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Kelsey R. Zehring

Professor William Loudermilk

English 1201.523

19 January 2019

How can allowing children too much screen time affect our brain/decisions?

This topic came to mind when I was writing about it in my last english class. I had to

write a five page paper on it and I was very broad about it. It also came to mind because

everywhere I go there are people on their phones constantly and are rude about it sometimes and

never put it down. I want to do more research and learn more about screen time and how it

affects each of us individually. I found it very interesting because there was some science behind

it. The science behind it interested me because it was about how the brain works when you are

healthy vurs when you have been looking at a screen for too long.

This topic makes me feel concerned about all the health effects that people may have and

do not even realize it. Having your face in front of a screen for hours a day can be very bad on

your health. This topic makes me think about how much healthier I could be in the long run and

how I could be more positive without looking at social media or seeing all the drama out there. I

believe there are ways to fix this problem and control this effects of having too much screen

time. I do know that it is very bad on the brain and it can change the way we act and how our

attitudes are toward certain people. It can also change how we perform in our academic classes.

This topic has major health concerns and people do not realize. You can get your brain scanned

on this and specialists can diagnose you with problems.

I want to learn a lot about this topic. I really want to learn all of the health problems and

how they can affect us. I want to learn the ways to control this issue and how long it will take to

take in affect and fix the way people act. I want to know how people change from this and/or if it
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is because of their home life or because they don’t care about anything else but their technology.

I want to be able to present a presentation on this in my future because I think this is a big

problem especially right now because phones are a big trend currently. I want to be able to help

people and inform others on the health concerns that many may not know.

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