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This chapter contains two parts, previous study and theoretical foundation.

A literature review describes the previous studies related to the novel Confession

of a Shopaholic and the analysis of internal conflict of the main. The foundation

of the theory contains the relevant theories used in this research. The theory used

is the Psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud focus to anxiety.

2.1 Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud

According to Albertine (2010: 11), psychoanalysis is a scientific discipline

began around the 1900s by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a type of

psychology about unconsciousness; its attention focused on the fields of

motivation, emotion, conflict, neurotic systems, dreams, and character traits.

The theory of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud is important to help unravel

and solve the problems in this study. Psychoanalysis is a tool to help understand a

person's personality through the characters in literary texts. Tyson states that

psychoanalysis can help us understand human behavior better also can help us

understand literary texts, which are about human behavior. Freud (in Suryabrata,

2002: 3), psychoanalysis is a method of medical treatment for people who suffer

from neurological disorders. In the study of psychology literature, will be trying to

uncover psychoanalytic personality that is seen covering the three elements of the

psyche, namely: id, ego, and superego. The three systems are interrelated to form

a relationship.

2.2 The Structure of Personality

According to Freud, the life of the soul has three levels of consciousness;

they are conscious, preconscious, unconscious. This topography or awareness

map is used to describe elements of awareness in every mental event such as

thinking and fantasizing. Myers in Psychology is trying to explain the three parts

of personality, as follows:

The Underlying Freud's conception of personality was his belief

that the mind is like an iceberg-mostly hidden. Our conscious

thoughts are the part of the iceberg above the surface. Below that is

a much larger unconscious region is a whole reservoir of thoughts,

wishes, feelings, and memories of which we are unaware. Some of

these thoughts are merely temporarily out of mind in a

preconscious area, from which they can be retrieved at will into

conscious awareness (Myers 396)

From Myers's explanation above, it can be understood that most of human

thought which consists of the basic desires of memories is in the unconscious part,

while the conscious part is awareness in human psychology. And as bridge

between the conscious and unconscious part is the preconscious, where thought

and memories from the unconscious can be taken at will into consciousness.

Freud as cited in Alwisol (2009) said that the structure of personality

consist of three, they are the conscious, preconscious and unconscious. The first

level is conscious, is the level of consciousness that contains all the things that we

observe at a particular time. Freud added that only a small part of mental life

(mind, perception, feeling and memory) entered consciousness. The contents of

consciousness only last a short time in the conscious area, and are immediately

pressed into the preconscious and unconscious area, once people move their

attention to another cue.

Preconscious is also called available memory, which is the level of

consciousness that connects the conscious and unconscious, so that the contents of

the preconscious itself come from the conscious and unconscious.

Unconscious is the deepest part of the structure of consciousness, which

according to Freud in Alwisol (2009) is the most important part in the human

soul. The unconscious contains instincts, impulses and drives brought from birth,

and traumatic experiences that are suppressed by consciousness in moving to an

unconscious area.

Until the 1920s, the theory about the conflict of psychiatric involves only

the third element of awareness of it. Then in 1923 Freud introduced three other

structural models, which are id, ego, and superego. This new structure does not

replace the old structure, but complements / refines the mental picture especially

in its function or purpose (Alwisol, 2015: 13). The third structural model of

personality according to Freud (in Alwisol, 2015: 14) as follows.

1. Id

According to Freud, the Id is a system of personality that is original,

brought from birth. From the id then will appear the ego and the superego. At

birth, the id contains all the psychological aspects that are derived, such as

instincts, impulses, and drives (in Alwisol, 2015: 14). Further, Freud explained

that the Id is located and operates in the area of unconscious, representing a

subjectivity which is never realized throughout the ages. The Id operates based on

the pleasure principle, which trying to obtain pleasure and avoid pain (in Alwisol,

2015: 14).

Freud explains that the Id is only able to imagine something, without being

able to distinguish the delusion that with the fact that absolutely satisfy the needs.

