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Aerodynamic Diameters and Respiratory

Deposition Estimates of Viable Fungal Particles in
Mold Problem Dwellings

T. Reponen

To cite this article: T. Reponen (1995) Aerodynamic Diameters and Respiratory Deposition
Estimates of Viable Fungal Particles in Mold Problem Dwellings, Aerosol Science and Technology,
22:1, 11-23, DOI: 10.1080/02786829408959724

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Aerodynamic Diameters and Respiratory
Deposition Estimates of Viable Fungal
Particles in Mold Problem Dwellings
T . Reponen
Kuopio Regional Institute of Occupational Health,
P. 0 . Box 93, FIN-70701 Kuopio,

The aerodynamic size distributions of particles of ma- of fungal particles would he deposited in the nose and
jor fungal genera or groups, i.e., Penicillium, Cladospo- 30%-40% in the alveoli during nasal breathing, whereas
rium, Aspergillus, and yeasts, were studied in real 70% would be deposited in the alveoli during oral
exposure situations in mold problem and reference breathing. More Aspergillus species spores were esti-
dwellings. A new calculation method was used to esti- mated to deposit in the alveoli for occupants of mold
mate respiratory deposition of fungal particles on the problem versus reference dwellings whereas for yeasts
basis of the measured data. The major fungal genera the situation was reversed. Comparison of airborne
had their maximum concentrations in the size range fungal particle concentrations and numbers of de-
2.1-3.3 pm, where alveolar deposition for particles posited particles between mold problem and reference
> 0.5 p m also has a maximum. According to respira- dwellings indicated that more accurate estimation of
tory deposition calculations for the most obvious exposure to fungal particles is possible if one considers
breathing patterns in the home environment, 30%-50% both particle concentration and size.

INTRODUCTION (d,) is a critical factor when evaluating

Fungal particles, consisting of fungal respiratory exposure to fungal particles.
spores, hyphal fragments or cells, such as Particle size determines to a great extent
yeast cells, are organic particles ubiqui- where fungal particles deposit in the res-
tously present in indoor environments. In piratory system and hence the type of
dwellings and office buildings, exposure to respiratory reaction the particles may
airborne fungal particles may become a cause. Allergic rhinitis and asthma can
problem due to an intramural source of result from exposure to relatively large
fungal particles, such as mold growth due ( > 5 pm) fungal particles (e.g., Altemaria
to water damage or other excess damp- spp.) deposited in the nasal or extratho-
ness. People occupying moldy buildings racic regions of the respiratory system. On
have been reported to suffer respiratory the other hand, allergic alveolitis requires
symptoms and other health effects, such small fungal particles ( < 5 pm, e.g., As-
as dermatitis and eye irritation (Platt et pergillus spp.) that penetrate to the alveoli
al. 1989, Dales et al. 1991, Brunekreef (Lacey and Crook, 1988; Burge, 1989).
1992, Husman et al. 1993). The causal The physical diameters of fungal parti-
relationships between exposure and symp- cles are well known, e.g., Penicillium
toms are still poorly understood. There- chtysogenum is 3-4 p m in length and
fore, the importance of various factors 2.8-3.8 p m in width (Samson and van
determining exposure needs to be better Reenen-Hoekstra, 1988). However, d, de-
understood. Aerodynamic particle size termines fungal particle transport in air,
Aerosol Sc~enceand Technology 22:ll-23 (1995)
O 1995 Amencan Association for Aerosol Rescerch
Published by Elaevier Scicncc lnc.
T. Reponen

as well as in human airways and sampling physical diameter of A. fumigatus spores

