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- ~ _ “Personnel Employee Benefits L Workers’ Compensation UickingCountyGovemment Risk Management HumanResources Date: March 26, 2019 ‘To: Michael Fortune Attached you will find an Order of Removal (Form ADM 4055) approved by the Licking County Planning Commission on Monday, Merch 25, 2019, to remove you ffom your position as Technical Study Director for the Licking County Planning Department effective Tuesday, March 26, 2019. This action is being taken for the following reason(s): Unauthorized use of County computer and intemet for activity related to a personal for- profit business. See aiteched for a complete listing of policy violations. Please contact Shane Patterson in the Safety Department at (740) 670-5403 to make Aacrangements fo coordinate the retura of your personal belongings that are at the office. Also, I request that you return any and all county property you have in your personal possession inchuding but aot limited to, keys, door fob and documents, ‘You will be paid out any eamed but unused vacation time balance that you are eligible to receive on April 12, 2019, ‘Thank you, Adu. Coc Sheila Cottreli/Labor Relations Coordinetor Licking County Government Enolosuze 20 South Secend Streat; Nowarls, OH 4306S ‘www Phone: 740.87051S0 Fax: MU.6705152 i Me Order of Remov_., Reduction, Suspension, LICKING COUNTY GOVERNMENT Fine, Involuntary Disability Separation Employee Name: Michael Todd Fortune: Department: Planning & Development This will notify you that you are; X removed; Cisuspended; 0 suspended (working); fined; Cinvotuntary disability separated; 1 reduced in pay, : from your position of Technical Study Director effective March 26, 2019. i [ ‘The reason for this action is that you have been guilty of (Reference applicable section(s) of the Licking County Petsqrinel-Polioy Manuel): i dng County Pers: ley Ha = Count "Employees are prohibited from using cot rae, ‘tools, facilities, equipment and labor for personal or private use...°. i } H "Employees may not perform private work for themselves, co-workers, ftends or family members during working time iyi using County materials, tool, faites, or equipment” ree inel_P¢ Manual Secti =o “Prohibited uses of Computers and jhformation Systems. sain." i : “78. Using the Itametto sll goods or services not job epi or speccaly authorizbd in Wettin “6. Using computers or information systems in association with the operation of any for-profit olisiness| i . oe jan { ft "20. Downloading and viewing non-work-related steaming audio orvideo...*! |! | | i ah i bi Hoe ‘ickina County Personnel Polley Manual Section 2 - Outside Employment, No Employed shall have oli wien confcts in any manner with the Employee's ability 4 property and efficiently peiform their dutiés an respon unt. 4 a Joe : Hi “Employees are sticly prohibited from engaging in or conducting outside private busiriass during sched AOUTBaeesn f il a ‘neglect of ka Pe jicy Manual Section 2 —- Investigatio: pine, “incompetency, inefficiency, ‘duly, fallure of good behavior including 2 violation of ethics of public employment, misfeasance, malfeasance”. 1 Notice of pre-discipinary/separaticn hearing given to employee: March 15. 2049 ' Gate) Pre-iscpiinaryseparaton hearing held or waved: ——_-Mareh 18, 2019 im ‘Gais} ' Employee aliowediomeeiwith employer: XYes (1 No eth ye, Sigatire of AppoTiting authority aad ig iti Witrest IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPOINTING AUTHORITY (1) Actual signature means thet each Order served on the employes must contain the actual signature of the Appointing Authority. Appointing Authority means the actuel appointing officer of the department or agency as well as any approving officer or board required by law. If the appointment of an employee requires the approval of a board or ‘commission, then a certified copy of the resolution of such board or commission approving ‘the action must accompany this Order unless the actual signatures of the members of the board or commission appear on the front of the Order served on the empioyes. (The Appointing Authority must set forth in detail the particular acts and Circumstances constituting the offense(s) charged. Evidence presented on appeal must be limited to that which relates to the charge(s) made; hence the Appointing Authority must set forth the charges(s) broadly enough to encompass all the evidence the Appointing Authority intends to offer. It is equally important that the Appointing Authority fully state the ground(s) for the action. 3) The Appointing Authority MUST provide an original of the Order to the employee ‘on oF before the effective date. The date on which the Order is served is the date the Order is delivered to the employee by hand or to the employee's last known malling address by certified United States mail, whichever occurs first. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EMPLOYEE you wish to appeal this action, then you must flle your written appeal with the State Personnel Board of Review (SPBR) at 65 East State Street, “12th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 48215-4213. Your appeal must actually be received and fime-stampad by SPBR by the tenth calendar day from the date this Order was served. For the purposes of Your appeal, the date on which this Order is served is the date the Order is delivered to you by hand or to your fast known mailing address, as maintained by your Appointing Authority, by certified United States mail, whichever occurs first. You may obtain SPAR's Administrative Rules by writing the above office or by telephoning SPER at (614) 466- 7048. You may also obtain the rules at SPBR's website at http:/ Example of deadline to file appeal: ‘An employee 1s given @ 40-hour suspension. The suspension is to begin on October 11 and run five working days through October 15. The employee is served with the forthcoming suspension Order on October 8. The employes has until October 18 to file a written appeal (ten days from the date the employee was served with the Order). Reminder: If you are employed by a municipality or township that has a civil sevice commission, your appeal lies with that commission and nat SPBR. You may contact SPBR at (614) 468-7046 regarding the above information or regarding ‘SPBR's jurisdiction or you may visit our website at

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