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Research J. Pharm. and Tech.

11(7): July 2018

ISSN 0974-3618 (Print)

0974-360X (Online)


Effectiveness of Cucumber in reduction of Blood Pressure among

hypertensive clients in selected Rural Area.
Mrs. S. Vimala1 , Dr. P. Mangalagowri2, Mr. Mubarak Ali3, Ms. Nivetha4, Ms. Amutha5,
Ms. Banupriya6
Clinical Instructor, Department of Community Health Nursing, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Principal, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Student, Saveetha College of Nursing, SIMATS, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
One third adults worldwide are hypertensive clients. Increase blood pressure a condition that causes around half
of all death from stroke and heart diseases. In rural area 20% of total population are hypertensive clients, but
among them only 25% of people follows regular treatment and the rest of 75% ignore it. The main objective of
this study includes the level of Hypertension among rural people and to evaluate the effectiveness of cucumber
salad in control of type II diabetes mellitus. A quantitative research approach was conducted with pretest post
test only design among the hypertensive clients aged between 40-60 years. Simple random sampling technique
was used for sample selection. 100 grams of cucumber was administered once daily in the mid morning for two
weeks . At the end of the fourth week blood pressure was measured in both experimental and control group using
sphygmomanometer by observing biological variables. Data were analyzed through descriptive (frequency,
percentage, distribution, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistical (independent, paired ‘t’ test and chi
square test) methods. The cucumber found to be effective in experimental group by considering SBP 6.9% of
blood pressure was reduced, considering DBP 9.8% of blood pressure was reduced than the pretest. and in
control group 1.84% of systolic blood pressure and 3.67% reduction of DBP than the pretest. The study proves
that cucumber is effective in controlling blood pressure level more specifically diastolic blood pressure level
among hypertension patients and prevents them from developing complications. It is one of the cost effective
alternative source of reducing blood pressure among hypertensive clients in the community.
KEYWORDS: Cucumber salad, Hypertension, blood pressure, homecare, controlling BP.

INTRODUCTION: According to the National Institutes of Health, blood

Depends on the cardiac output and the resistance of the pressure readings of 140/90 mm-Hg1 and higher on
blood vessels. Hypertension is having a blood pressure recurring measurements is considered hypertension.2
higher than 140 over 90 mmHg, a definition shared by Persistent hypertension is one of the highest risk factors
all the medical guidelines. High blood pressure, or for stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and arterial
hypertension, is a condition in which blood pressure is aneurysm. It is a leading cause of chronic kidney failure.
chronically elevated.
Essential or primary hypertension has no specific
causes; it’s associated with genetics, environment, diet,
and lifestyle factors, including salt intake, stress, and
lack of exercise. Secondary hypertension is a result of
other underlying-often serious-conditions such as tumors
Received on 01.12.2017 Modified on 07.02.2018
and kidney or liver disorders. Some medications, such as
Accepted on 06.03.2018 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(7): 2914-2917. oral contraceptives, can also cause elevated blood
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00537.1 pressure.3


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