.e. from shop houses where preservation of knowledge to dynamic knowledge
institutions involved in disseminating cognition available anywhere any time and changing objectives and goals
of populace libraries with changing needs of the users. It also emphasizes new strategies in changing environs
and kernel of new strategies for promoting depository library employment is to identify how best depository
library can grow and become stronger in an increasingly competitive environment. It concludes that the libraries
demand to invent themselves and adopt new shipway to meet their user’s information requirements which is
becoming necessity for libraries services.

Vashisth (2007) in his article stated that the public libraries volition rich person to alteration as self- acquisition
center in view of future educational scenario. He discussed the stairs taken by successive Governments so as to
bring the books to the doorsteps of the rural people. The writer explained the domain of activities to be under
taken by the rural depository library community of interests centers.

Faraj (2008) administered the Job Description Index (JDI) to assess the grade of job gratification among
Librarians in populace Libraries in South-Iran in footing of supervision, co-workers, payments and publicity as
wellspring as General Job satisfaction. The results of the survey revealed that all librarians, contempt their
dissatisfaction in regard with some aspects, especially payments and promotions, were all satisfied with their job
as librarians. Running an ANOVA trial with repeated measures indicated being of no significant difference
among the mentioned variables, except for payments. It is suggested that determination makers and act in
respect with recruit of younger librarians before the older librarians are retired, and allow some time for them to
transportation their cognition and methods of job disposal and techniques to younger ones.

Pratapa (2010) investigated the caliber of piece of work living of professionals in populace Libraries of Andhra
Pradesh. The objectives of the survey such as to assess the economic aspects of QWL and to knowing the
physical facilities, to survey the HRD components, To survey the QWL in footing of sociable aspects, etc., The
primary election information was collected from 280 professionals through questionnaire. The findings of the
study were 50 per penny of the faculty with wage in dimension to their work output but degree of gratification
was very poor people with publication revision of pay scales and rewards from the organization and also not
satisfied with physical facilities and expressed good opinion about the interpersonal relations, 40.48 per penny
expressed gratification over the training aspects. He suggested to the organization to instrumentality the
recommendations of Ekbote commission study to improve the Quality of Work living in A.P. populace
depository library System.

Studies on Job gratification on Libraries

Plate and Stone (1974) studied the Factors affecting Job gratification of the librarians. They used Herzberg
theory in their study on job motive to examine 162 Americans and 75 Canadian librarians randomly selected
from all types of Libraries. The consequence of this survey confirmed Herzberg’s views that certain factors are
film ‘emotions’ in the piece of work place, piece others are merely ‘hygiene factors’. These hygiene factors
create dissatisfaction, if absent in the piece of work topographic point but they are not the positive motivation.
In this survey it is earnings that of all the factors named by the librarians as contributing to job satisfaction, 99
percentage were motivators and were related to job content: Of all the factors contributing to their discontent at
work, 81 percentage involved hygiene factors earnings in the piece of work environment. The motivational
factors were identified as achievement, responsibility, work itself, promotion and news article or professional
person growing and the hygienics factors as institution policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal
relationships, workings conditions, status, salary, and security.

Vaughn and Dhun (1974) studied job satisfaction among the depository library employees who had been
employed in six body libraries. They used job verbal description index number for the study. This job verbal
description index number asked the employee to describe their job environs in six body libraries, in sexual
intercourse to 5 job characteristics i.e. work itself, supervisory climate, interpersonal climate, pay status and
publicity opportunities. The six libraries were compared in footing of their tons for each dimensions of
satisfaction. The study revealed that no one depository library scored consistently heights or low on all
dimensions of satisfaction. Managerial performance was related to worker satisfaction, worker productiveness
and organizational effectiveness. The action of managers in regard to leading, staffing, coaching job and
guidance had a direct causal factor upon employee satisfaction as well as worker productivity.

Lynch and Jo Ann (1983) identified 10 studies on various aspects of Job Satisfaction in Libraries. These studies
attempted to identify the factors most that were highly related to Job satisfaction. Of the 10 studies, two were
concerned with gratification in specific Libraries, one compared libraries or depository library units and one
investigated gratification of all occupational groups within the Library., one compared libraries or library units
and one investigated satisfaction of all occupational groups within the Library. The study explored the correlates
of Job Satisfaction with in the work setting. It suggested that significant variation in Job Satisfaction occur
among functional units in Libraries and among occupational groups.

Etuk (1989) in his study has pointed out that the majority of the staff was found to be dissatisfied with their pay,
working conditions and lack of facilities to improve their talents. The author suggested some measures like the
interaction between the subordinates and the supervisors, provision of better facilities and involvement of junior
staff in decision making for higher level of Job satisfaction.

Navalani (1990) studied the levels of Job gratification of professionals and semipro depository library faculty
working in Indian University libraries. The primary election information was collected through questionnaire.
The analysis revealed that the majority of the depository library faculty was satisfied with most of the attributes
of their work, but there were differences in the percept of men and women, and seniors and juniors. It concluded
with suggestions for betterment which includes: More attention to in-service training, reanalysis and redesigning
of jobs for better use of skills and abilities and More internal motivation of staff and betterment in the caliber of
piece of work performance.

Payne (1999) showed that the Library support staff perceives deficiency of status, acknowledgment and grasp of
their role. The longer serving staff member has the greater gratification in their profession. Reinforcement
faculty needs to be involved in organizational communications and participate in insurance policy preparation
procedure to addition the gratification level and the librarian’s qualification, preparation and pay demand to be

Thornton (2000) examined Job gratification of librarians of African origin employed at academician libraries
retention rank in the Association of Research Libraries. The main aim of the survey was to examine the factors,
already established, that contribute significantly to Job gratification of librarians of African origin at 90 six U.S
academician libraries. A three portion study tool was administered to orison the data. The survey identified the
areas of Job gratification and discontent for the grouping of librarians. The writer earnings that 60 per penny of
ARL Librarians cloth that diverseness programs were inadequate. The study suggested to the group that it is a
clip to return necessity stairs to create work environment that attracts and enhances the Job gratification of
librarians of African Descent.

