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Media Studies

OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Media Studies H009/02/03 Creating Media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

40131 Priestley College Warrington

Candidate number Candidate name

3980 Oskar Zielinski

Brief chosen:
Brief 2 Print: You work for an in-house print production company within an advertising agency. You
have been given the task of producing a campaign of four full-page magazine adverts to promote a new
takeaway food delivery service.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 350 words)

Media representation:
In my advert different social groups will be represented throughout the 4 images, each one will
be given a northern look to match the criteria and to target the geographical audience more effectively.
The actors will be given a stereotypical look by wearing darker clothing. Two social groups will be
portrayed to show some repetition and difference between the adverts and to broaden its audience.

Media audience:
The audience appeal will come from the repetition and differences through the adverts. The
adverts will use multiple different techniques to change its aesthetics but keeping the same style. This
should appeal to a younger audience as it will make each advert feel unique. Northern slang is used
within the adverts to correspond with the audience more. A younger audience will feel like they are
represented throughout the adverts and therefore will have more of an appeal to the brand.

Media industry:
The adverts will contain no branded items to comply with the ASA regulations and will be
appropriate for all audiences as it will not contain any sexual or unsafe material. The advert will not
invoke or–cause
CCS437 potential offence towards anyone of the same race as the people portrayed within
Statement of Intent
advert. The advert will use stereotypes about northern regionalism but will not exceed their overuse to
Oxford Cambridge
not cause and RSA Examinations
misinterpretation or give misinformation to any viewers. The mise en scene will not contain



























CCS437 – Statement of Intent CCS/H009

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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