devices (Baron and Willeke, 1993). Aero- is 2.5-3 p m (Samson and van Reenen-
dynamic particle size can be calculated Hoekstra, 1988). Pasanen et al. (1991a)
when the density, shape and physical studied the behavior of viable fungal par-
diameter of a particle are known. The ticles at different humidities (12%-73%)
densities of fungal particles common with a six-stage impactor. These authors
outdoors vary from 0.56 to 1.44 g/cm3 studied fungal genera common both in-
(Gregory, 1973). However, there are no doors and outdoors and reported the fol-
reports on the densities of fungal particles lowing aerodynamic diameters for the
most common in indoor air. It appears lowest and highest humidity values, re-
that neither fungal particle density, nor spectively: 2.0 and 2.7 p m for A. furniga-
physical diameter or shape are constant, tus, 2.2 and 3.9 p m for Penicilliurn spp.,
but vary according to the particle's state and 1.6 and 4.6 p m for Cladosporiurn spp.
of hydration. At high relative humidity, Madelin and Johnson (1992) used an
fungal particles absorb water and their aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and a
size increases (Pasanen et al., 1991a; cascade impactor in the humidity range of
Madelin and Johnson, 1992). At low hu- 40%-98%, obtaining the following d ,
midity, fungal particles lose water and may with the APS: 1.9-2.2 p m for A. furniga-
decrease in size, partially collapse, change tus, 2.6-3.0 p m for Penicilliurn chlyso-
shape or develop internal gas bubbles (In- genurn, and 2.3-2.5 p m for Cladosporiurn
gold, 1956; Lacey, 1991; Madelin and cladosporioides. The corresponding physi-
Johnson, 1992). The effects of hydration cal diameters are 2.5-3 pm, (3-4) X
and dehydration on fungal particles are (2.8-3.8) pm, and (3-7) X (2-4) pm, re-
not well understood at this time and ap- spectively (Samson and van Reenen-
pear to vary widely among species (Lacey, Hoekstra, 1988). Madelin and Johnson
1991; Pasanen et al., 1991a). also observed the largest aerodynamic
The dyes commonly used to distinguish particle diameters at the highest humidity.
fungal particles from other particles, in Comparison of APS and impactor mea-
microscopic analysis, cause fungal parti- surements revealed that aggregated fun-
cles to inflate to their physical maxima gal particles in chains, behaved aerody-
(Madelin and Johnson, 1992). When de- namically similar to, or only slightly larger
termining fungal particle size by electron than single fungal particles. Lacey (1991)
microscopy dimensional changes also de- reported similar results.
pend on sample preparatory treatment All of these studies have been per-
(Beckett et al., 1984). Therefore, for the formed in experimental settings with labo-
purpose of estimating fungal particle be- ratory-grown fungal particles. However,
havior in air and the respiratory tract, the nutrients provided in growth media
methods that given d , directly are prefer- (Harding, 1975; Ellis, 1981) as well as air
able to size analysis based on microscopic humidity affect fungal particle size and
measurements. Microscopic analysis, how- shape. Therefore, it may be possible that
ever, is helpful in determining the degree fungal particles that are released directly
of aggregation of fungal particles. from laboratory cultures differ in size from
Lacey and Dutkiewitz (1976) deter- fungal particles from natural sources and
mined d , for fungal particles released have a different residence time in the air.
from hay in a sedimentation chamber. The It is possible to estimate exposure to
d , calculated from settling velocities, were airborne particles via the respiratory sys-
3.1 p m for Aspergillus furnigatus and tem using respiratory deposition data if
3.2 p m for mixed Penicilliurn spp. The particle concentration and aerodynamic
Fungal Particle Size and Respiratory Deposition 13

