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HIGH SCHOOL 2012/2013
Ungky Pawestri 1, *, Soeyono2, Ira Kurniawati2
1 Student of Mathematics Education Study Program, FKIP, UNS, Surakarta
2D lecturers of Mathematics Education Study Program, FKIP, UNS, Surakarta
* Requirement of correspondent: 085799008579,


This study aims to find out: (1) the difficulties experienced by students and
teachers in learning mathematics in the subject matter of logarithms by
introducing English in the immersion class program, (2) what factors cause
students and teachers to experience difficulties in learning mathematics with an
introduction to English in the subject matter of logarithmic forms, (3) what efforts
were made to minimize the difficulties experienced in learning mathematics with
an introduction to English in the immersion class program related to the subject
matter of the logarithmic form.

This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of the study were
Grade X Immersion of Karangpandan State High School Karanganyar High
School. As the source of the data is the Immersion 2 grade X student and the
teacher who was observed. From the data source, 5 students were selected as
informants. Data collection is done by the method of observation, tests, and
interviews. Data validation is done by data triangulation by comparing data from
observations, test results and interview data. The data analysis technique uses
qualitative data analysis which includes data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing.

Keywords : difficulty analysis, immersion class, mathematics learning,

logarithmic form.

The development of the Knowledge and Technology Science (IPTEK) as

well as globalization and information that is increasingly rapid, requires the
readiness of qualified Human Resources (HR), who are able to compete both
domestically and in the global free competition arena. The implementation of
effective and quality education has a strategic role in realizing quality people. For
this reason, in building a framework and education system in Indonesia in the
future, it is not just about achieving the goals of learning alone, but also need to
pay attention to the interrelationships between the development of personal
potential and the life of society as a whole in accordance with the demands of
contemporary development both local, national, regional and international

The concern about the low quality of education and realize the importance
of English is an international language, it appears the idea or the notion of
immersion class program. In the implementation of the immersion class program,
there are still doubts that some people are questioning the effectiveness of the
immersion class learning program implemented in Senior High Schools (SMA).
Doubt arises on the basis of several thoughts, the lack of mastery of English for
teachers and students as the language of instruction, students have a double
burden of mastering English as the language of instruction and achievement. basic
competencies, the cost burden borne by parents of immersion class students is
quite large when compared to regular class programs, while the learning outcomes
to be achieved are still in doubt.

In the immersion class , the learning process that uses English language
introduction includes subjects in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology,
English, economics, history, and geography. The mathematics material taught in
class X namely: the form of rank , root, and logarithms, equations and quadratic
functions, systems of linear and quadratic equations, and inequalities. When new
material arrives at the form of rank and root, students do not experience
difficulties because when sitting in junior high school (SMP), students have taken
material in the form of ranks and roots. However, when the material has begun to
penetrate into the form of logarithms, students begin to feel difficulties especially
when the material is material that is new to students. Difficulties experienced by
students can occur because students are lacking master the concept of logarithms.
Based on the value list for semester 1 of class X immersion in the 2011/2012
academic year, of the 27 students who took the logarithmic daily test test, 56% did
not reach the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) of 75. According to
mathematics teachers, students' mastery of subject matter the logarithmic form is
relatively low. To help overcome the problems in mathematics learning faced by
students, especially in understanding the concept of logarithms delivered with an
introduction to English, it is necessary to look for the causes of the problems of
these students. Factors of student learning difficulties include: (1) student factors
include: (a) IQ that is not good, (b) learning activities that are lacking, (c) there is
no motivation in learning. (2) school factors include: (a) teachers who are not
qualified, (b) the school atmosphere unpleasant, (c) The library is not complete.
(3) family factors include: (a) parents who lack or do not pay attention to their
children's education, (b) the atmosphere of a crowded or noisy house is not
possible to make children learn well.

Schools that organize Mathematics and Natural Sciences learning

programs in English are expected to focus their activities on the following aspects
in order to achieve learning goals: (1) development of material in English, (2)
development of learning media, (3) improvement of teacher competency in
English, (4) habituation of English in schools, (5) consistent implementation of
School-Based Management and school leadership [1]


Research analyzes the difficulty of learning mathematics with an

introduction to English in the material the main form of this logarithm is carried
out in class X Immigration State High School Karangpandan Karanganyar
2012/2013. The research phase includes 3 stages, namely the preparation,
implementation and completion stages.

In accordance with the objectives to be achieved in this study, this research

is qualitative research. [2] Qualitative research is a study aimed at describing and
analyzing phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions,
thoughts of people individually or in groups. In this study, there were no
hypotheses and the data produced were descriptive data in the form of written or
oral words. This study examines the forms of characteristics, activities, changes,
relationships, similarities, and differences with other phenomena. Descriptive
research does not provide treatment but describes conditions that are running as
they are.