Bartlet (2000) administered a survey among 263 employees of the aftermath administrative district depository
library scheme in North Carolina in which 5 communicating behaviors were tested to determine their
relationship to subordinate’s Job Satisfaction. Findings indicated that offers of help, offers of co-operation,
frequency of physical contact and trust were substantially related to subordinates Job Satisfaction. News article
self-disclosure was not earnings to be substantially related, although its task-focused property was related to
subordinates Job satisfaction.

Landry (2000) discussed the importance of Job Satisfaction for Library staff working at the reference desk. It
not only affected their quality of life and overall level of life satisfaction experienced by the reference staff but
also the quality of the reference work itself. The study found a moderate positive relationship between life
satisfaction and job satisfaction. A moderate negative relationship was found between Life Satisfaction and the
desire to find a comparable job in another Library.

Bil Wayana (2001) examined the mechanization and its wallop on the Job gratification among the faculty of the
Margaret Margaret Thatcher Library, Moi University, Kenya. The body Librarian, his deputy and systems
librarians were interviewed human face to human face and also distributed questionnaires to all other library
staff. It was found that location were problems within the depository library regarding training and access to
automated systems of interest. However, faculty viewed mechanization as gift and a source of satisfaction in
their jobs. Location mustiness be implemented building material plans for consistent structured in house
training, free access to the available software, additional systems faculty and centralized databases for
automation to boost Job satisfaction.

Pors (2003) explores the conception of job gratification and its sexual intercourse to stress, job content and job
conditions based on a study of British and Danish depository library Managers. This research paper evokes the
theories of Hofstede as a tentative account of subject differences. It sets out to analyze job gratification in sexual
intercourse to a scope of statistic variables. On the basis of battalion of questions and statements the writer
forms several composite variables. They concern factors such as stress, exemption in the job, percept of
direction style and the actual job content. It is also evident that people plays a significant role in relation to
factors such as emphasis and exemption in devising decisions.
Rajwant Kaur (2006) made an attempt to highlight the grandness and conceptual definitions of Job Satisfaction.
The clause revealed that the correlation between motive and job gratification by mentioning the motivational
theories. He also described specific organizational and news article variables which determine gratification of a
individual and pointed out the need for contented and wellspring satisfied librarians to brand libraries More
serviceable to their clientele. The author strongly cloth that the Job gratification is a composite conception and
difficult to measure objectively and contempt many theories and studies it is hush a demand for employees to
manage an organization. He suggested the shipway to improve gratification such as paying employees fairly,
quality supervision, decentalisation of powerfulness and matching citizenry of jobs that fit their interests.

Ghaji Badawi (2006) investigated the levels of Job gratification of female person librarians in Nigeria,
exploitation Herzberg’s Hygiene/Motivator factors of Job Satisfaction. Its aim was to provide an empirical trial
of the pertinence of Herzberg’s Hygiene/Motivator factors of Job gratification on female person librarians in
Nigeria. 176 female librarians among 228 randomly selected female person librarians from 35 libraries drawn
from the six geographical Zones returned usable form for the information relationship with Job satisfaction:
affective committees and organizational tenure. Collectively these two predictors explained about 26% of the
variance in Job Satisfaction: affective commitment, job autonomy, job performance feedback, role conflict, role
clarity and organizational tenure. Findings also revealed that of these six correlates, only two had predictive
relationship with Job satisfaction: affective commitment and organizational tenure. Collectively these two
predictors explained about 26% of the variance in Job Satisfaction. Although the study did not examine all the
possible correlates and predictors of Job Satisfaction that had been identified in the Organizational Performance,
it nevertheless provided an empirical glimpse of the Job Satisfaction phenomenon among Malaysian Academic

Shilpa Verma (2009) dealt with the Job Satisfaction among Library professionals of Govind Ballabh trouser
body of agribusiness and Technology Library, Pantnagar. Study the Satisfaction degree of depository library
faculty from their job, know about the status of library and to bank check its wallop on the users, assess the
inter-personal human relationship among the personnel of library, survey about the public presentation degree of
the force in library, and study about personnel role in determination devising were the objectives of the study.
They adopted questionnaire method to study the problem. The important determination of the survey was the
military capability of the body library faculty was carnival but the bibliothec was not satisfied with the military
capability for providing efficiency in the employment of depository library and stressed that the depository
library demand to work more on sum caliber Management, for improving the operation of depository library and
achieving the fully Job Satisfaction. Whereas the Job gratification degree of most of the depository library
professionals was very high in the library.
Poomal Rao and Padmini (2009) in their clause focused on the available tools for skills of depository library
professionals and discussed about self-motivation and concluded that proportionately, the increased needs of the
users are enforcing the depository library Professionals to enhance their skills and competency.

Panigrah and Lakshminkanta (2011) studied Job gratification among Nongovernment College Librarians in
West Bengal. It was based on 200 Non-Government body Librarians out of 275. The objectives of the survey
were: Both form and consultation procedures were used in data collection. The analysis revealed that the
respondents cloth film towards their job, whereas, 49.61 per cent expressed negative towards their job. 92 per
cent of the respondents showed their negative attitude and 38.03% showed their positive attitude towards the
work environment factors. 67% of respondents expressed their negative attitude and 33% expressed positive
approach on their need factor. He suggested that the librarians need to give attention to the constantly changing

Ram and Choudhury (2009) examined the association between organizational environment and Job Satisfaction
in academic libraries in Delhi. 228 forms were collected from specialized, technical and supervision people
from different libraries. The finding of this study is that Job Consummation is highly correlated with
organization climate.

Hart (2011) considered the Job fulfillment at South African University depository collection undertaking
alteration on many fronts. The survey included 31 members of staff and primary information were collected
through session and questionnaire. The study found a “love-hate” connection between respondents and their
work. Studies revealed that 61% reported overall Job Satisfaction with the core work of an academician library,
as long as the info needs of readers. However only 51% claimed to be proud of works at their depository library
and 50% were clear to other job offers. Reasons for annoyance included a signified of stagnation, defeat with
inadequate resources, and anger at poor people remuneration.

