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Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

DOI 10.1617/s11527-015-0628-0


Bond behaviour of reinforcing bars in UHPFRC

Experimental investigation

Pierre Marchand . Florent Baby . Aghiad Khadour . Thomas Battesti .

Philippe Rivillon . Marc Quiertant . Hong-Hai Nguyen . Grégory Généreux .
Jean-Paul Deveaud . Alain Simon . François Toutlemonde

Received: 27 February 2015 / Accepted: 4 May 2015 / Published online: 21 May 2015
Ó RILEM 2015

Abstract This paper deals with the experimental the bond stress has been determined and compared with
determination of the bond behaviour between ultra-high the law proposed by fib Model Code 2010.
performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) and
reinforcing bars (rebars). An experimental campaign Keywords Ultra high performance fibre reinforced
has been carried out to assess the bond behaviour concrete (UHPFRC)  Ultra-high performance
considering different rebar diameters, different embed- concrete (UHPC)  Bond stress  Development length 
ment lengths and different concrete covers. A relation- Pull-out
ship between bond strength, compressive strength and
rebar diameter has been drawn from the results of this
campaign and results found in the literature. Thanks to
an original instrumentation method using Fiber-Optic 1 Introduction
Sensor, the local constitutive law linking the local
relative displacement between UHPFRC and rebar and Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete
(UHPFRC) is a class of cementitious-based composite

P. Marchand (&)  F. Baby  A. Khadour  P. Rivillon

M. Quiertant  F. Toutlemonde e-mail:
Université Paris-Est - IFSTTAR,
H.-H. Nguyen
77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France
F. Baby G. Généreux  J.-P. Deveaud
e-mail: CEREMA-DTecITM-CTOA-DGOI, 110 rue de Paris,
77171 Sourdun, France
A. Khadour
J.-P. Deveaud
M. Quiertant
F. Toutlemonde A. Simon
e-mail: Eiffage TP, 93300 Neuilly sur Marne, France
T. Battesti  P. Rivillon  H.-H. Nguyen
Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment,
77447 Marne la Vallée Cedex, France
1980 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

materials designed to exhibit excellent mechanical and – the first one is to have the less intrusive method
durability properties, including sustained post-crack- system as possible: the measurement device
ing tensile strength [2, 3, 4, 6, 14, 24, 29, 32, 33, 35]. should not modify the bond behaviour between
Thanks to these improved material properties, thin and rebar and concrete, as is the case with traditional
durable structural elements can be produced. strain gauges;
In most cases, UHPFRC is applied in association – the second one is the capacity to measure the strain
with prestressing to take main load effects and more all along the rebar with a very high resolution
seldom using rebars. In this last case, a safe account- (equivalent gauge length should be about 1 mm).
ing for contribution of rebars to structural ductility has
to be ensured. Composite action between concrete and Measurement with Fiber-Optic Sensor (FOS) fixed to
reinforcing steel cannot occur without bond. There- a grooved rebar was considered the most relevant
fore, the bond performance of rebars plays a major solution to meet these requirements.
role in the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures Previous studies conducted in the laboratory have
when subjected to static and dynamic loads, especial- demonstrated the efficiency of FOS systems to
ly for crack width control. A high bond value will lead evaluate with accuracy the strain profile along several
to small cracks, close from each other, while a lower axis of a tested reinforced concrete specimen [16]. The
bond value will lead to larger cracks. Insufficient technique used consisted in a FOS directly embedded
bond can generate sudden failure with very low into concrete. Here, we have chosen to introduce the
ductility. As explained in [12, 13, 23, 28], the bond FOS inside the rebar, as our purpose was to directly
behaviour is governed by different factors such as the measure the strain of the rebar.
geometry of the bar (relative rib area fR), the strength The measurement method was developed in a first
of the concrete, the thickness of the concrete step of the experimental program and is described in
surrounding the rebar, the confinement conditions the following references: [20, 25]. The reliability of
due to stresses perpendicular to the axis of the bar and the technique relies on different technical aspects:
due to the presence of transverse reinforcement
– the FOS coating was chosen very thin and with a
(rebars or fibers). It can also be possibly affected by
relatively high stiffness;
a size effect.
– the embedment was ensured by placing the FOS in
The use of steel fiber reinforced concrete is known
a groove machined along the rebar and filled with a
to improve the mechanical properties, control the
very fluid glue (bubbles should be avoided) which
crack formation and increase the ductile behaviour of
becomes very rigid after setting;
the concrete. Thus it was found that such enhanced
– out of the glued zone, where the FOS separates
properties lead to an increase in the bond between steel
from the rebar, the FOS had to be protected to
fiber reinforced concrete and deformed steel bar [8, 11,
resist the concreting phase, the formwork removal,
15, 18, 21, 30]. Concerning the bond behaviour of
and the different handling operations of the
rebar embedded into UHPFRC, some experimental
specimen before the pull-out test.
programs have been carried out previously [1, 7, 17,
19, 22, 26, 31, 36]. However, for these programs Qualification of this FOS implementation process
mainly based on direct tensile tests on reinforced included direct tensile tests and bending tests on bare
UHPFRC members, strain monitoring of rebars was bars, where the distributed measurement of the FOS
not carried out, and only the average bond stress along could be easily compared to strain gauges measure-
the anchorage length could be directly estimated. ment. Preliminary pull-out tests on bars embedded in
From these tests, local bond stress-slip laws have been UHPFRC elements, and bending tests on reinforced
deduced, using some model assumptions. UHPFRC beams have also been carried out. Thanks to
Nevertheless, the easiest way to obtain the local this equipment with FOS used for each specimen, a
‘‘bond stress-slip’’ law is to measure directly the strain local ‘‘bond stress-slip’’ law has been determined for
for each abscissa along the rebar in the anchorage the tested UHPFRC in each considered configuration
zone. To reach this aim, it was necessary to find an (different rebar diameters, embedment lengths and
original method, satisfying two main criteria: concrete covers).
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1981

