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Indian Standard

( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Indian
! ( ) Srandards Institution o n 24 October 1980, after the draft finalized by the
Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lints Sectional Committee had
been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
0.2 Indian Standard 'Specification for reels a n d drums for bare wire'
1 ( IS : 1778 ) was originally published in 1961 while IS :2889 'Specification
I for drums for trolley and contact wire' wag published in 1964. As the
requirements for drums for conductors and trolley and contact wires are
cssentially the same, it was decided while preparing this standard, to covcr
the drums for these two applications by a single standard. This standard,
therefore, supersedes IS : 11889-1964.
1 0.3 In this revised standard the importa~itdimensions far various compo-
ncnts of drums, which were not covered in the earlier standard, have also
been specified.
i 0.4 For t h e purpose of deciding whether a particular requ~ireme~t.ofthis "

standard is con~pliedwith, the final value, obscrvcd or calculated, expressing

the result of a test, shall bc rounded off in acordance with IS :2-1960*.
T h e number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should
i be the sarne as that of the specified value in this standard.

I 1.' This standard specifics the requirements for wooden drums for
overhead line conductors.
1.2 This standard also covers the requirements for drums for trolley and
I contact wires.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the names of the various component
parts of drums as shown in Fig. 1 and 2 shall apply.
'Ilules for rounding offnumcrical values.

Fro. 2 DRUMS
3.4.1 Bor7el-MiddlaSupport - In case of drums having 3-ply construction,
3.0 T h e drums shall be so constructed and made from such materials that disc type middle barrel supporu of 2-ply construction hvith a 100 mm
they satisfy the conditions specified in this standard. T h e flan e u n d -
barrcl shall from protruding material (apablc 0 5 n g rhe
diamerer hole concentric with the 100-mm diameter holes in the flanges,
shall be provided a t the centre of the barrcl end support? as shown in
cbtbtuctor o p ~ . cdf
o r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d * ~ ~ ~ ~ t h , t - ~roiatr6n ~ th2
a ~ od-rqm:
~ ~ d T71e
u r i r i- ~ Fig. 2.
generaI~Eonstructiona1features o f the -shill 6-c~~-5lioivn-iii Fig. 1 1
a n d 2 and in Table 1. 3.5 Barrel - Each batten shall be of segmental type and shall be nailed
3.1 Wooden Components -
All wooden components shall be manufac-
to the barrel end supports with one nail at each side for 50 mm wide
boards and at least two nails for all wider boards. T h e battens shall be
tured throughout of seasoned wood, preferably softwood. T h e wood uscd closely buttcd and provided with a smooth and round external surface to
i r r the construction shall be sound and free from defects that materially - the barrel. T h e edges of the battens shall be chamfered.
weaKen the component parts of the drums. Woodpreservative shall be
used at the points where the barrel and flange components r r. ,'% 3.6 Stretchers - Stretchers may be used in the construction of drums
If rcquirrd by the purchaser, the preservative treatment shall be applied and the middle end supports when provided shall be slotted to receive
t o the entire drum. :hem. Alternatively, the spindle plate (bush ) bolts shall extend through
NOTE I f agreed between t h e purchaser a n d t h e supplier, t h c wooden corn-
u ;the traverse length of the drum.
ponents may be n ~ a n u f a c t u r e doitt of ascu-treated wood. Guidance regarding t \ p e s
of preservatlver, their brief description, methods of t r e a t m e n t and rhc type'and 3.7 Iron Work - Normally, nuts on the barrel bolts or studs shall stand
c e treatnirnt, may be obtained from IS :401-196.7..
c ~ ~ o i of proud of the flange but, if especially required on t h e smaller drums, the
3.2 Flanges -Flanges shall be of 2-ply construction in case of flanges nuts may be countersunk. All iron work shall b e in accordance with the
having thickness of 64 m m o r less and 3-ply construction in the case of dimensions given in T a b l e 2 a n d shall be given a covering of protective
fiangcs having thickness more than 64 mm. Each ply shall be nalled and paints.
clenched together at approximately 90' for 2-ply and approximately 60' 3.7.1 T h e ends of bolts or studs shall be flush with the top of the nuts
for 3-ply construction. Nails shall be driven from t'he illside face of the or rivetted over the nut.
flange, punched and t%en clenched on the outer face. Flange boards shall
not be less than the nominal thickness by more than 2 mm. Therc TABLE 1 DRUMS FOR BARE WIRE AND STRANDED CONDUCTORS
shall be not less than two nails per board in each circle. T h e number of ( Clauzrs 3.0 and 4.1 )
circies of nails shall be in accordance with Table 2.
3.2.1 Where a slot is cut in the flange to recclve the inner end
of the conductor, the entrance shall be in line with the periphery of the
3.2.2 T h e flanges of the drum shall be large enough to prevent any
possible contact
-- between the conductors
.---- and the-ground during handling .
or-transport. For drums having 3-ply construction t h c ~ r b j e c t i o n of
flanges beyond the outermost layer of the conductors shall be a t IN'<
125 mrn and at least 50 m m for drums havingflanges of 2-ply c o n s t r u c ~ ~ - i .
3.3 Spindle Hole - T h e spindle hole shall be cut through the centre of ,'
the middle flange board and either spindle plates or cast iron bushings
shall be fitted by bolts and nuts as required by the purchaser.
3.4 Barrel-End Supports - T h e supports shall be securely fixed to the
flanges by nailing and shall be segmental type or disc type as may be
agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturers. 105 x 105 66
-- -- -
-- -.- - * 1 900 1 500 600
* C LIP of practice for prr.servation of timber (secondrevision ). T h e s e d r u m s a r e used for trolley a n d contact wires nrpplied to railways.
3.7.2 U-nails o r bolts of appropriate sizes shall be providcd or
of one of the flanges to secure the conductor ends.

