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Ask each question verbally to the child, as in an interview. Do not read the response options aloud. Wait for the child to respond,
then write this response in the space provided, or circle the code of the option that corresponds to the child’s response. If there is no
special instruction to the country, only one response is permitted.
1 Mano ti tawen mo? (In number of years) _____ years old Do not know/ No response ………9
2 Month of ___________
Ania a bulan ka a naiyanak?
Do not know/ No response ………9
3 Year ___________
Ania a tawen ka a naiyanak?
Do not know/ No response ………9
4a Ania ti pagsasao nga us-usarenyo idiay balayyo? Language spoken at home ______
4b Do not know/ No response ………9
Agpadpada kadi ti pagsasao idiay balayyo ken iti pagadalan?
No ……………………………………..0
(Multiple response are allowed)
Yes …………………………………….1
5 Do not know/ No response ………9
Agus-usar kayo kadi iti libro (textbook) no agsursuro kayo nga agbasa ditoy
No ……………………………………..0
Yes …………………………………….1
6 Do not know/ No response ………9
Adda kadi ti us-usarenyo nga agbasa idiay balayyo? Not necessary to record the response
No adda, ania dagitoy? No ……………………………………..0
Yes …………………………………….1
7 English…………………………………1
(If yes to question 6)
Ania ti pagsasao ti nausar kadagit basbasaenyo idiay balayyo?
Other (specify)………………………3
(Multiple response are allowed)
Do not know/ No response ………9
8 No ……………………………………..0
Adda pay kadi makaammo nga agbasa idiay balayyo? Yes …………………………………….1
Do not know/ No response ………9
9 Mother………………………………...1
(If yes to Question 8) Father………………………………….2
Siasino da? Sister/Brother…………………………3
(Multiple response are allowed) Other (specify)……………………….4
Do not know/ No response ….……9


Idiay balayyo, adda kadi: Yes No No Response
10 radio? 1 0 9
11 telepono wenno cellphone? 1 0 9
12 kuryente? 1 0 9
13 telebisyon? 1 0 9
14 refrigerator? 1 0 9
15 kasilyas wenno CR iti uneg ti balayyo? 1 0 9
16 bisekleta wenno bisekleta nga adda sidecar-na? 1 0 9
17 motorsiklo wenno traysikel? 1 0 9
18 kotse, van, multicab? 1 0 9
No ………………………………..0
19 Nag-kinder ka kadi? Yes ……………………………….1
Do not know/ No response …9
Grade 1 …………………………1
Grade 2 …………………………2
20 Ania ti grade-mon?
Grade 3 …………………………3
Grade 4 …………………………4
Not in school ……………………0
Grade 1 …………………………1
Grade 2 …………………………2
21 Ania ti grade mo idi napan a tawen?
Grade 3 …………………………3
Kindergarten ……………………8
Do not know/ No response …9
No ………………………………..0
22 Mangmangted kadi ni maestram ti adalen pay wenno assignment? Yes ……………………………….1
Do not know/ No response …9
(If “yes” to Question 22) No ………………………………..0
23 Adda no kua mangtulong kenka nga agaramid ti adalenpay wenno Yes ……………………………….1
assignment mo? Do not know/ No response …9

Time of Completion : _____:_____ AM/PM


Pagwadan: A n I

A I N G K R u T A m (10)
S N P I d A b L ng o (20)
N H U f E Y j G K w (30)
C I T R M Ñ s E P D (40)
Y O K g B A F C N i (50)
L A N M S G J I H a (60)
T D Ng U I N r K A p (70)
N G G i v M o Q N b (80)
A R K S h G u I t g (90)
Z P X I A ng D N K I (100)

COMPONENT 3A: Letter Sound Knowledge

Show the child sheet of letters in the student booklet. Say:


Makitam idtoy dagiti letra ti alpabeto. Ala, ibagam man ti unida. Saan nga daidiay naganda, wen?

Pagarigan, ti uni daytoy a letra (itudo ti letra nga A) ket /ä/ kas koma “Atis.”

La prakTisen ta: ania ti unidaytoy a letra (itudo ti letra nga N)

If the child responds correctly say “ Naglaing ka man. Ti uni daytoy a letra ket /n/.”

If the child does not respond correctly, say: Ti uni daytoy a letra ket /n/.

Padasen ta met daytoy:(Ibagam man ti uni daytoy a letra(itudo ti letra nga I).

If the child responds correctly say, “Naglaing ka man. Ti uni daytoy a letra ket /I/.

If the child does not respond correctly, say: Ti uni daytoy a letra ket /i/.

Maawatam/ masurotam/ Matarusam?

No “Irugitan” kunak, paspasam nga ibaga ti uni kada letra. Irugim daytoy samunto isaruno dagitoy. (Point to the first letter on the
row after the example and draw your finger across the first line).

