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Everyone these days is striving to be innovative, is promising innovation, is encouraging

others to innovate. But if you think about it, it’s overused for a reason. Innovation is generally
understood as the successful introduction of a new thing or method. Basically, innovation seems to
have two subcomponents. The first one is a new idea from a particular individual or group and the
second one is, improvise the object or idea from the previous innovator. Thus, innovation requires
three major steps: an idea, its implementation, and the outcome that results from the execution of
the idea. In education, innovation can appear as a new pedagogic theory, methodological approach,
teaching technique, instructional tool, learning process, or institutional structure, that, when
implemented, produces a significant change in teaching and learning, which leads to a better
student learning. So, innovations in education are intended to raise productivity and efficiency of
learning and improve learning quality.

In addition, innovation means finding any way you can to stimulate your students’ curiosity
and find ways to keep them interested. This means we must be flexible to adjust what we teach and
how we teach. We have to keep our students engaged and excited to learn. We have to create a safe
place for them to make mistakes, take risks, and ask questions. These are the most importance
aspects in teaching and learning process that we should focus on. Apart from that, innovation in
education means allowing our imagination to develop and not be afraid to try or create new things.
Sometimes these new things fail but we have to put in our mind that failure is the key to success,
each mistake that we made teaches us something. Actually, the real mistake is to stop trying.


An innovation will lead to fun learning. The fun element in the lesson will instil the students’
interest to learn. As a teacher, knowing students’ profiles including their interest, needs and abilities
is crucial. These are the aspects to take into consideration when designing innovation for them to
learn well. For example, teaching phonics. Teaching phonics to young learners is very important to
expose them to the correct way of reading and pronouncing.

In order to help the students, the first thing is we have to listed several interventions that can
be used. Previously in my action research, I have invented pronunciation tools and an Interactive
PowerPoint presentation, to aid learning. I am glad the tool that have been created enables to
engage multiple learning styles, increases visual impact and interactivity and improves the students
focus. Apart from that, from the use of innovation in esl classroom, the student’s achievement will
improve and of course it is better than the student that only received old methodology of teaching
which is chalk and talk by their teachers.

I believe that it is very important to use a method that our students liked, so, that they will
become more focused and interesting. We have to realised that to be a good teacher, we should
stretch our limits so that effective teaching and learning can occur. Some teachers take teaching for
granted but not for us. We have to keep in our mind. As a teacher, we should set our mind to be
accountable for the futures of our students which are the leaders of our country one day.

In a nutshell, the most important thing we have to learn way, to be fearless in making
changes that can help our students in their learning. Problems should be seen as a platform to
improve and a reason to teach our students diligently. We should always be in tandem to improve
our self and to serve as best as we can.

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