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o Materi pembelajaran reguler

 Teks:
 Teks interaksi transaksional lisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait dengan ruang publik.
 Fungsi sosial teks:
 Sesuai tema/konten percakapan (teks)
Struktur teks:
• Opening
• Content
• Closing
• Memulai
• Menanggapi
 Unsur kebahasaan
 Kosa kata
Kosakata terkait topic: next to, across from, in front of, on the corner, Hospital, tax office, post
office, library, bank, school etc.
 Tata bahasa: - tobe is, am, are
- Present Tense
That is a post office
What is that.............
- penggunaan kata penunjuk this, that, these, those ...
- Preposisi untuk in, on, next to, across from, in front of untuk menyatakan tempa

Public Places
Teacher explains the meaning of public places and the kinds of public places.
Public places adalah tempat tempat umum atau ruang public pada sebuah kota yang dapat
digunakan oleh masyarakat umum.

Students look at the video and listen carefully!

Teacher explain the two kinds of public places!
Ruang public terbagi menjadi dua:
1. Ruang publik pemerintah
Yaitu ruang publik yang di buat oleh pemerintah untuk masyarakat umum dan bebas
untuk diakses
2. Ruang publik pribadi
Yaitu ruang publik ini memiliki batas waktu tertentu untuk mengaksesnya karena
kepemilikan bersifat pribadi dan biasanya berbayar

Teacher ask the student which are belong to Government public places or private public places
based from the video.
Students distinguish the public places above in to government and private public places orally
from the video

Government Public Places are...................................

Private Public Places are.......................................

Teacher shows the video of public places in sentences by using This, that, these and Those
Students watch and listen to the video carefully
Teacher ask the students what is the qualifiers from the sentences and the Students can show
what is the qualifiers from the sentences in the video.
This is a hospital
This is a police station
These are buildings
This is a school
That is a fire station
Teacher explain about the preposition of place

Teacher read a conversation in the text how to ask and give information of plubic places and
students listen carefully
1. Father : Do you see this building on the left?
Son : Yes. What is this building?
Father : This is a bank.
Son : I see. This building on the left is a bank.

2. Son : What about that building next to the bank?

Father : That is a post office.
Son : I see. That building next to the bank is a post office.
Father : Right. The bank and the post office are next to each other.

3. Son : And, do you know that building on the right, across from the bank and the
post office?
Father : That building is a tax office.
Son : I know. That building on the right is a tax office.
Activity 1
The students analysis the public places, the preposition and classifiers of the conversation by
circling or underlining the words

Activity 2
Fill the following below based on the picture about the public places.
1. A : do yo see that building next to Bank?
B : Yes I see. what is that building?
A : That is a .........
B : I see.

2. A : What about that building across from Library?

B : That is _________.
A : I see. That building across from Library is..........
B : Right.

3. A : And what about that building in front of the bus station?

B : That is a ___________.
A : Right. That building in front of the bus station is .........
B : i see. Thank you.

Activity 3
the students fill the question below by telling the location of public holiday from the picture.
Activity 4
Students in pair make a dialogue about asking and giving information of public places based on
the picture

Activity 5
Students in pair do a conversation in front of the class they have made it based on the picture

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