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Day 1 plan (ideas only)

- Create restaurant class
- Creates object with the following parameters:
- Arrays of discount percent on a particular time:
- [ [discount percent, time], [discount percent, time], ... ]
- Maybe use a 2d array
- Methods:
- discountTime(String time, int percentage)

- Create Database class (collects restaurant objects)

- addToDatabase() // adds restaurant to the list
- comparePrice() // compare price between 2 restaurant and returns the cheaper one

3 Files we have to work on

1. Restaurant class
2. Database class (aka test program to add restaurant)
Day 2 plan (wow this should be the plan we’re sticking with)
- Main (driver class)
- BackStage:
- Create an array for collecting all restaurant object
- Define all restaurants and the promotions
- Adds each of the restaurant object into the array

- List all restaurant names

- Ask user to type in the name of their desired restaurant they wanna learn more about
- If the user types in a name of the restaurants
- List all promotion during the day
- If the user types in incorrectly
- Ask if they want to add restaurant

- Class Restaurant
- (Static array called allRestaurant // to gather all restaurant’s data)
- Object’s variables / parameters
- String name
- 2d array of discount% and time
- Optional: list of tags
- Constructor(name, array):
- Set name
- addToArray(array)
- Method
- addToArray(array)
- array.append(this)
- getAllDiscount()
- Print all the discount of this restaurant
- addRestaurantPromotion(time, discount)
- add into the 2d array of the discount list

First progress
- Main (driver class)
- BackStage:
- Create an array for collecting all restaurant object (​O​)
- Define all restaurants and the promotions (​O​)
- Adds each of the restaurant object into the array (​O​)

- Class Restaurant
- Object’s variables / parameters
- String name
- 2d array of discount% and time
- Constructor(name):
- Set name
- Method
- addPromotion(time, discount)
- add into the 2d array of the discount list
- printAll()
- Print all the discount of this restaurant
- *Added* will not print the array that has not been set a promotion
- printPromotion()
- Print the discount at a specific row

Added stuff:
● toTime()
- In case invalid time (12:60, -12:00, 25:00) is inputted, it will justify the user that this is
not valid: so that the time matches
● Used a sleep method from the Thread class

Portal to
import​ java​.​util​.​Arrays​;
import​ java​.​lang​.​Thread​;
import​ java​.​util​.​Scanner​;

class​ Main ​{
​public​ ​static​ ​void​ main​(​String​[]​ args​)​ ​throws​ InterruptedException ​{
​// this is how to deal with sleep method bc it always throw an
InterruptedException error

​// Set up for restaurant info

Restaurant a ​=​ ​new​ Restaurant​(​"Fuji"​);

a​.​addPromotion​(​12.00​,​ ​50​);
a​.​addPromotion​(​13.30​,​ ​20​);
a​.​addPromotion​(​17.30​,​ ​50​);

Restaurant b ​=​ ​new​ Restaurant​(​"Siao Long Bao"​);

b​.​addPromotion​(​8.00​,​ ​10​);
b​.​addPromotion​(​12.30​,​ ​10​);
b​.​addPromotion​(​18.00​,​ ​40​);

Restaurant c ​=​ ​new​ Restaurant​(​"Kentucky Fried Chicken"​);

c​.​addPromotion​(​1.00​,​ ​5​);
c​.​addPromotion​(​7.30​,​ ​25​);
c​.​addPromotion​(​12.00​,​ ​30​);
c​.​addPromotion​(​15.00​,​ ​10​);

Restaurant d ​=​ ​new​ Restaurant​(​"Santa Fe"​);

d​.​addPromotion​(​11.00​,​ ​10​);
d​.​addPromotion​(​12.00​,​ ​40​);
d​.​addPromotion​(​13.00​,​ ​20​);
d​.​addPromotion​(​15.00​,​ ​30​);

Restaurant allRestaurant​[]​ ​=​ ​new

allRestaurant​[​0​]​ ​=​ a​;
allRestaurant​[​1​]​ ​=​ b​;
allRestaurant​[​2​]​ ​=​ c​;
allRestaurant​[​3​]​ ​=​ d​;
​// Real Program

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Good day, my mate!"​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Welcome to YEETIGO,"​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"where you get imaginary discounts in Mr.Task's

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Here's the ongoing discount we have:"​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Format: [time of promotion, discount percent]

​//Print all the restaurant's informations

​for​ ​(​int​ i ​=​ ​0​;​ i ​<​ allRestaurant​.​length​;​ i ​++){
System​.​out​.​println​(​allRestaurant​[​i​].​name ​+​ ​" ("​ ​+​ ​(​i​+​1​)​ ​+​ ​"): "​);

​//Ask user for info

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Please select the number in the brackets behind
the restaurant name of the one you wish to receive discount: "​);

Scanner x ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);

​int​ answer1 ​=​ x​.​nextInt​();

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Please enter the row number of the discount that

you are reserving for : "​);

Scanner y ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);

​int​ answer2 ​=​ y​.​nextInt​();

