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1. Here are pictures of Naschielle and Kenn. Each one is a bundle of possibilities.
Describe what they were before birth (their point of origin) and who they will
possibly be after birth unto adulthood. What will they possibly become? Expound
on your answers.


After listening to the predictions given by each member of the group, answer the
following questions:

1. When you gave your own predictions as to the kind of child, adolescent and
adult Nascchielle and Kenn may become and hypothesized on who they once were
you were referring to human development. What then is development?
- Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive change or
the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic
- Human development refers to the biological and psychological development
of the human being throughout the lifespan.

2. Will there be anything common in pattern of development of Naschielle and

Kenn? If yes, what?
- Yes. If they come from a good home with loving and caring parents they may
develop into warm and responsible children, adolescents and adults.

3. Will there be differences in their development, e.g pace or rate of

development? What and Why?
- Yes. We can expect individual differences in developmental characteristics
and variation in the ages when people will experience events that will
influence their development.
4. Will the process of development take place very fast or gradually? Expound on
your answers.
- Development takes place gradually because it takes weeks, months or years
for a person to undergo changes that result in the display of developmental

5. Do you believe that Naschielle and Kenn will continue to develop even in
adulthood? Or will they stop developing in adulthood?
- Naschielle and Ken will continue to develop even in adulthood because
development is lifelong it does not end in adulthood.


1. “Growth is an evidence of life.”

a. What does it mean?

2. Define development in your own words. Translate the meaning of development in

Filipino and in your local dialect.
- Development is a progress and growth that occurs to something. It also
pertains to something that experiences to mature.
- Ito ay tumutukoy sa paglago ng isang tao o bagay.

3. State the 5 major principles of human development from a life- span perspective. Give
at least one application of each principle in the teaching- learning process. What have
these principles to do with you as you teach learners?
a. Development is relatively orderly.
- While the pattern of development is likely to be similar, the outcomes of
developmental processes and rate of development are likely to vary among
- Development takes place gradually.
- Development as a process is complex because it is the product of biological,
cognitive and socio- emotional processes.

b. Research further on the cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns of development.

a. Illustrate both patterns by a drawing or diagram.

b. How do you apply your knowledge of cephalocaudal and proximodistalpatterns of

development in your teaching? Hint: The pencils of pre-K, Kindergarteners and
Grade 1pupulis are beginner than those of pupils in the higher Grade levels. Does
this practice have something to do with proximodistal patterns of development?

c. Interpret the following quotations in relation to human development:

a. “Every man is in certain respects like all other men, like some other men, no other
man.” ( Murray, H.A & C. Kluckhohn )

b. “Man is an unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming.”

- A person is always in progress in anything. Every day we are getting older

than yesterday and every day we are learning in different ways and different

d. In the light of researchers on human development, to the truth traditional or which of

the two approaches is closer lifespan? Why?
- It is closer to life span approach because development is lifelong it does not
end in adulthood. The development of a person will continue to develop.

e. If your approach to human development is traditional, are the characteristics of

human development from a life-span perspective acceptable? Explain your answer.


Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this chapter.

1. Meaning of human development _ A measurement of achievements by humans through advancement

of knowledge, biological changes, habit formation or other criteria that displays changes over time.
Understanding human development can help a company to manage personnel, market and sell products,
or negotiate international trade.

2. Four principles of human development and their educational implications.

Principles Educational Implications

a. Social

b. Cognitive

c. Emotional

d. Physical
3. Patterns of development
a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from
_______________________ to the ________________________.
b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from
________________________ to the _________________________.

4. Two approaches to human development.

The traditional approach emphasizes extensive change from birth to adolescence,
little or no change in adulthood, and decline in late old age. The life-span
approach emphasizes developmental change during adulthood as well as childhood.

