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JOUR 275

Critical Analysis of Media and TV Coverage

An ideology is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individual. Very often ideology
refers to a set of political beliefs or a set of ideas that characterize a particular culture.

Ideology: The body of doctrine, myth, belief, etc. That guides an individual, social
movement, family, institution, class or large group.

Globalization vs Nationalism

Globalization means the integration of the various economies of the world leading to one
global economy. It involves an increased level of interaction and interdependence among
various countries. The exchange of the products, ideas, culture, manpower and other
resources varying country to country constitute the actual meaning of Globalization.

Because of this globalization, now we have the access to major countries and their products
and services within our country which was a dream earlier. This has been possible because
of he growth in the technology of transportation and communication. In India, prior to
present falling value of rupees, the country raised its interaction from the world through
globalization only. Globalization causes:

Interdependence of trade among nations.

1. Exchange of goods and services among nations.
2. Social interaction among countries.
3. Transfusion of management practices.
4. Foreign investment.
5. Technological interaction among nations.

Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of

individuals with a nation. Nationalism includes the interaction limited up to the one
particular nation. Following and respecting the ideas and rules and regulations of your
country is the Nationalism. The generous respect and honour given to one’s country is the
Nationalism. Development and being globalized is the need of a country to take steps with
the present era of the technological progress. But one should also have to keep the feeling
of nationalism at the same time. Nationalism causes:

1. Trade only in the one particular boundary.

2. Rigidity in exchange of goods and services across the nation only.
3. Other countries are not involved in the trade.
4. Fixed management practices are followed.

Globalization causes economic revolution in many countries. In India before globalization

there is a slow growth in GDP. Globalization also create competition among various
companies which will help the consumer to get the good services. Globalization also created
new opportunities for various companies providing services. WTO (World Trade
Organisation), controls the international trade among the nations.

Advantages and disadvantages of Globalization and Nationalism-

Globalization has many advantages but there is also some disadvantages of it. Globalization
may be harmful for local domestic markets, because there may be many global companies
which provide services and goods at nominal rates. Globalization also increases the foreign
control over the nation economy. Nationalism is preferable, but the nationalism is not able
to increase the GDP at the required level for the nation. So, one have to switch over the
globalization. Nationalism creates a secure environment of trade for the nation. But, for the
improvement in the nation’s economy there is a need of global orientation. India currently
accounts for 1.2% of World trade as of 2006 according to the World Trade Organization

Globalization marks the India as a greater economy in the whole world. Globalization is
helpful in increasing employment opportunities in various MNCs .So, there must be a
balance between globalization and nationalism. Local market should not be ignored. Foreign
investment is also necessary. The local market and global market both should be given
equal opportunities. Nation should make its economic policies which suit the needs of both
globalization and nationalism.

Give your views and share your thoughts on this discussion topic, Globalization Versus
Nationalism in the comments and let people know what you think of them.
Capitalism vs Socialism

The main difference between capitalism and Socialism is the extent of government
intervention ion the economy. There are also different aims of the economic systems.

Capitalism Socialism

Socialism is concerned with

Capitalism is unconcerned about redistributing resources from the
equity. It is argued that inequality is rich to the poor. This is to ensure
essential to encourage innovation everyone has both equal
and economic development opportunities and equal

The State will own and control

the main means of production.
Private businesses will be owned by In some models of socialism,
private individuals ownership would not be by the
government but worker

It is argued that the profit incentive It is argued that state ownership

encourages firms to be more often leads to inefficiency
efficient, cut costs and innovate new because workers and managers
products that people want lack any incentive to cut costs

In capitalist economic systems, the

Employment is often directed by
state doesn’t directly provide jobs.
the state. Therefore, the state
Therefore in times of recession,
Unemployment can provide full employment
unemployment in capitalist
even if workers are not doing
economic systems can rise to very
anything particularly essential.
high levels

Prices are determined by market In a state managed economy

forces. Firms with monopoly power prices are usually set by the
Price Controls
may be able to exploit their position government this can lead to
and charge much higher prices. shortages and surpluses
Fundamentalism vs Secularism vs Moderation

Fundamentalism is the strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline;
the belief in old and traditional forms of religion, or the belief that what is written in
a holy book, such as the Christian Bible or the Qur’an, is completely true

Secularism is the principle of separation of the state from religious institutions;

an indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations...the
perfect stance of a neutral govt. let religious freedom reign outside of the state as
it was intended to by our original governmental founders.

Moderation is the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behaviour or

political opinions

Feminism vs Patriarchy

Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Patriarchy is a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head
of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.

Democracy vs Totalitarianism

Democracy and Totalitarianism are two concepts that differ from each other to a great extent.
Democracy is a form of government in which all the citizens have an equal say in matters
concerning their lives. On the other hand totalitarianism is a political system wherein a single
person bestowed with all powers recognizes no limit to his powers. Totalitarianism aims at
regulating all aspects of public and private life.