In this study in determining the research subject was not randomly

selected, but purposive sample selection. This research was conducted in class X
immersion of Karangpandan Karanganyar Public High School in the academic
year 2012/2013. Then, selected students representing each group from the type of
mistakes made for the interview and analyzed the data.

In this study, the methods used are of three types, namely [3] the
observation method to see and observe for themselves, then record behaviors and
events as they do in the actual situation, [4] the test method in the form of a
description question to find out the mistakes made by students on problem
solving, and interview methods to obtain information about the learning process.

One way to obtain data validity in qualitative research is by triangulation.

The triangulation technique used in this study is the triangulation method. The
method of triangulation in this study was conducted by comparing the data
collected using the method of observation, tests, and interviews with the subjects
of the study.

From the results of data validation for each research subject, obtained errors and
things that cause these errors, namely:

1. Error receiving information is caused by students who are not careful and in a
hurry when reading questions. Students ignore the root form and rank in the
problem because they are not familiar with questions that contain elements of
root and rank.
2. The error concept of logarithms generally occurs because students prefer to
study material in the formulas and procedures for solving problems rather than
learning the concepts contained in the definition of the logarithmic form.
3. Erroneous strategies, students are wrong in using procedures and steps to solve
problems. Mistakes in taking steps make students experience a dead end when
working on the questions given. Students only work half way so that students
do not find the final results that are asked about the questions. This can happen
because students are lacking in doing problem exercises.
4. Less research causes students to make mistakes in counting. Understanding of
material that is lacking in the form of roots and rank is also the cause of errors
in counting.
5. Writing errors occur because students are not careful and in a hurry when
working on the problem. There are students who do not know the exact writing
position of the main number, because students do not understand the
description of the existing logarithmic definition. Students assume the basic
and numeric numbers are the same in writing.

In interviews conducted with mathematics teachers, the following results were

obtained :

1. For teachers, one of the obstacles that is felt is that students' motivation to learn
mathematics is generally low, which makes it difficult for teachers to use
various ways of managing learning creatively, because usually this requires
high learning motivation from students.
2. Knowledge and prerequisite abilities possessed by students in studying the
subject matter of the logarithmic form tend to be less. Therefore, the teacher
needs to repeat the necessary prerequisite material before starting learning
about the subject matter of the logarithmic form. This tends to take up a lot of
time that should be used to implement the planned learning program.
3. Lack of university-level math reference books that can be used by
mathematics teachers.
4. In terms of the language of instruction in mathematics learning, namely
English, which is used in the learning process, the ability of students in
mastering the language is lacking which causes the teacher to experience
difficulties in creating good communication in the immersion class.

The process of learning mathematics in the classroom greatly affects students

in understanding the concepts that exist in the subject matter of the form of
logarithms. The five research subjects claimed that their attention to the learning
process in the classroom was lacking. The reasons put forward by these students
varied among them teaching material that was difficult to understand because it
was new material received by students and the form of material presentation
delivered by the teacher was less interesting. Material presentation that attracts the
attention of students will be very useful especially if students have low motivation
and interest in learning. In addition, students who sit in the back claim to not be
able to read the writing on the board and hear the teacher's voice clearly so that
students do not can pay attention to the learning process well. Another thing in the
learning process in the class that affects students in the level of understanding the
concept is the lack of emphasis on drawing conclusions, both by the teacher and
from the students themselves. Drawing conclusions on the material studied is very
important because it can eliminate or minimize doubts over understanding of
concepts. Based on the results of observations and interviews, obtained
information that students are reluctant to ask the teacher if they experience
difficulties. They prefer to ask friends rather than teachers. The reasons revealed
varied include being embarrassed and afraid to be asked to work in front .
Motivation of students in working on assignments given by the teacher is very
lacking, they do not want to try working on the problem but rather rely on
discussion of the answers taken together.

The learning process that uses an introduction to English also makes it

difficult for students to capture and understand the subject matter of a complete
logarithmic form. The five research subjects who have the ability to speak English
lacked a lot of material that he did not understand. Not all students take English
language courses outside school hours to improve their English skills. They only
rely on makeshift English skills to follow the learning process in the classroom.
Although sometimes the teacher uses an Indonesian language introduction,
students still find it difficult to understand the material being taught. Wording
used by teachers sometimes mix between English and Indonesian also make it
difficult for students to better understand the material logarithm.

Learning media that have been provided by the school to support learning are
computers, LCDs, LCD screens, learning support manuals for immersion classes.
However, teachers and students do not use the media. The teacher does not make
optimal use of the computer, LCD and screen which makes the learning process
more interesting. The guidebooks to support immersion class learning in the
library are also not used properly by students. Student not try additional problem
exercises using the manual to add to the experience facing varied questions.

