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Instruction for Author

Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science (OBGYNIA) is a journal in the field of
Obstetrics & Gynecology which was published officially by the Department of Obstetrics &
Gynecology Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University. OBGYNIA publishes research articles on
scientific progress, patient clinical management, surgical techniques, treatment progress and service
evaluation, management and treatment in the field of obstetrics & gynecology.

Guidelines for authors who will submit the manuscript to the editors of OBGYNIA are as follows:

1. Manuscripts written related to the field of science of Obstetrics & Gynecology

2. The manuscript is an original article (never published elsewhere) derived from the results of the
study or research.
3. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English.
4. The text is accompanied by abstracts in Indonesian and English.
5. The script is accompanied by keywords (keywords) in Indonesian and English.
6. Submission of the manuscript with the author's biography, such as full name, field of expertise,
agency address (affiliation), and e-mail address.
7. The manuscript is submitted online submission to the web If any difficulties
can be through email:
8. The entry script will be selected by the editorial board. If deemed necessary, the text will be edited
in consultation with the author.

Format and Systematics

The manuscript is sent to the journal editor in softcopy (MS Word). A4 paper size with top edge 4 cm,
left and bottom edge 3 cm, and right edge 2 cm. Thickness of at least 8 pages and maximum 20 pages.
Scriptwriting is arranged with spacing spacing 2, one column format, written with systematics of writing
as follows:

 Title (Times New Roman 14). The title should be specific, clear, concise, informative,
describe the substance or content of the text, and can arouse a sense of reading. The title
does not need to start with the word research / analysis / study, unless the word is the
 Author's Name (Times New Roman 12). Authors must use the real name (not a
pseudonym) and do not include a bachelor's degree. Full name followed by title and
author's description can be displayed in footnote. If the author is more than one, it must
be separated by a comma (,).
 Affiliate Writer (Times New Roman 12). Affiliation is the address of the institution /
institution where the author works / works / studies. This affiliation is closely related to
the competence, responsibility, and juridical consequences of the author's agency.
 Correspondence (Times New Roman 10). The correspondence contains the email
address of the first author.
 Abstract and Abstract (Times New Roman 10). Abstract or abstract contents (Times
New Roman 10). Abstract consists of: Objectives (Objective), Method (Methods),
Results (Conclusion), and Keywords. No abbreviations / acronyms, and no footnote.
Abstracts are written not in mathematical form, questions, and conjectures. Abstract is
not the result of copy paste from the sentence in the script. Abstract content contains at
most 200 words.
 Keywords (Times New Roman 10) Number of keywords maximum of five keywords.
 Introduction (Times New Roman 12).
 The introduction is written in Times New Roman 12 font.
 Method (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the review method are design, research
procedures, data collection techniques, data sources, data analysis methods, and
statistical tests. If using Reagent Laboratory, manufacturer and batch number please
specify. Written with Times New Roman font 12.
 Result (Times New Roman 12). The contents of the results and the discussion is written
with Times New Roman font 12. The results are not raw data, but data that has been
processed / analyzed by the method set. If there are tables and pictures totaling a
maximum of 7 pieces. Tables and figures with numbers, description and analysis of
tables and drawings.
 Detention (Times New Roman 12) contains discussion of research results, and does not
repeat the table discussion
 Conflict Of Interest (Times New Roman 12) If the research is sponsored by interested
parties and likely to influence the results of the study, please include a statement.
 Suggestion (Times New Roman 12, if any). Suggestions should be written in one
 Acknowledgments (Times New Roman 12, if any), written in one paragraph.
 Bibliography (Times New Roman 12). Bibliography is a reference source / reference
used as excerpts of script writing. Writing a bibliography using Vancouver rules. The
number of reference sources used as a list of maximum 25 literature literature of
scientific literature (80% primary literature, such as scientific journals, scientific papers
/ proceedings, research reports / thesis / dissertation; and 20% secondary literature, such
as books and blogs / web scientific internet). Written with Times New Roman font 12.

Writing Table

 Table Title (Times New Roman 12)

 Table Contents (Times New Roman 11)
 Description of Table (Times New Roman 9)

Persalinan N %
Persalinan Preterm 1.255 38,54
Persalinan Aterm 2.001 61,46

Total 3.256 100

*Table explanation (Times New Roman 9)
Picture Writing

 If the text of the script contains the image then the author must send the original image file
in JPEG or PNG format (600 dpi)
 Image description (Times New Roman 9)


Picture ( Times New Roman 9)


 Bibliography is all the source of reading material or literature used as excerpts of script
writing. Writing and compiling bibliographic lists Obgynia Journals using Vancouver rules.

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