2 Description of the experimental program For thin elements, a total of twenty eight UHPFRC
plates containing one embedded rebar were cast. The
In order to investigate the bond behaviour of a rebar pull-out tests were carried out thanks to a testing
embedded into UHPFRC, pull-out tests that consist of machine associated to a rigid assembly in order to
the extraction of a bar partially embedded in a concrete avoid a global movement of the plate (see Fig. 1d).
block were carried out. The specimen instrumentation was the same for
both thin and thick elements.

2.1 Test parameters

2.3 Specimens fabrication
Only one type of UHPFRC mix was used in this study.
For thick elements, rebars have been embedded in
This UHPFRC is commercially available in Europe
UHPFRC blocks. The bottom of the rebars has been
[9, 34]. It comprises polypropylene fibers in addition
placed in a small plastic box fixed to the formwork to
to 2.5 % vol. steel fibers. Table 1 provides details of
keep this part out of concrete and protect the FOS. The
this UHPFRC mix. Pull-out specimens were con-
top of the rebar was also strongly fixed, to maintain the
structed with rebars, available on the French market
rebar as vertically as possible. The anchor length has
(characteristic yield strength, fyk = 500 MPa).
been adjusted with bond breakers as shown in Fig. 1e.
Since concrete cover is known to have a significant
The concrete was poured directly from concrete
influence on bond characteristics, it was deemed as
bucket into the formwork.
necessary to measure bond characteristics of rebars
For thin elements, timber formworks have been
embedded in UHPFRC thick and thin elements.
fabricated. The bottom of the formwork was drilled to
Covers of 20 and 30 mm were chosen for thin
let the rebar go through. The rebar was strongly fixed
elements and around 190 mm for thick specimens.
to prevent any movement during concreting. The
For each configuration of confinement, two rebars
UHPFRC was poured direcly in the formwork using a
nominal diameters (8 and 12 mm for thin elements and
small bucket or with a special sheet, as shown in
12 and 16 mm for thick specimens) and also two
Fig. 1f.
embedment lengths were tested (4–8 times the rebar
Figure 1g shows a picture of the rebars, with
diameter for thin configurations and 2.5–8 times the
indication of the spacing between ribs. Figure 1h and 1i
rebar diameter for thick configurations).
show two examples of rebars instrumented with a FOS
and 1j shows a section of a grooved rebar with FOS
2.2 Test setup inside.
For both thick and thin elements, rebars have been
The test scheme is shown in Fig. 1a. The specimens placed vertically and concrete has been poured
instrumentation consists of: vertically, to ensure an homogeneous bond condition
around the rebars.
(i) a FOS embedded into the rebar,
(ii) two linear voltage displacement transducers
2.4 Loading procedures
(LVDTs) (C1 and C2 in Figure 1b) to measure
the rebar relative displacement compared to
During experimental campaign, three kinds of loading
the UHPFRC block on top side,
have been applied (see Fig. 2):
(iii) one LVDT (Dp in Fig. 1b) on bottom side.
– Monotonic Loading (ML),
The test setup was slightly different for thin and thick – Stepwise Loading with descents (SL),
elements. For thick elements, a total of four single – Stepwise Loading with three quasi-static Cycles at
UHPFRC test blocks containing six embedded rebars each step (CL).
were cast. For each test, the tensile load was applied
thanks to a hydraulic jack with tripod in order to avoid Monotonic loading was used for each configuration to
or at least limit an eventual bending of the steel rebar obtain a reference value (maximum strength) for the
(see Fig. 1c). estimation of the different steps of loading.
1982 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

