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Marketing Objectives

Using SMART goals, we will be able to track the progression and results of our marketing effects and
optimize accordingly to attain our objectives.

Specific - Increase website viewership by 30%

Measurable - Use google analytics to map viewership

Achievable - Use online visual ads to generate brand awareness

Relevant - use social media trends to increase viewership

Timebound - Accomplish task within 60 days

Building Online Awareness

Objective: To Increase Brand Awareness, we need to Increase the social following on social media
platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) to 500 unique followers in three months.


· Increase number of likes, retweets/shares/reposts, follows

· Increase engagement with community

· Increase consistency of posting content

· Increase subscriptions to email list

Tactics/ Strategies:

Social Media is an excellent branding tool that can encourage customers to be more involved and
engage with the brand. The ability to produce and share content on various platforms also brands
us to engage and communicate with our audience directly (Stokes.R 2017). We plan on
promoting our marketing and advertising efforts both on Mobile and desktop.

1.Providing Valuable and High Quality Content

As relativity new company, it is important for Sauced World to Introduce themselves to the online
community and portray themselves as superior in their market providing the best beats and
productions to its clients. Thus, it is vital to provide high quality content on social pages and
provide market the benefits that customers will value (Stokes.R 2017.) The more value people see
in the content provided will encourage them to engage with the conete either though commenting
or liking and sharing the content on social media. This will allow others to see the value sauced
world provides from peers liking and sharing their content, overall creating a snowball effect of

2.Engaging with community

Engaging with the community is crucial in the beginning stages of interaction on social media
because the first responders are more likely to become early adopters. By replying to feedback in
the comment sections and by clearly addressing the audience through questions and engaging
content, these early adopters will feel more engaged to use our platform more than others ,gaining
their loyalty and business.

3.Frequency content posting

On social platforms content is posted everyday by everyone, in order to stay relevant and views by the
audience it is import to post content on a daily basis. Posting daily also helps accounts gain
popularity in social algorithms and help gain top of the mind awareness. Utilizing applications
such as Hootsuite will allow us to create schedule posting to strategically provide content to our
viewers on every platform. This is an effective tool to help save time posting between each social
platform, while simultaneously providing quality content to satisfy our audience.

Advertising Strategy

1. Paid Social Media Advertising

Because of our low budget it is important that we utilize our financial resources effectively. We
understand that our target market usually resides on social platforms such as Instagram, YouTube
and Twitter. Our Plan is to use Instagram primary for advertising, using Facebook’s Ad Manager
we will be able to conduct paid ad campaigns to our core audience to Increase our brand
awareness. The ads posted on Instagram will drive traffic to our Instagram page and also entice
engagement from our audience (likes, shares, comments etc.) We will be using a combination of
Single image and video to promote our content, with 60 second videos we will be able to
showcase our beats to our core audience. (Example in Appendix) We will be using a CPM
payment options as it will generate more impressions from our audience for a cheaper price.

Key Performance Indicators

· Followers Growth, Engagement, Social Shares, Social Interactions, Engagement and Likes, AVG
Posting Frequency, Impressions

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