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Dear Sir/ Madam,

Thank you for your attention and opening this questionnaire.

This is a research by Management students of School of Business, Public Policy and Social Entrepreneurship,
Ambedkar University Delhi. The research aims to learn more about people’s beliefs, attitudes, feelings and
opinions towards shock advertising (advertising that is generally regarded as one that “deliberately startles and
offends its audience by violating norms for social values and personal ideals) as a means in India. Your opinion
will represent the opinions of thousands of people much like yourself and will be great help for our research.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the
aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about
the survey or the procedures, you may contact us by email.

Thank you very much for your time and support. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the

Personal Information

Name:Sakshi kakar

Gender: Male ☐ Female ☒

Year of Birth: 15/07/1991

Occupation: Working ☐ Student: ☒

Email Address:


a) 15-21 year’s old ☒

b) 22-35 year’s old ☐

c) 36-50 year’s old ☐

d) 51-60 year’s old ☐

e) 61 and more ☐

If you are a student please specify your University and department

School of human ecology, Ambedkar University

1) What do you think is the main message of these advertisements?

they are promoting there products even after knowing its bad effects

2) What did you like most about these advertisements? Please be specific.


3) What did you like least about this ad? Please be specific.

I don’t like the pictures

4) Which advertising medium influences you the most?

a) Television ☒
b) Magazine / Newspaper ☐
c) Internet ☐
d) Radio ☐

5) The main compelling factor in advertising for you is?

a) Information ☐
b) Music ☒
c) Endorser of product ☐
6) Does advertising influence you to buy the product?
a) Yes ☒
b) No ☐

7) Have you ever got so impressed by an advertisement that you purchased the product, even
though it wasn’t required by you?
a) Yes ☒
b) No ☐

8) Do you perceive some advertisements as humiliating to other races?

a) Yes
b) No
c) No opinion

9) What is your opinion regarding nudity in advertisements?

a) I have no objection to it
b) I oppose such advertisements

10) Have you ever felt scandalized after watching advertisement?

a) Yes ☐
b) No ☒

11) What is your opinion regarding violence shown in advertisements?

a) I have no objection to it ☐
b) I oppose such advertisements ☒

12) Do you think it is the right strategy using embarrassing subjects in advertising?
a) Yes it is ☐
b) No it is not ☐

13) Have you ever come across any advertisement that shocked you?
a) Yes ☒
b) No ☐

14) If yes, where was it?

a) Billboard ☐
b) Television ☒
c) Magazine/ Newspaper ☐
d) Internet ☐
e) Radio ☐

15) Have you ever watched advertising which you think it should not be in the media?
a) Yes ☒
b) No ☐
Additional Suggestion/Information

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