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2017-2018 United States History Syllabus and Course Outline

Mr. Corey Yates/

Elizabethtown High School Social Studies Department

A. Course Description:
American History is a course designed for furthering your knowledge and appreciation of our nation's past, present, and
future. A substantial amount of content will be covered in the upcoming weeks and months, accompanied with a variety
of activities, materials, and student achievement. The course will develop an understanding of social, political,
economical, cultural, and military experiences that have played a crucial role in shaping the history of our country. Upon
successful completion of this course, students will be better prepared to understand the significance our country’s history
and successfully fulfill the History requirement of Elizabethtown High School’s graduation criteria.

B. Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:
● Develop a generalization about the past in order to create theories of contemporary United States
History and its development.
● Come to conclusions about the development of the United States based on geographic principles.
● Make predictions about the effects individuals and events had on each historical period.
● Analyze major current and historical events through the eyes of diverse cultural and ethnic
● Analyze and interpret the causes and effects major events had on the development of the United
● Evaluate the effects of political, social, cultural, and economic traditions on the historical
development of the United States.

C. Classroom Rules:
Refer to the EHS student handbook for a listing of school rules, policies, and procedures.
● Regular classroom rules apply: Respect teacher and peers at all times, turn in all assignments in a
timely fashion, come prepared and ready for class, I dismiss the class – not the bell, and I don’t
do lateness, the sweep does.
● In my classroom we refer to each other as “sir” and “mam”...I expect you to respond to me that
way, as I will respond in kind.

D. Course Materials: Notebook (stay organized), flash drive (google drive), writing utensils, 1 roll of paper towels
and 1 bottle of windex (if possible).
1. Notes (handwritten) – Chronologically
2. Constructive Responses (Primary/Secondary Sources, Current Events, Opinions Articles)
3. Vocabulary (Unit handouts along with the completed vocabulary for each unit)
4. Graded Work (Tests, Quizzes, Vocabulary, Projects, Constructive Responses, etc…)

E. Grading: (Cumulative Points System)

● Tests. Each unit will culminate with a unit test of typically 50-70 questions and/or constructive response
● Planned Projects. Projects informed about typically 2 or more weeks in advance with a project sheet and rubric (if
not every unit, possibly every other unit)
● Improvised Projects. Projects developed or created through class discussion, creative thought, current events,
and/or my ideas through core content, typically presented within a day or two.
● Quizzes. Expect the unexpected, from quiz handouts, group quizzes, oral and/or written quiz responses.
● Homework and In-Class Assignments. Granted, there may be units with more homework than others; however, I
expect everyone to turn in homework when it is given, particularly Vocabulary. You will almost NEVER do
bookwork in class…we meet in class to engage, think, discuss, lecture, learn, and ask questions.
● Extra Points: There will be opportunities throughout the year to earn extra points. Extra points are given on any
assignment you have not received full credit on with the exception of tests. I keep an extra points booklet,
therefore if you have a 100% in the class, you can still have some points for a rainy day. Extra credit assignments
may be finding local gravesites, bomb shelters, or historical locations and taking selfies, or showing up for a
feature film after school one day and writing a prompt about the plot line…it is the teacher's discretion.

*Each item on every assignment will be worth 1 point. For example if the first test is 43 questions, the total points for
the unit test is 43 points. Although, there may not be as many points cumulatively as other courses, each assignment
and item is holistically worth more because there is more quality than quantity.

F. Website: I am trying to keep myself updated with the “tech” world and now have a website through the school’s
homepage. If you access the district website, visit Elizabethtown High School’s page, and click on staff directory, search
my name, and click on “profile,” you will have access to my website; however, the easier method would be to type the site
in the url as seen below:


The syllabus, announcements, and various activities/assignments will be posted to my website regularly.

G. Remind 101 App: I use the class Remind 101 app regularly. Please sign up for it (student or parent) because I send a
LOT of information, both class and content related, as a framework for discussion. I also use it as a reminder system for
quizzes, tests, projects, etc…

To Join: ENTER 81010 and TEXT this message @7234bb

I understand and agree to comply with the expectations and procedures put forth by Mr. Yates in the United
States History Course Syllabus.

_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature

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