Democracy is the rule of the people whereas totalitarianism is the rule of a single powerful
person. This is one of the main differences between the two political systems called democracy
and totalitarianism.
Totalitarianism is often described by the political pundits as a combination of ideology and
authoritarianism which consists in recognizing limits on the powers of individual citizens in
taking decision. Thus totalitarianism is very much the opposite of democracy when it comes
to its concept.

Every vote cast in a democratic country has equal weight and it is not the case with
totalitarianism. The freedom of citizens is totally secured in democracy whereas the freedom
of citizens is not secured in the case of totalitarianism. On the other hand totalitarian form of
government imposes restriction of speech, mass surveillance and use of other limiting powers
on the citizens.

On the contrary democracy does not impose restriction of speech on the citizens. On the other
hand it does not curb the power and the decision making right of the individual citizen. In
democracy citizens have great share in state decision making whereas in totalitarianism the
single person with whom the power lies alone is bestowed with the power of state decision

All citizens are considered equal before law in the case of democracy. The question of equality
of citizens does not arise at all in totalitarianism. These are the differences between
democracy and totalitarianism.

Post-Colonialism vs Imperialism

Post-colonialism is the lasting impact of colonization on former colonies. Post-colonialism

speaks about the human consequences of external control and economic exploitation of
native people and their lands.


The practice of a larger country or government growing stronger by taking over poorer or
weaker countries that have important resources.
Consumerism/Materialism vs Austerity

Consumerism is the belief that personal well-being and happiness depends to a very large
extent on the level of personal consumption, particularly on the purchase of material goods.
The idea is not simply that wellbeing depends upon a standard of living above some
threshold, but that at the centre of happiness is consumption and material possessions. A
consumerist society is one in which people devote a great deal of time, energy, resources
and thought to “consuming”. The general view of life in a consumerist society is
consumption is good, and more consumption is even better.

Materialism can refer either to the simple preoccupation with the material world, as
opposed to intellectual or spiritual concepts, or to the theory that physical matter is all there
is. This theory is far more than a simple focus on material possessions. It states that
everything in the universe is matter, without any true spiritual or intellectual existence.
Materialism can also refer to a doctrine that material success and progress are the highest
values in life

Austerity - The condition of living without unnecessary things and without comfort,
with limited money or goods, or a practice, habit, or experience that is typical of this;
a difficult economic situation caused by government reducing the amount of
money it spends; the quality of being austere in appearance or manner:

NB: The sneaky thing about austerity is that it portrays itself as the solution to pre-crash
excess: the January diet after the December binge. But it’s actually the continuation of that
excess in penitent disguise. Austerity is modern capitalism’s disingenuous alibi: public belt-
tightening combined with private business as usual. Keep Calm - as the organic cotton
hand-printed tea towels have it - and Go Shopping.
Liberalism/Progressivism vs conservativism

Liberalism: the belief in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for
all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and
individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that
no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve

Progressivism generally refers to the belief that government or people acting on its behalf
can be used to address social problems, inequalities, or inequities facing the nation.
Progressivism focuses on several major goals:

 Ending corruption - Progressives wanted consumer rights, the ending of

monopolies (often called 'trusts,' which called for 'trust-busting'), and clean
 Efficiency and perfection - Progressives held the belief that we really could
eradicate most social failings and problems. At the minimum, if we couldn't end
these problems, we could streamline our solutions to provide the most efficient

Conservatism is the belief in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets,

individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role
of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own
goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve

Egalitarianism vs Aristocracy

Egalitarianism is the belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, social or
economic life; the doctrine that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and

Aristocracy - A state in which governing power is held by the nobility or any group
regarded as privileged or superior in a particular sphere
Shadism; Pigmentocracy; Colourism; Skintocracy; Hair-ism

Shadism – to judge or be judged by a person based on skin colour rather than race.

Pigmentocracy refers to the skin-tone distinctions made by people of African descent in

the US and the Caribbean, which range from the darkest shades of black to paleness that
approximates whiteness. More specifically, the “ocracy” in pigmentocracy carries with it
notions of hierarchical value that viewers place on such skin tones. Lighter skin tones are
therefore valued more than darker skin tones. Such preferences have social, economic, and
political implications, as persons of lighter skin tones historically were frequently—and
stereotypically—viewed as being more intelligent, talented, and socially graceful than their
darker skinned black counterparts. Blacker blacks were viewed as unattractive, indeed ugly,
and generally considered of lesser value. Europeans standards of beauty thus dominated an
African people for most of their history in America.

Colourism: Prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically
among people of the same ethnic or racial group.

Skintocracy -

Hairism - The belief that hair type accounts for differences in human character or ability
and that a particular race is superior to others; discrimination or prejudice based on hair.
Anarchy vs Order

Hedonism vs Asceticism/Austerity

Environmentalism, Green Revolution

“Bad man” Ideology

“Convent girl”

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