No adda letra nga saanmo nga ammo ti unina, isorokto kenka. Ngem no ammom, denggen ka laeng.

Nakasaganakan? Ala, rugyantan.


Start the timer when the child reads the first letter. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect letters with a slash (/).
Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked self-corrected letter as incorrect, circle the letter and go on. Stay quiet,
except when providing answers as follows:

If the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the sound of the letter; point to the next letter and say “Sige, ituloymo.” Mark the letter
you provide to the child as incorrect. If the student gives you the letter name, rather than the sound, provide the letter sound and
say: (‘Ibagam man kenyak ti uni daytoy a letra.’). This prompt may be given only once during the exercise.
AFTER 60 SECONDS SAY, “Stop.” Mark the final letter read with a bracket (]).
Early stop rule: If you have marked as incorrect all the answers on the first line with no self-correction, say “Agyamanak!”,
discontinue this exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to the next exercise.


Pagwadan: A n I
A i n G K R u T A m (10)
S N p I d A b L ng o (20)
N h U f E Y j G K w (30)
C i t R M Ñ s E P D (40)
Y O k g B A F C N i (50)
L A n M S G J I H a (60)
T d ng U I N r K A p (70)
N G g i v M o Q N b (80)
a R K S h G u I t g (90)
Z P X I A ng D N K I (100)

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of seconds):

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child
had no correct answers in the first line:


COMPONENT 3b. Initial Sound Identification
This is NOT a timed exercise and THERE IS NO STUDENT SHEET. Read aloud each word twice, and have the student say the sounds.
Remember to model the sound: /o/, not “pub” or “pay”. Say:

Kitaenta man ti laing mo nga agdengngeg. Kayatko nga ibagam ti umuna nga uni dagiti sawek. Pagarigan, ti sao nga “aba”, ti
umuna a mangngegmo ket /a/. Ibagam man nu ania ti umuna nga uni a mangngeg mo iti tunggal sao. Maminduak a sawen
dagitoy. Denggem ti sawek samunto ibaga ti umuna nga unina, wen?

Padasenta. Ania ti umuna nga uni a mangngegmo iti sao nga “ari”? “Ari.”

(If the child responds correctly, say): Naglaing ka. Ti umuna nga uni a mangngeg iti sao nga “ari” ket /a/.
(If the child does not respond correctly, say): Denggem a! Ti umuna nga unit i sao nga “ari” ket /a/.

Padasenta met daytoy: Ania ti umuna nga uni a mangngegmo ti sao a “nars”? “Nars.”

(If the child responds correctly, say): Ay, naglaing nga ubing! Ti umuna nga uni a mangngeg ti sao a “nars” ket /n/.
(If the child does not respond correctly, say): Denggem manen: “nars”. Ti umuna nga uni daytoy ket /n/.

Maawatam/ Masurutam/Matarusam ti aramidenta?

Read the prompt and then pronounce the target word a second time. Accept only as correct the isolated sound (without a shwah).
If the child does not respond after 3 seconds, mark as “No response” and say the next prompt. Enunciate clearly; but do not
overemphasize the beginning sound of each word.

Early stop rule: If the child responds incorrectly or does not respond to the first words, say “Agyamanak!”, discontinue this exercise,
check a box at the bottom of the page, and go to the next exercise.


Ania ti umuna nga uni a mangngeg iti sao nga “ ____”? “_____” (Read the word twice.)

atep /a/
Correct Incorrect No response

nateng /n/ Correct Incorrect No response

ina /i/ Correct Incorrect No response

taba /t/ Correct Incorrect No response

5 words

kuton /k/ Correct Incorrect No response

saba /s/ Correct Incorrect No response

okra /a/ Correct Incorrect No response

yoyo /y/ Correct Incorrect No response

mais /m/ Correct Incorrect No response

lata /l/ Correct Incorrect No response

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child had
no correct answer in the first five words;


Show the child the sheet of familiar words in the student stimuli booklet.
Adda ditoy dagiti sao. Ala, basaem man dagitoy. Saan a diay ispeling na ti ibagam a. Basaem dagitoy. Pagarigan, daytoy
a sao ket: “aso”.

Padasem man a basaen daytoy: (point to the word “mula”):

If the child responds correctly say: Wen, naglaing! Daytoy a sao ket “mula”.
If the child does not respond correctly, say: Daytoy a sau ket “mula”.

Padasen ta met daytoy: Basaem man daytoy (point to the word “lima”):

If the child responds correctly say: Naglaing! Daytoy a sao ket “lima”.
If the child does not respond correctly, say: Daytoy a sau ket “lima”.

No “irugitan” kunak, paspasam a basaen dagiti sao. Irugim ditoy samonto isaruno dagitoy. (Point to the first word and draw your
finger across the first row then the second row until the last one).
Denggen ka nga agbasa, wen? Tulongankanto no adda saan mo nga ammo.

