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EU MA GANDEAM ASA.. SA PRESUPUNEM ca au avut tot un reading inainte..

Aims: to activate ss'knowledge of the language
to make the ss interact and share thoughts ans feelings
Procedure: T asks Ss whether they enjoyed the text or not and to write down why;
Class management: whole class
Interaction: T-S
Timing: 5'
T's role:

Aims: to foster cooperation
Procedure: T asks ss to make up groups of four and to bring arguments why we....T monitors the
activity.(depinde de reading)
Class management: group work
Interaction: T-S, SS-SS
Timing:10 '
T's role: oragniser, controller, prompter

Aims:to get feedback on the comprehension of the text
to develop speaking and communicative skills
Procedure: T tells ss to choose a repr for each group and to read aloud the mentioned arguments.
T's role...

Text-related task se face dupa abordarea textului, deci nicidecum cu pre-reading, while si post ci te
gandesti la o activitate care sa aiba legatura cu textul, care sa dureze 15-20 min. si care sa aiba pasii
spusi si mai sus de alte colege cu lead-in, instruct, initiate, close, follow-up. Poate fi o activitate pe
vocab, pe culture, pe creativity, pe grammar, etc, orice, o activitate legata de ceva din textul dat
deja. Si se poate scrie Stage 1 in care sa descrii ce se intampla, Stage 2, etc., nu trebuie neaparat
numite cu instruct, etc.

Model Text related task....luat de pe AJUTOR ENGLEZA TITULARIZARE

Interaction: T-SS, SS-SS
Materials: coursebook
Estimated time: 18 minutes
level: upper-intermediate

PRE-READING: (3 min)
to get SS involved in the topic and raise expectations
to practice making predictions
to facilitate reading
T offers information about the fragment ( title of the book, author, contex)
T asks SS to predict what the text is about starting from the title
SS try to make several predictions
T asks SS to rhink of similar authors they studied in classroom/ heard about from diff sources
SS answer (if not T helps them)


to practice reading and scannig
to develop recognition and guided discovery
to facilitate interpretation
T asks SS to read the text and answer the following questions:
---- Nu am inspiratie acum
SS read the text and try to answer the questions

to develop awareness and interpretation
to prepare SS for the follow-up and homework
T asks SS to imagine how MIss Havisham and Estella would influence Pip's life
T gives them 2 min to think
SS give their interpretations

At the and of the activity T makes a few comments on the SS performance. T takes notes on SS
T's role: ressorce, organiser, observer, assessor.
Exemplu de integrative item pe expressing ability:

Think about your life as a child, but also about your present life. Draw a parallel between these two
periods and write a short composition about what you were able to do then and what you are able
to do know. In writing this composition, keep in mind the structures you use when you want to
express ability. Eu le-as da mai multe informatii, adica ceva de genul: use can/could, used to sau ce
mai vrei tu pe acolo si asta pentru simplu motiv ca nu stiu cati copii invata modals pe functions ale

Your best friend wrote you a letter in which she tells you that she wants to buy a new pet, but she
can’t decide what exactly to buy. In this letter she also asks you for advice. Write a letter back to your
friend and offer your advice on what pet to buy. In writing this letter, keep in mind the structures you
use when you want to give advice, but also the way a letter is structured.

You have just returned from your holiday in England and you are not pleased with the hotel you
stayed in. Write the hotel administration a letter of complaint in which you present them the aspects
that made your stay uncomfortable. In writing this letter of complaint, keep in mind the structures
you use when you want to express criticism (Should/shouldn’t, can, could, might + short infinitive /
perfect infinitive)

Pt habits:
An old friend wrote you a letter and asked you about your present life. You haven’t talked to this
friend since your early childhood because he moved away. Write a letter back to your friend and tell
him about you present life and habits. Keep in mind the structures you use when expressing habits
(adverbs of frequency, present continous, will/would, used to for past habits)

pentru PROBABILITY.. ce parere aveti? sper ca n am mai fct vreo greseala..

You have recently received a letter from one of your friends. She tells you she will
celebrate her birhday on saturday and asks you to accept her invitation. Write an e
mail(using modals of expressing probability) in which you explain her what you intend
to do.

6. A friend wrote you a letter and asked you about your plans for this summer. Even though
you don’t know what you are going to do this summer, you write him a letter and let him
know of the probable things you’ll do.
+ use modals that express probability
Cum formulam obiectivele si competentele pt itemii din cadrul testului??

mie mi a spus cineva ca a scris asa: at the end of the test , ss will be able to:
- fill in, choose the correct answer...reiei cerintele din exercitii...e corect ce zic?

