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Course No : CSE(423)
NAME : Harsha Ojha
ROLL NO. : 34

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I express my profound gratitude to Mrs. PRIYANKA CHAWLA

(Professor), Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering for the
valuable help and guidance in the preparation of this synopsis “GREEN

Prof. Priyanka Chawla Ma’am is always happy and willing to help me

solve the confusions and direct me approach to the result of the
synopsis. On top of that, She is an easy-going and open-minded person,
whom is also a good friend to me. Without her encouragement, I would
not finish this synopsis.
Finally I would also wish to record my gratefulness to all my friends
and classmates for their help.

Thrust of computing was initially on faster analysis and speedier

calculations and solving of mare complex problems but in the recent
past another focus has got immense importance and that is achievement
of energy efficiency, minimization consumption of e-equipments. It has
also given utmost attention to minimization of e-waste and use of non-
toxic materials in preparation of equipment . World leaders have also
taken move towards this by following some principles. Now it is the time
for the end users community to follow some rules of thumb to achieve
partly benefit of “Green Computing”. In India, the implement-ability of
principle of
“Green Computing” is facing a dilemma due to many socio-economic
matters and those are linked to be soughed out to pull India in the
mainstream movement of “Green Computing”.

Green Computing is a recent trend towards designing, building,

and operating computer systems to be energy efficient. While programs
such as Energy Star have been around since the early1990s, recent
concerns regarding global climate change and the energy crisis have led
to renewed interest in Green Computing. Data centres are a significant
consumers of energy – both to power the computers as well as to
provide the necessary cooling. This paper proposes a new approach to
reduce energy utilization in data centres. In particular, our approach
relies on consolidating services dynamically onto a subset of the
available servers and temporarily shutting down servers in order to
conserve energy. We present initial work on a probabilistic service
dispatch algorithm that aims at minimizing the number of running
servers such that they suffice for meeting the quality of service required
by service-level agreements. Given the estimated energy consumption
and projected growth in data centres, the proposed effort has the
potential to positively impact energy consumption.

Climate Change: First and foremost, conclusive research shows that CO2 and
other emissions
are causing global climate and environmental damage. Preserving the planet is
a valid goal
because it aims to preserve life. Planets like ours, that supports life, are very
rare. None of the
planets in our solar system, or in nearby star systems have m-class planets as
we know them.
Savings: Green computing can lead to serious cost savings over time.
Reductions in energy
costs from servers, cooling, and lighting are generating serious savings for
many corporations.
Reliability of Power: As energy demands in the world go up, energy supply is
declining or flat. Energy efficient systems helps ensure healthy power systems.
Also, more companies are generating more of their own electricity, which
further motivates them to keep power consumption low.
Computing Computing Power Consumption has Reached a Critical Point: Data
centers have run out of usable power and cooling due to high densities.

It provides the background information necessary for understanding “ GREEN

COMPUTING”. Basically the goals of green computing is similar to green
chemistry: reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency
during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability or biodegradability of
defunct products and factory waste.

Green computing researchers look at key issues and topics related to energy
efficiency in computing and promoting environmentally friendly computer
technologies and systems include energy efficient use of computers, design of
algorithms and systems for environmentally-friendly computer technologies,
and wide range of related topics.

Adopting Green Computing Strategies make sense not only from an ethical, or
moral stand-point, but from a commercial stand-point. There are many
business benefits achievable through the implementation of a green
computing strategy such as cost savings, resilience, disaster recovery, business
continuity planning and of course public relations. Given the prolific nature of
IT within today's information economy IT leaders have an excellent
opportunity to significantly impact the fight against global warming, whilst
enhancing the business operation and efficiency.

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