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Renaissance Art Centers

Name: _______________________________
Class Period:_________________

Center One Art:

You are going to be painting like Michelangelo did, on your backs, except you will not be
suspended in the air. You will be laying under your desk. You are going to paint your own Sistine
Chapel. You will type a piece of paper to the bottom of a desk and paint laying on your back.
You will paint for about 5-6 minutes and then you will need to come together in the group and
answer some questions about how the what you just did.

Answer the Questions Below:

Did you find this activity hard? If yes

How has the way we create Art different

now than in the Renaissance?

If you were Michelangelo and you were

asked to paint the Sistine Chapel how
much money would you ask for the job and
how long do you think it would have taken?

Would you have tried to invent

something to help paint the chapel
Who could Michelangelo have asked to
make him an invention?

Center 2: The Renaissance Crash Course:

You will watch a video at the front of the room. You will answer the questions I have
provided on the centers sheet the questions will be answered throughout the video. You do
not have to write in complete sentences and are allowed to work together to answer the
questions as the video is being played.
Answer the following questions: (You do not need to write in complete sentences)
1. Name two features of Renaissance architecture that makes it similar to Greek and
Roman architecture?
Renaissance Art Centers
Name: _______________________________
Class Period:_________________

2. Humanists studied the humanities, or liberal arts, which includes what subjects of

3. Which centuries did the Renaissance occur during?

4. How did Italy accumulate vast wealth, creating premium conditions for the start of the

5. In the late 15th century, what was discovered in Italy, allowing the Italians to dye their
cloth without relying on those in the Ottoman Empire?

6. What was the Medici family given by the Pope which helped their rise to power?

7. Why did Byzantine scholars flee Constantinople for Italy?

8. What is a "heliocentric system", which was theorized by Copernicus?

9. The advancements in art and learning during the Renaissance affected only a small
portion of Europe's population. Which group was mostly affected?
Renaissance Art Centers
Name: _______________________________
Class Period:_________________

Center 3: Dancing Station:

If you forget the names of the steps or how do to the steps refer to this:
 Reverence - This was a "greeting" step where the dancers would face each other.
They would then slide the left foot back and bend both knees to bow to the other dancer.
 Saltarello - This is a lively dance step where the dancer would take three steps
forward and then hop.
 Pavane - A slow "walking" dance that gave the dancers a chance to show off their
fancy clothes and gowns. It was usually the first dance of the night.
 Italian Double or Doppio - A step where the dancers would take two elegant steps
forward and then rise up on their toes.

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