Balasubramanium (2011) studied the Job gratification of Librarians in Tirunelveli. He stated that the Job
gratification refers to an individual’s merged chemical reaction towards his job. It seems eminently logical that a
happy worker is a bettor employee. This article studied about Job Satisfaction of depository library
professionals. The survey concluded that job fulfillment of an employee is related to an individual’s
expectations and skill of their perceptions.
Peng (2012) examined the connection between job consummation and job public presentation at aspect degree
for the body librarians in Taiwan based on a structural equality modeling. Results indicated that job gratification
is positively related to job routine. Findings showed that job liberty moderates the section relationship.

Khan and Ahmed (2013) conducted a study to amount the job gratification of depository library professionals
helping in populace sphere Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A sum of 49 responses was together
and analyzed. The survey reveals that although library professionals’ workings in these institutions were slightly
pleased with their nature of work, they were displeased with supervision, benefits, promotion, adjustment of
service structure, promotion policies, improvement in academic qualification and progress preparation were
advocated by the researcher.

From the preceding review the following could be drawn.

The concept of Job Fulfilment is a managerial characteristic and deals mainly with the routine evaluation of
manpower in an reminder.

The true-life on Job consummation was assembled under three parts:

1. studies relating to Job satisfaction,
2. studies relating to public libraries in general and
3. studies relating to Job Satisfaction in libraries and in particular public libraries

Studies relating to Job consummation were mostly drawn from the industrious, business and service institutions.

The studies decorated the importance of servant and company connection, motivational characteristics,
personnel administration and impact of equipment on work culture and Job happiness.

The review also shielded the role of public collections in development of recruits. Further the revisions also
covered the state of municipal library arrangement in India with more emphasis on Law, impact of IT on public
archives and the career change of personnel in public collection organisation.

The nonfiction contributed by the academicians, Evidence Geniuses of both India and abroad on Job
Satisfaction in all-purpose and in certain was reviewed.

Most of the revisions covered in the examination were drained from the recent times.
4. Data Analysis

A questionnaire was prepared to find out what factors are and what those things which matter employee job
satisfaction. Following were the questions which was asked –

4.1 Survey Analysis

1. Do you find your work meaningful?

2. Do you enjoy your company culture?
3. Does our company offer adequate opportunities for promotions and career development?
4. Do you feel valued for your contributions?
5. Do your superiors communicate company news effectively and in a timely manner?
6. Do you feel as though your job responsibilities are clearly defined?
7. Do you think that work is distributed evenly across your team?
8. Do you feel connected to your co-workers?
9. Do you feel like your job utilizes your skills and abilities as much as it could?
10. Do your managers value your feedback?
11. Do you believe that there is an opportunity for individual career growth and development within the
12. Will you be working for the same organization in next 2 years?
13. Does your team provide you support at work whenever needed?
14. Do you feel you are rewarded for your dedication and commitment towards the work?
15. Do you receive constructive feedback from your manager?

We will now classify all the questions and see what the results are and in which way it affects the organization
and employee. Every question is explained in brief and the answer for the same has also been mentioned.
This question explains us about whether the employee finds his or her job to be meaningful. Which means that
the employee finds whatever he or she is doing to be something worth it. It shows whether the work done by the
employee is creating any sense to the employers as well as employees.

According to the graph. 76.9 % people say that they find their work to be meaningful which means at least they
are in that category who understand their work and knows that whatever they are doing is meaningful and in
alignment to the company and themselves.

Then 6.4 % people says that their work doesn’t have any meaning. This thought in itself is very dissatisfactory
as if the job is of no meaning then there is no point in working for it. It is a negative part that there are people
who find their job tos be unsatisfactory. Here unsatisfactory is because if they feel that the job is meaningless
then indirectly it also means that they are not in synch with organization goal.

The rest 16.7% of employee says maybe. Now maybe can be a negative or a positive or they really don’t know
whether their work is meaningful to any extent. This itself is sad. When the employee is not even sure whether
their work is meaningful means they don’t even know what they are working for. This type of employees are
lacking in clarity of thought process and decision making.
Company culture is an important thing for a lot of people but you will also find people who are not so bothered
about the company culture as they feel it’s a negligible thing for them. Also in this case there are people who
really want their culture to be good but some are just ok with the work that they do and the salary they get. This
difference is defined by how and what kind of a person you are. Many a times introvert people really don’t care
how the culture of the company is but whereas the extroverts for them it really matters how people are in the

As shown in the graph we can see that 71.3% of people are really happy with the work culture they have and
maybe that can be one of the reason that they are presently happy and satisfied with the company they are
working currently. This is actually a good sign for employers as well as the employees that they have something
to hold on or maybe somebody to talk to.

The negative % is 13.9%. These are obviously those people for whom the company culture is actually important
but they are too getting the facilities that they want from the employers or the company. The rules and
regulations of the company might be strict and this might be the reason why so many people have voted for
unhappy. There is also a possibility that these people don’t find the colleagues or co-workers to be of that kind
which they prefer. There might be a possibility that apart from people the culture of work that they follow is not
fitting the employees.

We also have people from the maybe” category which is 14.8%. These are mainly those who do not understand
whether they are ok with the company culture or not. They have a feeling that maybe it’s okay.
Opportunities to grow and promotions are one of the major job satisfaction for the employees as they should be
felt rewarded and honoured about the job they do and should have a feeling that they have accomplished
something by staying in the company. It is an important factor as the promotion is a big motivator to the
employees to stay longer and work for the company. When the employee is rewarded for the work they
themselves might have a feeling of accomplishment and they would also have a feel of achievement.

As per the graph the percentage of people indicating a YES is around 53.7%. This shows us that just above 50%
of the employers have adequate amount of opportunities for the employees’ in the organization. Those 53 % of
people are content and happy with the opportunities that are being provided by the company and they are
satisfied by the same.. Opportunities to grow are an important thing for every other individual and it is an
important aspect that will give an happiness quotient to the employee.

