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Study on characteristics of electrochemical

machining in producing multilayered

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1755, 110003 (2016);
Published Online: 21 July 2016

Andi Sudiarso, Angger A. Aladiat, and Muslim Mahardika


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1755, 110002 (2016);

Influence of parameter on the performance of a standing-wave thermoacoustic prime mover

AIP Conference Proceedings 1755, 110004 (2016);

Electrochemical machining of stainless steel microelements with ultrashort voltage pulses

Applied Physics Letters 79, 1721 (2001);

AIP Conference Proceedings 1755, 110003 (2016); 1755, 110003

© 2016 Author(s).
Study on Characteristics of Electrochemical Machining in
Producing Multilayered Microfilters
Andi Sudiarso1˒a), Angger A. Aladiat1, b), and Muslim Mahardika1, c)

ˡMechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl.
Grafika 2 Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia

ª)Corresponding author:


Abstract. Optimization plays an important role in a process to avoid waste; specifically waste of time and efforts. As
for electrochemical machining (ECM), optimization can be done through optimizing its parameters such as voltage
and electrolyte (NaCl) concentration. The goal of this optimization is to have the highest value of material removal
rate (MRR) and the lowest overcut (OC). The research is conducted by varying 3 levels of voltage (9.5, 11 and 12.5
V), 3 levels of NaCl concentration (100, 150 and 200 g/L) and 3 times the replication of full factorial design
approach (FF). Machining was done by using die sinking method with stainless steel 204, for both the electrode and
workpiece. The results obtained from this research that voltage and NaCl concentration have a significant influence
on the value of MRR and overcut, where its influences are formulated in the form of linear regression models.
Besides that, the highest MRR obtained at a voltage of 12.5 volts and NaCl concentration 200 g/L with value 17.86 ×
10-4 g/s, while for the lowest overcut obtained at a voltage of 9.5 volts and NaCl concentration 100 g/L with overcut
value 0.032 mm. Thus, a greater level of factors will result in greater MRR, and lower level of factors will result in
lower overcut.

Nowadays, various fields of industry have started to apply the technology of machining. Another industry
that applies the technology of machining is the health industry. An example of machining technology in the
health industry is the production of the biomaterial. Wearable Artificial Kidneys (WAK) is an example of the
biomaterial. WAK does the hemodialysis process for people who suffer from kidney disease. To prolong their
life, most of them take hemodialysis or kidney transplantation. Taking hemodialysis is rather costly while
transplanting kidney turns out to be hard to find a suitable kidney. Thus it drives people to wear artificial kidney.
The filter device used in WAK is assembled by alternately bonding chamber layers made of titanium and
semipermeable polymeric membranes made of polyethersulfone (PES) by the wet phase inversion method. The
PES membranes sandwiched between each two chamber layers act as barriers [1]. Besides titanium, stainless
steel is material to produce the multilayered microfilters. The selection of stainless steel to replace titanium to
produce a filter of WAK is based on the characteristic of stainless steel which is closely similar to the
characteristic of titanium. Stainless steel is a relatively hard material. This brings hurdle to machine stainless
steel. If it is treated by conventional machining, the surface result will be less likely to be smooth. Moreover,
corrosion is an important issue especially in prolonged implantation in human tissues for devices in close
contact with physiological fluid [2].
A machining method known as Electrochemical Machining (ECM) can be an alternative solution in treating
the surface of stainless steel. ECM works by using the principle of electrolysis. ECM is useful in many areas
related to the semiconductor, bio-hygiene, medical, ultra-clean gas, large vessel, and atomic energy industries
Some research on ECM were conducted by Hocheng & Pa [4], and Nunez et al. [5]. Almost all of them used
stainless steel 316 L as material, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid as electrolyte solutions, and copper as the
electrode; the responses were material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra). Based on their research,
factors that affect MRR and Ra significantly are an electrical current, machining time, gap/ position and

Advances of Science and Technology for Society

AIP Conf. Proc. 1755, 110003-1–110003-7; doi: 10.1063/1.4958537
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1413-6/$30.00

geometrical characteristic of the electrode, initial roughness of material, and composition of the electrolyte
solution. Nunez et al. [5] stated that temperature doesn’t have a significant effect.
Sahu et al. [6] also conducted research that studied about ECM. Parameters that were used in this research are
voltage, feed rate, and flow rate. The responses of this research are MRR and Ra. The conclusion of this
research is that feed rate and voltage significantly affect the responses while flow rate insignificantly affects the
responses. Lee et al. [7] conducted another research about ECM. Voltage, barrel rotational speed, electrolyte,
and process time were selected factors. This research concluded that applied voltage and electrolyte
temperature are two factors that significantly contribute to the surface roughness.
The result of the parameter optimization is also determined by the method of the optimization used.
Nowadays, there are many methods to optimize the parameters. Goswami et al. [8] used the Taguchi method to
find the optimum parameter. The benefit of using this method is that this method can analyze multi-factors
simultaneously; the weakness of this method is that this method cannot describe the interaction between factors
since this method presumes that each factor is independent. More complex method, response surface
methodology, was used by Senthilkumara et al. [9]. This method can analyze multi-factors and levels while this
is also able to determine the interaction between the factors. The weakness of this method is that the calculation
is way more complex. A simpler method, fractional factorial design, was used by Lee et al. [7]. The number of
the experiments is less, and this method has considered the interaction between factors. Practically, to choose
the optimization method needs to consider the factors that are being analyzed, time and cost, and the skill
of the researcher. There is no guarantee that more complex method will result better, and otherwise.
Electrochemical machining of stainless steel is rather a complex process, hence many parameters are
involved. Thus an optimization to find the best combination of parameters needs to be conducted. Optimization
plays an important role in a process to avoid waste; specifically, waste of time and efforts. The optimal process
will lead to optimal production result.