Maawatam/ Masurutam/Matarusam ti aramidenta?

Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a slash (/).
Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letters as incorrect, circle the letter and go on. Stay
quiet, except when providing answers as follow; if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the word, point to the next word and say
“Ala, ituloymo.” Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.
After 60 seconds, say ‘ Isardengtan”. Mark the final word with a bracket (]). Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as
incorrect all of the answers on the first line, say “Agyamanak!”, discontinue the exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to
the next exercise.


Pagarigan: aso mula lima

a Da to Sa ni (5)
ta Mi ka Ti no (10)
nga Ket wen Met ken (15)
idi Ulo ama Iti pay (20)
kua Idi adu Isu man (25)
ima ulo kayo Adda siak (30)
tayo Sika kape Bado kami (35)
ngem Diak saan Ammo unay (40)
ania Siak mano Apay awan (45)
saka Kami mata Tudo pusa (50)
danum Gatas tapno Babai bulan (55)
kenka Nuang reyna Silaw kaano (60)
wenno Itlog isuna Tallo malem (65)
bigat Kaano dayta Ngato kasta (70)
puraw Rabii ditoy Bibig sapay (75)
agong Ketdi abaga Maysa balay (80)
ubing Aldaw ramay Magna datayo (85)
daytoy Ngipen tangan Nanang dakami (90)
kasano Dakkel uminom Sadinno naturog (95)
lapayag tumakder tengnged Nangisit kadagiti (100)


Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of seconds):

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child
had no correct answers in the first line:


Show the child the sheet of invented words in the student stimuli booklet: Say:
Naisurat ditoy dagiti sinansao wenno sao nga saan nga awan umno a kaipapananna. Ala, basaem man. Saan diay ispelingda ti
ibagam. Basaem laeng. Pagarigan, daytoy nga sinansao ket: “en.”

Praktisenta: Basaem man daytoy a sinansao: (point to the next word: “bay”.)

(If the student say “bay”, say) “Naglaing.”: “bay”.

(If the student does not say “bay” correctly; say): “Daytoy a sinansao ket “bay”.

Padasenta met daytoy: Basaem man daytoy a sinansao: (Point to the next word: “kel”).

(If the student say “kel”, say) “Naglaing ka a talaga!”: “kel”.

(If the student does not say “kel” correctly; say): “Daytoy a sinansao ket “kel”.


Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a
slash (/). Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letters as incorrect, circle the letter and go
on. Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follow; if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the word, point to the next word
and say “Ala, ituloymo.” Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.
After 60 seconds, say ‘ Isardengtan”. Mark the final word with a bracket (]). Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as
incorrect all of the answers on the first line, say “Agyamanak!” discontinue the exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to
the next exercise.


Pagarigan: en bay kel
ab Ek Id og ul (5)
oh Er Il am ep (10)
eg us Ip aw oy (15)
ret uda Eni mid sot (20)
das nar Niw bak sig (25)
roh wut Tai pug ayo (30)
quek ngut Biña dico fami (35)
gof jaro Lix gaz ver (40)
ngebu royet Hidesu kihodu owedo (45)
demingu bahugi Usiyu gilepu emuku (50)

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of seconds): ____________

Check the box if the exercise was discontinued because the child
had no correct answers in the first line:


Show the child the story in the student stimuli booklet, say.
Adda ditoy ti maysa nga istoria. Kayatko nga ipigsam a basaen. Alistuam a basaen ken awatem a nalaing ah. Inton mabasamon,
agsaludsodakto kenka, wen? No “irugimon” kunak, basaemton a dagus ti istoria. Denggek ti panagbasam, ah. Nakasaganakan?

Start the timer when the child reads the first word. Follow along with your pencil and clearly mark any incorrect words with a
slash (/). Count self-corrections as correct. If you’ve already marked the self-corrected letters as incorrect, circle the letter and go
on. Stay quiet, except when providing answers as follows; if the child hesitates for 3 seconds, provide the word, point to the next
word and say “Ala, ituloymo.” Mark the word you provide to the child as incorrect.
After 60 seconds, say ‘ Isardengtan”. Mark the final word with a bracket (]). Early stop rule: If you have slashed/marked as
incorrect all of the answers on the first line, say “Agyamanak!” discontinue the exercise, check the box at the bottom, and go on to
the next exercise.

Naimbag a bigatmo. Pat ti naganko. Pito ti tawen ko. 9

Adda kabsatko a lalaki. Sam ti naganna. Lima met ti tawenna. 21
Adda pay kabsatko a babai. Nena ti naganna. In-inaudi isuna ngem ni Sam iti dua a tawen. 38
Magusgustuanmi ti agbasa iti sirok ti mangga. Mannalon ni tatangmi. Aglaklako met idiay tiendaan ni
No Domingo, agkukuyogkami a mapan idiay plasa. 62

Time remaining on stopwatch at completion (number of SECONDS):

Check this box if exercise stopped due to no correct answer in the first line.

