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Inequality Project Facilitation Guide 

Please share a copy of the completed facilitation plan with your facilitators week 9 of class. As you 
create the content for your segment, we ask that you be mindful about making the activities or 
engagement inclusive for all participants..  

Inequality Project Title 

Pressures of Reporting Sexual Assault on Campus with Intersectionality from Women of Color 

Goals  Addressed By 

What do you want participants to get out  How will your group accomplish this goal? 
of this facilitation? 
Understand what sexual misconduct is and   
understand examples of sexual harassment    
All of these goals will be accomplished through our game of 
Understand how directly impacted campus is by  Kahoot. Each question targets a specific bit of information 
sexual harassment  around sexual assault and after each question we will go further 
into detail.  
Understand how women of color are directly 
impacted by sexual harassment and how we can be 
allies to support  

Please be as specific as possible! 

● What supplies do you need (print outs, markers, note cards, etc)? We will provide markers and newsprint.  
● What are the AV needs for this facilitation that is already available in our room? 
Computer that can connect to the television so we can pull up the kahoot.  
Computer-to-tv connection cord a.k.a. HDMI. 
Additional Needs? 

Agenda Item   Time Allotment  Lead 

Opening  5 Minutes  Isra + Armando 

● Review of facilitation goals, group expectations, etc. What 
needs to be done to prepare group for your facilitation? 
Reviewing the common trends of sexual misconduct at large in the 
United States so we have their brains primed about the sexual 
misconduct themed injustice, to which they will be able to look at 
the injustice through the lens of racial identity as well. 

Main Activities  20 Minutes  All of us 

● Main learning activity, dialogue. What will you be doing? 
Questions to ask? 
Kahoot with discussion about questions in between. After the 
answer is revealed for each question, any confusion or opposing 
viewpoints will have the opportunity to be brought up and further 
discussion can be had. 

Closing  5 Minutes  Sarah + Thomas 

● How will you end the facilitation?  
Following the Kahoot and our last wrap-up question, discussing the 
answers on how as RA’s if disclosures come our way we can 
properly respond to our residents and show them their options.  

Debrief Questions 
Create debrief questions 
● We have them in the kahoot! One of them is about applying disclosures to being an RA 
● Also, what was this experience like for you? What most surprised you etc.  
● How does your identity play into your own experiences with privilege or marginalization on this campus? (to 
think about, not to answer in class) 

Remember to come up with a Plan B: 

What might not go as expected? (running out of time, having too much time, checking out, using 
unsafe language, etc.) What is your plan B to address the unexpected?  
- If we run out of time we will only go a little more in depth with the questions on the kahoot that we
feel are central to what we are trying to talk about and just let people answer the questions and
continue on. In addition we have the opportunity to skip over some questions if we need.
- If unsafe language is used then we will address it head on and say things like “we understand
what you are trying to say however there are different ways this can be said as for it may be

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