Table 1 Materials UHPFRC mix

Premix 2296 kg/m3
Superplasticizer 38 kg/m3
Steel straight fibers 195 kg/m3 (2.5 % in volume)
Lf = 20 mm
/f = 0.3 mm
Polypropylene fibers 1.5 kg/m3
Lf = 12 mm
/f = 18 lm
Water 207 kg/m3
Curing regime Exterior then lab conditions
Dynamic slump test (DIN Cone after mixing) 598 mm
UHPFRC characteristics in compression

Age 28 days Age of

Curing regime Lab Lab
Mean value fcm 191 MPa 205 MPa
Characteristic value fck 183 MPa 184 MPa
Young’s modulus 57.9 GPa 62.4 GPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.22 –
Steel reinforcement characteristics

Rebar diameter 8 mm 12 mm 16 mm
Rib height am (mm) 0.60 0.72 1.33
Rib spacing c (mm) 6.40 6.79 9.5
b &0.055 &0.056 &0.074
Relative rib area fR
Grooved No Yes No Yes No Yes
Young’s modulus (GPa) 181.4 174.0 188.4 186.9 190.5 id.
Yield strength fy (MPa) 518.9 id.
Proof Stress at 0.2 % (MPa) 615.2 591.3 532.1 516.0
Measured on 110 9 220 Ultimate stress (MPa) 650.4 618.4 590.5 577.4 624.5 id.
mm cylinder
b Ultimate strain (%) 2.36 2.35 4.37 6.37 8.8 id.
Determined according to
EN 15630-1 [10] Type of steel Cold worked Hot rolled

Different kinds of loading procedures have been continuously during the whole test duration. The
applied to assess its influence on the final results. In situation was different for FO measurement, as the
particular, the quasi-static Cycles were done to acquisition lasts a few seconds, it was necessary to
assess the capacity of the anchorage under repeated maintain the load or the jack displacement during
loading. thirty seconds to a constant value (time to perform
Data acquisition with traditional measurements the acquisition, name and save the data file) (see
(LVDTs, load cells, strain gauges) was performed Fig. 2).
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1983

Fig. 1 Pull-out test setup (a) (b)

and specimens: a setup
general scheme;
b instrumentation; c picture
of setup on a thick element;
d picture of setup on a thin
element; e picture of thick
element during casting;
f picture of a thin element
during casting; g surface
configurations of tested
rebars; h /12 mm rebar
instrumented with a FOS;
i /16 mm rebar
instrumented with a FOS;
j cross section of a groove
containing a FOS, observed
with a microscope

(c) (d) (e)

(f) (g)

(h) (i) (j)

1984 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

(a) according to the [3] procedure. The characteristic

value of limit of linearity is 9.13 MPa. The
corresponding mean value is 10.65 MPa.
– Three point bending tests on notched cast prisms
with dimensions 100 9 100 9 400 mm in order to
determine the post-cracking behavior under ten-
sion (with a ‘‘stress—crack opening’’ approach) at
material scale, according to the [2, 3] procedure.