19.4% of employees have said NO. For them it can be a big thing because working for an organization which
has no growth opportunities is a very big issue these days. No growth no money no further jobs which is one of
the major problem. This can have a bad influence on the employees’ job satisfaction on the work they do. Here
attitude of employee also plays a vital role.

The rest that is around 26.9% of employee ‘may be’ confused in the job role they do that is why they may have
responded in this way. Or they may not know whether the opportunity provided is even an opportunity or not for
them and no clarity in their thought.
Creating a value to the organization is one of the important thing any employee has. Only if you are valued by
the organization then you might feel like working for it. Value to an organization gives an important aspect to
look at the attitude of an employee towards the organization which might act beneficial to the company and all.
Employees might feel that even after contributing so much to the organization the company is not giving it back
to the employee which is not a good feeling as per any employee. Hence a feeling of valued by organization is
very important for morale.

As shown in the graph 38% employees feel that they are valued by the organization. Which is a very less
number and is really sad that around 100 responses only 38 feel they are valued for their contribution.
Contribution mean anything with respect to work ideas and innovation etc. To feel valued by company is a very
good aspect for any employee.

The other 38% feel their contributions are not valued by the organization. Maybe the work they do is not getting
due recognition and they feel their work is not valued. There is also another possibility that employer may be
partial towards people which in turn does affect the employee morale which is a bad influence to the employee
and their growth in the organization. This might have a negative impact in the organization which might turn
into a problem for the employee as well as the employer.

The rest 24% feels nothing basically they are not too sure whether the company values their contribution or not.
Maybe they are not acknowledging about their contribution or maybe they are actually not good or contributing
anything to the organization.
Communicating the news about the organization depends totally on the organization and the employer whether
the news is worth sharing and whether the news might affect the employees’ performance in any way. Most of
the times whatever the news are generally communicated to the employees and also they are known why is that
it happened. What is the next step? How are we going to get through it? As all these things come into picture
generally the employers do communicate he changes which are to be done.

40.7% employees say a YES as they feel that the employers do communicate the news to the employees which
is good thing. The negative here is only 40 % thinks that feel they rest feel the other way around.
Communicating is really important as it is the employees’ right o know what the employer’s and the
organization are facing in reality otherwise it would become difficult t be the employers to do so.
Communicating the news makes it easier for the employees to work accordingly.

12% of employees feel that they are getting the news accordingly about the company that they are working for.
There is a possibility that the employee’s maybe a new joiners’ or they have no information about the company.
This is just a possibility from the employer point of view. But it is wrong to not communicate the news to the
employee as it later on affects the job of the employer.

47.2% do not even know that whether they are communicating the news or not which is a possibility it happens.
There is chance that they actually do not know whether there is a news or not which is why the % may be more.
Job responsibilities to be clearly defined is one the major role that should be done by the organization. The Job
description /job specification has got an important role in an employee’s job as It shows how it has done what is
the job role of the person which makes it easy for the employee as well as the employer. This in turn is also
good for the employees’ future. Lack of defining Job responsibility will lead to lot of mismatch jobs .

66.7% employees think that their job have been described properly. This is good that major chunk of people
think that this is done which makes it clear for the organization as well as the employee that what the role of the
employee is to, In this cases there are no problems for the employer and the employee as it is mapped with
organizational goals. Everything is fixed according the job they do and how much they contribute to the

16.7% People think that their job is not clearly defined that is their job responsibility is not done properly . This
can have a negative effect on their future as defining the job is really important to the next job their appraisal
and also on what basis are they judged by the company on what they do. This is really important as a person is
not aware what the job profile is and hence he or she is working on a lot of stuffs together will in turn will
become a problem for the employer and the employee as well.

The rest 16.7% says ‘maybe’. In this case the employees don’t know what their job role is actually. People in
this section will also have problems with respect to when the face job change. Their satisfaction level will
always be low as they don’t know what they are doing in the organization.
Distribution of work evenly is one of the major thing to do. It is understanding by the employee that the work is
distributed evenly or not. The team members do communicate in themselves so it is actually very easy to
understand whether the job is evenly distributed or not. Not distributing he work among the employees might
create problem to the employees as well as the employers as the employees feel that the other person is given
lesser work and which might crate rift between them.

54.6% employee’s think that their work is evenly distributed which is good that we have maximum cases where
people that the work is evenly distributed. This also affects the work culture of the organization as it is
important for the employee as well as the employer to keep the culture up. Rifts can be reduced if the same has
been done. Retention of employees are possible because the employees then do have a hope that the work going
on is fine.

25% employees think that the job or the work is not distributed properly. There is a chance that the efficient one
is given good work that is in terms of quality and the no efficient one is given only those work which is easily
possible. This can now affect the morale of the employee as well as the growth of the employee. Their learning
stops if the other person is given more quality of work .This also affects the culture and creates rift between the
employees and even rifts between the manager and the employees.

20.4% Comes in the category where we understand that they don’t know whether the work is evenly distributed
or not. There is a possibility of this happening as in some companies the other employees does not know what
the others are working on which in a way is good which does not create doubts in their case.
Being connected to your coworker keeps the employee morale good as they know that there are people who will
support you. This question is actually related to the question about the work culture. Co – workers do define the
culture and how they take it. The culture also includes the employees as they are the part of the organization.
Connecting to coworkers is really important for many people for some it may not be. This actually depends on
how they are n reality e.g. their personality.

75% people say that they feel connected which is good for the employees. As this is one of the major things for
employee job satisfaction. This can be a good example as the people out there are comfortable with each other
which makes its good for the other employee. The chance of them leaving the organization is reduced as they
already have a good bond with the other employees.

10.2% employees say that they do not connect to their coworkers. This might be because the they are introverts
or maybe there are new in the organization. This also can reduce their sustainability of staying in the
organization. It actually depends on people whether the relation with coworker matters to them or not. If not,
then it’s their look out but if it does matter and till it is not in good terms then it is con for the employee as well
as the employer.

