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Matter Vocabulary

Word Definition Image

atom atoms as a source of nuclear energy.

element a part or aspect of something abstract, 

especially one that is essential or 

constraint a limitation or restriction. stiffness of 

manner and inhibition in relations 
between people.

criteria a principle or standard by which 

something may be judged or decided.

atomic mass the mass of an atom of a chemical 

element expressed in atomic mass units. 
It is approximately equivalent to the 
number of protons and neutrons in the 
atom (the mass number) or to the 
average number allowing for the relative 
abundances of different isotopes.
Periodic table a table of the chemical elements 
arranged in order of atomic number, 
usually in rows, so that elements with 
similar atomic structure (and hence 
similar chemical properties) appear in 
vertical columns.

Chemical symbol A ​chemical symbol​ is a notation of 

one or two letters representing a 
chemical​ element.

molecule a group of atoms bonded together, 

representing the smallest fundamental 
unit of a chemical compound that can 
take part in a chemical reaction.

chemical bond a thing used to tie something or to fasten 

things together

model ​Scientific models​ can be material, 

visual, mathematical, or 
computational and are often used in 
the construction of ​scientific​ theories.
chemical The arrangement of ​chemical​ bonds 
structure between atoms in a molecule (or in an 
ion or radical with multiple atoms), 
specifically which atoms are 
chemically bonded to what other 
atoms with what kind of ​chemical 
bond, together with any information 
on the geometric shape of the 
molecule needed to uniquely identify 

atomic . The ​atom​ consists of a tiny nucleus 

composition surrounded by moving electrons. The 
nucleus contains protons, which have 
a positive charge equal in magnitude 
to the electron's negative charge.

crystal a piece of a homogeneous solid 

substance having a natural geometrically 
regular form with symmetrically arranged 
plane faces.

extended Atoms form molecules that range in 

structure size from two to thousands of atoms 
Solids may be formed from 
molecules, or they may be e ​ xtended 
structures​ with repeating subunits

polymer a substance that has a molecular 

structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a 
large number of similar units bonded 
together, e.g., many synthetic organic 
materials used as plastics and resins.

Macroscopic relating to large-scale or general analysis.

substance a particular kind of matter with uniform 

property ap​ roperty​ or characteristic of a 

substance that is observed during a 
reaction in which the chemical 
composition or identity of the 
substance is changed: Combustibility 
is an important chemical p ​ roperty​ to 
consider when choosing building 

mass The basic unit of measurement for 

mass​ is the kilogram. ( See Newton's 
laws of motion; compare weight.)

density the degree of compactness of a 


solubility the ability to be dissolved, especially in 

state of matter In physics, a state of matter is one of the 
distinct forms in which matter can exist. 
Four states of matter are observable in 
everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and 

solid firm and stable in shape; not liquid or 


liquid a substance that flows freely but is of 

constant volume, having a consistency 
like that of water or oil. 

gas a substance or matter in a state in which 

it will expand freely to fill the whole of a 
container, having no fixed shape (unlike a 
solid) and no fixed volume (unlike a 

boiling point the temperature at which a liquid boils 

and turns to vapor.
melting point the temperature at which a given solid will 

pressure continuous physical force exerted on or 

against an object by something in contact 
with it.

temperature the degree or intensity of heat present in 

a substance or object, especially as 
expressed according to a comparative 
scale and shown by a thermometer or 
perceived by touch.

Thermal energy Thermal energy​ is the ​energy​ that 

comes from h ​ eat​. This ​heat​ is 
generated by the movement of tiny 
particles within an object. 

heat the quality of being hot; high temperature.

sublime of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as 
to inspire great admiration or awe.

evaporate turn from liquid into vapor.

deposit a sum of money placed or kept in a bank 

account, usually to gain interest.

condense make (something) denser or more 


product an article or substance that is 

manufactured or refined for sale.
reactant a substance that takes part in and 
undergoes change during a reaction.

chemical a process that involves rearrangement of 

reaction the molecular or ionic structure of a 
substance, as opposed to a change in 
physical form or a nuclear reaction.

Scientific Scientific evidence​ is e​ vidence​ which 

evidence serves to either support or counter 
a​scientific​ theory or hypothesis. 

Clinical trial Clinical trials​ are research 

investigations in which people 
volunteer to test new treatments, 
interventions or tests as a m​ eans​ to 
prevent, detect, treat or manage 
various diseases or medical 

Chemical A ​chemical equation​ is the symbolic 

equation representation of a c​ hemical​ reaction 
in the form of symbols and formulae, 
wherein the reactant entities are given 
on the left-hand side and the product 
entities on the right-hand side.
Scientific law A ​scientific law​ is a statement based 
on repeated experimental 
observations that describes some 
aspect of the world.

Law of The law of conservation of mass or 

conservation of principle of mass conservation states 
that for any system closed to all transfers 
of matter and energy, the mass of the 
system must remain constant over time, 
as system's mass cannot change, so 
quantity cannot be added nor removed.

exothermic An exothermic reaction is a chemical 

reaction reaction that releases energy through 
light or heat. It is the opposite of an 
endothermic reaction. Expressed in a 
chemical equation: reactants → products 
+ energy. 

endothermic The ​definition​ of e

​ ndothermic​ is a 
reaction chemical ​reaction​ that is 
accompanied by the absorption of 
heat, or an organism that generates 
heat to maintain its temperature. 

prototype a first, typical or preliminary model of 

something, especially a machine, from 
which other forms are developed or 
synthetic Synthetic fibers are fibers made by 
material humans with chemical synthesis, as 
opposed to natural fibers that humans 
get from living organisms with little or no 
chemical changes. 

natural materials or substances such as 

resource minerals, forests, water, and fertile land 
that occur in nature and can be used for 
economic gain.

food additive a substance added to food to enhance its 

flavor or appearance or to preserve it.

biodegradable (of a substance or object) capable of 

being decomposed by bacteria or other 
living organisms.

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