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Levels of security:


In an ASP.NET application, authentication is

implemented through one of four possible
authentication systems:
• Windows authentication
• Forms authentication
• Passport authentication
• A custom authentication process

1. Authentications
a. In Web.config

Windows option using Integrated Windows Authentication

1. Uses the windows users

2. Web.config
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users="deepa-pc\deepa"/>
<deny users="*"/>

db2admin get the following error

3. allow/ deny attributes
a. users
b. roles
(<allow roles=”Administrator”/>)
c. verbs  http transmission method that is allowed or denied
(<deny verbs=”GET”/>)

4. wild cards
a. *: implies all
b. ?: represents all anonymous users

5. Permissions : allow U deny

Use the IPrincipal interface of the User object attached to the current
HTTP request. This approach works with ASP.NET versions 1.0, 1.1.
and 2.0. When using Windows authentication, make sure to use the
domainName\userName format for the user name and the format
domainName\groupName for the group name

Checking Role Membership in Code

• i f (Use r . I s InRo le (@"Doma inName\Manager " ) )
• / / Per fo rm res t r i c ted opera t i on
• e l se
• / / Retu rn unautho r i zed access er ro r .

• Alternatively, use role manager APIs introduced in ASP.NET version 2.0, which supports

a similar Roles.IsUserInRole method, as shown here.

• i f (Ro les . I sUser InRo le (@"Doma inName\Manager " ) )

• / / Per fo rm res t r i c ted opera t i on
• e l se
• / / Retu rn unautho r i zed access er ro r .
Windows option using basic authentication

1. Part of HTTP specs

2. supported by most browsers
3. passes user name and password as plain text
4. Basic with SSL is more secure
5. IIS  open your applications properties and in Authentication Methods
dialog click on Basic authentication

Digest uses an algorithm to encrypt the user name and password.

Form based


<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="secure" loginUrl="Login.aspx"

<deny users="?"/>
protected void Button1_Click(object
sender, EventArgs e) {
if (TextBox1.Text == "deepa" &&
TextBox2.Text == "deepa")
Authentication against values contained in web.config

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="secure" loginUrl="Login.aspx" path="/">
<credentials passwordFormat="Clear">
<user name="deepa" password="deepa"/>

<deny users="?"/>

Authenticating specific path or file

<location path="AdminPage.aspx">
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users="deepa-pc\db2admin"/>
<deny users="*"/>

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