Life Span Approach to Growth and Human Development: A Broad

General Overview of the Model


The traditional approach to the study of development emphasizes extensive change in childhood. But today, it
is no longer fashionable to study development within this narrow confine of framework without reference to the
theoretical approach that asserts that growth and development begins at conception and continues throughout
life. This perspective which is known as the life span perspective, is chronicled in this article. In doing so, it
takes a bird’s eye-view of some of the critical aspects of this approach and posits that the life-span model is
inter alia, multidirectional; development is life long, multidimensional, plastic, multidisciplinary and contextual.
Moreover, the paper holds that amongst other things, the life span approach helps us to gain an understanding
of our own history, as an infant, a child, an adolescent or a young adult – Finally, the paper draws the reader’s
attention to the fact that by adopting the life-span perspective, we gain insights into what our lives will be like as
we grow into middle age or old age, who we are, how we came to be this way and where our future will take us.
Traditional vs. Life-span Approach

Concept Approach
Traditional Life-span
Development during childhood

Development during adulthood

Developmental stage/s as focus

of study


1. How many developmental stages were described? How do these stages compare to
Havighurst’s developmental stages givenbelow?
- Eight developmental stages where described. Havighurst did not include
prenatal period and combined infancy and early childhood.
Havighurst has six major age periods:
1. infancy and early childhood. (0-5 years),
2. middle childhood (6-12 years),
3. adolescence (13-18 years)
4. early adulthood (19-29 years),
5. middle adulthood (30-60 years), and
6. later maturity (61+)
2. What is an outstanding trait or behaviour of each stage?
1) pre-natal (gains weight, brain develops, immunity system develops, eyes
open, hiccups begin)
2) infancy (cries, eats every 2-3 hours, responds to human voice and touch,
begins to walk and talk)
3) early childhood (climbs stairs, learns more complex sentences, can hop,
learns to socialize)
4) middle and late childhood (develops complex motor skills, peer acceptance is
extremely important)
5) adolescence (puberty occurs, establishes a sense of self, confrontations with
6) early adulthood / young adult (learns to accept responsibility, learns to accept
7) middle adulthood (concerned about job and health and family, hearing and
vision decrease)
8) late adulthood (concerned about health and finances, bones become brittle,
some memory loss)

3. What task/s is/are expected of each developmental stage?

4. 1. Prenatal period (from conception to birth)- it involves tremendous growth from a single
cell to an organism complete with brain and behavioural capabilities. 2.Infancy(from birth
to 18-24 months)- a time of extreme dependence on adults. Many Psychological
activities are just beginning – language , symbolic thought , sensorimotor coordination
and social learning.
5. 16. 3.Early Childhood (end of infancy to 5-6 years ( grade 1) – these are the preschool
years. Young children learn to become more self- sufficient and to care for themselves,
develop school readiness skills and spend many hours in play with peers. 4.Middle and
late childhood (6-11 years of age, the elementary school years)- the fundamental skills of
reading, writing and arithmetic are mastered.
6. 17. The Child is formally exposed to the larger world and its culture. Achievement
becomes a more central theme of the child’s world and self-control increases.
5.Adolescence (10-12 years of age ending up to 18-22 years of age)- Begins with rapid
physical changes- dramatic gains in height and weight, changes in body contour, and the
development of sexual characteristics such as enlargement of the breasts, development
of pubic and facial hair, and deepening of the voice.
7. 18. Pursuit of independence and identity are prominent. Thought is more logical, abstract
and idealistic. More time is spent outside of the family. 6.Early adulthood(from late teens
or early 20s lasting through the 30’s – it is a time of establishing personal and economic
independence, career development, selecting a mate, learning to live with someone in an
intimate way, starting a family and rearing children.
8. 19. 7. Middle adulhood (40-60 years of age) – It is a time of expanding personal and
social involvement and responsibility; of assisting the next generation in becoming
competent and mature individuals; and of reaching and maintaining satisfaction in a
career. 8. Late Adulthood (60s and above)- It is time for adjustment to decreasing
strength and health. Life review, retirement, and adjustment to new social roles.
9. Does a developmental task in a higher level required accomplishment of the lower
level developmental tasks?