The rest 14.8 employees are confused whether the relation s good or bad with their coworkers. It may be
because they do not know whether they connect r not. It can be because that the employee is no willing to
connect or it may be too so for them to connect.
An employee always looks for a job where his/hrt talent skills and abilities have been used. The point of
choosing a job itself is putting out the best in the job and doing the things which are choose to do. Any job
specifies particular skills and abilities in that case the employer will look for certain skills and abilities from the
employee so that he or she can perform on the same. The employee are generally satisfied when they do the job
in which they are comfortable in.

Around 40.7% of employees are the ones who utilizes the skills and abilities that the employer wants for. It is
actually a very less percentage that out of 100 only 40 people have their job define. There are rest 60% who
thinks their abilities are not used accordingly and the skills and competencies are not in use. When skills and
competency has been mapped in a good way only then the employee will be satisfied with the job they have.

24.1% of employees thinks that their skills are not used accordingly as they might have a feeling that the skills
and abilities what they have must be not of the job that they do. This can be an example of miss match at the
job. Which means that the skills they have and the job that they do are completely different and it does not use
the skills which they actually don’t have. It can have a negative impact on the employee job satisfaction as in
the later future as the employees’ skills are not used accordingly.

The rest 35.2% have voted for maybe that is it means they clearly means they do not understand whether the job
skills and abilities suit them and whether they are fir for the job or not.
There are times when managers ask their peers about the feedback and they feel that the employees are also
people who can tell them what to do and what not do. They can be the one giving suggestions as they know
what are they here for. Valuing our peers’ feedback is really important as they know that they are one who has
the knowledge on what they do. Around 41.7% of people think that manager’s takes their feedback seriously
there has to be a lot of things which needs to be taken into consideration where the manager and the subordinate
should have a good relation also the employee should he giving a valuable feedback in this case.

9.3% of employees feel that managers do not value their feedback this can be because of many reasons like they
might not have a good relation with the manager or maybe there are also cases that there might know feedback
which has to be given to the employee as their performance is already good.

There is a huge % of people who are in the category of maybe. This might be because people think that
managers do not know whether the managers are considering or not.

They don’t whether the managers think about the suggestions which are even. Mangers may be communicating
whether the feedback is valued or not.
Opportunity for individual growth is really important for all the employees. As every employee works for their
individual growth and development. But if that is not happening and it becomes difficult for the employee to
stay back in the company. Thus growth opportunities is really important. It can be in any way self-growth,
career growth etc.

68.5% employee say that they do get opportunity to grow in their company meaning they might be having the
work they do towards progress. The good thing about them is that they know they have opportunity and they
might be happy about the fact they are having this work.

Only9.3% people feel that they do not have any opportunity in the company. These employees may be not fit for
the job or they don’t understand what they are doing for the career is good or not. These employees are in those
category who are surely looking for a switch as they feel there is no opportunity.

The rest 22.2% employees have marked as maybe. This category will be the people who don’t understand that
whether the job is opportunity is making upto the career development as they do not know whether the job is
creating a value to them or not.
This question is basically a direct question towards whether they are so sure about their employment. This
question’s answers can make the employees understand whether they really like the company they are working
for or not. This can show the satisfaction they have for the job and how happy they are with the company.

38% employees are sure about the fact they will be working for the same company for the coming 2 years. This
is a clear indication that they are really happy with the job they are doing. They might be getting a proper pay
for the work they do. Also they might be happy with the culture of the company. Basically these employees are
satisfied in every way possible in the job they have.

25.9% say no. These employees are the one exactly they are opposite to the people who have said no. They have
no satisfaction with the job they do and they feel like quitting it. Now that depends on the job what they do.
There are different possibilities why they don’t want to work ft the organization eg. Pay, coworkers, mangers,
the job they do etc

36.1% employees says maybe. They are the ones confused in this as they clearly do not understand whether they
are satisfied with the job they do. They might leave or might not leave. They might be getting a lot of things on
a positive side but also few of them in a negative side. That’s why they might have said a maybe.
Being connected to your coworker keeps the employee morale good as they know that there are people who will
support you. This question is actually related to the question about the work culture. Co – workers do define the
culture and how they take it. The culture also includes the employees as they are the part of the organization.
Connecting to co-workers is really important for many people for some it may not be. This actually depends on
how they are n reality e.g. their personality.

67.6% people say that they feel connected which is good for the employees. As this is one of the major things
for employee job satisfaction. This can be a good example as the people out there are comfortable with each
other which makes its good for the other employee. The chance of them leaving the organization is reduced as
they already have a good bond with the other employees.

10.2% employees say that they do not connect to their co-workers. This might be because they are introverts or
maybe there are new in the organization. This also can reduce their sustainability of staying in the organization.
It actually depends on people whether the relation with co-worker matters to them or not. If not, then it’s their
look out but if it does matter and till it is not in good terms then it is con for the employee as well as the

The rest 22.2% employees are confused whether the relation s good or bad with their co-workers. It may be
because they do not know whether they connect or not. It can be because that the employee is no willing to
connect or it may be too so for them to connect.
55.6%% employees say a yes as they feel that the employers do communicate the news to the employees which
is good thing. The negative here is only 40 % thinks that feel they rest feel the other way around.
Communicating is really important as it is the employees right o know what the employer’s and the organization
are facing in reality otherwise it would become difficult t be the employers to do so. Communicating the news
makes it easier for the employees to work accordingly.

25% of employees feel that they are getting the news accordingly about the company that they are working for.
There is a possibility that the employee’s maybe a new joiner or they need no any confidential information
about the company. This is just a possibility from the employer point of view. But it is wrong to not
communicate the news to the employee as it later on affects the job of the employer.

19.4% do not even know that whether they are communicating the news or not which is a possibility it happens.
There a chance that they actually do not know whether there is a news or not which is why the maybe % is
There are times when managers ask their peers about the feedback and they feel that the employees are also
people who can tell them what to do and what not do. They can be the one giving suggestions as they know
what are they here for. Valuing our peers’ feedback is really important as they know that they are one who has
the knowledge on what they do.