The average and characteristic ‘‘r-w’’ relationships

have been obtained respectively from the average
curve ‘‘bending stress (BS)—Measured crack opening
(b) (wmeasured)’’ and from the characteristic curve
‘‘BS-wmeasured’’ derived from three point bending tests
on notched cast prisms (Fig. 3). The inverse method
described in [2, 3] has been applied to average and
characteristic curves ‘‘BS-wmeasured’’ for each
UHPFRC. Then the obtained ‘‘r-w’’ curves have
been corrected to connect it to the elastic-phase curve
(before cracking). Indeed the notch created for the
three point bending tests induces a stress concentration
which can disturb the behavior of the cementitious
matrix. Thus the values of the limit of linearity
(c) obtained from the four point bending tests on
unnotched cast prisms have been chosen [2, 3]. The
‘‘r-w’’ curves have also been smoothed using a
moving third degree polynomial interpolation with an
interval of crack openings equal to 0.05 mm. The
smoothing method is the following:
(i) for each crack opening w, we want to
obtain the corresponding stress r. We
then consider every experimental points
with wi 2 ½w  dw; w þ dw, with dw =
0.05 mm.
Fig. 2 Applied loadings: a Monotonic loading (ML); b Step- (ii) we calculate the third degree polynomial P
wise loading with descents (SL); c Stepwise loading with three which interpolates the best the experimental
quasi-static cycles at each step (CL) points wi.
(iii) we deduce the value of r with r = P(w).
2.5 Materials properties
As for the rebar, the r-e relationship has been
experimentally determined for each kind of rebar (see
For the UHPFRC, characterization tests included:
Table 1). The influence of the groove on the
– Compressive tests in order to determine the mechanical properties has been studied in testing bars
compressive strength, the Young’s modulus and with and without groove. The loss of strength is about
the Poisson’s ratio (see Table 1). 5% for 8 mm diameter rebars, 2% for 12 mm diameter
– Four point bending tests on unnotched cast prisms rebars and negligible for 16 mm diameter rebars. The
with dimensions 100 9 100 9 400 mm in order to rigidity is reduced in about the same proportion for
determine the limit of linearity under tension, each diameter.
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1985

14 induces that bond between UHPFRC and rebar is

Tensile stress (MPa)

12 effective in the whole embedment length. This

10 assumption is confirmed by the linear strain profile
along the reinforcement (measured by FOS) close to
Mean curve the ultimate load (see Sect. 3.2). Thus, when slip
Charact curve between UHPFRC and rebar is noticed on bottom face,
the maximum average bond stress over the embed-
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 ment length can be considered as the bond strength.
Crack width (mm) For thick elements, the type of failure depends on
Fig. 3 Average and characteristic ‘‘r-w’’ relationships ob- the embedment length: slip or pull-out failure when
tained with inverse analysis [2, 3] for the tested UHPFRC embedment length equals 2.5 / and rebar failure when
it equals 8 /. For short embedment length, the
maximum bond strength is equal to 53.2 MPa on
3 Experimental results: description and analysis
average for 12 mm diameter rebars and 57.7 MPa for
16 mm diameter rebars.
In this part, the experimental results are presented and
In order to assess more precisely the influence of
analyzed. In a first approach based on the results
confinement on bond characteristics, these experimental
derived from the external instrumentation of the
results are compared with data from literature. Table 3
specimens (load and displacement measurements),
presents experimental studies dealing with bond be-
first quantitative figures on the UHPFRC bond
haviour of rebars in UHPFRC. In considering only data
capacity are deduced and compared to results from
for which a global slip of the rebar has been observed,
literature. Then FOS results are used to grasp the local
inducing that maximum bond strength can be estimated
bond behaviour of reinforcing bars in UHPFRC. Thus
from the average bond strength over the embedment
local ‘‘Bond Stress-Slip’’ curves for rebars embedded smax
length, the curve p ffiffiffi ¼ f ð/c Þ is drawn in taking into
in UHPFRC are obtained. FOS results are also used to fc
identify the influence of load cycles repetition on the account results from the present dedicated program
local bond behaviour of rebars in UHPFRC. and literature (Fig. 5). smax , fc , c and / are respectively
the bond strength, the UHPFRC compressive strength,
3.1 Anchor length and maximum bond stress the concrete cover and the rebar diameter.
identified from pull-out tests It can be noted that the point at the bottom left on
Fig. 5b is given by Saleem et al. [31] and corresponds
Table 2 presents experimental results for thin and thick to a very long embedment length (18 /). In this case, it
specimens. seems that the bond strength smax cannot be reached on
For thin elements, yielding of the rebar has been the whole embedment length.
obtained in all configurations, except for the smaller With all these results, the following idealized curve
cover (20 mm), higher rebar diameter (12 mm), and is proposed, corresponding to the limit of observed
shorter embedment length (4 /). The ultimate load has debonding failure:
exhibited very low scatter, which corresponds to the
average tensile strength calculated over the rebar smax
p ffiffiffi ¼ 3:5 c c
4 / if / 4
cross-section. Only in the case with cover less than fc
smax ð1Þ
1.7 /, concrete splitting has been observed, which p ffiffiffi ¼ 3:5 if c
/ 4
corresponds to having reached the tensile strength of
UHPFRC in a reduced thickness zone, possibly where smax and fc are in MPa.
affected by a concreting defect (Fig. 4). For short The mean value of compressive strength at the age
embedment length, even if failure has occurred by of test has been considered here to plot the graph
yielding of the rebar, a slip between UHPFRC and (fc ¼ fcm ), but for a design purpose, the characteristic
reinforcement has been registered on bottom face. It value at 28 days should be used (fc ¼ fck ).
Table 2 Test results

