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Joseph Lukaszek From: Joseph Lukaszok Sent: \Weelnsday, March 27,2019 421 PM To: Dr Jesse Redriguer ce DF Nig Abdulla; Dr. Anthony Brazoust: Joseph Tamburino; Russ Wajda: John Flood Subject: Pus ‘Attachments: hips: deskipg Dr. Rodrigue, ‘The Hille Police Department has aways worked side by side with PTHS 208 to help inthe education of students, An issue that needs tobe addressed i ot with students, but the adults that work inside the building. am sur, since PTHS 7209s a government body, you have 1 zero tolerance for narcatics possession and or consumption. ‘As Deans, security, teachers, adminsrators deal with students, | am quite sure they come across a certain amount of ‘these substances withthe emphasis on Cannabis. lam also quit sure that weapons such as knifes, brass knuckles, box cutter etc, ae also confiscated from students a well Although Cannabisis not being prosecuted ona local level, possession is stil legal under federal law. Anything other than cannabis, such as prescription drugs, heroin, cocaine would be an automate felony by possession alone, and would bbe an upgraded felony due tots pretence on school property. itis this with which have a major concern Attached are only 2 photos of tems that were removed from the desk ofthe past sect I. 1 Youcan se the majority f items aerelated to cannabis ofenses, The one photo attached showing 6 plastic bagsies with a white powdery substance inside it was also removed from his desk. Once atthe Police Station this substance became an immediate concern, With all ILLEGAL narcotic possession and suspension, we ae required to field test it, Which this substance tested POSITIVE for heroin Als located were pis of Kanax. Tis heroin was packaged for Selivery. At this point, 'am demanding an explanation as to where ths heroin came from. As you may not be aware, heroin is huge probiem locally, and nationally aswell. Heroin has alo been identified es kling many young people, and fist esponders ake due to the cutting agent commonty used now called fentanyl. Fentanylcan be absorbed ‘through the skin and immediately rerderinga person helpless, Without proper determination of what was touched or ingested, the person wil de unless gen an antidote immediately. Every police oficer on duty has this antidote intheit Possession due to the possibilty that death may occur i exposed, Ever time your staff touches an unknown substance, ‘rey take ther ves Into their own Nand, in adition to exposing al others inthe immediate area through airborne particles, Placing this type of substance in a drawer isnot only dangerous, iis illegal. There are no laws allowing for police officers to possess these narcotics letalone staf members of high school. Mere possession without a report wil prove illegal possession. Our department catalogues all narcotics ether confiscate fram indvidats, or found, nd placed into anevidence locker after being catalogued for prosecution, or for destruction, along with the transparency. This is only, the lege remedy to clispose ofthe items, ast does na place a person into question as to how they tained it such a Is in this instance with an employee of the school. The integrity of our department has never been brovehe into question in ‘regards to narcotics due to our procedures. This aso avolds the community gosipers rom making statements of, "hey ‘they took such and such away from me bet they are using itor sling it themselves” lam sure PTHS 208 dacs not want to answer further questions aso where paraphernalia came from. lcannat emphasize enough the importance of iat have related to your office. | would recommend that all staff merbers ae made awate ofthe laws, andthe implications each and every one of them faces, as does it current with | would also offer the assistance of the Hilsie Police Department to further educate staff on how they should handle substances. | personally havea vey positive demonstration that use at Triton College as an instructor, which I lesrned from the DEA. 4 15-20 minute presentation, may save someone's life. Having worked alongside teachers for many years, they become complacent as do police officers without these gente reminders through taining ‘Also please contact me as soon as you can determine where the suspect heroin came from as we need to catalogue it as wel since it was located ina staff members lacked drawer, -oseph M tukastek Chief of Potice “Yhage of Hilside 425 N Hilde Ave Hillside, 160362 708-449 8851 708-826-3086 Cot (Best) 708-249.9088 Faxe The content of this emails confidentol ond intended forthe rcipent specified in messoge only. tis strictly forbidden to share ony part o this messoge with any tid party, without o written consent ofthe sender Ifyou received this messege ‘by mstoke, pleose rely to this message and follow with ts deletion, so that we can ensure sucha mistake does nat lxxur he tur,

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