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What does the

evidence say about the

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Mediterranean diet?

By Sharon A. Watts, DNP, FNP-BC, CDE;

Carl Stevenson, BSN, RN; and
Julianne Patterson, MSN, RN, CDE

OVER 84 MILLION adults in the United States with prediabe-

tes need lifestyle education to prevent the onset of diabetes.1,2
(See Startling statistics.) Nurses can take steps to help mitigate
the harm of both prediabetes and diabetes that are fueled by
fast, inexpensive, and overly processed food. This article re-
views what generally constitutes the Mediterranean diet (MD),
presents the evidence about the role the MD plays in type 2
diabetes mellitus (T2DM) preven-
tion, and suggests how nurses can Startling statistics1
present the concept of this diet to
The CDC estimates that from 2009 to
patients and their families.
2012, 86 million U.S. adults age 20 or
older had prediabetes, or 37% of the
Defining terms U.S. population. For those age 65 or
Primary prevention aims to older, the proportion with prediabetes
prevent disease or injury before it rose to 51%. The CDC’s findings are
occurs in the population at large. based on fasting glucose or A1C lev-
Examples of primary prevention els. Additionally, 12.6% of adults age
include preventing exposures to 20 or older already had diabetes.
hazards that cause disease or in-
jury, altering unhealthy or unsafe behaviors that can lead to
disease or injury, and increasing resistance to disease or injury
should exposure occur.3 Nurses could teach patients about the
prevention of diabetes by diet and exercise, an important pri-
mary prevention.
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a
disease or injury that’s already occurred through evidence-

based interventions. Examples of secondary prevention in-

clude treating disease or injury as soon as possible to halt or
slow its progress, encouraging personal strategies to prevent
reinjury or recurrence, and implementing programs to

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return people to their original rine, and other solid fats are rarely
health and function and to prevent used. Solid fats are high in saturated
long-term problems.3 An example and trans fats, which damage arteries
of secondary prevention would be a and can contribute to dyslipidemia.7-9
change in diet and exercise that Reducing saturated fat improves in-
would help lower the hemoglobin sulin sensitivity, although this hasn’t
A1C (A1C) in a patient who’s been been well studied in individuals with
diagnosed with diabetes. diabetes.10 Olive oil is a good source
Prediabetes is a risk factor for of monounsaturated fat, or healthy
cardiovascular disease. (See Resources fat, that can help improve choles-
about diabetes.) However, risk factor terol levels when used instead of
modification, including diet, is saturated fats.7-9
known to reduce the progression of Although the MD was traditionally
prediabetes to diabetes.2 Until the part of the lifestyle of poor rural resi-
past decade, the typical dietary ad- dents in the MD region before the
vice has been to lose 7% to 10% mid-1960s, regular physical activity
of body weight by eating a well- was also integral to this lifestyle.
balanced diet (along with increased The MD is much more than a di-
physical activity) based on the etary plan; the physically active
Diabetes Prevention Trial, a multi- lifestyle of these residents is an im-
center, randomized controlled trial portant factor in the recommenda-
(RCT; N = 3,234) conducted from tions for spreading the traditional
1996 to 2001 in the United States.4 Risk factor modification, MD to non-MD countries.6
Emerging evidence now points to including dietary Mattioli and colleagues conduct-
the MD as a healthy eating option changes, can reduce ed a review of 17 research trials
to help patients reduce their risk of the progression of and defined the MD as the eating
developing T2DM. For those who habits found in populations living
already have diabetes, this diet im- prediabetes to diabetes. around the Mediterranean Sea
proves glycemic control and pro- (Crete and southern Italy) after
vides cardiovascular protection.2,5 MD and the impact each part of the World War II. During that time,
diet has on health and reduction of food was in short supply and
What constitutes the MD? total mortality.6 (See How do compo- nutrition was “characterized by
The MD doesn’t have a single defini- nents of the MD compare?) Certain a relatively high consumption of
tion; the studies discussed in this parts of the diet have a more positive inexpensive and [unprocessed]
article used variations of the MD impact on health than others. For foods such as cereals, vegetables,
found in the countries surrounding example, the high intake of plant legumes, nuts, fish, fresh fruits,
the Mediterranean Sea.5 The term foods such as vegetables, fruits, and olive oil as the principal source
MD is often used to describe the nuts, and legumes (fleshy, colorful of fat. The consumption of meat
consumption of common healthy plant seeds such as beans, peas, and was low, whereas the consumption
foods of the region. lentils) has the largest impact.7-9 of milk, dairy products, and wine
Trichopoulou and colleagues Olive oil is the staple fat used for was low–moderate.”5
compared various ingredients of the cooking in this diet.8 Butter, marga- The components of the traditional
MD are like those in other modern
healthy diet trends (such as the
Resources about diabetes Healthy Eating Index or the Dietary
• For the definitions of diabetes and prediabetes, see American Diabetes Association. Approaches to Stop Hypertension)
2. Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: standards of medical care in diabetes-2018. with two unique elements: moderate
Diabetes Care. 2018;41(suppl 1):S13-S27 at intake of red wine during meals and
diacare/suppl/2017/12/08/41.Supplement_1.DC1/DC_41_S1_Combined.pdf. abundant fat intake, provided that
• For detailed recommendations for teaching about the MD, including foods or food the fat comes from virgin olive oil,
groups, recommended intake, tips, and the Mediterranean-style plate method, see tree nuts, and/or fatty fish.5,11
the Veterans Affairs Nutrition and Food Services website:
Trichopoulou and colleagues stat-
ed that future research is needed to