size distribution are known. There are fall 1990 and in winter 1991. Outdoor
many reports available about regional samples were also collected in fall be-
particle deposition in the respiratory tract, cause outdoor fungal particle concentra-
based either on models (e.g., Morrow, tions may influence indoor concentrations
1966; Stahlhofen et al., 1989; Koblinger and flora. Outdoor air samples were not
and Hofman, 1990; James et al., 1991), or collected because outdoor concentrations
on experimental data from humans (e.g., of fungal particles are extremely low due
Heyder et al., 1986; Chan and Lippmann to snow cover in winter (Reponen et al.,
1980) or animals (e.g., Raabe et al., 1977). 1992).
However, there is little exposure informa- Samples were taken with a six-stage
tion available based on combining d, and impactor (Model 10-800, Graseby Ander-
particle concentration with respiratory de- sen, Atlanta, GA) on malt extract agar.
position data. Hewett (1991) suggested this The method allows the measurement of
approach for occupational epidemiology, viable fungal particles, i.e., those particles
and Jarabek et al. (1989) combined lung that are able to grow in the agar medium
deposition data with theoretical particle used. The 50% cutoff diameters of the
size distributions to extrapolate from ani- sampler are: 0.65, 1.1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.7 and
mal toxicity data to human health risk 7.0 p m (Andersen-Sampler, 1976). Yeasts
assessment. were counted separately and molds were
In this study, d, for fungal particles identified to genus using an optical micro-
have been studied in situ in real exposure scope to examine mycelial and fungal par-
situations in moldy and nonmoldy refer- ticle morphology. For detailed description
ence dwellings. Fungal particle concentra- of the dwellings and sampling procedure
tions, as well as a general analysis of the see Reponen et al. (1994).
aerodynamic size distributions of fungal The four most common sampled fungal
particles in these dwellings, have been genera or groups were included in the
presented previously (Reponen et al., analysis of the size distributions. Size dis-
1994). In this paper, the size distributions tributions of fungal particles were calcu-
of individual genera were analyzed. A new lated as geometric means for each fungal
calculation method to estimate respira- genera or group by using the transforma-
tory particle deposition has been intro- tion log(x + 1). First, the geometric mean
duced and the fungal particle deposition diameter, d,, was calculated for each fun-
has been estimated from the measured gal genus in each sample. Then the geo-
data. metric mean of the d, values over all
samples, d ,,, was calculated for each
genus. Differences in size distribution of
MATERIAL AND METHODS fungal particles between mold problem
and reference dwellings as well as be-
Measurement and Data Analysis of the tween fall and winter periods were studied
Size Distribution of Fungal Particles using the Wilcoxon test. The d, values for
The present study was carried out in 12 different fungal genera were compared
dwellings. Six of the dwellings had mold with the Friedman test (Siegel, 1988).
problems and each was matched with a The aerodynamic diameters of selected
reference dwelling with no visible signs of indoor air fungi were calculated for the
mold problems. All dwellings had ventila- lowest and highest possible physical sizes.
tion systems of mechanical exhaust. The effects of fungal particle aggregation
Samples of airborne fungal particles and density on d, were calculated for P.
were collected twice in each dwelling, in chpsogenum as an example, following
T. Reponen

Hinds's (1982) method and using Fuchs's posited in the region divided by the num-
(1964) dynamic shape factors for single ber of particles inhaled. The interpolated
particles and Davies's (1979) factors for fungal particle concentrations were multi-
aggregated particles. Equivalent volume plied by the corresponding coefficients of
particle diameters were calculated using respiratory deposition giving the number
the volume of an ellipsoid for nonspheri- of deposited particles as a function of
cal fungal particles and ignoring the possi- particle size. All deposited particles were
ble surface roughness. summarized giving the total number of
deposited fungal particles per hour (de-
termined from colony-forming units, cfu;
Estimation of Respiratory Deposition cfu/h) by the following equation:
In estimating respiratory deposition of
fungal particles, the measured size distri-
butions for fungal particles were com-
bined with respiratory deposition data. A
semiempirical model by Stahlhofen et al.
(1989) was selected for this analysis be-
cause the model combines experimental where
Q = mean breathing rate (cm3/s),
data from several research groups. Size R, = interpolated respiratory depo-
distribution curves for fungal particles sition coefficient,
were multiplied by the deposition effi- N, = standardized and interpolated
ciency curves of particular lung regions fungal particle number con-
for particular breathing patterns. The ar- centration, cfu/(m3 pm),
eas under these combined curves were A log d,,, =interpolation interval size
calculated and multiplied by the respira-
( pm).
tory flow rates giving the number of de-
posited fungal particles per hour. Calculations were performed for adult hu-
Fungal particle number concentrations mans at three breathing patterns asso-
were standardized with respect to the im- ciated with different activity levels
pactor's size intervals by dividing the con- (Martonen et al., 1992). A respiratory flow
centration for each of the six intervals rate of 117 cm3/s and nasal breathing
(cfu/m3) by interval width (A log d,, pm). were used to simulate the lowest activity
Cubic spline interpolation (Stoer and Bu- level, e.g., a sedentary person. A flow rate
lirsch, 1980) was used to obtain more in- of 336 cm3/s and nasal breathing were
termediary values for number concentra- used to simulate light activity, e.g., domes-
tion. The particle size range 0.8-8.5 p m tic work. A flow rate of 500 cm3/s, still
was divided into 100 evenly spaced parti- regarded in light activity, was used to sim-
cle sizes, for which the fungal particle ulate the activity level when people switch
number concentrations were interpolated. to oral breathing (Kleinman, 1984).
Respiratory deposition coefficients were
calculated for the above described parti-
cle sizes from equations given by RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Stahlhofen et al. (1989). The calculations
were done separately for nasal, laryngeal Size Distributions of Individual Fungal
(mouth, larynx and pharynx), tracheo- Genera
bronchial and alveolar deposition. The A previous analysis of these data (Re-
respiratory deposition coefficient for each ponen et al., 1994) showed that total con-
region was the number of particles de- centrations of viable fungal particles were
Fungal Particle Size and Respiratory Deposition