Da. Sau.... Ss will be able to distinguish the difference between.... and....

Ss will be able to write a letter giving advice / making recommendations...

Depinde mult de ce cere testul. Asta va dati seama pe loc, dupa ce il concepeti.

eu am facut integrative item pe obligation/duty:

8. Your parents left you alone for one week. They gave you a list with things you have to do while
they are away – a “to do list” containing things like these: feeding the dog, cleaning the house, take
out the garbage, do your homework etc. Present your schedule for this week in 15 - 20 lines. You
have to keep in mind the structure we use in order to express obligation (must, have to, need,
should, ought to, shall).

1.Re -order the following sentences:

a. mother/should/you/the/your/truth.
c.clean/he/ ought/the/to/house.

2. Decide whether the foloowing sentences express duty or not:(yes/no)

1. she must go with her cousin.
2. you should teach us present simple.

3. You are a wife, a mother and of course, a woman.Write down things you have to do while you are
staying at home. Pay attention to mention in your composition ways of expressing duty.

level: intermediate..ce ziceti, e bine?

Un exemplu de integrative item pt prohibition/permission??

Write a 100 word essay describing the rules of the school you study at. Use
may/must/mustn't/have to.

acu m-a palit si pe mine dilema cu integrative/discrete, pe de o parte si direct/indirect



in planul de lectie pt inspectie eu le-am exprima, dupa cum am si invatat in facultate, pe model
harmer banuiesc, cu infinitivul

si am avut asa:

Aims: a) general aims

1. To enrich student’s vocabulary
2. To develop speaking skills.
3. To increase student talking time.
4. To practice reading.
5. To develop listening skills.

Specific aims:
1. To enrich their vocabulary related to holidays, trips, travel and travellers.
2. To practice speaking related to interrupting/encouraging, agreeing and disagreeing.
3. To practice reading for specific information

si apoi la fiecare activity cate un aim

si cred ca asa le si las, pe de alta parte cred ca formularea e echivalenta cu cea cu by the end of the
lessons Ss will be able to....

cat despre obiective/competente din programa, alea sunt SKILLS

da ,asa e:Discrete items-indirect items-objective items

Integrative items-direct items-subjective items

discrete items:multiple choise,yes/no.true/false,word completation/fill in ,matching,rephrase ,etc

integrative :dictation,cloze tests,essay and other coherent writing tasks,etc

si la types of tests:placement test-initial-evalueaza lucrurile invatate recent:last day/last week lesson

progress test-formativ-la finalul unei unitati sau cand vrei sa verifici ceva anume

achievment -sumativ ,o testare pentru o perioda mult mai lunga de timp

ah si la integrative items-itemi ccare verifica cel putin doua skills in acelasi timp,sau un skill si un

language system e ex:sa raspunda in scris la intrebarea'what would you do if you won 1 million
dollars? se verifica si writing skill si conditionalele!

Integrative pt predictions:
11. You are a volunteer at a film festival. You are in charge of the organization of this festival and you
have to take care of things like these: where is going to take place, how long will it take, what films
are going to be presented etc… Write a short essay (15-20 lines) and predict how you think this
festival is going to unroll. Keep in mind the structures you use when you want to express predictions
(be going to, future simple, probably, definitely, I doubt, there’s no chance etc)



1. Re-order the following sentences:

a) Ride / I / bike / can / a

See / stars / Men / the / could / beginning / the / from

c) When / Six / I / could / I / write / old / a / years / letter
d) ……..

2. Complete the following sentences using can / can’t.

a) I …………… play the piano, but Ana can’t.

Tony ………….. come tonight, he’s busy.

c) My mother ……………. cook really well. Her food is great.
d) …......
1. Which beginning goes to which end?
1) If I were you a) renewing you license?

2) I advise you to I would tell her the truth.

3) We’d better c) leave soon.
4) Have you thought about d) pay more attention to your homework.

discrete pt advice:

1. Which beginning goes to which end?
1) If I were you a) renewing you license?

2) I advise you to I would tell her the truth.

3) We’d better c) leave soon.
4) Have you thought about d) pay more attention to your homework.

2. Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing advice.

1. It’s a great town. You …………….. visit it some day.

a) Could

c) Might
d) Had better

2. If she wants to buy an apartment, she ……………… consult a good real estate agent.
a) Could

c) Has to
d) May need to

3. …………………….. I ask John to help us?

a) Could

c) Ought
d) May

4. Children ………………… eat too much chocolate.

a) Should not
Could not
c) Must not
d) May not

5. You ……………………. come here again, or I’ll report you to the police.
a) Must not

c) Won’t
d) ‘d better not

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