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TEACHER Megan Smith

Subject/Class/Course Physical Education
Topic Soccer Skills- Passing and Receiving
Grade Level Grade 5 Duration 20 minutes

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language)- 1 minute
GCO 2: Students will develop strategies and tactics to participate in a variety of activities.
SCO 2.1: select appropriate tactics in a variety of games and activities.
SCO- Student Friendly Language: I can choose the correct skills to use in various games and activities.
→ I can statement: I can position myself to receive an object and I can make basic choices on where to best place an object to
reach a target.
- Ask, “does anyone know why we are learning how to pass and receive the ball with our feet today? What is learning these skills
useful for?” The answer should be for playing soccer effectively.

Introduction- 2 minutes
- Entry Warm-up: The class will join you in the center of the gymnasium. Say “I think we need to shake out these giggles. When I
say GO, run to the wall on my left (gesture).” Repeat. “When I say GO, run to the wall on my right (gesture) GO.” “When I say GO
run to the bleachers and back to the circle.” Do not say GO, some will run anyways, and simply correct them to come back and
start the lesson.
→ Begin with a soccer ball in hand, say “Today we are going to be learning how to properly pass and receive a soccer ball. Can
anyone demonstrate how to kick the soccer ball with the correct part of their foot, like we reviewed how to do in the previous
class?” Ideally, someone will demonstrate with the inside of their foot near the middle in order to get the best aim while passing.
- Say, “Excellent, did everyone see that? Let’s watch again and be sure to look where the student is kicking the ball with their
foot.” The student should demonstrate again, and you can describe what they are doing as they do it.
- Ask, “Which part of their foot did they hit the ball with?” The answer is the middle of their foot, to which you can say correct and
demonstrate a good pass back to the student who is across from you demonstrating, and then tell them to return to the circle with
the ball.
- C4U and ask a student to repeat what we just learned. Remember to use a different student for each prompted question.

Assessment- During Activity

→ Formative assessment: While the students are doing their passing drills, remind after making 10 passes from the middle to
switch partners, as well as to take their time during the drill.
- During the passing drills: Does the student make a good effort to pass the ball accurately, meaning with the proper spot on their
foot and does the ball go towards the person they intended to pass to? Does the student understand the drill and pass to the
correct person most of the time? Does the student position themselves to receive the passes as needed?
- During the soccer game: Does the student pass the ball with the correct spot on their foot? Does the student try to get open for
their team to be able to pass to them? Does the student pass with an appropriate amount of force, meaning the ball does not go
completely in the incorrect direction or way up in the air? Does the student work with their teammates, both passing and receiving
the ball correctly?
→ Remind your students as they do various activities how well they are doing and note when they are improving.

Develop the Instruction- 15 minutes

→ Skill being learned: 7 minutes
- Say “To play soccer, we need to learn how to pass effectively because it is a team sport! Remember how we make a pass with the
soccer ball with the inside of our kicking foot.”
→ Drill #1: The person in the middle will pass back and forth from to each person on each end. For example, the middle person will
pass to the person on the left side of the gym, the person on the left will pass back, and then the person in the middle will turn
around to pass to the person on the right side of the gym. Once the person in the middle has made 10 passes, meaning 5 to each
teammate, the person in the middle switches.
→ Drill #2: The person on the left will pass to the middle person, the middle person will pass back, and the right person will do a
long pass to the person on the right. Then the right person will pass to the person in the middle and the routine completes itself
again. Once the person in the middle gets the ball passed to them 10 times, the person in the middle switches. Make sure when
the people on the sides make the long pass to not hit the person in the middle.
→ Drill #3: The person in the middle is going to dribble almost all the way to the person on the left and pass them the ball, then
run back to the middle cone, where the person on the left will pass them back the ball. The person in the middle will do the same
to the person on the right, and the activity will repeat until the person in the middle has done the drill 5 times on each side for a
total of 10 times.
- Make sure during these activities you correct any students who do not seem to understand the drill. Encourage and tell them
when they succeed and are doing a good job!

→ Soccer Game using skill learned: 8 minutes

- We are now going to play a game of soccer with two different rules than normal. Aside from not being able to hit the ball with
our arms or hands, we are going to kick the ball back into the playing zone on the ground and you can only score by kicking the
ball rolling on the ground.” Demonstrate passing the ball on the ground between the two pilons with the help of a student.
- C4U: What are our two new rules of today’s soccer?” Pick a student who has not answered yet.
→ Say “You are now going to play the game for the next 7 minutes! When I say GO, groups 1 and 3 will be on the left side of the
gym, and groups 2 and 4 will be on the right side of the gym. Make sure you have a goalie and when you’re all ready I will whistle
for us to begin. and I will whistle when you’re all ready. Don’t forget that when one team scores by passing on the ground through
the cones, the ball goes back to the center and the defensive team takes possession!”
- C4U: “Who can tell me what we are doing?” Pick a student who has not answered a prompt yet.

Closure- 2 minutes
- Blow your whistle and call the students back to the center of the gymnasium.
- Say, Today we learned to choose the correct skills to use in various games and activities, and more specifically positioning oneself
to receive a soccer ball and I can make basic choices on where to best place the soccer ball to reach a target. During the next class
we will be learning about the different positions people play on the soccer field.”
- Say, “Everyone did very well at today’s activity, and I can see you all improved as you learned how to pass and control the ball.
Now, when I say GO, grab your name from the popsicle stick jar and place it on whichever colour best describes how you felt while
doing this activity. If you feel like you did super well in the game and did well with your passing abilities, place your name on the
green circle. If you feel like you did okay and worked hard to pass well but may not have succeeded most of the time, place your
name on the yellow circle. If you want to do this activity again because you feel like you need more practice, place your name on
the red circle.”
→ C4U: “Can someone tell me what we are going to do?” Once someone explains the closure activity say, “GO.”

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

→ Material:
- 6 soccer balls (enough for every group of 3 students)
- 20 cones or pylons
- 10 pinnies (enough for half of the students)
- Stopwatch
→ Safety:
- Make sure students know when the drill is paused, not to touch the ball
→ Special Considerations:
- If there is a student or students who cannot participate, consider having them be the timekeeper, scorekeeper, referee…

Were my students successful in meeting the outcomes and objectives? How do I know? Did my instructional decisions meet the
needs of all students? What could I do to improve the lesson? Did my students enjoy the activity? Did I put effort into making sure
all the students participated?
Example Sheet (print and put arrows where needed depending on the drill)

Partner 1 on this line Partner 2 on the cone Partner 3 on this line

Basketball Court
I didn’t do my best today, and I feel like I would
do better if we practiced the activity again.
I did good during this activity, but I feel like I
could do better next time.
I did super well during this activity, and I can’t
wait to move on to the next skill!

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