Spec. type Rebar Spec. Conc. Embed. Spec. Load Max Equiv. Type of Regist. Average
diam. thickness cover length name typea load stress failureb slip bond stress
kN MPa mm MPa

Thin 8 mm 48 mm 20 mm 4/ 48-4-1 SL 30.8 613 F?PF 0.76 38.3

48-4-2 CL 29.8 592 F No –
8/ 48-8-3 CL 30.7 611 F No –
48-8-4 SL 31.3 623 F No –
48-8-5 ML 31.4 625 F No –
48-8-6 CL 31.2 621 F No –
68 mm 30 mm 4/ 68-4-1 ML 30.6 610 F No –
68-4-2 SL 30.4 605 F No –
68-4-3 CL 30.7 611 F No –
68-4-4 CL 30.4 605 F No –
8/ 68-8-5 SL 30.8 613 F No –
68-8-6 SL 30.8 613 F No –
68-8-7 CL 31.3 622 F No –
68-8-8 CL 31.2 621 F No –
12 mm 52 mm 20 mm 4/ 52-4-1 SL 59.6 527 Sp?PF 0.54 32.9
52-4-2 CL 66.2 585 F?PF 0.17 36.5
8/ 52-8-3 ML 66.4 587 F No –
52-8-4 SL 66.5 588 F No –
52-8-5 CL 67.2 594 Sp?F?PF 0.35 37.1
52-8-6 CL 63.5 561 Sp?F No –
72 mm 30 mm 4/ 72-4-1 ML 66.1 584 F?PF 1.00 36.5
72-4-2 SL 66.6 589 F?PF 0.55 36.8
72-4-3 CL 66.2 586 F?PF 0.40 36.6
72-4-4 CL 66.2 585 F?PF 0.62 36.6
8/ 72-8-5 CL 65.8 582 F No –
72-8-6 CL 65.8 582 F No –
72-8-7 SL 66.2 585 F No –
72-8-8 ML 66.2 586 F No –
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995
Table 2 continued
Spec. type Rebar Spec. Conc. Embed. Spec. Load Max Equiv. Type of Regist. Average
diam. thickness cover length name typea load stress failureb slip bond stress
kN MPa mm MPa

Thick 12 mm – 194 mm 2.5/ 194-2.5-1 SL 61.8 546 PF 10.7 54.6

194-2.5-2 SL 62.4 552 PF 7.2 55.2
194-2.5-3 CL 59.3 524 PF 7.7 52.4
194-2.5-4 CL 57.9 512 PF 1.1 51.2
194-2.5-5 CL 59.6 527 PF 8.9 52.7
194-2.5-6 ML 60.5 535 PF NCc 53.3
8/ 194-8-1 SL 66.4 587 F No –
194-8-2 SL 65.8 582 F No –
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