higher in mold problem versus reference flected the combined effects of several
dwellings. The concentration difference genera. The gaps in the size distributions
was clearest in the size range 2.1-3.3 pm, in Figures 1-4 may be caused by the
i.e., in the most common range for fungal distinct and quite sharp size distributions
particles. In addition to concentration of different species within each genus.
differences, geometric mean of fungal Fungal particle concentration in mold
particle diameter was larger in mold prob- problem dwellings was higher than in ref-
lem than reference dwellings. In fall, rela- erence dwellings in every size class for
tive humidity was higher in mold problem Penicillium and Aspergillus spp. both in
(50%) than reference dwellings (42%), fall and winter (Figures 1 and 3). In fall,
whereas in winter, humidity level was the Penicillium spp. spore concentration was
same in both groups of dwellings (42%). higher indoors than outdoors in both
No apparent explanation for the differ- groups of dwellings. The size distribution
ences in size distributions of fungal parti- of fungal spores in indoor air also differed
cles could be found in a general analysis from that in outdoor air. The size distri-
of the data. bution of Aspergillus spp. spores in out-
Altogether 26 fungal genera were re- door air is not presented because this
covered from the air samples. However, genus occurred in only one of 12 outdoor
the frequency of occurrence for most gen- samples. These findings support previous
era was so low, that their size distribu- studies where Penicillium and Aspergillus
tions could not be calculated. Therefore, spp. were shown to originate mainly from
only those fungal genera or groups pre- indoor sources (Fradkin et al., 1987; Flan-
sent in 2 50% of samples, i.e., Penicil- nigan et al., 1991; Pasanen et al., 1991b).
lium, Cladosporium, and Aspergillus spp., The concentration of Cladosporium
and yeasts, were included in the detailed spores was lower in indoor than outdoor
analysis. In addition, d,,,,, values were air in fall but the size distributions in-
calculated for Oidiodendron spp., the con- doors and outdoors were similar indicat-
centration of which was higher in mold ing that the main source for Cladosporium
problem buildings, and for Acremonium, spp. spores was outdoor air (Figure 2).
Botvyosporium , Oedocephalum, and However, in winter, the concentration of
Stachybotrys spp., which were found only Cladosporium spp. spores was higher in
in mold problem dwellings in winter (Re- mold problem than reference dwellings in
ponen et al., 1994). the size range 2.1-4.7 pm, indicating un-
The most common fungal genera or usual indoor sources for Cladosporium in
groups had maximum concentrations in this size range.
the size range 2.1-3.3 p m (Figures 1-4). For yeasts, no clear differences be-
Thus, the peaks in the size distributions tween mold problem and reference
for total fungal particle concentrations re- dwellings were seen in fungal particle

FIGURE 1. Size distribution of Penicillium spp.

spores in mold problem (--) and refercncc
(- - -) dwellings. The distribution is the geometric
mean for samples in following groups: A = Fall
1990, outdoor ( n = 6); B = Fall 1990, indoor
( n = 14); C = Winter 1991, indoor ( n = 12).
T. Reponen

1 10 0.3 1 10 0.3 1 10



FIGURE 2. Size distribution of Cladosporium FIGURE 3. Size distribution of Aspergil . -

spp. spores in mold problem (--) and refer- spores in mold problem (--) and reference
ence (- - -) dwellings. The distribution is the geo- (- - -) dwellings. The distribution is the geometric
metric mean for samples in following groups: mean for samples in following groups: A = Fall
A = Fall 1990, outdoor ( n = 6); B = Fall 1990, 1990, indoor ( n = 14); B = Wintcr 1991, indoor
indoor ( n = 14); C = Winter 1991, indoor ( n = ( n = 12).