Then Freud also said that Id is not able to judge or distinguish right-wrong, do not

know about moral. So it should be developed the way to obtain that fantasy is

real, which gave satisfaction without causing new tensions, especially moral

issues. This is the reason that made id bring up the ego (in Alwisol, 2015: 15)

2. Ego

Freud argues that the Ego is the executive (managing) of personality,

which has two main tasks; first, choose the stimuli which wish to respond and or

instinct which will be satisfied in accordance with priority needs. Second,

determine when and how the needs are satisfied in accordance with the

availability of opportunities with minimal risks (in Alwisol, 2015: 16). Freud

added, in other words, the ego as the personality executive trying to meet the

needs of the id while also meet the moral needs and needs of developing-achieve-

the perfection of the superego. Ego actually works to satisfy the Id, because the

ego does not have its own energy will get energy from Id (in Alwisol, 2015: 16)

The Ego develops from id so that people are able to deal with reality; the

ego operates according to the reality principle, the efforts to satisfaction that is

demanded by the id by preventing the occurrence of new stresses or delaying

pleasure until the object that can satisfy the needs found (Freud in Alwisol, 2015:

15). Furthermore, Freud explained that from the way it works it can be understood

that most areas of ego operations are in consciousness, but there is a small part of

the ego operating in the preconscious area and the unconscious area

(Alwisol, 2015: 16).

3. Superego

Freud says that the Superego is the moral strength and ethics of

personality, which operates on the principle of idealistic (idealistic principle) as

opposed to the principle of the satisfaction of the id and the principle realistic of

the ego (in Alwisol, 2015: 16). Furthermore, Freud explains that the Superego

develops from ego, and like the ego he has no energy of its own. Same with ego,

superego operates in three areas of consciousness. But unlike ego, superego does

not have contact with the outside world (same with id) so that the need for

perfection that is strived is not realistic (id is not realistic in fighting for pleasure)

(in Alwisol, 2015: 16).

Furthermore, Freud said that Superego is not rational in demanding

perfection, severely punishing ego errors, both those that have been done and new

ones in the mind. Superego is also like the ego in controlling id, not just delaying

gratification but hinders its fulfillment (in the Alwisol, 2015: 16).

Freud added, there are at least 3 superego functions; (1) encourage the ego

to replace realistic goals with moralistic goals, (2) block id impulses, especially

sexual and aggressive impulses that are contrary to the standards of society

values, and (3) pursue perfection. (Freud in Alwisol, 2015: 16).

Munculnya unsur id, ego dan superego yang terjadi pada tokoh ini

menyebabkan konflik dalam diri tokoh juga muncul. Sehingga antara unsur id,

ego dan superego memiliki keterkaitan dengan konflik. Menurut Meredith &

Fitzgerald (via Nurgiyantoro, 2005: 122), konflik adalah sesuatu yang dramatik,

mengacu pada pertarungan antara dua kekuatan yang seimbang dan menyiratkan

adanya aksi dan aksi balasan. Lebih rinci, Daniel Webter (via Pickering, 2006: 1),

mendefinisikan konflik sebagai berikut: (1) Persaingan atau pertentangan antara

pihak-pihak yang tidak cocok satu sama lain (2) Keadaan atau perilaku yang

bertentangan (misalnya: pertentangan pendapat kepentingan, atau pertentangan

atar individu) (3) Perselisihan akibat kebutuhan, dorongan, keinginan, atau

tuntutan yang bertentangan (4) Perseteruan.

Menurut KBBI (2002:512) konflik merupakan suatu ketegangan atau

pertentangan didalam sebuah cerita rekaan atau drama,pertentangan antara dua

kekuatan, pertentangan dalam diri satu tokoh cerita, pertentangan antar dua tokoh

dan lain sebagainya. Sementara itu Wellek dan Warren (1989:285) menyatakan

bahwa konflik adalah sesuatu yang dramatik, mengacu pada pertentangan antara

dua kekuatan yang seimbang dan menyiratkan adanya aksi dan aksi balasan

.Dengan demikian konflik ialah sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan dan

menyebabkan suatu aksi dan reaksi dari hal yang dipertentangkan tokoh dalam

suatu peristiwa.

Menurut Marquaβ (1998: 87), wujud konflik di dalam sastra dibagi

menjadi dua bagian, yaitu konflik internal dan konflik eksternal. Konflik internal

adalah konflik yang terjadi pada seorang tokoh yang menyangkut keinginan,

tuntutan dan harapan, sedangkan konflik eksternal adalah konflik yang terjadi

pada dua tokoh atau lebih yang mempertentangkan kekuasaan

kepemilikan,kebaikan seseorang, atau seperti pertengkaran.