194-8-3 CL 66.4 587 F No –

194-8-4 CL 67.0 592 F No –
194-8-5 CL 64.9 574 F No –
16 mm – 192 mm 2.5/ 192-2.5-1 CL 118.2 588 PF 2.3 58.8
192-2.5-2 CL 118.8 591 PF 7.1 59.1
192-2.5-3 SL 122.2 608 PF 8.3 60.8
192-2.5-4 CL 119.3 594 PF 1.3 59.3
192-2.5-5 SL 115.9 577 PF 2.8 57.7
192-2.5-6 ML 100.9 502 PF 7.5 50.2
8/ 192-8-1 ML 132.4 659 F No –
192-8-2 SL 133.4 663 F No –
194-8-3 CL 132.4 658 F No –
192-8-4 CL 130.9 651 F No –
192-8-5 CL 131.9 656 F No –
192-8-6 SL 133.4 663 F No –
ML monotonic loading, SL stepwise Loading with descents, CL stepwise loading with 3 quasi-static cycles at each step
Sp concrete splitting, F rebar failure, PF pull-out failure, rebar slip
Not measured
1988 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

static cycles. This can also be highlighted by the strain

curves obtained with FOS measurements. As shown
on Fig. 7a, b, the strain curves are strictly identical
before and after the cycles.

3.4 Local ‘‘Bond Stress-Slip’’ curves of rebars

embedded in UHPFRC

When a load is applied to the rebar, a relative

displacement between UHPFRC and the rebar occurs.
Assuming that the deformation of the concrete is very
small in the vicinity of the rebar, the relative
displacement d is almost equal to the displacement
of the rebar itself dS . Throughout the rest of the
document, we will use this hypothesis to consider the
two displacements d and dS as equal. Thanks to FOS
giving the longitudinal strain eðxÞ along the rebar (x
refers to the abscissa along the rebar), and the LVDT
sensor located at the free end of the rebar giving
displacement Dp below the end of the anchorage zone
Fig. 4 Splitting observed on thin element with small concrete (see Fig. 1b), the local displacement of the rebar can be
cover obtained very easily by adding the displacement Dp to
the integrate of strain (Fig. 8a). As for the bond stress
sðxÞ, it is quite proportional to the derivative of the
3.2 Shape of strain curves along the rebars
strain along the rebar eðxÞ. Indeed, there is an easy
in the embedment length
relationship between the strain eðxÞ and the stress rðxÞ:
For the rebars with an embedment length of 8/, the rðxÞ ¼ f ðeðxÞÞ ð2Þ
shape of the strain curve is exponential, whether for
thin elements or thick element specimens, as shown on where f is the material constitutive law of the rebar
Fig. 6a, b. (obtained through characterization tests). Writing the
For the rebars with an embedment length of 4 / (thin mechanical equilibrium of an infinitesimal length dx
elements) or 2.5 / (thick elements), the shape of the of the rebar:
strain curve tends to be linear, as shown on Fig. 6c, d. p:/:dx:sðxÞ ¼ As ½rðx þ dxÞ  rðxÞ ð3Þ
The waving observed in the length of the rebar
under pure tension (Lt in Fig. 1a), and to a lesser extent As dr
dx ðxÞ / dr
in the embedment length, has a period which corre- sðxÞ ¼ ¼ ðxÞ
p:/ 4 dx
sponds approximately to the spacing of the rebars ribs.
This can be explained by the fact that the FOS is not where As refers to the cross-sectional area of the rebar
centered in the rebar but is glued in a groove created at Hence, sðxÞ can be deduced from the strain eðxÞ along
the periphery of the rebar. Hence, the strain seen by the the rebar (Fig. 8b). However, as the curves eðxÞ
FOS is the strain close to the surface of the rebar and is obtained with FOS measurements are quite irregular
consequently affected locally by the ribs. (FOS measures the longitudinal strain at the surface of
the rebar), it is necessary to smoothen the curve before
3.3 Influence of the loading method deriving eðxÞ or rðxÞ. For this purpose we use the
smoothing method described in Sect. 2.5 (moving
Table 2 giving the main results of the tests shows no polynomial interpolation with polynomial of order 3
influence of the way the specimen has been loaded. In fitted on interval ½x  dx; x þ dx with dx = 20 mm)
particular it does not exhibit any effect of the quasi- (Fig. 8c).
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1989