concentration or size distribution (Figure

41, indicating that the main sources for
yeasts were outdoors.
The effect of outdoor air infiltration on
indoor fungal concentration was seen
clearly both in particle size distribution
u - -
curves and d, values for Cladosporium 0.3 1 10 03 1 10 0.3 1 10


spp. and yeasts (Figures 2 and 4, Table 1).
The size distribution of these fungi in FIGURE 4. Size distribution of yeasts particles
indoor air shifted towards smaller parti- in mold problem (--) and reference (- --)
cles supporting Raunemaa et a l . ' ~(1989) dwellings. The distribution is the geometric mean
earlier finding that fewer larger particles for samples in following groups: A = Fall 1990,
infiltrate from outdoor into indoor air. outdoor ( n = 6); B = Fall 1990, indoor ( n = 14);
Measured d, values for each fungal C = Wintcr 1991, indoor ( n = 12).
genus showed a large variation but d,,,,,
values ranged predominantly from 2-3
p m (Table 1). The d,,,,, values were close Lacey's (1991) experimental results. In
to those obtained in laboratory experi- Lacey's study, the d, for a chain of eight
ments at low humidities ( 5 40%) (Pasanen fungal particles was only ca. 50% larger
et al., 1991; Madelin and Johnson, 1992) than a single fungal particle while d, for a
but were remarkably smaller than the cal- compact aggregate of eight fungal parti-
culated d, presented in Table 2. Possible cles was ca. 80% larger.
explanations for this are swelling of fungal Measured d, values differed statisti-
particles during the staining procedure cally significantly among the most com-
used for microscopic examination, or that mon fungal genera or groups, Penicillium,
naturally occurring fungal particles may Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and yeasts
be less than unit density (Table 3). ( p = 0.001, Friedman test). Aspergillus
Calculated particle sizes for aggregated spp. had the lowest d, values and Cla-
fungal particles (Table 3) agreed well with dosponum spp. and yeasts the highest (Ta-
Fungal Particle Size and Respiratory Deposition 17

TABLE 1. Measured Aerodynamic Particle Sizes ( pm) of Common Fungal Genera or Groups in
Mold Problem and Reference Dwellings."
Mold Problem Reference
Sampling Period/Genus n ' g , avg GSD n ' g , avg GSD
Full, indoor
Fall, outdoor
Winter, indoor
' n = number of posilive samples out of 14 samples indoors in fall, 6 samples outdoors in fall and 12 samples indoors in
winter; dg,avg = average geometric mean diameters of n samples; GSD = gcometric standard deviation of d,,,,,.
"d,,,,, statistically significantly higher ( p < 0.05) in mold problems vcrsus reference dwellings (Wilcoxon test).

ble 1). The d, values within each genus humidity was higher in mold problem than
did not vary statistically significantly be- reference dwellings (Reponen et al., 1994).
tween the fall and winter periods, suggest- In winter, relative humidity did not differ
ing that fungal particle release mecha- between the two sets of buildings and only
nisms did not change much with season. yeasts showed different d, values. Other
The d,,,,, for total fungal particles was possible explanations for the observed
larger in mold problem than reference differences in d, values could be different
dwellings (Reponen et al., 1994). A similar distributions of fungal species, variations
difference was seen also in fall for As- in fungal particle age or degree of aggre-
pergillus, and Oidiodendron spp. and yeasts gation. However, were these explanations
(Table 1). However, d,,,,, for yeasts was accurate, the effects of these differences
larger in outdoor air samples at mold would have been expected also in winter
problem dwellings than reference dwel- which was not the case.
lings, perhaps due to differences in yeast Besides the most common fungal gen-
species at the various sites. However, this era described above, some rare fungal
proposed explanation cannot be con- genera also affected d, in mold problem
firmed from these data because yeasts dwellings. Acremonium, Botryosporium,
were not identified to species level. Oedocephalum, and Stachybotys spp. were
The large size of Aspergillus and Oidio- found only in mold problem dwellings in
dendron spp. in mold problem dwellings winter and, more frequently in mold prob-
was probably caused by the higher relative lem dwellings in fall. The corresponding
humidity in these buildings. This differ- dg ,avg values were 2.4, 2.6, 6.2, and
ence was seen only in fall when relative 4.2 pm, respectively. Thus, Oedocephalum
18 T. Reponen