52 l Nursing2018 l Volume 48, Number 3

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clarify whether red wine should be
distinguished from other types of How do components of the MD compare?
alcohol intake as part of the MD’s
health benefits.6 Gepner and col-
leagues studied 54 individuals in
Israel who had T2DM. They compared
Other Vegetables
A1C levels between two groups:
12.1% 16.2%
Group one drank 150 mL of dry red
wine with dinner, and group two
drank mineral water. Both groups Olive Oil
were advised to adhere to the MD, 10.6%
Fruits & Nuts
without caloric restriction. They 11.3%
found that those who drank red wine
had an A1C of 6.6 ± 0.9, and those Low Meat
who drank mineral water had an 16.6% Legumes
A1C of 6.9 ± 1.4.12 9.7%

Primary prevention Moderate Alcohol

A meta-analysis by Bloomfield and 23.5%
colleagues (N = 7,447) showed that
individuals who adhered to the MD
had a 30% decrease in the risk of
developing T2DM.13 More recently, This pie chart shows how much the individual components of the MD are respon-
Dinu and colleagues published a sible for improving health and reducing mortality. For instance, moderate alcohol
meta-analysis review of 10 articles intake has a greater impact than using olive oil, but eating more vegetables, fruits,
that revealed a 17% drop in the nuts, and legumes (combined) has more of an impact than any single element.
incidence of diabetes for individuals Source: Trichopoulou A, Martínez-González MA, Tong TY, et al. Definitions and potential health benefits of the
Mediterranean diet: views from experts around the world. BMC Med. 2014;12:112.
following the MD.14