Table 3 Pull-out tests on rebar embedded into UHPFRC: details on considered experimental campaigns drawn from literature
Ref. Conc. type Vf /f Lf Comp Rebar Rebar Embed. Conc. Bond
strength type diam length cover strength
% mm mm MPa mm MPa

[5] – 1 0.2 13 155a FeB44K 14 3.2/ 1.5/ 20.0

2/ 27.0
18 3.3/ 1.5/ 17.5
2/ 25.0
[26, 27] DuctalÒ FM 2 0.2 13 160b – 4 2/ 4.5/ 42.0
165b 3.25/ 4.5/ 48.0
[19] BSIÒ Ceracem 2.5 0.3 20 191c – 12 1.7/ 6.2/ 61.0
2.5/ 6.2/ 59.3
20 2/ 3.5/ 65.7
2.5/ 3.5/ 55.4
2.5/ 3.5/ 54.5
[36] – 1 0.2 13 197d – 16 1/ 4.2/ 66.7
2/ 68.2
2 202d 1/ 74.6
2/ 70.9
3 207d 1/ 76.3
2/ 71.8
4 185 1/ 68.3
2/ 71.1
[31] – 2 0.2 13 166a HSS 10 8/ 1.3/ 15.2
10/ 16.2
12/ 17.8
22 8/ 0.59/ 12.2
10/ 10.6
12/ 9.9
174a 18/ 4.6
Method of measurement not indicated
Measured on 100 mm cube
Measured on 70 x 140 mm cylinder
Measured on 100 x 200 mm cylinder

In each abscissa of the rebar where strain has been from FOS measurement are generally too difficult to
measured with FOS and for each load value where data smoothen and then to derive. The variation of
have been recorded, we thus obtain a couple of local displacement due to the rebar deformation becomes
values ðd; sÞ. Figure 9a shows all these points ðd; sÞ negligible compared to the displacement Dp , if Dp is
obtained at different abscissa x along the rebars, for sufficiently high (we consider this is the case in this
different loading values and for different thick element study if Dp [ 0.03 mm). Hence we can consider the
specimens. displacement constant along the embedment length;
For high load values leading to slipping (in the case moreover as the bond stress tends to be constant along
of short embedment length), the curves eðxÞ drawn the embedment length, we can complement the points
1990 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

(a) (b)

Fig. 5 Experimental points and proposed idealized curve for normalized maximum bond stress versus normalized cover thickness:
a only with points drawn from this experimental campaign, b with points drawn from this experimental campaign and from literature

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 6 Strain curves for different configurations displaying 4-2 (thin elt, / ¼ 12 mm and LE ¼ 4/); d 194-2.5-5 (thick elt,
Embedment length LE for: a 72-8-5 (thin elt, / ¼ 12 mm and / = 12 mm and LE ¼ 2:5/)
LE ¼ 8/); b 194-8-5 (thick elt, / ¼ 12 mm and LE ¼ 8/); c 52-

shown above with the couple of global values with F the force applied to the rebar, / the rebar
ðDp ; sm Þ, where sm is the average bond stress along diameter and LE the embedment length.
the embedment length, namely: When considering all the local and global values
obtained experimentally out of thick elements, using
F FOS results and Dp results, it is possible to obtain the
sm ¼ ð5Þ
p:/:LE set of ðd; sÞ couples shown on Fig. 9b, c.
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1991

(a) (b)

Fig. 7 Strain curves before and after cycles for different configurations: a 48-4-2 (thin elt, / ¼ 8 mm and LE ¼ 4/); b 194-8-5 (thick
elt, / ¼ 12 mm and LE ¼ 8/)

(a) (b)


Fig. 8 Method to obtain local ‘‘Bond Stress-Slip’’: a determining dðxÞ; b determining sðxÞ; c smoothing of curves eðxÞ before
determining and deriving rðxÞ

