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Dear Partners,

Pusat Kesihatan Kepong is organizing a TB screening camp this Saturday 12 May at the Pasar Borong Selayang
Please inform the refugee communities ( if you are working with them in Selayang area) to go for this free
The Stall and business owners have already been informed.

The screening will be at the Pasar Borong Selayang ( look for their tent)
from 12 am – 6 am ( since the market is operational then)
And from 8 am – 4 pm on 12 MAY

Kind regards

Dr Susheela Balasundaram
Associate Programme Officer (Health)
Programme Section

TB ရရရ/ရရရရ ရရရရရရရရရရရရရရရရရရရ

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ရရရရ း Pasar Borong ရရရရရရရ ရရရရ (Pasar Borong ရရရရရရရရရရရရရ)

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