1. Konflik eksternal.

Konflik eksternal adalah konflik yang terjadi antara seseorang tokoh dengan

sesuatu yang ada di luar dirinya, mungkin dengan lingkungan alam mungkin

lingkungan manusia atau dengan tokoh lain. Konflik eksternal dibedakan menjadi

dua kategori.

a. Konflik Fisik

Konflik fisik adalah konflik yang disebabkan adanya perbenturan antara tokoh

dengan lingkungan alam, misalnya banjir besar, kemarau panjang, gunung

meletus, dan sebagainya.

b. Konflik Sosial

Konflik sosial adalah konflik yang disebabkan kontak sosial dengan manusia,

seperti masalah perburuhan, penindasan, percekcokan, peperangan atau kasus-

kasus hubungan sosial lainnya.

2. Konflik Internal.

Konflik internal adalah konflik yang terjadi dalam hati dan pikiran, dalam jiwa

seorang tokoh cerita. Konflik internal, juga disebut sebagai konflik manusia vs

konflik diri, adalah konflik antara karakter utama dan pikirannya sendiri.

Perdebatan muncul dalam pikiran karakter tentang apa yang harus dilakukan atau

dipikirkan. Dalam sebuah cerita, konflik internal yang terjadi dalam karakter, baik

kebutuhan batiniahnya, keinginannya, kepercayaannya, atau gejolaknya

( Konflik ini penting untuk karakter dan harus diselesaikan

oleh karakter itu sendiri. Sejalan dengan penjelasan berikut, Dollard dan Miller

(dikutip dikutip dalam Engler, 2014, hal.193) menyatakan bahwa resolusi konflik

internal dalam pandangan psikologis adalah "diskusi di mana yang muncul dari

respons di mana respons yang tidak sesuai diumumkan pada saat yang sama."

Misalnya, hal-hal yang terjadi akibat adanya pertentangan antara dua keinginan,

keyakinan, pilihan yang berbeda, harapan-harapan, atau masalah-masalah lainnya.

Konflik timbul dalam situasi di mana terdapat dua atau lebih kebutuhan,

harapan, keinginan dan tujuan yang saling bersesuaian, saling bersaing dan

menyebabkan tarik menarik (L. Linda, 1991: 178).

Penyebab terjadinya konflik bisa bermacam-macam, antara lain karena salah

paham, kegagalan berkomunikasi, keegoisan, kurangnya pengetahuan, perbedaan

pandangan hidup, dan segala macam keheterogenan. Konflik merupakan konsekuensi

dari komunikasi yang buruk, salah pengertian, salah perhitungan, dan proses lain

yang tidak disadari. Hal tersebut sulit dihindari, karena sebagai insan sosial kita

senantiasa berhubungan dengan orang lain, baik anggota keluarga sendiri ataupun

masyarakat dan dalam sebuah komunikasi sudah pasti mempunyai peluang terjadinya


Sementara itu menurut Soekanto (1970 : 220-221) sebab-sebab terjadinya

konflik antara lain sebagai berikut.

1. Perbedaan Antarperorangan

Perbedaan ini dapat berupa perbedaan perasaan, pendirian, atau pendapat. Hal ini

mengingat bahwa manusia adalah individu yang unik atau istimewa karena tidak

pernah ada kesamaan yang baku antara yang satu dengan yang lain.Perbedaan-

perbedaan inilah yang dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya konflik

sosial, sebab dalam menjalani sebuah pola interaksi sosial, tidak mungkin

seseorang akan selalu sejalan dengan individu yang lain.

2. Perbedaan Kebudayaan

Perbedaan kebudayaan mempengaruhi pola pemikiran dan tingkah laku

perseorangan dalam kelompok kebudayaan yang bersangkutan. Selain perbedaan

dalam tataran individual, kebudayaan dalam masing-masing kelompok juga tidak

sama. Setiap individu dibesarkan dalam lingkungan kebudayaan yang berbeda-

beda. Dalam lingkungan kelompok masyarakat yang samapun tidak menutup

kemungkinan akan terjadi perbedaan kebudayaan, karena kebudayaan lingkungan

keluarga yang membesarkannya


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