In addition to the learning process in the classroom, the way students learn
can also influence the success of students in solving questions. The five research
subjects said that they preferred to memorize formulas and procedures for solving
problems rather than understanding existing concepts. They are accustomed to
rote learning mathematics. They rarely practice working on the problem. The way
students learn is not a good way to learn. If they fail to remember the formulas
and procedures that they memorize, there will be no success in solving the
questions. The questions given in high school are very different from the
questions given in middle school. One research subject did not study before
working on the questions given. Therefore, mistakes made are different from other
students. The subject does not apply the concept learned during the learning
process to solve the problem.

The process of learning mathematics in the class that does not take
advantage of the learning media provided by the school and the wrong way
students learn can cause misunderstanding or lack of understanding even students'
ignorance of a mathematical concept. This can cause them to make mistakes in
solving math problems both conceptual errors and misapplied concepts. Material
in the form of logarithms is a new thing for high school students of class X. This
is what causes students difficult to accept new knowledge and adjust it to old

Submission of material by teachers who lack emphasis on understanding

concepts can lead to misconceptions or implementation errors concept because of
weak understanding concepts that students have. The possibility of errors in the
questions in the form of applications or about understanding a concept is very
large. Discussion of questions in this form is also necessary done to improve
students' ability to solve questions.

Another factor that is important in influencing the students in solving

problems related to the logarithm is their understanding prerequisite material.
Weak mastery of prerequisite material such as concepts in the search rules for the
roots of quadratic equations, fraction form calculations can cause students to make
prerequisite errors. Learning mathematics must be gradual, students must master
the prerequisite material needed to study a material.

From the difficulties experienced by students and teachers in carrying out the
process of learning mathematics by using English language introduction to the
material in the form of logarithms, it is necessary to make efforts to minimize the
difficulties experienced so that in implementing the immersion class program in
the future it will be more effective and reach the goal learning. Students'
difficulties in understanding the material in the form of logarithms can be
minimized by holding additional hours outside school hours whose purpose is to
deepen the material. Students also have to take the time to take lessons outside the
school program, so students get additional material and more varied questions. In
addition to difficulties in understanding material, students and teachers also find it
difficult to create communication learning using English language instruction,
both teachers and students need there is guidance in English communication so
that between teachers and students understand each other communication
language used. So that the teacher can manage the class well, the teacher needs to
follow the upgrades programmed by the P and K services, so the teacher knows
how to deliver good material in accordance with the curriculum

that applies.


Based on the study of theory and the results of data analysis and referring to the
research objectives that have been described, can be summed up as follows.

1. The difficulties experienced by students in learning mathematics subject

matter in the form of logarithms with an introduction to English in the
immersion class program include:
a. Students make mistakes in applying the concept, both the concept of
logarithms and the concept of preconditions related to the form of
logarithms. In this case, students cannot reach the level of mastery needed
as a prerequisite for solving the problem of the material in the form of the
principal logarithm. In this case, students are classified as a type of slow
learners difficulty.
b. The lack of accuracy of students causes students not to solve the problem.
Students understand the concept of solving questions related to the subject
matter of the logarithmic form, but not in accordance with the correct
answer. In this case, students are classified as the type of difficulty
c. Students do not understand the definition of logarithms, logarithmic
concepts, and the concept of prerequisites related to logarithms, so that
they do not work on the questions related to the material. In this case,
students cannot reach KKM (Minimum Completion Criteria). This case of
students is classified as a type of lower group difficulty.
2. Difficulties in speaking and speaking. Learning that uses English language
instruction makes it difficult for students to communicate with teachers because
of the lack of English language skills students have. Factors that cause students
and teachers to experience difficulties in learning mathematics with an
introduction to English in the subject matter of logarithmic forms include:
a. Difficult teaching material and the form of material presentation
delivered by the teacher are less interesting.
b. . Lack of material emphasis and conclusion.
c. .Motivating students in doing assignments given by teachers is lacking.
d. Poor English ability causes communication between teachers and
students when the learning process is lacking.
e. Learning methods of students who do not understand material concepts
but by memorizing formulas and procedures in solving problems.
f. . Lack of problem exercises performed by students.
g. Lack of students' understanding of the prerequisite aspects for
logarithmic subject matter.
h. Difficulties in managing creative learning because of motivation to learn
mathematics students who are generally relatively low.
i. The lack of prerequisite material knowledge that students have makes the
teacher need to repeat the material related to the logarithmic form so that
it is difficult to arrange the time to complete the material.
j. Lack of university level math reference books that can be used by
mathematics teachers
3. Efforts to minimize the difficulties experienced by students and teachers in
learning mathematics with an introduction to English in the subject matter of
logarithmic forms include:
a. The teacher emphasizes understanding the concept of the subject matter
of the form of logarithms.
b. Improved English language skills possessed by teachers and students so
that communication when the learning process runs smoothly.

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