Around 66.7% of people think that manager’s takes their feedback seriously there has to be a lot of things which
needs to be taken into consideration where the manager and the subordinate should have a good relation also the
employee should he giving a valuable feedback in this case.

14.8% of employees feel that managers do not value their feedback this can be because of many reasons like
they might not have a good relation with the manager or maybe there are also cases that there might know
feedback which has to be given to the employee as their performance is already good.

There is a huge 18.5% of people who are in the category of maybe. This might be because people think that
managers do not know whether the managers are considering or not. They don’t whether the managers think
about the suggestions which are even.

Mangers may be communicating whether the feedback is valued or not.

4.2 Secondary Data

There are certain things learned from the books and magazines. As seen in the form there are few unlike aspects
too on which the subordinate job satisfaction is exaggerated. You can find the following below:

Job gratification is a big module in employee appointment and the degree of flexible attempt squad members are
likely to make. No doubt, people’s work community performance suffers when they don’t spirit content with
their jobs, not to reference their quality of life.

When it comes to job gratification factors, the language usually rotates everywhere onsite perks and health
programs. However, less than 20% of appropriate employees in the US actually participate in health programs.

More imperative than the onsite gym and other perks are the emotional job gratification factors.

Of course, every different is unique in what they wish to achieve from their work, but position are some job
gratification influences that psychologists usually agree on.

Sympathetic the psychological factors of job gratification volition spring you the power to offering to your team
things that are truly important to them.


Not receiving action on their work can be quite dispiriting for most people. Operative action volition aid your
team followers know where they are and how they can improve.

You also demand to know what kind of response your team members respond to best. Inquiry shows that
novices seek and respond to positive response, while experts respond to denial criticism.

In the instance of denial criticism, it’s not enough to simply point out what is wrong. Explain why thing they did
isn’t working, and how it might be adjusted.

Pointing out to your squad members where you privation them to go is great. Mapping out the exact path they
demand to get location is not.

Autonomy and control are necessary for citizenry to spirit satisfied with their work. In fact, psychologists have
found that the less control condition citizenry rich person period of play their jobs, the more stressful and
unsatisfying they find it.

Small newspaper hassles

Workers’ job gratification is quite medium to newspaper hassles such as unnecessary busy work, or senseless
administrative tasks. Although they mightiness not seem like much, day-today irritations can really feeling job

The goodness intelligence is, this is one of the easiest things to change, and it’s a big hit in boosting worker
satisfaction. return a expression at your current processes and see if they can be simplified.

Ask your citizenry what their daily hassles are, and computer addresses them. They volition be grateful for it!


The more organizational support people perceive the higher job gratification they experience. Citizenry
privation to know that their workplace cares about them. This can be expressed through a battalion of messages,
from how superiors treat them, to the benefits they receive and other, more subtle, messages.

Even if you can’t offer your staff all the benefits and perks you’d like, the important matter is that they perceive
their organization supports them.


If you don’t recognize the accomplishments of your team, you might as well Tell your faculty that you don’t
attention about the work they do. And if you only communicate denial outcomes but don't recognize
accomplishments enough, you might discourage your team from pickings risks.
If you’re look to improve gratification at your workplace, try by starting with the easiest matter on this listing to
instrumentality in your company. Whichever one you choose, even if it mightiness not seem the like much,
knowing that it will be appreciated by your team members.

Balanced Lifestyle

A individual can arrest happy when he can enjoy professional as well as personal living equally. When
workloads and emphasis beginning to consume a man’s time for personal life, it leaves them mentally exhausted
and restless.

When a individual has too many problems in news article life, it causes a great impact on their professional
person performance. But, the wallop that is caused on personal life due to unmanaged piece of work living is
evening greater and worse.

Space for growth and career development

People are satisfied with their electric current job when they see chances for them to grow. Several companies
nowadays are engaged in providing proper preparation to their employees to make them capable of handling
new and challenging jobs.

Besides, many companies evening encourage their employees to acquire higher skills and qualifications by
portion them with their body and college tuition fees.

Higher qualifications and skills open the way to a publicity or calling promotion and employees spirit satisfied.


When the company gives opportunity to the employees to decide their workings period themselves, employees
are found to make better performance. Citizenry spirit satisfied when they get to work as per their schedule.

One thing that the companionship should support in head is that a target for all employees must be set so that
they could brand article of clothing output.

Work environment and conditions

Workforces spend most of their clip at the office. So, it is really compulsory that the office in return should care
round them and provide them with as much happy environment as thinkable.

A healthy working atmosphere includes cooperative generations, caring seniors, open announcement, etc. with
corporal aspects like proper striking, equipment, spacious places, etc.

Relationship with superiors

Workforces feel irritated when they are intervened and feel detached when they do not receive feedbacks at all.
A good boss must create space for open announcement so that personnel can share their opinion and problems
(if any) with their superiors. Attachment with the company is really necessary for employees to feel satisfied
with their job.

Human relationship with co-worker

Military personnel surroundings with rude and disagreeable coworkers is one of the major factors that develop a
denial mental boldness towards workplace, while the opposite is known to have pleased personnel to a higher
step as situation is very less chance of scraps and objections in the work which has employees with elevations

Job security

The sensation that the job volition discontinuing point long is a constituent f job satisfaction. Citizenry are
demotivated to work and are less dedicated to and attached with the job when they know that the job is


Every citizen’s works with a motive; the motivation to achieve something. Whether the accomplishment is
essential or extrinsic, it plays a vital meaning as in nourishing people. If a distinct endlessly puts in efforts but
does not get any accomplishment, he is demotivated to piece of work and is dissatisfied with the job.

Payment is another constituent that plays vital role in satisfying an employee. An employee who gets right field
sum of imbursement bestowing to their job is encouraged to continue salaried. But, when workers are paid
imperfectly they are disappointed with the job and can even stop workings in a long run.