10. Refer to Havighurt’s Developmental Tasks given in the table on the next page. Match
the descriptions given Santrock. Are Havighurst and Santrock saying the same


1. Answer this question with a learning partner. What are the implications of these
developmental task to your role as a facilitator of learning? Let’s pay attention to the
stages that correspond to schooling – early childhood, middle and late childhood and

Let’s do # 1. Early Childhood- What are preschool teachers supposed to do with pre-
schoolers? Help them develop readiness for school and not to be too academic in
teaching approach. They ought to give much time for pre-schoolers to play. Or perhaps
help pre-schoolers develop school readiness by integrating children’s games in school

#2 – Middle and Late childhood

Elementary school teachers ought to help their pupils by

#3 – Adolescence
High school teachers ought to help their students by

2. Allow small groups to do each of the following:

a. Come up with an object to symbolize each period or stage of development.

b. Do a multimedia presentation of the outstanding characteristics and developmental

tasks of each developmental stage. You may use a text of Santrock found each
collage of pictures in the ACTIVITY PHASE of this lesson.

c. Sing an appropriate song for each developmental stage.


1. Put a check ( √) beside those statements that are correct and an (X) beside those thatare
wrong. If your answer is an X, explain why.

___x_1. For all stages in human development

___x_4. Middle and late childhood are for elementary graders.
__x__6. Mastery of the basic skills is the major concern in middle and late childhood.
___x_7. Play concerns primarily pre-schoolers, so is the concern of early childhood.
____x8. School readiness is the primary concern of early childhood teachers.


1. Reflect on your early childhood, middle and late childhood days. Were you able to
acquire the developmental tasks expected of early, middle, late childhood and
adolescence. What facilitated your acquisitions of the ability to perform such tasks?
Write your reflections.
2. Having mastered the developmental taks of early childhood middle and late childhood
and adolescence, reflect on what you should do as a teacher to facilitate your students
acquisition of these developmental tasks. Write down your reflections.


After every small group presentation to the whole class, the teacher facilitates the
whole class discussion and asks the following:

1. Who are pro-nature? Pro-nurture? Are there additional reasons you can give in
favour of nature/nurture? Who are neither for nature nor nurture? Why?
- Pro-nature goes with the theory that genetics and
biological inheritance determine behavior, while pro-
nurture perspective follows the theory that the
environment in which one is raised in and experiences
determine behavior.
- Nature and nurture together shape development.
Although the two differ, they do work hand in hand in the
sense that the characteristics we possess as individuals
are created through the joint force of nature and nurture.

2. Who go for continuity? Discontinuity? Can you give additional arguments do defend
continuity/discontinuity? Who are in between continuity and discontinuity? Why?
3. Who claims stability is more correct than change? Change is more correct than


Complete the sentence.

1. With regard to the nurture-nature, continuity-discontinuity and change0-stability

controversies, the wiser stand is


Test your understanding

1. X- between heredity and environment, none can be said to exert a stronger
influence. Both interact to exert an influence.
2. X. research findings show that change in earlier stages can be overcome.
3. X. earlier experiences are as important as later experiences.

1. Karen prefer to receive the four 20-peso bills than one hundred peso bill because she thinks that
four 20-peso bills are larger than the one hundred peso bill. Karen would prefer to have 4 peso
bills than the other one.
2. Riel says bear because she thought that stuffed animals are different from the bears or bears
does not belong to stuffed animals.
3. Baby Liza enjoyed dropping the spoons because she think that whenever she drop it,
hermother would always pick it up.
F. Application p.103

1. Social approval
2. Punishment/obedience
3. Law and order
4. Mutual benefit
5. Social approval
6. Social contract
7. Law and order
8. Punishment/obedience
9. Universal principles
10. Punishment/obedience

Activity p. 106
1. When I was child I always wanted to learn to play a musical instruments like guitar or
2. I find it interesting because I always see other people even a child playing it in our
3. My church mate assisted me.
4. He motivated me. If you want to learn something you should be motivated. He teach me
step by step the process on how to play a guitar and you should tune it first.

Analysis p. 107
1. Form groups of three members each. Share your answers in 1-4 (answers above)
2. Social interaction is one of the factors influenced me to learn the skill by participating in
social activities in which your peers can cooperate and collaborate and enrich your
learning process.
3. Yes by giving a right amount of assistance.

G. Activity p. 113-114

1. When I was 5 years old, my parents

2. As a child, my unforgettable playmates were
3. When I was in elementary, I regularly watched the television show
4. When I was growing up, we went to church in
5. I cannot forget my teacher who
6. When I was growing up, I was away from
7. When I was in high school, I was close to
8. As a child, I can recall this big news about
9. The most serious challenge our family experienced was
10. The most important thing that I learned from my elementary school was

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