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Alexa Goerlach


Looking back on this last month it has been filled with all the ups and downs possible. It was
hard to go from working food and beverage to working merchandise. Two completely different jobs with
two completely different demands. Food service was more or so get the guest in and out as where
merchandise is more making sure the guest find what they need and leave with something. Overcoming
adversity was my biggest challenge. There is so much to juggle in merchandise. You can’t just walk a
guest somewhere without another guest stopping you, you can’t just call the stock room and have what
they guest wants appear. It’s all about improvising and listening. Over all, it is all a learning and growing
experience that I need. I have learned a difference side of patience. Pass holders of Disney are needy.
They get special things offered just for them and if we are out of their size or sold out completely, they
are just not happy. You can’t please everyone but you can always try to find something to
accommodate. As for the ups, there will always be ups. Hearing the stories of where guest came from,
or getting to know just a piece of them and their lives are what makes my work shifts amazing. It’s
taking that extra second to make a guest to worker connection that makes them feel special and that
you actually care about their presence not just their money. Its finding a way to make sure even the kids
feel like they are wanted even though there parents are just paying for their toys. I have defiantly made
an improvement in my weakness in language barrier. We have guests all the time come up to you and
speak full blown Spanish or Chinese and expect you to just understand and before I would freeze up but
now it’s just second nature to take that extra second and figure out how to make that barrier not exist. I
think that’s important in any field to have. In the sports management world, taking that extra second in
any aspect of our job would not only give our customers that one on one connection but also feel like
they are a family to you which everyone knows has a huge impact on someone. Guest connection can
lead you to unexpected things. Talk to people, put yourself other there and don’t be afraid to have
conversations because they could end up with a friend or even a new link to better your future. The
downs are always hard. They try to keep you down because they are the devils. Being homesick was not
fun. I think I’m still home sick but that’s only because Christmas is approaching and yet another holiday
away from them but I know I can use what I learned and the friends I have made to get me through it.
Also, a down could be my patience. I feel like a lot of people that come to Disney just expect everything
to be perfect but we are just humans to, which they don’t understand sometimes. Yes my patience has
grown and I have learned how to be patient but it is always put to the test. To me, when I walk into a
store I would look around first before I ask where something is but at Disney, they just walk in and ask
even though it could be 3 inches in front of them. That’s where I take a breath and remember where I
am and what I have and how lucky I am to have it and proceed to the guest. Who you work with can also
be a down. You never know what that person is feeling or is going through but it is hard dealing with
their reactions. Being knew you have a lot of questions and there right off the bat reaction is that you’re
stupid. They can either be helpful or not but you can’t take it personally, you just have to be the bigger
person, bite your lounge and know it’s not worth it. You can’t pick who you work with, you just have to
know your there for you and for your job and that they don’t matter. This work place has been a
blessing. It has helped me grow and see a business in a different world. I always took people who
worked at merchandise for granted because it was something I never did or had interest in doing but
there is so much more to it than anyone will know. Just like sports management, they have to engage
with guest, make connections, make revenue, and put out that supply and demand. The fields can go
back to back because there all working towards one goal: a guest leaving with a smile knowing they
want to return because you did everything you could so they could have what they need and want.

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