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Name_______________________________________________ Date_____________________

Fighting for Equality in the ’60s Guided Notes

Listen to the lyrics of “For What It’s Worth” by Buffalo Springfield.

Why do you think this song was released in 1966? What events could have triggered the artist to
write this song? Do you think this song portrays a good or bad image of the 1960s?

African Americans and Civil Rights

True or False: African Americans began to fight for Civil Rights in the 1960s.
Brown v. Board of Education, 1957
• ___________ case
• Reversed the ________________________ case (1896)
• Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, “_________________________________________”
• Unanimously ruled that _______ segregation in public schools violated the 14th Amendment
• Immediate ________________ of public schools
Little Rock Nine, 1957
Explain what is happening in the photo:
Greensboro Sit-ins, 1960
Explain what is happening in the photo:
Freedom Riders, 1961
• Black and white students took bus trips together through the South to protest ____________
• Bus riders were confronted with __________ incited by white protesters
• Some riders were arrested by police
• These events brought major awareness to their cause
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
• August 28, 1963
• The largest demonstration on the nation’s capital
• Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech
What was the purpose of this march?
Civil Rights Act of 1964
• President __________________ signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964
• This act protected citizens against discrimination on the basis of
• Called for immediate desegregation of ______________
• Established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
March on Selma, 1965
Explain the significance of this photo:
Compare and contrast two events that we just discussed.
Why do you think these events were important in the fight for civil rights for African
What role did college students play in the fight for civil rights? Why would college students
have such a great impact?

African American Influence on Equal Rights

African American Activism influenced activism among:
Mexican Americans
Three goals of the Chicano Movement

United Farm Workers Association, 1965

• Union launched by ______________________ and _______________
• Led a national boycott of __________, grape pickers went on strike
• Fought for _________________________ and _____________________
• Grape growers finally acknowledged the United Farm Workers as a ______
Los Angeles Walkouts, 1968
• Latino students conducted city-wide protests in Los Angeles, demanding fair treatment from
their school district
• Latino students were discriminated against by policies that:
banned restroom use !
during lunch !
• Protesters were met with police brutality
• Walkouts resulted in school reform and higher enrollment rates in college for Latino


In what ways did African American Activism directly influence Mexican American activism
for equality?
What kind of struggles did both African American and Mexican American individuals face in
American society?
Asian Americans
Jot down your thoughts on this photo:

Native Americans
Draw an image that may represent Native Americans protest over land:

Fill in the blanks:
Culminating Questions
Think about how organized protests have resurfaced in light of the new presidential
administration in 2016.
In what ways are current protest events (Women’s March, Black Lives Matter, March for Our
Lives, Dakota Access Pipeline protests, etc.) similar and different from the protests of the

Culminating Activity
Now that you have learned about the events that have paved the way for equal opportunity
protests, write a few paragraphs about how the events of the 1960s direct impact our lives

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