Occasionally, when few words of compliments and a pat on the accept joint is not enough, wages plays its roles.
Whether the wages is monetary or non-monetary, it always upsurges the degree of eagerness and interest of a
different to complete the task. At the Lapp time, it creates a sense of fulfillment in the employees concerning
their job

Continued feedback

Continued responses from supervisors are really needed for a worker as he can know his strengths and
weaknesses. His volition knowing which of his plant is worth ongoing and which needs development.

In lack of feedbacks, employees won’t be able to alteration their public presentation and frankincense cannot
improve too.

Control condition on job

One mustiness rich individual control ailment on their job to feel satisfied with it. It is because when plant is out
of control, they are overpowering and more demanding. More impediments are also created due to which
workers’ spirit frustrated and unsatisfied with the job.

Organizational support

Workforces are more friendly and pleased with the job when they are maintained by the company. It is necessity
to strengthening personnel when they are going through any problems in professional person living as fountain
as in news article life. When the business works as a shoulder that personnel can reliance upon, they spirit
protected, with which ascends the feeling of fulfillment with the job
5. Conclusions and Suggestions

In this assembly key accumulation and conclusions of this research are recapitulated. Based on these
accumulation few suggestions rich person been proposed for improving the morale of the employees of the
Tamil Nadu province conveyance Corporation, Salem.

5.1 Findings

It is found from the analysis of the survey that bulk (97%) of the responder revealed that they are happy on the
place of posting.

It is earnings from the survey that bulk (53%) of the respondent revealed the ground for the felicity of the
topographic point of poster as the film mental attitude of the superior.
It is observed from the survey that goodness majority (79.5%) of the respondents revealed that they are satisfied
with the initiation plan organized by the TNSTC of Salem.

It is found from the analytic thinking of the survey that bulk (83.6%) of the respondent revealed that are
satisfied with the preset perquisites the like allowance, bonus and canteen facilities and the respondent (16.4%)
expressed that they are not satisfied.

It is observed from the study that a good majority (88.8%) of the respondents related that they are satisfied with
the training programmers organized by the officials of the TNSTC whereas11.2% of the respondents were
dissatisfied with the present method of preparation offered by various technical foul preparation and drive with
safe training programed as well as commuters human relationship preparation particularly for conductors.

It could be found that majority (64.2%) of the respondents were not satisfied with the nowadays piece of work
load in the TNSTC Salem.

It is observed from the analytic thinking of the survey that bulk (70%) of the respondent revealed that they are
not satisfied with the human relationship maintained by the higher-up officers of the transport corporation.

It is earnings from the survey that 59% of the respondents rich person good opinion on the place of goodness
facilities to their children.
It is learned from the analytic thinking of the survey that bulk (68.4%) of the respondents revealed that the
ground for the fortuity they rich person met due to the occupational stress.

It is observed from the survey that the activity taken by the management is the cause for the discontent of the

It is earnings that bulk (60.2%) of the respondent revealed that the employees are satisfied with the
displacement regulating and the allowances offered by the TNSTC to their employees.

It is observed from the survey that majority of the respondent expressed their sentiment on the grievances of the
employees are settled properly. It is found that most (48.5%) of the respondents are economy the matter on their
own interest in the organization.

It is inferred from the survey that bulk (74.4%) of the respondents were satisfied on the refuge measures
provided by the conveyance corporation.

It is learned from the study that (53%) of the respondents are having gratification and the remaining are not
having the fullest satisfaction.

It is inferred from the survey that bulk (81%) of the respondent expressed that there were satisfied on workers
engagement in direction insurance policy determination of the corporation.

It is observed from the survey that bulk (99.9%) of the respondents expressed their opinion on overall activity of
the conveyance corporation.

It is earnings from the analytic thinking that administrate staff have perceived the maximum levels of
satisfaction. The chi-square analytic thinking proved that location is a close relationship between the designation
and the degree of job gratification in TNSTC Salem.

It is earnings from the analysis that age plays an important function in perceiving the job satisfaction. The chi-
square analysis proved that location is a stopping point human relationship between the age and the degree of
job satisfaction.
It is found from analysis that the relationship between educational qualification of the respondents and the level
of job satisfaction. The chi-square analysis proved that there is close relationship between educational
qualifications of the respondent and their level of job satisfaction.
Factor analysis was employed in transferring a set of variables into a small number of linear composites which
have maximum correlation with original variables. It is used to study job satisfaction in order to identify the
major factors considered important by the respondents. The level of job satisfaction perceived by the employees
of TNSTC in the study area was studied by selecting twenty factors.
5.2 Suggestions

Since most of the employees of the conveyance corporations, especially drivers and conductors are on the road,
acting the responsibility by operating the buses, their performance depends upon their relationship with the
Management. Since it involves indirect supervision, the management should always be approachable for the
drivers and conductors. Sometimes the suggestions of the drivers and conductors shall be only the topper info
for path preparation such as gang and bus scheduling. And also when they are able to attack the top direction
easily they will come forward forgiving some film suggestions. For that they mustiness be appreciated and
allow to meet the top management, they volition spring the topper proposition for the betterment of the

The top management decision shall be highly rational number and should been the involvement of the
organization and also satisfy the needs of the employee. point every determination should be explained to every
employee in the corporation. A very simpleton determination of replacement old buses with new buses
sometimes leads to discontent among the gang of some old buses which would have been left out without any
reason. When the changes of the new buses to old one leads to discontent it could be rectified by guidance the
device driver and conductors and satisfactory.

The productivity of the crop collection, gross and monetary value economy are all depended upon the crew. The
diesel, oil ingestion and the fortuity which are the Major monetary value of military operation for buses depends
upon the mental make-up of the driver. The bus can be operated either at 50% or 150% cost, this depends upon
the music director and driver of the bus the productivity of the buses in footing of kilometer per bus per day is
directly responsible for the revenue. It can be achieved by the corp by involving the crewing all the
determination devising process.

The genuine grievances of the worker have to be addressed immediately. The transport corp mustiness rich
person considered the grievances of the worker and set right the grievances immediately without wait for mental
representation from the labor union or other external sources.