TABLE 2. Physical and Aerodynamic Diameters (d,, pm) of Indoor Airborne Fungal Particles, d,
Calculated Assuming Particle Density = 1 g/cm3.
Fungal Physical Measured
Species Sizea% d, Calculated d ,
Common in zndoor
C. cladosponoides (3-7) X (2-4) 2.3-2.5' 2.3-4.8
C. herbarum (5.5-13) X (4-6) - 4.4-7.6
C. sphuerospemum 3-4.5 - 3.0-4.5
P. breuicompactum 3-4.5 - 3.0-4.5
P. chrysogenurn (3-4) X (2.8-3.8) 2.6-3" 2.9-3.9
P. glabrum 3-3.5 - 3.0-3.5
P. uemcosum 3-4 - 3.0-4.0
A. penicilloides (3-3.5) X 4.5 - 3.4-3.8
A. niger 3.5-5 - 3.5-5.0
A . uersicolor 2-3.5 - 2.0-3.5
Indicators of indoor mo1dproblems:f
A. fumigatus 2.5-3 1.9-3.1"~"~ 2.5-3.0
Stachybotrys atra (7-12) X (4-6) 4.6' 4.7-7.4
Trichoderma uiride (3.5-4.5) X (3.6-4.8) - 3.5-4.6
Rhodotomla spp. (2.5-5) X (3-13) - 2.6-4.5
%amson and Reenen-Hockstra, 1988.
ell e t al., 1984.
'Fradkin e t al., 1987.
d ~ e r h o e f fe t al., 1990.
eMadelin and Johnson, 1992 (geomctric mean acrodynarnic diameter).
f ~ a m s o ne t al., 1993.
gLacey and Dutkiewitz, 1976 (calculated from sedimentation ralc).
h ~ a s a n e nc t al., 1992 (geometric mean aerodynamic diameter).
'Sorenson c t al., 1987 (mass median aerodynamic diamctcr).

and Stachybotrys spp. partly increased the indoor air. In addition, outdoor concen-
d, values for total fungal particles in mold trations of fungal particles are low in win-
problem dwellings. ter due to snow cover, which facilitates
The measured fungal concentrations identification of indoor sources. On the
and size distributions seen in this study other hand, fungal species regarded as
apply to a subarctic climate where build- indicators of mold problems are fairly
ing construction is usually tight decreasing similar around the world (Samson et al.,
infiltration of outdoor fungal particles into 1994).

TABLE 3. Effcct of Fungal Particle Aggregation and Density on d, ( pm) for P. chrysogenum with
Average Physical Diameter of 2.8 X 3 p m
Calculatcd d,,
Density = 1g/cm3 Density = 0.5 g/cm3
Single particle
4-particle chain
Compact 4-particle
8-particle chain
Compact 8-particle
Fungal Particle Size and Respiratory Deposition

Respiratory Deposition dependence on breathing pattern as re-

The observed differences in size distribu- ported earlier, e.g., by Vincent (1990). The
tions of fungal particles between mold effect of breathing pattern on particle de-
problem and reference dwellings would position is presented for the total concen-
result in differential deposition of fungal tration of viable fungal particles. The
particles in the human respiratory system. highest total deposition was observed for
In this study, a preliminary estimation of a light activity breathing pattern in combi-
fungal particle deposition into different nation with oral breathing and the lowest
parts of the respiratory system was made. deposition for sedentary activity in combi-
The effect of hygroscopicity on fungal nation with nasal breathing. The numbers
particle size could not be taken into ac- of deposited fungal particles were higher
count because there is not yet sufficient in mold problem than reference dwellings
data to include this. If fungal particles reflecting concentration differences.
were hygroscopic, d, would increase and During nasal breathing, 30%-50% of
respiratory deposition would change (Li fungal particles deposited in the nose and
and Hopke, 1993). The calculations on ca. 30%-40% in the alveoli, whereas dur-
numbers of deposited fungal particles pre- ing oral breathing, when no nasal deposi-
sented here apply to adult humans. Alveo- tion occurs, ca. 70% of fungal particles
lar deposition is lower in children's res- reached the alveolar area (Figure 5).
piratory system, whereas tracheobron- Bronchial deposition was ca. 20%-30%
chial deposition higher than for adults' and the laryngeal deposition only ca.
(Martonen et al., 1989). 2%-10% of total deposition. These pro-
Figure 5 shows respiratory deposition's portions were similar for mold problem

