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Integrating MICROS Fidelio/Opera

Tan Phat Technology

Dang Thai Mai - Phu Nhuan

TPS-Opera Interface
Basic Architecture

The TPS-Opera Interface provides an interface which can be used to integrate information from the
hotel management system MICROS Fidelio/Opera. Using this interface, information about the
check-in/check-out procedure, the hotel guests and the hotel room states can be retrieved. In addition,
it is also possible to send dedicated information from the TPS-Opera Interface to the MICROS
Fidelio/Opera system.


The communication with the OperaPMS and TPS-Opera Interface systems is done via
standard protocols, namely the FIAS protocol. It is based on TCP/IP. In detail, the IFC
interface acts as a TCP server and the TPS-Interface acts a TCP client.
In order to connect to MICROS Fidelio/Opera system, the so called IFC interface from
MICROS Fidelio/Opera has to be activated at the MICROS Fidelio/Opera side. This has to
be done by the MICROS Fidelio/Opera integrator. The following figure shows a screenshot
of the IFC logging window:


Name Direction Note

Check-in / Check-out / Room change Opera to Asterisk Unlock phone. Change DN.
Enable Voice mail. Clear Voice
mail. DND OFF.

Wake-Up Set/Cancel Opera to Asterisk Set/Clear Wake-Up call.

Wake-Up Result Asterisk to Opera Send Wake-Up result: OK or No


DND On/Off Opera to Asterisk Toggle DND on/off

Call Billing (Post Simple) Asterisk to Opera Send billing CDR

Call Billing (Post Answer) Opera to Asterisk Opera confirms Post Billing

Room status Asterisk to Opera Send room status


Equipment configuration and setup:

1. Cocobay Asterisk server:
- IP:
- Configure extension 221301, 221302, 2231303 as phones of Campile Hotel
2. Client PC:
- Register extension 221301, 221302, 2231303 using Zoiper software.
3. TPS-Opera-Interface Server:
- IP: - Start OperaPMS deamon.
- Room map:

Opera Room Number Asterisk's Extension

10301 221301
10302 221302
10303 221303

4. Opera MICROS-Filedio Asterisk Interface :

- IP:
- IFC8 Version 9.6.11 is running.
- FIAS Listen on port 5005
II. Test produre:

1. Handshake:

1.1. Start the TPS-Opera simulator to check the TPS-Opera log in IFC8
MICROS-FILEDIO for verifying if the handshake produre war successful;

2. Guest Check In:

2.1. Send Check In from TPS-Opera simulator;

2.2. Verify in CocoBay that the room is check in;

3. Guest Change Room:

3.1. Send Change Room from TPS-Opera simulator;

3.2. Verify in CocoBay that the room was changed;

4. Guest Change Name:

4.1. Send Change Name from TPS-Opera simulator;

4.2. Verify in CocoBay that the name was changed;

5. Billing:

5.1. Do a session, check if Asterick send the correct infomation to PMS

5.2. Check if the bill is correct

6. Check Out:

6.1. Send Check Out from TPS-Opera simulator;

6.2. Verify in CocoBay that the room is check out;

7. Hang Up the Connection

7.1. Check in syslog if TPS-Opera is trying to reconnect;

7.2. Check if the communications restart normally;

Interaction with MICROS-FILEDIO

The messages exchanged, between TPS-Opera and IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO, have

a predetermined format, described by FIAS protocol.
These messages start with a two-character message-type followed by several
message-fields. A vertical bar, |, separates the message type from the message fields.
Each message-field consists of a two-character name followed by a value.
The following table is a list of the message types and message fields that are used in
the messages exchanged between TPS-Operaand IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO.

Micros-Fidelio Messages Types

Message Definition Description Direction

Communication and link control

LS Link Start Starts the activation sequence. Bidirectional

LA Link Alive Indicates that the link is active. Bidirectional
LE Link End Indicates that the link is dead. Bidirectional
LD Link Description Description of the established link To PMS
Describes the records that WGServer will
LR Link Record send, and the records that expect to To PMS

Guest Data

GI Guest Check In Record Indicates that a guest has checked in to From PMS
a room and contains guest information.
Indicates that a guest has checked out of
GO Guest Check Out Record a room. From PMS

GC Guest Data Change Record Guest information has changed. From PMS

Point of Sale

PS Posting (Simple) Used to post charges to a guest room. To PMS

PA Posting Answer Indicates the status of the charge posting. From PMS

Database Resynchronization
DR Database Resync Request Requests a database swap. To PMS
DS Database Resync Start Indicates the beginning of a database swap From PMS
DE Database Resync End Indicates the end of a database swap. From PMS

Micros-Fidelio Message Fields

Field Description Data Type Message

DA Date Formatted as YYMMDD DR, DS, DE
DU Duration Time Formatted as HHMMSS PS
G# Guest Number Numeric character RE, XB, XC,
GN Guest Name Any printable ASCII character GC, GI
P# Posting Sequence Number Numeric characters PA, PS
RN Room Number Maximum of 8 alphanumeric characters XB, XC,
SF Swap Flag No Data GI, GO
TI Time Formatted as HHMMSS DR, DS, DE

Micros-Fidelio Answer Status Field Data Types

Code Interface Type Description

IA Guest related requests Invalid account
OK All systems Command or request completed successfully

Messages Format

Field Description Message Description

RN Room Number
GI Check In
GN Guest Last name
GO Check Out RN Room Number
RN Last Room Number
GC Change Room
RO New Room Number
RN Room Number
TA Total Amount for charging