Since the transport corporation is highly working class oriented and where location is no possibility of direct
supervision, there is need for some disciplinary action. But this has to be highly rational. A driver involving in a
fatal fortuity after 25 old age of goodness religious service and a driver who is committing the one-third fatal
fortuity in 15 old age can't be dealt with similarly. And a conductor who is ranging 150% capability of the bus
and normally honest and a music director carrying 50% of the buses capability can't be dealt with similarly
for similar carelessness guerrilla and biased disciplinary activity defeats the very purpose of it. And also the
entreaty against any penalty should be settled immediately and adequately based on his performance.
Since most of the gang are not highly educated or informed, the proper openness of the top direction in
addressing the employees and ratting them frequently about the performance of the corporation, shall definitely
improve the job gratification of the crew.

The potential of the human beginning is uncommitted. Hence to optimize the ratio and effectively of employees
and the performance of the province conveyance corporation, the direction should rich person managerial
principle and practice. By which the job gratification of the gang and the public presentation of the crop in
providing inefficient, economical, adequate, condom conveyance to the populace can be achieved.

When it comes to mobilizing your troops, your achiever is mainly based on your ability to work with emotions.
This means that you demand to create an environs that is adapted to the development of positive emotions.
fosterage professional person and especially news article growing plays a major role in creating favorable
sentiments towards your organization for your employees. Citizenry who are encouraged to grow and develop
are more likely to green goods more efforts, pushing beyond their boundaries and deliver value in any
undertaking they undertake.

Communication is a key component of worker job satisfaction. An open communication is founded on coaction
and a piece of work environs that is stimulating to encourage exchanges between employees. Location is a unit
clump of tools that can facilitate communication: from project management software, to blink of an eye courier
app or live chats, to internal newsletters.

Your employees not only need to spirit at easiness within their workplace, but also useful. Your organization is a
project on its own which should be exploited to its full moon potential.

Wellbeing is often synonymous of a healthy mind. Psychological science is therefore an important component to
understand for effective human resource management. Simpleton proofs of recognition, such as a smiling in the
morning, a compliment, or just providing an attentive ear, are mindful touches which can have a great impact.
However, we should not disregard the physical and financial aspects attached to employee wellbeing. Financial
security brings the peacefulness of head needed to focusing our minds on other things than paying the bills
when we’re at work. Providing guarantees of medical care or retirement support are examples of actions that
volition aid conserves the mental health of your workers as well as their families.

Personal accomplishment is at the top of Maslow’s pyramidal hierarchy of needs. That’s why it’s not surprising
many of us develop a thirst for continuous learning and development.
Feedback can be seen as a word form of acknowledgment when it is constructive and wellspring presented.
Satisfaction goes through a two-sided dialogue, gift you the chance to learn about the challenges your employee
is confronted to, as wellspring as the aspects they enjoyed the most about their job.

Did your organization just win a prestigious award? rich person you been mentioned as an employer of pick or
just acquired a Major new account? Any of these are good reasons to high spot your employees as a squad as
wellspring as recognize their individual efforts. How should you announce the goodness news?

Creating a squad tone is as important as your employees’ motivation because piece of work is collaborative by
nature. Therefore, having a positive energy flow between co-workers is vital. This flowing is dependent on a
goodness communicating as well as the tools that reinforcement it.
5.3 Conclusion

In the management area, treatment living things especially human existences is not an easy job like non-living
thing such as finance, constituents further physical resources. The survival of any organisation is highly
depended on how the needs and wants of the employees are fulfilled to the determined extent. Every
establishments a set of ideal policies and observes which are applicable even to average employee, sometimes
number of conflicts are arises between supervision and personnel and leads to innumerable bad moments like
fall in yield, economic loss, high rate of labour incomings and loss of character etc. in this aspect we can say
that the hominoid possessions is the precious assets and only the active factor in the factors of production.
Hence almost all the grounds in developed realms are distinguishing their human resource by and large amount.
It is a great blessing to the nation. Majority of the workforces being closely associated with every energy of the
Transportation Creation. I assured that when the company considers the above suggestion it is no doubt that the
establishment will be bagged with the numeral of rewards for good services to the people in the country.
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1. Kailasam, S.P., Job Satisfaction of bank employees - A Comparative Study of Nationalized and Non-
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2. Percy Rose, B. A study on Employee’s Job Satisfaction in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Neyveli,

3. Rajeswari, A., “A Comparative Study on Job Satisfaction of Women Employees of Public Sector Banks and
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4. Rama, A., “Job satisfaction of Bank Employees - A Study with Reference to Kamarajar District”, Madurai
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This is to certify that Ms. Shreeya Pillai has worked and duly completed her/his Project

Work for the degree of Master in Commerce under the Faculty of Commerce in The subject of Human Resource
Management and her project is entitled, “Factors affecting employee satisfaction in small to medium enterprise”
Under my supervision.

I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my Guidance and that no part of it has
been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of any University.

It is her/ his own work and facts reported by her/his personal findings and Investigations.

Project Guide/Internal Examiner External Examiner

Prof. _______________________ Prof.________________________

___________________ ___________________

Dr. (Mrs.) Vinita Pimpale Dr. (Mrs.) Shobana Vasudevan Course

Co-ordinator Principal

Date: Seal of the College




Declaration by learner

I, the undersigned Miss. Shreeya Pillai declare that the work embodied in this project work hereby, titled
“Factors affecting employee satisfaction in small to medium enterprise”, forms my own contribution to the
research work carried out under the guidance of Vinita Pimpale is a result of my own research work and has not
been previously submitted to any other University for any other Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.

Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly indicated as such and
included in the bibliography.

I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and presented in accordance
with academic rules and ethical conduct.

Name of the learner: Shreeya Pillai

Signature: _________________________________

Certified by

Name of the Guiding Teacher: _________________

Signature: __________________________________

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh dimensions in the
completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to do this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, Dr. Mrs. Shobana Vasudevan for providing the necessary facilities
required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator Dr. Mrs. Vinita Pimpale, for her moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Vinita Pimpale Whose guidance
and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference books and magazines
related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped me in the completion of
the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported me throughout my project.

Signature of the Student

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