As shown in Fig. 10, there is a good adequation 2 micro-cracking. UHPFRC surrounding the rebar
between both values for displacement Dp higher than displays micro-cracking which leads to a decrease
0.03 mm. of stiffness.
If the smoothing method described in Sect. 2.5 is 3 slipping (debonding). The bond stress is roughly
used, the curve displayed on Fig. 11 is obtained. In this constant while the rebar slips in the concrete,
figure three phases can be distinguished in the leading to a pull-out failure. The minimum
anchorage mechanism: observed length of this slipping regime is about
0.5 mm in this study, as the load is maintained
1 quasi elastic phase. UHPFRC surrounding the
constant up to displacement of at least 0.6 mm
rebar behaves linearly under the pressure of the
(see Fig. 9c).
rebar ribs.
1992 Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995

(a) (b)


Fig. 9 a Local values of ðd; sÞ for thick elements using only FOS results; b Local and global values of ðd; sÞ for thick elements using
FOS and Dp results; c Local and global values of ðd; sÞ for thick elements with a bigger scale for abscissa



τ (MPa)

Local values
20 Global values


0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
δ (mm)

Fig. 10 Local values and global values of ðd; sÞ for thick Fig. 11 ðd; sÞ curve after smoothing
element 192-2.5-4

3.5 Comparison with model code

s0 ¼ smax ðd=d1 Þa for 0  d  d1
In this part, experimental results obtained in this s0 ¼ smax for d1  d  d2
campaign are compared with the local bond-stress slip s0 ¼ smax  ðsmax  sf Þ ðdðdd 2Þ
3 d2 Þ
for d2  d  d3
proposed by the fib Model Code [13] and a modifica- s0 ¼ sf for d3  d
tion of the formula proposed by the Model Code is
proposed. pffiffiffiffiffiffi
The formula proposed by the Model Code is the with smax ¼ 2:5 fcm , d1 = 1.0 mm, d2 = 2.0 mm,
following : d3 = clear distance between ribs, a ¼ 0:4 and sf ¼
Materials and Structures (2016) 49:1979–1995 1993

(a) (b)

Fig. 12 a Local bond-slip relationships AfMC1 and AfMC2 compared to experimental ðd; sÞ values; b Local bond-slip relationships
AfMC1 and AfMC2 compared to ðd; sÞ curve after smoothing

0:40smax in the case of pull-out failure mode and in the UHPFRC to transfer force from rebar into concrete in
case of good bond condition.1 different conditions.
If we try to fit the fib Model Code formula with our Influence of concrete cover on the embedment
results, it is necessary to increase the value of smax up length has been described in a graphic expressing the
to smax ¼ 3:9 fcm (the factor 3:5 proposed in Sect. 3.1 bond stress as a function of the compressive strength
being a safe value). The values of d1 and d2 have to be and of the ratio of the bar diameter with respect to the
reduced respectively from 1.0 to 0.1 mm and from 2.0 concrete cover. Such results can be used to determine
to 0.6 mm. The local bond-slip relationship obtained the anchorage length in different configurations.
is called AfMC1 (Adapted fib Model Code no1). No influence of the loading method (cycled load or
A better fit can be obtained by adapting the first not) has been observed.
term of equation 6. Thanks to the original instrumentation of rebars
  b  with FOS, a local stress-displacement law has been
s0 ¼ smax 1  d1dd 1
for 0  d  d1 ð7Þ derived and compared to fib Model Code formula. The
results displayed in this article confirm that when
with b ¼ 3: The new local bond-slip relationship designing UHPFRC structures, embedment length
obtained is called AfMC2 (Adapted fib Model Code shorter than for ordinary concrete can be considered.
no2). AfMC1 and AfMC2 are compared with ex-
Acknowledgments The works detailed in this paper were
perimental results in Fig. 12a, b.
carried out within BADIFOPS research project, aiming at
Parameters d3 and sf corresponding to the descend- developing ductile solutions of UHPFRC structures for
ing branch are rather difficult to assess given the earthquake-resistant applications, where optical fibers SHM can
scattering of the results for large value of d. Conse- be fruitfully applied. BADIFOPS is a French-State sponsored
project (2011–2014) within ‘‘Design and Build for Sustainable
quently, we have only focussed on the first two
Growth’’ program of the Civil Engineering Department Unit of
equations proposed by fib Model Code. the Ministry in charge of Sustainable Growth (Grant no 10 MGC
S010). Partners are Eiffage Company, CSTB (research center for
buildings), Ifsttar (public works research institute) and Sétra, now
CEREMA (Highways Agency).
4 Conclusions

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