Secondary prevention carbohydrate diet; the 2003 ADA effects.17 The evidence supports
In a systematic review of 20 RCTs and diet; or a high-carbohydrate diet. the use of the MD to help patients
3,073 participants with T2DM, Ajala Compared with control diets, the MD reduce the risk of T2DM.
and colleagues compared the MD with led to greater reductions in A1C,
other dietary interventions (such as fasting plasma glucose, fasting insulin, What nurses can do
low-fat, high-glycemic index, American body mass index, and body weight.16 Due to the increasing number of pa-
Diabetes Association [ADA], European Recently, Esposito and colleagues tients diagnosed with T2DM, nurses
Association for the Study of Diabe- published a meta-analysis of the need to be prepared to teach patients
tes, and low-protein diets) that lasted MD for patients with T2DM.17 about healthy food choices. Many
6 months or longer.15 They found a They found that the MD is associ- nurses are the “first responders” to
weighted mean difference in A1C of ated with better glycemic control in newly admitted or clinic patients who
−0.47% in favor of the MD. The MD patients with T2DM (A1C reduc- may be challenged by needing to bal-
was also effective in helping patients tion ranging from 0.3% to 0.47%). ance diabetes management with that
lose weight.15 They propose that the MD may of other complex medical problems.18
Huo and colleagues conducted a protect patients from T2DM due to Completely changing one’s diet
meta-analysis of RCTs to explore the its anti-inflammatory and antioxi- can be overwhelming. Nurses
effects of the MD on glycemic control, dative effects. The protective nutri- can suggest patients make small
weight loss, and cardiovascular risk ents in the diet, such as fiber, changes to their diet to gradually
factors in 1,178 patients with T2DM.16 vitamins, minerals, and polyphe- incorporate more MD elements.
The MD and control diets with which nols, as well as the absence of For example, they can encourage
they were compared weren’t consistent proinflammatory nutrients such as patients to use more olive oil rath-
across the studies. The control diets saturated and transfatty acids, refined er than butter or margarine. Indi-
were a low-fat diet; usual dietary sugars, and starches, are thought vidualize teaching and nutrition
habits; nonrestricted-calorie, low- to account for the diet’s beneficial plans based on each patient’s March l Nursing2018 l 53

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

needs.19 Advise them to consume 9. Veterans Affairs Nutrition and Food Services.
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more fruits and vegetables as UpdatedPatientEd/Mediterraneandiet.pdf.
snacks instead of processed or 10. Franz MJ, Boucher JL, Evert AB. Evidence-
prepackaged items.7 based diabetes nutrition therapy recommendations
are effective: the key is individualization. Diabetes
Extra virgin and virgin olive oils Metab Syndr Obes. 2014;7:65-72.
are high in monounsaturated fatty 11. Schwingshackl L, Hoffmann G. Diet quality as
assessed by the Healthy Eating Index, the Alternate
acids and can be used in cooking and Healthy Eating Index, the Dietary Approaches to
baking as an alternative to butter and Stop Hypertension score, and health outcomes:
a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort
other oils, which are higher in satu- studies. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015;115(5):780.e5-800.e5.
rated and trans fats.7,20 Teach patients 12. Gepner Y, Henkin Y, Schwarzfuchs D, et al.
to choose whole wheat instead of Differential effect of initiating moderate red wine
consumption on 24-h blood pressure by Alcohol
white bread, pasta, and rice and Dehydrogenase Genotypes: randomized trial in type
to use these in moderation.7 2 diabetes. Am J Hypertens. 2016;29(4):476-483.
13. Bloomfield HE, Koeller E, Greer N, MacDonald
Encourage them to use vinaigrette R, Kane R, Wilt TJ. Effects on health outcomes
dressings as a vegetable dip instead of a Mediterranean diet with no restriction on fat
intake: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann
of sour cream-based dips. Another Intern Med. 2016;165(7):491-500.
healthy choice is to sprinkle on seeds, 14. Dinu M, Pagliai G, Casini A, Sofi F. Mediterranean
nuts, and vinaigrette dressings in- diet and multiple health outcomes: an umbrella
review of meta-analyses of observational studies
stead of using cheese, croutons, and and randomised trials. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018;72(1):
creamy dressings.7,21,22 30-43.
15. Ajala O, English P, Pinkney J. Systematic review
Incorporating more legumes, and meta-analysis of different dietary approaches
vegetables, and fruit into a diet to the management of type 2 diabetes. Am J Clin
plan with less meat is consistent
The Mediterranean Nutr. 2013;97(3):505-516.