Electrode and Workpiece

Electrode and workpiece that were used are stainless steel 204, the dimension of the electrode (non-isolated)
is 25.1 × 24.9 mm while for the workpiece is: 25 × 50 × 0.3 mm. The workpiece, insulator, and tool electrode
are shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 consecutively.

FIGURE 1. Dimension of raw material (in mm)

FIGURE 2. Isolation area dimension (in mm)

(a) (b)
FIGURE 3. (a) Surface of electrode (b) Dimension of the overall electrode (in mm)

Experimental Measurement Tools

To measure the result of the experiments, some instruments are used to help. The devices and tools used to
measure the result of experiment are:

1. Material removal rate measurement

Measurement of MRR is started by comparing the weight of workpiece before and after the machining.
Digital scale Sartorius is used to measure the weight.
2. Overcut
Overcut is measured by using Dino-Lite digital microscope and DinoCapture software.

Since the profile of the workpiece is rather complex, the measurement of overcut is divided into some
measurement sectors. The measurement sectors are shown in Fig. 4.

FIGURE 4. Overcut measurement sectors

This study will examine 2 factors with each consisting of 3 levels (Table 1), where these conditions will
result in 9 combination experiments. Also, all of these experiments will be conducted in three times replication
with a full factorial design approach.
TABLE 1. Process parameters and their levels
Factor / Parameter
- 0 +
1 Voltage 9.5 V 11 V 12.5 V
2 Electrolyte concentration 10% 15% 20%

Experimental Procedure
Preparing the machine, tools and materials that will be used: Electro-Chemical Machine, power supply,
stopwatch, screwdriver, electrode, wires connection, multimeter, hose, water pump, isolation sticker, Sartorius
scale, electrolyte container, stationery, electrolyte (NaCl), Stainless Steel 204, and distilled water. Applying
isolation sticker to the workpiece (Stainless Steel 204), weighing the mass of the workpiece to know the initial
weight of the workpiece. The weight of the NaCl classifies into 3 levels: 100, 150, and 200 g/L. Mixing the
NaCl into distilled water. Setting up the machine, putting the water pump to the electrolyte container part of the
machine, putting electrode and workpiece to the machine, connecting all electrical connections including
multimeter to the power supply (positive pole to the workpiece, negative pole to the electrode). Setting the
position of the electrode, put 2 mm gap between electrode and workpiece. Turning the water pump on, thus the
water will flow through the electrode and sink the workpiece. Turning the power supply on so the electrical

current will flow and machining process occurs, simultaneously start monitoring the machining time with the
stop watch by the time the power supply is turned on. Turning off the power supply after the machining process
is complete, taking out the workpiece and cleaning the machine.

Measurement of Responses
Material Removal Rate (MRR) is the amount of material removed by machining process per
unit time. As for Electrochemical Machining, MRR could be theoretically calculated by using Eq. 1 below,
where m0 is the weight, in grams, of the workpiece before machining, mt is the weight, in grams, of the
workpiece after machining, and t is the machining time in seconds.

m0 mt (1)
While, overcut is measured by comparing the size of the hole to be made to the size of the hole in the workpiece
from machining result, using Eq. 2, where disolated is the size, in millimeters, of the isolator and dworkpiece is the
size, in millimeters, the size of the workpiece after machining.

OC  disolated dworkpiece (2)

After each response is known, then the next is mathematical modeling. In describing the effect of the two
factors used mathematical models that follow the equation of linear regression models using Eq. 3 as shown
below (no interaction), where Y is the output/response, B0 is the average experimental result, B1 is the
coefficient of factor-1, B2 is the coefficient of factor-2, X1 is the optimum level of factor 1 (-1, 0, or +1), and X2
is the optimum level of factor 2 (-1, 0, or +1).

Y  B0  B1 X1  B2 X2 (3)


Experiment Results
After the run order is set, the experiment can be conducted based on the run order. The results of the
experiment are analyzed to characterize the effect of voltage and electrolyte concentration to material
removal rate (MRR) and overcut (OC). The results are shown in Table 2, Fig. 5, and Fig. 6. Comparison
between maximum theoretical and average MRR is given in Table 3.