​//Confirm Answer
​if​ ​(​answer1 ​-​ ​1​ ​<​ allRestaurant​.​length​){
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Detail of your reservation: "​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Restaurant: "​ ​+​ allRestaurant​[​answer1 ​-
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Discount: "​);
allRestaurant​[​answer1 ​-​ ​1​].​printPromotion​(​answer2​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Invalid number."​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Make sure you read the instruction carefully
next time!"​);

​// Add in your own restaurant

System​.​out​.​println​(​"By the way, do you want to add in your own
restaurant? [y/n]\n "​);

Scanner z ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);

String answer3 ​=​ z​.​nextLine​();


​if​ ​(​answer3​.​equalsIgnoreCase​(​"y"​)){​ ​// in case the user wants to

create a restaurant
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Please enter the name of your restaurant: \n
Scanner w ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);
String answer4 ​=​ w​.​nextLine​();

Restaurant custom ​=​ ​new​ Restaurant​(​answer4​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Please enter the discount percentage: \n "​);

Scanner v ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);

​int​ answer5 ​=​ v​.​nextInt​();

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Please enter the time of your promotion: \n "​);

Scanner q ​=​ ​new​ Scanner​(​System​.​in​);

​double​ answer6 ​=​ q​.​nextDouble​();

​if​ ​(​custom​.​toTime​(​answer6​)){​ ​// if the time is invalid the program

will not initiate the
custom​.​addPromotion​(​answer6​,​ answer5​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"This is your restaurant information: "​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"Restaurant name: "​ ​+​ custom​.​name​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Discount of the restaurant: "​);

System​.​out​.​println​(​"\n Thank you very much for using YEETIGO!

Good bye, and have a good yoinks!"​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"\n Restaurant registration failed. Please try
again next time! BYE!"​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"That is totally fine! Thank you for using
YEETIGO! Good bye, and have a good yoinks!"​);
import​ java​.​util​.​Arrays​;

public​ ​class​ Restaurant​{

String name​;​ ​// the restaurant name

​int​ totalPromotion ​=​ ​0​;​ ​// how many promotion does this restaurant have
​double​ promotion​[][]​ ​=​ ​new​ ​double​[​10​][​2​];​ ​// list of the promotion
​static​ ​int​ totalRestaurant ​=​ ​0​;​ ​// keeping track of the number of the
​//No default constructor: We want the user to put everything by
​public​ Restaurant​(​String name​){
​this​.​name ​=​ name​;​ ​//set the name into input
totalRestaurant ​++;​ ​// increase restauran number

​public​ ​void​ addPromotion​(​double​ time​,​ ​int​ discount​){

​// the if else statement in this part helps in keeping track of
OutOfBound errors that would crash the program
​if​ ​(​totalPromotion ​<​ ​24​){
promotion​[​totalPromotion​][​0​]​ ​=​ time​;​ ​// column 1 is time
promotion​[​totalPromotion​][​1​]​ ​=​ discount​;​ ​// column 2 is discount
totalPromotion​++;​ ​// to increase the total count of promotion
​else​ ​{
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Maximium promotion capacity reached."​);

​public​ ​boolean​ toTime​(​double​ x​)​ ​{​ ​// this is a function made in case
of more performance improvement or added function to the program (eg.
search for promotion using time)
​if​ ​(​x ​<​ ​0​)​ ​{
​//Negative time
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Invalid time: Negative value. Please
​return​ ​false​;

​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​x​%​1​ ​>=​ ​0.5999999999999996​)​ ​{

​// time = XX.60 or more
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Invalid time: Minute syntax error. Please
​return​ ​false​;

​}​ ​else​ ​if​ ​(​x ​>​ ​24​)​ ​{

​// not 24 hour time
System​.​out​.​println​(​"Invalid time: Hour syntax error. Please
​return​ ​false​;

​}​ ​else​{
​return​ ​true​;

​public​ ​void​ printPromotion​(​int​ r​){​ ​// this method is for printing a

specific line of promotion
​if​ ​(​r ​<​ ​10​){​ ​// checking if the inputted number is more than the
capacity of the array itself
​for​(​int​ i​=​0​;​ i​<​promotion​[​r​-​1​].​length​;​ i​++){

​if​ ​(​promotion​[​r​-​1​][​i​]​ ​!=​ ​0.0​)​ ​{​ ​// checking if the promotion is

​if​ ​(​i​<(​promotion​[​r​-​1​].​length​-​1​))​ ​{​ ​// enjoy the beauty of
System​.​out​.​print​(​", "​);
System​.​out​.​println​(​"There's no promotion at the selected
​else​ ​{
System​.​out​.​println​(​"There's no promotion at the selected number"​);
​public​ ​void​ printAll​()​ ​{​ ​// print every row of promotion
​for​(​double​[]​ k ​:​ promotion​)​ ​{
​if​ ​(​Arrays​.​toString​(​k​).​equals​(​"[0.0, 0.0]"​)){​ ​// checking if the
promotion at some point is null

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