DE Internet Description Time: HHMMSS

PS Post Simple Data (bytes): XXXXXX
(Charge Net) DA Date (Format: DD/MM/YY)
TI Time (Format: HH/MM/SS)
P# Message Serial number

Command line interaction with TPS-Interface

Command Description
service tps-interface start Starts the application in “normal” mode
Starts the application in “debug” mode. The
service tps-interface debug log file .log is being written to.
Stops the application. If the communication
protocol is FIAS, a LE record is sent to the
front-office indicating that the client is down
service tps-interface stop and TPS only stops after receiving
another LE as response.
service tps-interface restart Stops and start TPS-Interface
IV. Test Case

1. Test Case: Verify TPS-INTERFACE service works with Opera IFC

1.1. Step:
1.1.1. Open Opera IFC console (
- Start - > Search (Remote Desktop)
- Put into textbox Computer:
- Press Connect

- IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console will show up

+ Link: End

1.1.2. Service tps-interface start

- In TPS-Opera console log input “service tps-interface start”
- TPS-Opera will connect to IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO
1.1.3. Close Opera IFC Console
- Close IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console and Open again for sure was
connected (2.1)

1.1.4. Open Opera IFC Console

- IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console will show up
+ Link: Alive

1.2. Result:
1.2.1. See status RED
- On IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console. See Link Status is End.

1.2.2. IFC console: see green status. Handshake success

- On TPS-Opera console log, see handshake messages received/sent from
IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO and message handshake successfully:
- On IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console. See Link Status is Alive.
1.2.3. Tps-Interface: see log trying
- In TPS-Opera console log input “tail/var/log/tps-interface.log”

1.2.4. See handshake established again.

- On TPS-Opera console log, see handshake messages received/sent from
IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO and message handshake successfully:
2. Test Case: Check In

Verify handshake and guest check-in procedure is successful.

2.1. Step:
2.1.1. Open MICROS-FELEDIO. Start TPS-Opera-Interface daemon.

2.1.2. On Opera PMS: Make profile customer AFC

Reservation -> Profiles -> New -> Individual -> OK

Confirm Infomation of guest -> ok

2.1.3. On Opera PMS: Make reservation customer AFC for room 10303:
Reservation -> New Reservation-> Search (Last Name: “AFC”)-> OK
Confirm Arrival and nights -> OK

Choice Room Types -> OK

Choice Room No and payment type

Choice Room -> Ok -> Ok

Front Desk - > Arrivals -> Search -> Check In

2.2. Result:
2.2.1. Verify result:
- On IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO log console. See Link Status changes to Start.
- On TPS-Opera console log, see handshake messages received/sent from
IFC8 MICROS-FILEDIO and message handshake successfully:

2.2.2. Verify result:

- On TPS-Opera console, see message check-in and result of check-in process

Note: Include DND OFF and Class of Service 3 (Call out PSTN) is sent.
- Verify DN of extension 221302 is changed correctly. Extension can make call out:
3. Test Case: Check Out

Verify guest check-out procedure is successful.

3.1. Step:
3.1.1. Check-in Guest Name AFC (2. Test Name: Check In)

3.1.2. Check Out Guest

Cashering-> Quick Check Out-> Search-> Check Out (SignIn before Check Out)
Billing before closing

3.2. Result:
3.2.1. Verify Guest check-in is successful.

3.2.2. Verify results:

- On TPS-Opera console, see message change name is

- Received and processed successfully:

Note: Include DND OFF and CS0 (call baring)

- Verify DN of extension 221302 change to default and cannot call out.

4. Test Case: Change Room

Verify room move function works properly.

4.1. Step:
4.1.1. Check-in Room 10301. Guest Name: Thi, Vu
Step: 1. Check In

4.1.2. Room move from 10301 to 10302:

Click Options -> Move Room

Choice Room 10302 and Reason

Choice Room Status of old room 10302

If change type, this message will show

4.1.3. Check extension from room 10302 works and changes DN.

4.2. Result:
4.2.1. Room 10301 is check-in successfully.

4.2.2. On TPS-Opera-Interface console, verify the message processed:

4.2.3. Extension 221303 (room 10303) can make call normally. Guest name is

5. Test Case: Change Room Status

Verify from room's extension is able to send room status to OperaPMS.

5.1. Step:

Room status feature codes

Room's Extension:

Feature code Voice Prompt Desciption

*331 Room status is clean VACANT CLEAN
*332 Room status is dirty VACANT DIRTY
*333 Room status is clean OCCUPIED CLEAN
*334 Room status is dirty OCCUPIED DIRTY
*335 Room status is inspected VACANT INSPECTED
*336 Room status is inspected OCCUPIED INSPECTED
Step procedure
1. From extension 22301, dial *331

2. From extension 22301, dial *335

3. From extension 22302, dial *332

4. From extension 22302, dial *336

5.2. Result: (on PMS, open Rooms Management - Housekeeping)

1. See Room 10301 changes to Clean.
2. See Room 10301 changes to Inspected.
3. See Room 10302 changes to Dirty.
4. See Room 10302 changes to Inspected.


Verify billing info sent from Asterisk to Opera PMS when room extension makes outbound calls.

6.1. Step procedure

1. Check-in Room 10301.
2. Make an outbound call from extension 221301.

6.2. Expected result

1. Verify Room 10301 is check-in successful.
2. Verify Opera PMS can receive billing info after the call is hang-up.

On TPS-Opera-Interface console:
On Opera, see billing of room 10301:

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