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Committee: Board of Control: East India Company

Agenda: Sepoy mutiny of 1857

Portfolio: Mirza Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah Zafar

School: Welham Girls’ School

Delegate: Hansika Nath

The British East India Company came to Hindustan claiming to be traders. Shortly, their trading
redefined into maintaining armies, occupying forts and interfering with the internal administration
of our provinces. The initial outcome was in favour of the artisans and craftsmen as the imported
goods were received well in Britain. While the Hindustani economy soared, British merchants
experienced massive losses. The exposition, was using all their resources for crippling the
industries in Hindustan by banning the import of goods and imposing heavy duties. This sudden
chicanery from the British resulted in immense losses, internal turmoil and within days the
Hindustani economy faced a turbulent drop.

Mirza Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Muhammad Bahadur Shah Zafar is deeply perturbed, enraged and hurt by
the kind of atrocities and disloyalty showcased by the British. As the emperor and the leader of the
revolt it is my responsibility and utmost priority to keep the subjects under my reign content. The
British East India Company having interfered with my kingdom, its rules and policies have disrupted
and destroyed the law and order of the province. Having wrongly made use of the trust we offered, the
British East India Company has treacherously captured our territories by unlawful policies such as the
Doctrine of Lapse, Subsidiary Alliances and even through illegitimate claims of maladministration.

The beliefs of the Hindustanis have been denigrated. Christian gospels have been preached
inside our temples and mosques. Innumerable customs have been disrespected and the dignity of
the citizens has been taken for granted. The British have deceived most rulers by initially
respecting them, later dishonouring them and eventually oppressing them to gain full control over
the Hindustani territories.

Keeping in mind the heinous crimes and malfeasance demonstrated by the British we demand to
be freed of this slavery and wish to only indulge in simple trade without any foreign interference in
our administration or policies, else, that will be the end of the welcome they have long overstayed.

The injustices meted out to my subjects will not be borne by us anymore. Deploring further, we
will confront the British and depose the ‘traitors’ that the British have proved themselves to be. As
the leader of this revolt I will accept the responsibility of leading my army and the rebellion
towards success and restoring Hindustan into the glorious empire it was under the Mughal Rule.

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