FIGURE 5. Comparison of MRR

FIGURE 6. Comparison of overcut

TABLE 2. Experimental results

Parameters MRR Overcut

(×10-4 g/s) (mm)
Voltage (V) Concentration t (second)
1 9.5 100 600 10.17 0.039
150 600 13.33 0.144
200 600 15.48 0.221
11 100 480 10.83 0.032
150 480 13.96 0.179
200 480 16.43 0.263
12.5 100 420 12.17 0.095
150 420 14.58 0.202
200 420 17.38 0.309
2 9.5 100 600 10.50 0.096
150 600 13.13 0.190
200 600 15.71 0.203
11 100 480 11.33 0.095
150 480 13.96 0.158
200 480 16.19 0.263
12.5 100 420 11.83 0.158
150 420 14.17 0.184
200 420 16.19 0.365
3 9.5 100 600 9.83 0.063
150 600 13.75 0.116
200 600 15.24 0.224
11 100 480 11.17 0.095
150 480 14.38 0.175
200 480 16.90 0.289
12.5 100 420 12.33 0.107
150 420 14.38 0.193
200 420 17.86 0.369

The highest MRR obtained at a voltage of 12.5 V and NaCl concentration 200 g/L with value 17.86 × 10-4
g/s, while for the lowest overcut obtained at a voltage of 9.5 volts and NaCl concentration 100 g/L with overcut
value 0.032 mm.

TABLE 3. Comparison between theoretical and experimental MRR
No. Maximum
Voltage Maximum Average MRR
Theoretical MRR
(V) Current (A) (× 10-4 g/s)
(× 10-4 g/s)
1 9.5 12 34.30 13.02
2 11 15 42.88 13.91
3 12.5 18 51.45 14.54

MRR Analysis
By using analysis of variance to MRR, factors that affect significantly to dependent variable or response
(MRR) can be known. Calculation of this analysis is done by using Ms. Excel. If the value of calculated F > F
from F table (α = 5%) or P-value < (α = 5%), then it can be inferred that the factor has significant effect to the
Both factors, i.e. voltage and concentration, have a significant effect on the response. The greater value of
calculated F, the greater its effect on the response. Table 4 shows that concentration affects more significantly
than voltage does. Table 5 shows T-test result for MRR.

TABLE 4. Analysis of variance of MRR

Source of Variation SS df MS Calculated F P-value F (table)
Voltage (V) 124.1 2 62.04 407.854 1.02E-15 3.555
NaCl Concentration (g/L) 10.6 2 5.299 34.835 6.48E-07 3.555
Interaction 0.824 4 0.205 1.3535 0.289 2.928
Within 2.73 18 0.152
Total 138.25 26

TABLE 5. T-test results for MRR

Coefficients Standard Calculated P-value
Error T
Intercept -1.5073 2.0867 -0.7223 0.4771
Voltage (V) 0.7260 0.1747 4.1567 0.0004
NaCl Concentration (g/L) 0.4730 0.0524 9.0278 3.48E-09

Results from T test can be used to represent the linear regression model:

MRR Ŷ  1.5073  0.726 * X1  0.473* X2 (4)

Overcut Analysis
By using analysis of variance to overcut, factors that affect significantly to the response (overcut) can be
known. In this test, if the value of calculated F > F from F table (α = 5%) or P-value < (α = 5%), then it can
be inferred that the factor has a significant effect on the response, as shown in Table 6.
TABLE 6. Analysis of variance for overcutting
Source of Variation SS df MS F (Calc.) P-value F (table)
Voltage (V) 0.1664 2.0000 0.0832 118.953 4.2143E-11 3.5546
Concentration (g/L) 0.0267 2.0000 0.0134 19.1228 3.5209E-05 3.5546
Interaction 0.0074 4.0000 0.0018 2.6357 0.06822 2.9277

Within 0.0126 18.0000 0.0007

Total 0.2131 26.0000

Individual T-Test can be held to know the effect of each factor to the response (overcut). In this test, the value of
calculated T will be compared to the value of T from T Table, as shown in Table 7.

TABLE 7. T-test results for overcutting

Coefficients Standard Calculated P-value
Error T
Intercept -0.507 0.095 -5.316 1.87E-05
Voltage (V) 0.043 0.008 5.392 1.55E-05
NaCl Concentration (g/L) 0.013 0.002 5.616 8.82E-06

Results from T test can be used to represent the linear regression model:

Overcut Ŷ  0.507  0.043 X1  0.013 X2 (5)

This experiment concludes that the highest MRR with value 17.86x10 -4 g/s is achieved with a
combination of level +1 for every factor, 12.5 V of voltage and 200 g/l of NaCl concentration. On the other
hand, the lowest point of overcutting, 0.032 mm, is resulted from a combination of level -1 for each factor. 9.5
V of voltage and 100 g/L of NaCl concentration. Thus, a greater level of factors will result in a greater MRR,
and lower level of factors will result in lower overcut. Mathematical models for every change of level of
factors to the response are: MRR Ŷ = 0.968 + 0.455*X1 + 0.525*X2 and Overcut Ŷ = -0.507 + 0.043* X1 +

Special thanks to Prof. Norihisa Miki (Keio University, Japan) for valuable remarks and suggestions during
the experiments and also Dr. Gunawan S. Prihandana (UMY, Indonesia) for the collaboration of research.

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