with the MD-style diet plan. Con- diet is effective in 16. Huo R, Du T, Xu Y, et al. Effects of
Mediterranean-style diet on glycemic control,
suming a moderate amount of helping patients weight loss and cardiovascular risk factors among
type 2 diabetes individuals: a meta-analysis. Eur J
poultry and fatty fish such as salm- achieve weight loss. Clin Nutr. 2015;69(11):1200-1208.
on and tuna are recommended as 17. Esposito K, Maiorino MI, Bellastella G,
Chiodini P, Panagiotakos D, Giugliano D. A
well as consuming a small amount journey into a Mediterranean diet and type 2
of lean meat.7 diabetes: a systematic review with meta-analyses.
BMJ Open. 2015;5(8):e008222.
A simple, easy-to-understand tool is glycemic control in patients with
18. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Metabolic
the MD plate method, which can be preexisting T2DM. ■ syndrome. Medline Plus. 2017. https://medlineplus.
useful when low literacy issues are a gov/metabolicsyndrome.html.
19. Rodriguez-Garcia E, Ruiz-Nava J, Santamaria-
concern.22 Refer patients to a regis- REFERENCES Fernandez S, et al. Characterization of lipid profile
tered dietitian nutritionist and to 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H
National Diabetes Statistics Report. 2017. www.cdc. NMR) of metabolically healthy obese women after
diabetes self-management education gov/diabetes/data/statistics/statistics-report.html. weight loss with Mediterranean diet and physical
classes for more in-depth clarification 2. American Diabetes Association. Prevention or exercise. Medicine. 2017;96(27):e7040.
of what constitutes healthy eating.2 delay of type 2 diabetes: standards of medical care 20. MedlinePlus. Dietary fats explained. 2017.
in diabetes—2018. Diabetes Care. 2018;41(suppl
Finally, encourage all patients to 1):S51-S54. 000104.htm.
maintain regular physical activity in 3. Institute for Work and Health. What researchers 21. MedlinePlus. Salads and nutrients. 2017.
mean by...primary, secondary and tertiary
conjunction with making healthy diet
prevention. 22. Watts SA, Stevenson C, Adams M. Improving
choices.2,6,10,19 secondary-and-tertiary-prevention. health literacy in patients with diabetes. Nursing.
4. Watts S, Howard JY. Prediabetes: what nurses 2017;47(1):24-31.
need to know. Am J Nurs. 2016;116(7):54-58.
Knowledge is power Sharon A. Watts is an NP in endocrinology at the
5. Mattioli AV, Palmiero P, Manfrini O, et al. Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center in
Nurses can familiarize themselves Mediterranean diet impact on cardiovascular Cleveland, Ohio, and is the Metabolic Syndrome
and Diabetes Advisor for the Office of Nursing
with the MD and its impact on the diseases: a narrative review. J Cardiovasc Med.
Services Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C. Carl
health of patients with prediabetes Stevenson is a staff RN at the Boise VA Medical
6. Trichopoulou A, Martínez-González MA, Tong Center in Boise, Idaho. Julianne Patterson is an RN
and T2DM. Encourage patients to TY, et al. Definitions and potential health benefits certified diabetes educator at the VA Central Iowa
Health Care System in Des Moines, Iowa.
progressively adjust their diets to of the Mediterranean diet: views from experts
around the world. BMC Med. 2014;12:112.
include more of the items in the tra- The authors have disclosed no financial relationships
7. MedlinePlus. MD diet review. 2016. https:// related to this article.
ditional MD.2,6,10,19 All nurses play
htm. The opinions expressed herein are those of the au-
an important role in teaching pa- thors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
8. American Diabetes Association. The basics of
tients how to reduce their risk for MD-style eating.
Government, or any of its agencies.

developing T2DM and improving meal-plans/mediterranean-meal-plan.html. DOI-10.1097/01.NURSE.0000530407.38450.a3

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