A. Q = 17 CG~IS 6. Q = 336 c m 3 / s

FALL 1990

FALL 1990


FIGURE 5. Regional respiratory deposition of fungal particles

for three breathing patterns: A. respiratory flow rate = 117
cm3/s and nasal breathing (sedentary), B. respiratory flow
rate =336 c r n v s and nasal breathing (light activity), C. respira-
tory flow rate = 500 cm3/s and oral breathing (light activity).
Deposition values calculated from size distributions of the total
concentration of viable fungal particles from Reponen et al.
(1994). PROB = mold problem, REF = reference dwellings.
20 T. Reponen

and reference dwellings when calculated breathing (Figure 6). For Penicillium and
from total concentration of fungal Cladosporium spp., the ratio of number of
particles. deposited particles for mold problem and
The number of deposited fungal parti- reference dwellings was the same as the
cles for individual genera is presented for ratio for the concentration values. In con-
light activity breathing pattern with nasal trast, for yeasts, the number of deposited


FALL 1 9 9 0

FALL 1990

WINTER 1 9 9 '

WINTER 1 9 9 '



FALL 1 9 9 0

WINTER 1 9 9 '

WINTER 1 9 9 '


FIGURE 6. Regional respiratory deposition of major fungal

genera or groups for respiratory flow rate = 336 cm3/s and nasal
breathing. Deposition calculated from size distributions shown
in Figures 1-4. Note the different scales in figurcs. PROB = mold
problem, REF = reference dwellings.
Fungal Particle Size and Respiratory Deposition 21

fungal particles was lower in mold prob- compared with reference dwellings. This
lem than reference dwellings although the difference was presumed due in part to
concentration was 1.4 times higher. With the genera Aspergillus and Oidiodendron,
Aspergillus spp., the concentration ratio whose larger size in mold problem
between mold problem and reference dwellings was associated with higher hu-
dwellings was only two, while the ratio midity, and in part to yeasts, whose larger
of number of deposited particles was six size was probably due to the differences
for total deposition and nine for alveolar in distributions of yeast species. Also some
deposition. Aspergillus is a remarkable rare fungal genera with larger than aver-
genus, including species that may be aller- age d,, e.g., Oedocephalum and Stachy-
genic, toxigenic or pathogenic (Burge, botrys, also contributed to the larger d,
1989; Flannigan, 1991; Miller, 1992). of fungal particles in mold problem
Proportional deposition for individual dwellings. This difference in fungal parti-
fungal genera were similar in mold prob- cle size distribution between mold prob-
lem and reference dwellings with some lem and reference dwellings would be
exceptions. Due to particle sizes, the pro- expected to cause differences in the air-
portional deposition of Aspergillus spp. in borne behavior of fungal particles be-
the alveolar area was higher in mold prob- cause the particle settling velocity is a
lem than reference dwellings. For yeasts, function of squared diameter. However,
the situation was reversed: the proportion the difference in size distribution of total
of alveolar deposition was lower whereas fungal particles between mold problem
the proportion of nasal deposition higher and reference dwellings was too small to
in mold problem than reference dwellings. cause differences in proportional particle
deposition in the adult human respiratory
tract. Nevertheless, differences were esti-
CONCLUSIONS mated for individual fungal groups. As-
This analysis of the size distribution of the pergillus spp. spores would be expected to
main fungal genera or groups supports deposit more in the alveoli of the occu-
previous findings that the sources of Peni- pants of mold problem dwellings whereas
cillium and Aspergillus spp. are mainly for yeasts the situation would be expected
indoors both in mold problem and refer- to be reversed.
ence dwellings. Furthermore, fungal con- The most common fungal genera had
centrations were in every size class higher their maximum concentrations in the size
in mold problem dwellings indicating that range 2.1-3.3 pm, which led to high pro-
a part of these fungal particles originated portional deposition in the alveoli because
from unusual indoor sources. Cladospo- alveolar deposition for particles > 0.5 p m
rium spp. and yeasts originated mainly also has a maximum in the size range 2-3
from outdoor sources, but in winter in- pm. From the respiratory deposition cal-
door sources in mold problem dwellings culations with the most obvious breathing
contributed to Cladosporium spp. concen- patterns . for the home environment,
trations. An effect of building infiltration 30%-50% of fungal particles would be
was seen in the indoor and outdoor size expected to deposit in the nose and
distributions of Cladosporium spp. and 30%-40% in the alveoli during nasal
yeasts, i.e., an exclusion of larger fungal breathing, whereas 70% would deposit in
particles. the alveoli during oral breathing. The pro-
The size distribution for total fungal portion of alveolar deposition was highest
particles in mold problem dwellings was for Aspergillus spp. (the smallest fungal
skewed towards larger particle sizes when particles) and lowest for yeasts (the largest
22 T. Reponen

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