Nalaingka man! Naawatam met la diay binasam?



When 60 seconds are up or if the child finishes reading the passage in less than 60 seconds, ask the first question below.
Give the child at most 10 seconds to answer each question, mark the child’s response and move to the next question.
Read the questions for each line up to the bracket showing where the child stopped reading.

Agsaludsodak maipanggep iti istoria a binasam, wen? Lalaingem ti agsungbat, ah.

Correct Incorrect No Response
Sino/Siasinno ti agsasao iti istoria? (ni Pat)
Mano ti tawen ni Sam? (lima)
Mano met ti tawen ni Nena? (tallo)
Ania ti magusgustuan dagiti ubbing nga
aramiden? (agbasa)
Sadinno ti pappapananda iti aldaw ti Domingo)?
(idiay plasa)


This is NOT a timed exercise and THERE IS NO STUDENT SHEET. Read the following passage aloud to the child ONLY ONE TIME, slowly
(about 1 word per second). Then allow 15 seconds for each question. Say:

Basaek kenka daytoy nga istorya iti maminsan. Denggem a nalaing ta agsaludsodakto kenka, wen? Masurotam ti obraenta?

Napan nagay-ayam da Uken ken Pusa idiay igid ti karayan. Idi kuan, natnag ni Uken idiay danum. “Tulungannak! Tulungannak!
Tulungannak!” inpukkawna. Limmagto ni Pusa tapno tumulong ngem pati isuna ket naiyanod. “Ania’t obraentan” sinaludsod ni
pusa. “Makitam diay tumtumpaw a kayo? “Isut’ pagkaptantan!” kinuna ni Uken. Nagkapetda iti kayo agingga a naipaigidda.

Ania ti uken? (ubing nga aso) o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

Sinno/Siasino ti naudi a natnag iti (pusa) o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

Ania ti nakita ni Uken a makatulong (tumtumpaw a kayo) o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

Kasano a nakalasat da Uken ken (nagkapetda iti
tumtumpaw a kayo)
o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

Apay a makunam nga aggayyem (nagtinnulongda) o Correct o Incorrect o No Response

unay da Uken ken Pusa?


Give the pupil a lined page and a pencil for writing. Place them infront of the child. Then read the instructions below. Say:
Basaek kenka ti maysa nga ababa a pasarita. Denggem a nalaing ta isuratmo daytoy iti papel nga adda dita sangom. Iti umuna a
panagbasak, basaek amin. Kalpasanna, saggaysaek a basaen dagiti sao tapno mangngegmo ken maisuratmo. Inton malpasmon
a maisurat, ulitekto manen tapno makorekmo ti insuratmo, wen?

Grade 1
Read the following sentence aloud ONCE at about 1 word per second. Then give the child a pencil, and repeat a SECOND time,
read the words one by one. Wait 5 seconds after each word, allowing the pupil to write.

Inka gumatang ti bagas ken itlog idiay tiendaan.

Inka (wait 5 seconds)
gumatang (wait 10 seconds)
ti (wait 5 seconds)
bagas (wait 5 seconds)
ken (wait 5 seconds)
itlog (wait 5 seconds)
idiay (wait 5 seconds)
tiendaan (wait 10 seconds)
Inka gumatang ti bagas ken itlog idiay tiendaan. (wait 15 seconds)


Grade 2-3
Read the following sentence aloud ONCE at about 1 word per second.
Then give the child a pencil, and repeat a SECOND time, grouping the words “inka gumatang” – “ti bagas ken asukar” – “idiay
tiendaan”. Wait 10 seconds after each group allowing the pupil to write.
Then repeat the sentence a THIRD time while the child is writing. Give the child up to 15 seconds to complete writing after the third

Inka gumatang ti bagas ken itlog idiay tiendaan.

Inka gumatang (wait 10 seconds)
ti bagas ken itlog (wait 10 seconds)
idiay tiendaan (wait 10 seconds)

Inka gumatang ti bagas ken itlog idiay tiendaan.

(wait 15 seconds)

Evaluation Criteria Score 2=correct, 1=partially correct, 0 incorrect, 0=no response
Wrote “gumatang” correctly. 1= misspelled but deciphered
Wrote “bagas” correctly. 1= misspelled but deciphered
Wrote “itlog” correctly. 1= misspelled but deciphered
Used spacing between words (size of spacing does not
1= misspelled but deciphered
Used appropriate direction of text (left to right) 2= 7 spaces (between all words) 1= 4-6 spaces, 0= 0-3
Used capital letter for the word “Inka”. 2= correct; 0= incorrect (no partial score)
Used full stop (.) at the end of sentence. 2= correct; 0= incorrect (no partial score)


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