c) Size a n d type of conductor,
4.1 T h e drurn sizes shall always b e denoted by the flange diame d ) Xet mass OF thc conductor,
dimensions shall. be in accordance with Tables 1 a n d 2.
e ) Gross mass of the d r u m a n d conductor,
5. PROTECTIVE ARRANGEMENT f ) Length/lcngths of the conductor,
5.1 Protective Wrapping - T h e barrcl surface ' a n d inner sur g) Posirion of the conductor encl,
flanges of the drums meant for aluminium a n d steel cored alu h ) Name and address of the consignee, and
. conductors shall be painted with b i t u m e ~based paint. A layer oi j) Drum and lot number.
roof material shall be provided over the barrel and the ir r sur
flanges. Another layer of water-proof material shall be provided ( L-3
j, 6.2 Marking - T h e drums may also b e marked ~ v i t hthc Standard Miirk
last layer of conductor and under the laggings.
.- NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is ~ u v e r ~ ~bye dthe provisions of the
5.2 Protective Lagging - Protective lagging, if required by the B ~ of Indian
~ Srandards
. ~ Act,~ 1936~ and the Ru!is and Regulations made there.
ser and stated in the enquiry or order shall be of the type as ( under, ~h~ Standard M u k on products covered by an Indian Standard convcys
in 5.2.1. [ h e assur:lnce that they have-baen produced to comply with the rcquire!nent6 oi th;ir
standard llnder a well de~nedsy.iteru o: inspectron, testing and quality con!rol
5.2.1 External Laggings is devised and su;icrvised by RIS and operated by :he produ:cr. Standard
m3rked j~roductsore also cont~nuouslychecked by BIS for conformity to that T h e external lagging shall be closely fitted and sha stn,,dar,j aj a further gfeguard. Details of co!ldirions under which a licence for
,he u5e of [he Srandard Mark may be granted to manuiaclurers or producers may
the thicknesses given in Table 2. be obtained from theBureau of Indian Standards.
5.2.1@ Recesses of size 30 x 2.5 m m shall be made in each
batten constituting the cxicrnal lagging to accommodate the bindr
. 7. TESTS

5.2.13 .Binders consisting of hoop iron or galvanizcd steel wi 7.1 Type Tests - T h e following shall constitute type tests:
b'e provided over the cxternal laggings. a ) Visual examination ( 7.3 ), a n d
b) Barrel batten strength ( 7.4 ).
5.2.2 I t is recommended that the drums having 3-ply constructi!
'also be provided with circumferential battens of suitable thickne -
7.2 R o u t i n e Tests T h e folloiving sliall constitute routine test:
the water-proof wrapping to protect the conductor from damage Visual examination ( 7.3 )
transit in the everit of brcakagc/dctachment o f t h e external la;
Circumferential battens shall be fitted suitably t o the cxtcrnal 7.3 Visual Examination - Each d r u m shall be examined visuallg for
preferably press fitted and nails shall not be used for fixing these t good
- worknla~~ship.
7.4 Barrel Batten Strength Tlie barrel batten shall have strength
twice that of winding tension. T h e winding tension may be obtained from
6.1 Labelling - T h e drum numbcr shall b e branded or gaui the conductor manufacturer. T h e load shall be applied in the middle of
stencilled into the flange. An arrow shall be markcd on the sides the barrel in a manner as agreed to between t h e purhaser and the
drum, together with the words ' Roll this way '. T h e following pzrt
of the contents of the drum shall be providcd on the outside of the u supplier. T h e barrcl battens shall not show signs of breaking after the
application of this load.
in such a manner that it cannot b.e easily removed:
7.4.1 I n case the d r u m a r c meant for tension stringing the barrel .
a ) Afanufacturcrs' name or trade-mark, batten strength shall not b e less than 300 kg.
b) Contract/spccification numbcr,
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